AzhwArs – glories and history 

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AzhwArs – glories and history


AzhwAr “How can you ignore us, when we are right next to you?”. AzhwAr replies “I have nothing to do with you”. rudhran says “We want to give you some benediction”. AzhwAr says “I dont want anything from you”. rudhran say “My visit will be wasted, you ask for whatever you desire”. AzhwAr with a smile says “Can you give me mOksham?”. rudhran says “I have not authority to give that. Only srIman nArAyaNan can give that”. AzhwAr then asks “Can you postpone the death of some one?” and rudhran replies “That is based on the individual’s karmA. I have no control over that”. AzhwAr then shows his needle and thread and asks rudhran sarcastically “Can you send this thread into the needle?”. rudhran becomes very angry and declares that he will burn him down like he burnt kAma dhEvan. He opens his 3rd eye and fire starts flowing from there. AzhwAr also opens his 3rd eye from his right toe in retaliation and great fire flows from there too. rudhran unable to bear the heat of that fire from AzhwAr’s thiruvadi, at once surrenders to srIman nArAyaNan, and all the dhEvas, rishis, etc also approach emperumAn and request him to stop the chaos. emperumAn, immediately orders the praLaya clouds to bring a great rain and when they ask if they have the power to subside AzhwAr’s fire, emperumAn says he will give them the power. A great flood gets formed after subsiding the fire, and AzhwAr being fixed on emperumAn continues his meditation without any disturbance. rudhran being amazed at AzhwAr’s nishtai gives him the title “bhakthisArar”, glorifies him and explains to his wife that “dhurvAsar was punished for his apachAram to ambarIshan. So, bhAgavathas cannot be defeated” and leaves to his place.


AzhwAr continues his meditation, and one kEcharan (an aerial being) was travelling in the sky on his tiger and on seeing AzhwAr, he is unable to cross him due to AzhwAr’s yOgic powers. He comes down and offers his praNAmams to AzhwAr. Magically, he creates a divine shawl and says to AzhwAr “Please give up your torn shawl and please accept this beautiful one”. AzhwAr easily creates a more beautiful shawl with gems and stones and he becomes embarassed. He then removes his hAram (necklace) and submits that to AzhwAr and AzhwAr removes his thuLasi mAlai and shows him like diamond necklace. kEcharan understands the yOga shakthi of AzhwAr, glorifies him, offers him praNAmams and takes leave from him.


Hearing about AzhwAr’s glories, a magician named konkaNasidhan arrives to meet AzhwAr, offers his praNAmams and submits him an alchemy stone (that which will transform stone/metal to gold), AzhwAr disregards that. He then collects some dirt from his beautiful body (ear portion) and gives that to the magician and tells him that the piece of dirt will transform stone to gold. He tests that out and it works – he becomes very happy, offers his praNAmams to AzhwAr and leaves.


AzhwAr continues his meditation in a cave for some time. mudhalAzhwArs (poigai AzhwAr,bhUdhathAzhwAr, pEyAzhwAr) who are who are constantly travelling and glorifying emperumAn, oberves the divine thEjas from the cave where AzhwAr lives and comes to the cave. Immediately realizing thirumazhisai AzhwAr’s glories, they enquire about his well being. AzhwAr also understanding mudhalAzhwArs glories, enquire about them. They continue to share their bhagavath anubhavam together for some time. They all leave from there and reach thirumayilai (mylapore) which is the avathAra sthalam of pEyAzhwAr and stays on the banks of kairava thIrtham for some time. Subsequently, mudhalAzhwArs continue on their divine journey and AzhwAr returns to thirumazhisai, his avathAra sthalam.


He searches for thirumaNkAppu but does not find that. He feels sad and





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