III. Reflection ( Рефлексия ) 

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III. Reflection ( Рефлексия )

Writing & Speaking

9. Return to your home groups and give the information you have learnt to the members of your home group. Finishing your story ask them your question and specify incomprehensible information (уточните непонятную информацию)

10. Highlight categories of information concerning your text and report to the class:

11. Make a chart of categories according to the number of groups:

Type of a question Origin of the style        
Type 1          
Type 2          
Type 3          

12. Choose an information block and make questions concerning architectural styles according to three types of questions. Follow the model:

1. Questions for information reproduction (воспроизведение)

When did the Renaissance Architecture emerge?

2. Questions for comprehension (понимание)

What were the reasons for Renaissance style emerging?

3. Questions for linking (связывание)

How is the Renaissance style used in contemporary architecture?


13. Group work. Ask other groups questions taking into consideration an information block and a question type.

14. Write a reflection on the text you have read (See appendix 3.)

Unit 10



I. Warming up (Разминка)

Listening & Speaking

1. Group work. Reflect on the following quote about the hi-tech architecture, interpret it and share your ideas with the group. Get ready to discuss different points of view

“In short the building becomes a theatrical demonstration of its functional ideal. In this romanticism, hi-tech architecture is, of course, no different in spirit – if totally different in form – from all the romantic architecture of the past”. - Cruickshank, Dan

Useful terms and phrases

2. Read the following terms and phrases, mind their pronunciation:

accentuated technical elements подчёркнутый технический элемент
display of technical and functional components демонстрация технических и функциональных компонентов
orderly arrangement правильное расположение
pre-fabricated elements быстровозводимый, готовый блок
steel frame стальная рама, стальная конструкция
to externalize выводить наружу
to keep to the functional essence придерживаться функциональной сути
to emphasize придавать особое значение, акцентировать
overriding feature доминирующее, характерное свойство
functionally orientated функционально ориентированный
to achieve optimal orderliness достигать оптимального упорядочения
to highlight придавать большое значение, выдвигать на первый план


II. Evocation (Вызов)

Listening & Speaking

3. Look at the picture and think what you can speculate about the architectural style depicted in the picture. Individually write down everything that you associate with this style. Then, share your ideas with your group.

4. Report your ideas to the class to write them down on the board.

5. Structure the received information in the form of a “cluster.”

III. Realization (Осмысление)

Reading & Writing

6. Read an article or a book about t hi-tech architecture and abstract the article (See appendix 7.)

IV. Reflection (Рефлексия)


7. Prepare a report and a computer presentation of the book/ article on architectural styles you read.

Listening & Speaking

8. Present your report to the class. Get ready to discuss it answering questions and persisting in your opinion.




Expressing Opinions

How to express your opinion 1. I think/ consider/ feel/ guess/ suppose that – Я считаю/полагаю. 2. As far as I'm concerned – Что касается меня. 3. To my mind/ according to me – по моему мнению. 4. As I see it –  как мне это кажется; как мне это представляется. 5. It seems to me that – мне кажется, что … 6. In my point of view / my opinion – по моему мнению. 7. From my point of view – с моей точки зрения. 8. I am of the opinion/ take the view that – Я придерживаюсь того мнения, что… 9. I am sure / I am certain that – Я уверен, что … 10. I hold the opinion that – Я придерживаюсь мнения, что …   Agreeing or disagreeing Agreeing with an opinion: 1. I agree with this opinion – Я согласен с этим мнением. 2. I completely agree with this view – Я полностью согласен с этой точкой зрения. 3. You are absolutely right – Вы, безусловно, правы. 4. I couldn’t / can't agree more – Я не могу не согласиться. Partial agreement: 1. I agree with this point of view, but – Я согласен с этой точкой зрения, но… 2. This idea is right, but – Это мнение верно, но… 3. I agree with you, but – Я согласен с вами, но… Disagreeing with an opinion: 1. You are wrong – Вы неправы. 2. I'm afraid. I can't agree with you – Боюсь, я не могу согласиться с вами. 3. I disagree with you – Я не согласен с вами. 4. I think otherwise – Я думаю иначе. 5. I think you're wrong – Я считаю, что вы неправы. 6. I don't share your view – Я не разделяю ваше мнение. 7. I don't think so – Я так не думаю. 8. I don't agree with what you say - Я не согласен с тем, что вы говорите. 9. I take a different view – Я придерживаюсь друтого мнения. 10. This argument does not hold water – Этот аргумент не убедителен. 11. I hold by my opinion – Я остаюсь при своём мнении.



Preparing presentations

I. Introducing yourself

1. Good morning everyone. On behalf of ourselves and “Stone treasure”, we’d like to welcome you. Our names are Laura Larsen and … We are professionals in the sphere of architecture and town building.

II. Introducing the topic

Today we are going to tell you about.... (Сегодня мы собираемся рассказать вам…)

We’d like to outline (обрисовать в общих чертах) our company concept we’ve developed (разработали) for you.

We are going to give you an idea of … (дать некоторое представление о …)

The subject of the presentation is the future building design

III. Giving background information (сведения общего характера)

 We have divided (разделил) our presentation into 4 parts: introduction, the building design, the building location, and the structures that will surround the building, and conclusion. 

Presenting Information

I.Introduction: To start with,

II.The main part:

Student 1: My name is Laura Larsen and I am going to speak about … Now I want to give the floor to my professional partner, John Philips.

Student 2: Thank you, Laura. Now I am moving to the next point (пункт, вопрос) which is devoted to … (Теперь я перехожу к следующему вопросу, который посвящён)…

Student 3: I’d like to draw your attention to (Мне бы хотелось обратить ваше внимание на…)

Student 4: Turning now to.... (Обращаясь к), I will tell you about the structures that will surround the building. Now I’d like to give the floor to my professional partner …

Student 5: What I’d like to talk about now is concerned with (то, о чём я хочу говорить сейчас, связано…)

Student 6: Now I would like to describe.... (Теперь мне бы хотелось описать…)

Now I’d like to give the floor to my professional partner…


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