Exercises on Vocabulary and Language Notes 

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Exercises on Vocabulary and Language Notes

Choose the correct answer

1- My older brother has a (decree – degree – licence - permission) in Maths from Cairo University.

2- Exercise can have a (positive – negative – captive - conductive) effect on your health and fitness.

3- Nurses have an important (row – rule – role - rate) in looking after patients in a hospital.

4- My parents have always (disappointed – depressed – discouraged - encouraged) me to work hard at school.

5- I'd prefer not to talk about that. It's something very (personal – public – famous - physical).

6- I found university work very difficult, but my friends were always very (judging – avenging – encouraging - managing).

7- It was a great football match. Both teams played very (negatively – positively – aggressively – cowardly).

8- She would be a good nurse. She has a very kind (abnormality – artificiality - personality – brutality).

9- Your grades are (impress – impressive – impression - impressed), Jena.

10- To be in (charge – average – bandage - besiege) of is to be responsible for or in control of something.

11- Something which is (defective – reflective – effective - attractive) produces the right result.

12- A/An (licence – essence – absence - acceptance) is a document that gives permission to do something.

13- (Accounting – Injecting – Nursing - Hospitalizing) is a job of looking after people who are ill.

14- (Lonely – Only – Sauna - Solo) means done on your own, without help from another person.

15- If something is (recordable – suitable – achievable – readable), it is right in a particular situation.

16-  Several companies have been (prevented – collapsed – licensed - banned) to sell these products.

17-  The company denies that it has (praised – placed – rose - practised) discrimination against any of its employees.

18- The doctor (advised – devised – blamed - praised) him against smoking.

19- A (cruise – tour – voyage - flight) is a journey by air.

20-  The radiation leak has had a disastrous (affect – infect – effect - dialect) on the environment.

21- It's an extremely (addictive – effective – adjective - collective) cure for a headache. It has no side effects.

22-  The poor bird couldn't (fly – try – cry - dry) because it had a broken wing.

23-  There's no doubt about Christine's (curability – disability – suitability - hospitality) for the job. She is very efficient.

24-  To (bargain – challenge – review – argue) for is to clearly explain why you think something is true or should be done

25-  A/An (collector – inspector – conductor - investigator) is someone whose job is to check that something is of a good enough standard and that rules are being obeyed

26-  A (duty – responsibility – role - charge) is the position that someone has in a situation or activity

27-  A (degree – referee – guarantee - retiree) is the qualification given to someone who has successfully finished a university course

28- Something which is (interesting – amusing – positive - legal) has a good or useful effect

29- To (engage – encourage – manage - package) is to try to persuade someone to do something, especially by making them more confident

30- (Additional – Conditional – Constitutional - Personal) means involving someone's private life, their feelings, health and relationships

31- As well as writing books on (social – sociable - society – variety) and culture, she also wrote poems.

32- Dr. Aisha Abd El-Rahman helped to improve women's (composition – disposition – depression - position) in society.

33- Her mother (discouraged – encouraged – managed - bandaged) her to get a good education.

34- She was (awarded - got – gave – rewarded) her degree in 1939.

35- He joined the university (stiff – staff – stuff - crew) as a research assistant.

36- She was employed as a government (actor – ambassador – inspector – ancestor) for the teaching of Arabic literature.

37- Her work (took up – took off – took down – took to) much of her personal life.

38- Her great work is still (appeared – applied - appreciated – appointed) today.

39- She taught at many universities across the Arab (village – town – city – world).

40-  She (spent – left – went – did) her life doing the things she was most interested in.

41- The people that I help at the charity are always very (initiative – appreciative – positive - effective) of my work.

42- Young children are usually very (respected – respectable – respectful -respecting) towards their teachers.                

43- They are well behaved children who come from a (respecting – respectable – respectful - disrespectful) family.                   

44- How long has the King (governed – silenced – persuaded - divided) that country?        

45- The (gift – punishment – award - reword) for winning the swimming race is a gold cup.         

46- The whole class clapped (angrily – appreciatively – negatively - furiously) at the end of the interesting speech. They had learned a lot.

47- My older brother has been (awarded – reworded – rewarded – raided) a maths prize from Cairo University.

48- My parents always (alleviate – abbreviate – negotiate – appreciate) it when I work hard at school.

49- This new hospital was built with money from the (environment – government – judgment – retirement).

50- Mrs. Nagwa is a (respectful – respecting – respected – respect) teacher at the school. Her students usually do very well in their exams.

51- Applicants must have a (degrade – grade - mark – degree) in Engineering.

52- Children need lots of (disappointment – encouragement – government – deprivation) when they're learning new things.

53- The rural environment has a (positive -possessive – repressive – stressful) effect on children's health.

54- Parents play an important (rail - reel – rule – role) in their child's learning.

55- Who will be in (change – charge – chief – chart) of the department when Sophie retires?

56- He was arrested for driving without a (permission – degree – licence – device).

57- The first (soloist - solar – sailor – solo) flight across the Atlantic took place many years ago.

58- The house is not really (suiting –syllable – recyclable – suitable) for a large family.

59- Ann was the orchestra’s (soloist – biologist – archaeologist - dentist) at the age of 22.

60- Public health officials were called to (respect – inspect – reveal – destroy) the building.

61- There is (growing – going – grown – coming) concern about climate change.

62- The department offers general courses in (breathing – pulsing – nursing – realizing).

63- She was always looking for ways to (discourage – outrage - encourage – courage) her students.

64- I’d give you a lift, but I’m going in the opposite (direction – reflection – infection – injection).

65- Under the (reels – roles – rules – rays), the company must publish its annual accounts.

66- There were some doubts about his (suiting – suitable - suitability – suite) for the job.

67- This plant doesn't (go – grow – grow up – bring up) well in sandy soil.

68- What would you like to be when you (bring up – blow up – grow up – go up)?

69- He had a successful career (like – as – in – for) a lawyer.

70- Her parents (encouraged – discouraged – outraged – enraged) her to cook and even paid her to make dinner twice a week.

71- There has been a/an (precious – appreciative – appreciable – appreciatively) drop in the number of unemployed lately.

72- She's got a leading (roll – role – rule – reel) in the school play.

73- She asked to speak to the person (of – with – at – in) charge.

74- The restaurant offers a variety of dishes that (suite – suit – match – fit) all tastes.

75- He was killed during a violent (achievement – appointment - argument – agreement) over money.

76- Nadi was the first and only woman to (attach -join – enroll – connect) a new school for pilots.

77- We must take (positive – passive – negative – preservative) steps to deal with the problem.

78- A new manager has been appointed to (infect – detect – reflect – direct) the project.

79- Her time is fully taken (off – up – down – out) with writing.

80- The Old Man and the Sea was one of the most (addictive – accusative - impressive – causative) novels Hemingway had ever written.



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