Getting an Insight into American Culture 

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Getting an Insight into American Culture

Nursery Rhymes


One of the most enduring forms of oral literature in British and American culture is the nursery rhyme. Although people often take these funny little ditties for granted, some of them have been about for a very long time and generally date from the around 16th, 17th, and most frequently, the 18th centuries. Apparently most nursery rhymes were originally composed for adult entertainment. Many were popular ballads and songs. The most influential collection of nursery rhymes was “Mother Goose’s Melody: or Sonnets for the Cradle”, published in 1781. Among its 51 rhymes were “Jack and Jill” and “Ding Dong Bell”. An edition was reprinted in the USA in 1785 by I. Thomas. These verses are still commonly called “Mother Goose rhymes” in the USA (

1. Read the following famous nursery rhymes. Do you like them? Why do you think can be beneficial for children?

Humpty Dumpty Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men Couldn’t put Humpty together again! ( There was a crooked man There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile. He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile. He had a crooked cat which caught a crooked mouse And they all lived together in a little crooked house.

2. Read the translations of the rhymes into Russian. Did you know that these rhymes which are well-known in Russia were translated from English? What rhymes and stories did your parents read to you when you were a child?

Шалтай-Болтай Шалтай-БолтайСидел на стене.Шалтай-БолтайСвалился во сне.Вся королевская конница,Вся королевская ратьНе может Шалтая,Не может Болтая,Шалтая-Болтая,Болтая-Шалтая,Шалтая-Болтая собрать! (пер. С.Я. Маршака)   Жил на свете человек Жил на свете человек,Скрюченные ножки,И гулял он целый векПо скрюченной дорожке.А за скрюченной рекойВ скрюченном домишкеЖили летом и зимойСкрюченные мышки.И стояли у воротСкрюченные елки,Там гуляли без заботСкрюченные волки.И была у них однаСкрюченная кошкаИ мяукала она,Сидя у окошка.(Перевод К. И. Чуковского)


3. Listen to one more nursery rhyme (a traditional lullaby). Then translate it into Russian.

Mama’s Gonna Buy You a Mockingbird
Hush, little baby, don’t say a word,
Mama’s gonna buy you a mockingbird.
If that mockingbird don’t sing,
Mama’s gonna buy you a diamond ring.
If that diamond ring turns to brass,
Mama’s gonna buy you a looking glass.
If that looking glass gets broke,
Mama’s gonna buy you a billy-goat.
If that billy-goat won’t pull,
Mama’s gonna buy you a cart and bull.
If that cart and bull turn over,
Mama’s gonna buy you a dog named Rover.
If that dog named Rover won’t bark,
Mama’s gonna buy you a horse and cart.
If that horse and cart falls down,
You’ll still be the sweetest little baby in town.



Reading an Article

Read the article and list pros and cons of preschools.


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