Материалы по развитию навыков 

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Материалы по развитию навыков

устной речи для студентов



Омск 2009

Материалы по развитию навыков устной речи для студентов. Let's speak English. Давайте говорить по-английски. Сост. О.А.Лузгина. – Омск: Омская академия МВД России, 2009. – 128 с.



Данные учебно-методические материалы предназначены для формирования и совершенствования лексико-грамматических навыков, разговорной лексики и речевых моделей в ситуациях повседневного общения, выполненных в интересной форме на фоне музыкального сопровождения.

Данное издание состоит из трех частей: часть I "Grammarchants", часть II "Small Talk", часть III  "Appendix". Часть I состоит из 15 разделов и представляет собой комплекс упражнений по основным разделам грамматики, систематизирующих грамматические модели, необходимые для акта коммуникации.

Часть II "Small Talk" включает в себя 15 тематических разделов, составленных из зарифмованных формул речевого общения с комплексом упражнений, способствующих освоению данного речевого материла в различных ситуациях общения.

Часть III "Appendix" содержит ответы к ряду упражнений, отмеченных *, для текущего самоконтроля.

Особенностью предлагаемого пособия является его нацеленность на американский вариант английского языка.

Пособие может быть рекомендовано для студентов всех специальностей и уровней обучения, а также для широкого круга лиц, изучающих английский язык.                                  



© Омская академия МВД России, 2009


Part I

Unit 1            Verb To Be (part one)                                                 10

                        1. Are Yon French?                                                     10

                        2. Is There Anybody Here from Thailand?                 10

                        3. Is Sam Married?                                                      11

                        4. Are There Two M's in Grammar?                           11

                        5. Boxes of Books                                                       11

Unit 2            Verb To Be (part two )                                                 12

                        1. Checklist                                                                 12

                        2. Where's Mary?                                                        12

                        3. This, That, These, Those                                         13

                        4. Checking In at the Airport                                      13

                        5. This is Wednesday, Isn't It?                                    13

Unit 3            Present Continuous                                                    14

                        1. What's Going On This Morning?                            14

                        2. When Are You Leaving?                                         14

                        3. What's She Doing?                                                  15

                        4. Are You Coming with Us?                                      15

                        5. Is She Still Married to Bobby?                                16

Unit 4            Simple Present (part one)                                            16

                        1. The Love/Hate Song                                                16

                        2. Are You a Student? (song)                                      17

                        3. Couch Potato                                                          17

                        4. Do You Always Get Up Early? (song)                   17

                        5. He Loves the Ocean (song)                                      18

Unit 5            Simple Present (part two )                                           18

                        1. When Do You Usually Have Breakfast?                 19

                        2. Relationships (song)                                               19

                        3. Habits                                                                     19

                        4. He Never Speaks English in His English Class       20

                        5. Mistaken Identity                                                    20

Unit 6            Simple Past (part one)                                                 20

                        1. I Was There                                                             21

                        2.Where Were You in '62?                                         21

                        3. Wasn't That a Beautiful Wedding?                         21

                        4. Who Was That Man You Were Talking To?          22

                        5. It Was Raining When She Saw Him                        22

Unit 7            Review                                                                        23

                        1. Her Laundry Is in the Laundry Bag                        23

                        2. Yesterday It Rained and Rained                              23

                        3. Wasn't That a Shame?                                            24

                        4. Where's Jack? What's He Doing?                            24

                        5. Look! The Leaves Are Starting to Fall                    24

Unit 8            Simple Past (part two )                                                25

                        1. Saturday Morning                                                   25

                        2. What's the Matter with Bob?                                  26

                        3. How Did You Do on the TOEFL Test?                  26

                        4. Logical Questions                                                    26

                        5. I Got a Fax from Max                                             27

Unit 9           Futures Be + Going To                                               27

                        1. What About Me?                                                    28

                        2. Are You Going to Go with Joe?                              28

                        3. Hurry Up, Kate!                                                      28

                        4. You Ought to Call Your Mother                             29

                        5. What Should I Do?                                                 29


Unit 10         Future Will                                                                  29

                        1. Don't Worry, I'll Do It                                            30

                        2. I Hope Jack'll Be There                                           30

                        3. Let's Try                                                                  30

                        4. I Hope He Won't Be Homesick                               31

                        5. Let's Go Out                                                            31


Unit 11         Can/Can't                                                                   31

                        1. Can't Stay, Gotta Go                                              32

                        2. Can't You Stay for a While?                                   32

                        3. This Can't Be Right                                                 32

                        4.We've Gotta Get Going                                           33

                        5. When Do We Have to Be Back?                             33

Unit 12         Comparatives                                                             34

                        1. Things Are Getting Better                                       34

                        2. Your Cold Is Getting Worse                                   34

                        3. Used Car Salesman                                                 35

                        4. Life Is Getting More and More Complicated           35

                        5. The Rich Are Getting Richer                                   35

Unit 13         Present Perfect                                                            36

                        1. Have You Ever Been to Boston? (song)                 36

                        2. I've Never Been to Peru, Have You? (song)            36

                        3. California Roll (song)                                              37

                        4. Have You Heard the News?                                    37

                        5. Have You Heard from Mary Lately?                      38

Unit 14         Superlatives                                                                38

                        1. I'll Climb the Highest Mountain                              39

                        2. He Works Like a Dog                                              39

                        3. Mutual Admiration                                                 39

                        4. That's the Funniest Thing You've Ever Said           39

                        5. He's Not the Best                                                    40


Unit 15         Review                                                                        40

                        1.She Loves Him, but He Doesn't Love Her               40

                        2. What Do You Want to Do?                                    41

                        3. When It's Midnight in Osaka (song)                        41

                        4. Oh No, We Missed the Bus!                                    41

                        5. What's the Matter? You Look Tired                       42

Part II


Unit 1                Greetings                                                                     42

1. Hi? How Are You?                                                  42

2. How's Jack?                                                            43

3. Hello. How've You Been?                                       43

4. Hello? Hello?                                                           43

5. Jack! You're Back!                                                  44

Other ways of greeting people                                          44

Practice                                                                        44


Unit 2            Introductions/Identifying Self and Others                 46

1. Harry, This Is Mary                                                46

2. Nice to Meet You                                                    47

3. I'm Glad to Meet You. I've Heard So Much About You                                                                                 47

4. What's Your Name? Where Are You From?           48

5. What's Your First Name? How Do You Spell It?   48

Other ways of introduction people to each other

in formal and informal situations                                       49

Practice                                                                        50


Unit 3            Saying Good-bye                                                       52

1. Good-bye, Good-bye                                               52

2. Have a Nice Weekend                                              52

3. It's Getting Late                                                       53

4. It Was Nice Seeing You Again                                54

5. Good-bye, Harry, Say Hello to Mary                      54

6. We're Going to Miss You                                        54

Other ways of saying good-bye.

Other ways of farewells                                               55

Practice                                                                        55

Unit 4            Giving and Receiving Compliments                           57

1. You Look Wonderful Today                                   57

2. That's a Nice Sweater                                              57

3. I Like Your Gloves                                                  58

4. You Look Marvelous! You Haven't Changed a Bit 58

5. You Speak English Very Well                                 59

6. I'm Afraid My English Is Not Very Good               59

Practice                                                                        60

Unit 5            Inviting/Accepting/Refusing                                      61

1. Let's Have Lunch                                                     61

2. You Call Me or I'll Call You                                   61

3. Can You Come Over?                                             62

4. We're Having a Party                                              63

5. Would You Like to Go to the Movies Tonight?      63

Other ways of inviting someone                                  64

Practice                                                                       65

Unit 6            Expressing Likes and Dislikes/Asking For and         67

Giving an Opinion

1. I Like It a Lot                                                          67

2. Do You Like It?                                                      68

3. How Do You Like It?                                             69

4. It's All Right, I Guess                                              69

5. It's Not Quite Right                                                 70

6. I Don't Like It At All                                               70

Other ways of expressing your like and

dislike of people and things                                        71

Practice                                                                       72


Unit 7           Expressing Ability or Inability to Do Something/

                        Making Excuses/Giving Encouragement                  74

1. I Can't Do It                                                            74

2. I Give Up                                                                75

3. If I Can Do It You Can Do It                                  76

4. Can You Speak English?                                        77

5. I'm Afraid I Won't Be Able to Go                           77

6. Will I Ever Learn to Speak English?                       78

Practice                                                                       79

Unit 8            Apologising/Accepting an Apology                           80

1. I'm Sorry. That's All Right                                      80

2. Excuse Me. That's OK. Never Mind. No Problem 81

3. It's All My Fault                                                      81

4. I'm Sorry I Did It. I Shouldn't Have Done It           82

5. I'm Afraid I Owe You an Apology                          82

Other ways of expressing an apology                         82

Practice                                                                       83

Unit 9            Talking About Food                                                  85

1. Chicken Soup                                                          85

2. What Are You Going to Have?                               86

3. I'd Like a Sandwich                                                 86

4. I Haven't Decided Yet                                             87

5. Salt and Pepper                                                       87

Practice                                                                       88


Unit 10          Talking About Money                                               89

1. Put It In the Bank                                                    90

2. How Much Does It Cost? It Costs a Lot                 90

3. Why Don't You Buy It? I Can't Afford It               90

4. Pennies, Nickels, Dimes, and Quarters                    90

5. I'll Get It. Oh No, I'll Get It                                     91

Practice                                                                       92

Unit 11           Talking About the Weather                                      93

1. It's Cold Outside. It's Bitter Cold                           93

2. It's a Nice Day Today, Isn't It?                               93

3. Hot and Humid                                                      94

4. Clear, Blue Sky                                                      94

5. Do You Think It's Going to Rain?                         95

Other ways of talking about weather                          96

Practice                                                                       98


Unit 12          Asking For and Giving Information                         98

1. How Long Does It Take?                                        98

2. Downtown Bus                                                       99

3. Walk Two Blocks and Turn Right                          99

4. Who? What? When? Where? Why?                        100

5. Is the Post Office Open Tomorrow?                       101

Other ways of asking direction and giving instructions to someone who asks for direction                                                        102

Practice                                                                       103


Unit 13          Giving and Receiving Thanks                                  104

1. Thank You Very Much                                           104

2. Thanks a Lot                                                           105

3. Thank You So Much. It's Just What I Wanted        105

4. That Was Awfully Nice Of You                              106

5. Thanks Again                                                          106

Other ways of giving and receiving thanks                 107

Practice                                                                       108


Unit14           Expressing Confusion                                                109

1. This Is Confusing. I'm Very Confused                    109

2. Who Has the Keys?                                                110

3. Does This Make Sense to You?                              111

4. Where Do We Go?                                                  111

5. What Are We Supposed to Do?                              112

Practice                                                                       112


Unit 15          Making Plans                                                             113

1. What Are You Going to Do?                                  113

2. Let's Make a Date                                                   114

3. How About Nine?                                                   114

4. I've Got So Much to Do Today                               115

5. Will You Be Here Next Year?                                 116

Practice                                                                       116


Part III

Appendix                                                                     119

                        Литература                                                               128

Part I

Unit l

Verb To Be (part one)

Yes/No Questions • Subject Pronouns • Definite/Indefinite Articles • Plural Nouns



The Verb To Be

Don't forget me!

I'm the verb to be.

I'm very important

As you will see.

Don't! Please.

Don't forget me!

Don't forget me,

I'm the verb to be.


Are Yon French?

Are you French?

No, I'm not. I'm Italian.

Is he Korean?

No, he's not. He's Japanese.

Is she Spanish?

No, she's not. She's Venezuelan.

Are they Indonesian?

No, they're not. They're Taiwanese.



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