The nature of other dhEvathas 

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The nature of other dhEvathas


brahmA, shiva are subjected to karmA (repeated birth/death cycle based on ones own actions). They achieve their position by great penances and are rewarded their posts by srIman nArAyaNan for their efforts. This is explained in the following 2 slOkams:




yuga kOti sahasrAnNi vishnNum ArAdhya padhmabhU:


puNas thrailOkya dhAthruthvam prApthavAN ithi chusruma





It is heard that brahmA who was born from the lotus flower of srI mahAvishNu worships vishNu for 1000 crore yugams and again becomes the main progenitor and heads the material creation.





mahAdhEvas sarvamEdhE mahAthmA huthvASSthmANam dhEvadhEvO bhabhUva





shiva who is a mahAthmA offers himself in the sarvamEdha yAgam and becomes the lord of lords.


Thus, the various relationships between srIman nArAyaNan and other dhEvathas, as presented by


AzhwArs are perfectly valid based on the following:


· these dhEvathas worship srIman nArAyaNan and are given their great positions to enjoy the result of their penances by bhagavAn, their value of existence will diminish when they ignore bhagavAn


· when their sathva guNam arises they will be qualified to glorify bhagavAn




AzhwArs – glories and history


· since they act against bhagavAn when their rajO/thamO guNam arises their glorification of bhagavAn is not much preferred by bhagavAn, and


· since their svarUpam, sustenance, action and inaction are fully dependent on bhagavAn as the sarIram (body) fully depends on the jIvAthma/sarIri (soul).


srIman nArAyaNan himself declares:


Eka Eva jagathsvAmI chakthimAN achyutha: prabhu:


thadham chAchchakthimaNthOSNyE brahmEchANAdhayOSmarA:


:      :


S                                                               S     :



Achyuthan is the only master/controller of the whole creation and is fully capable. brahmA, shiva, etc have certain powers/capabilities (which are a miniscule fraction of bhagavAn) and are bhagavAn's amsams (forms).


Thus, we can conclude that AzhwArs ' dhivya prabhandhams are the most important pramANams based on the above explanations.


There are many slOkams from shruthi, smrithi, purANams, ithihAsams, etc that establish that srIman nArAyaNan's antharyAmithvam for all other dhEvathas. Let us see them now:


vishNu purANam


sa Eva srujyas sa cha sargga karththA sa Eva pAthyaththi cha pAlyathE cha brahmAdhyavasthApir achEshamUrththir vishnNur varishtO varadhO varEnNya:





The created beings are also him (his own forms); The creators like brahmA, etc are also him; He is the one who sustains the universe; He is the one who swallows the universe; He is the one who is being sustained. vishNu, the one who has everything as his body is the most supreme; the one who can benedict; the one who is fit enough to be worshipped.


kalpANthE rudhrarUpI yOgrasathE sakalam jagath


thamAdhyam purusham vishnNum pranNathOSsmi jaNArthdhaNam







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