A lot of amazing buildings are designed by talented architects. 

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A lot of amazing buildings are designed by talented architects.

1. Переведите предложение.

2. Какое грамматическое явление представлено в этом предложении?

3. Как образуется «пассивный залог»?

4. Приведите свой пример на использование «пассивного залога».


23. Group work. Structure the information about the Passive Voice making a “cluster”:




24. Group work. Present your cluster to the class.

25. Pair work. Read the sentences and translate them into Russian. Mark the sentences with the predicate in the passive form (со сказуемым в пассивной форме):

1. Architects take into consideration many things in order to create a functional structure.

2. Many things are taken into consideration in order to create a functional structure.

3. Architecture connects the past, the present and the future.

4. The past, the present and the future are connected with architecture.

5. The architect turns a simple idea into reality.

6. A simple idea is turned into reality by the architect.

7. Modern architects create functional structures.

8. Functional structures are created by modern architects.

9. As a rule, architects provide various pre-design services.

10. As a rule, various pre-design services are provided by architects.


26. Pair work. Read the sentences and translate them into Russian. Transform the following sentences from Active into Passive:

1. We use the word architecture to describe the designing and construction of all types of buildings.

2. The architect takes the idea and puts it down on paper in the form of a blueprint.

3. The architect realizes concepts and ideas into reality designing structures.

4. The process of design includes five phases.

5. The architect’s activity involves a lot of planning and decision making concerning the design of the structure.

6. The architect’s activity also involves the proper handling and organization of needed materials.

7. The architectural design includes everything from the foundation to the type of the faucet in the bathroom.


27. Pairwork. Find out your partner’s preferences concerning his/her job:

E.g.: Do you prefer to love or to be loved?

  As for me, I prefer both: to love and to be loved.

1. Do you prefer to construct a building by yourself or do you want the building to be constructed by house builders?

2. Do you prefer to create ideas or do you want ideas to be created by your colleagues?

3. Do you prefer to explain your ideas to clients or do you want ideas to be explained by your assistants?

4. Do you prefer to discuss the budget of a project with your client by yourself or do you want the budget to be discussed by your assistants?

5. Do you prefer to conduct environmental impact studies by yourself or do you want it to be conducted by other specialists?

6. Do you prefer to specify the design requirements by yourself or do you want it to be specified by your colleagues?


Unit 2


I. Warming up (Разминка)

Listening & Speaking

1. Group work. Reflect on the following quote about the architect’s job, interpret it and share your ideas with the class. Get ready to discuss different points of view answering questions and persisting in your own opinion. (See appendix 1):

“To be an architect is to possess an individual voice speaking a generally understood language of form.” Robert A.M. Stern.

Useful terms and phrases

2. Read the following terms and phrases, mind their pronunciation:

oversight of the building construction наблюдение, надзор за строительством здания
to surround the building окружать здание
to consider each and every aspect рассматривать, обсуждать, обдумывать все до единого аспекты
constructional project строительный объект
to make calculation mistakes делать ошибки при вычислении
to secure from обезопасить от
computer literacy компьютерная грамотность
communication skills навыки общения
to affect public safety влиять на безопасность людей
to undergo specialized training проходить специализированное обучение
to create the overall look создавать общий вид
to suit the people’s needs удовлетворять потребности людей
initial discussion предварительное, первоначальное обсуждение
to agree on the initial proposal достигать соглашения по первоначальному предложению
to develop a construction plan разрабатывать строительный чертёж
plumbing system водопроводная система
to develop a design разрабатывать проект
to follow a building code соблюдать строительный кодекс
computer-aided design and drafting (CADD) автоматизированное проектирование и изготовление чертежей
building information modeling (BIM) technology технология моделирования строительной информации
apartment building многоэтажное жилое здание
to conduct constructive activities проводить строительные работы
to file documents регистрировать документы
to obtain development and building permits получать разрешение на строительство

Vocabulary Focus

3. Pair work. Match the words and phrases to their translation:


to offer services безопасность людей
to consider each and every aspect of a constructional project ошибки в вычислении
to possess a creative imagination окружать здание
public safety проходить специализированное обучение
calculation mistakes предлагать услуги
to surround the building обсуждать все до единого аспекты строительного объекта
to undergo specialized training обладать творческим воображением


to plan and design buildings   навыки общения
to explain ideas to clients первоначальное обсуждение
overall look of the building удовлетворять потребности людей
communication skills разрабатывать строительный чертёж
initial discussion окончиться катастрофой
to suit the people’s needs планировать и проектировать здания
to develop a construction plan объяснять идеи клиентам
to develop a building design прочность, устойчивость постройки
to end in disaster оговаривать строительные материалы
stability of the structure общий вид здания
to specify building materials разрабатывать проект здания


to follow a building code служебные обязанности архитектора
apartment building первоначальное предложение
computer-aided design and drafting (CADD) разрешение на строительство
plumbing system практический опыт
initial proposal соблюдать строительный кодекс
development and building permits требовать специальных профессиональных знаний
practical experience проводить строительные работы
architect’s duties строительство зданий
to require specific skills   многоэтажное жилое здание
to conduct constructive activities автоматизированное проектирование и изготовление чертежей
building construction водопроводная система

II. Evocation (Вызов)

Writing, Listening & Speaking

4. Individual work. Read the following key words and make your own text reflecting your own view on the architecture profession. Entitle the text:

 Offer services, plan and design buildings, be responsible, concerning design and building construction, turn into reality, create an idea, put down on paper, explain ideas to clients, consider aspects of a constructional project, discuss requirements and budget of a project, develop a construction plan, take into consideration, create a functional structure, specify building materials, public safety, secure people from, end in disaster, make calculation mistakes.


5. Individual work. Present your text to the class. Get ready to answer questions and discuss different points of view persisting in your own opinion (See appendix 1.)


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