Exercises on Vocabulary and language notes 

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Exercises on Vocabulary and language notes

Choose the correct answer:

1- They set up an (accommodation – abbreviation – absorption – association) to campaign against the influence of drug addiction. يقوم بحملة ضد تأثير ادمان المخدرات

2- Professor Ali is giving a series سلسلة of (architecture - lectures – mixtures – creatures) on Einstein's theories. نظريات

3- He (pictures – lectures – measures – pressures) on European art at Manchester University.

4- Ali's grandfather was a doctor and later worked for the (ministry – section – country – industry) of health.

5- The teacher told us about the (worthlessness - importance – appearance – attendance) of revising before exams.

6- The tourist went on a (instructed – abducted – retreated – conducted) tour of Egypt, visiting all the ancient sites.

7- The history teacher (advanced – announced - influenced – balanced) my decision to become a teacher, too.

8- Mona's uncle is an (expert – advert – extrovert – introvert) on science and often lectures at the university.

9- Shakespeare's plays have been very (influential – confidential – impartial – potential); many writers have used his stories.

10- The football team are playing with a lot of (acceptance – acquaintance – confidence –affluence). I think they are going to win.

11- Don't lose those forms. They're very (constant – important – disinfectant – reluctant).

12-  What is the (difference – absence – existence – evidence) in meaning between wear and where?

13-  This country's great (consequence – influence – convenience – attendance) in the world is disproportionate to its relatively small size. لا يتناسب مع حجمها الصغير نسبيا

14- You need a lot of (stupidity – indifference – laziness – intelligence) to be good at chess.

15- A week-old moon has the shape of a (semi-circle / semi-final/rectangle – triangle).

16- The practice of making people obey rules and orders is called (deadline – headline – discipline – hotline).

17- To (silence – defend – assist – rob) someone is to make them stop giving their opinions.

18- To (boil – foil – toil – spoil) children is to make them do whatever they want, with the result that they behave badly.

19- The word '(friendly – cowardly – fatherly – silly)' describes behaviour that is typical of a kind or concerned father.

20- A (layer – lawyer – destroyer – prayer) is one of several levels of different materials that are on top of each other.

21- She attaches a lot of (inheritance – allegiance – alliance - importance) to personal possessions. ممتلكات

22- A (furious - responsible – curious – considerable) person is someone who is sensible and can be trusted.

23- A (serious – cautious – conscientious – nutritious) person is someone who is quiet and does not often laugh.

24- A/An (abstract – direct - strict – exact) person is someone who makes sure that people always obey rules and does not let people behave badly.

25- I ran for ten kilometres yesterday and now my legs (break – ache – extinct – extract).

26- Phone me after school and we can have a (chat – chart – scratch – check) about the weekend.

27- Let's play a game in the (brake – shake - break – steak) between lessons.

28- The tourist sat by the pool and (raced - faced – financed – forced) the sun.

29- The teacher (dreamed – divided – founded – demanded) to know why the students were all late.

30- We are (planning – banning – scanning – spinning) to go to Greece for the holidays next year.

31- Charles Dickens is my (applicable - favourite – changeable – delectable) author.

32- The British Medical (Association – Accusation – Activation – Alleviation) is campaigning for a complete ban on tobacco advertising. حظر الاعلانات عن السجائر

33- Her heart (attached – curved - ached – blamed) for the people who had lost their loved ones in the plane crash.

34- Common symptoms أعراض شائعة  of this disease include (ashes - aches – breaks – stains) and pains, tiredness and dizziness.

35- The union is (blaming – screaming - demanding – deteriorating) a seven percent pay rise زيادة في الأجور this year.

36- We have to (ignore - face – refuse – deny) facts here - we simply don't have enough money.

37- I had a (cheat–cheek-chat –change) with my boss today about a possible salary increase.

38- With (motherly – ugly – silly – unlikely) love and persistence المثابرة, the mother succeeded in turning the problem boy into a straight   مستقيم man.

39- Drugs have become a (spacious – spontaneous – serious – suspicious) problem in a lot of schools.

40- The farmer called the (nurse - vet – chemist – dentist) out to treat a sick cow.

41- Her health is what matters - the cost تكلفة of the treatment is of secondary (incidence – importance – impatience – independence).

42- My grandmother had a strong (affluence – defiance - influence – innocence) on my early childhood.

43- I don't have much (confidence –avoidance – intelligence – conscience) in him after his behaviour in recent months.

44- Exercise can make a big (dependence – difference – conference – correspondence) to your state of health.    الحالة الصحية

45- He believes that all children are born with equal (imbalance – incompetence – intelligence – intolerance).

46- He was (disciplined – awarded – honoured – decided) for his bad behaviour.

47- The drug should only be administered يتم تعاطي الدواء under (stick - strict – silent – script) medical supervision.    الاشراف الطبي

48- Look, I don't need (mixtures - lectures – frictions – fiction) on how to use my own camera.

49- Mr. Youssef set up an (appreciation – aviation – association – explanation) to help children in 1968.

50- Mona's father works for an important (building – ministry – work – building).

51- People have translated his books into many languages, (computing – including – cooperating – adding) English and French.

52- Soldiers fight for the (humour – tumour - honour - labour) of their country.

53- She has all the (quantities - qualities – queries - quests) to be a good doctor.

54- You should give yourself (balls – tools – halls - goals) and plan how to achieve them.

55- Teachers must (inspire - respire – conspire - aspire) and encourage their students.

56- He tried not to let the bad news (toil – spoil – foil - soil) his evening.

57- The police are trying to determine the series of (occasion – anniversaries – memories - events) that led up to the murder.

58- She’s a (shy - sociable – social – societal) child who will talk to none.

59- Which period of history would you (more – better – most – little) like to have lived in?

60- He decided to devote the (rest – reserve – resign – resort) of his life to scientific research.

61- This movie is about the (capture – agriculture – culture – architecture) clash between the generations.

62- This insurance (politics – policy – police – politician) covers theft and fire.

63- He went into (politics – policy – politician – pollution) in his early twenties.

64- Do you mind if I give you some (cowardly – ugly – fatherly – silly) advice.

65- His (plan – planning – a plan – to plan) was to rob a bank and leave the country quickly.

66- They (banned – pinned – planned – blended) the building carefully with special facilities for the disabled.

67- She (has been to – was being to – has gone to – has been) Finland. She won't be back for at least 3 weeks.

68- He (has been to – goes to – went to – has gone to) visit his grandpa. I'm afraid you've just missed him.

69- There's a change of (plan – planning – planned – to plan). The meeting is on Monday instead of this afternoon.

70- The American society is (cultural – culture – culturally – cultured) diverse.

71- I don't think he has any idea about the (serial – serious – series – seriousness) of the situation.

72- Too much (responsible - responsibility – responsibilities – responsibly) when too young can weigh down on a child. تحميل الطفل مسئوليه أكثر من اللازم هو أمر يُثقل كاهله (يُشكل عبئاً ثقيلا عليه)                 

73- People tend to (associate – update – complain – claim) the old days with good times.

74- There is a strong (assumption – assassination - association – assertion) between obesity and heart diseases.

75- We should treat neighbours (friendly – friendliness – in a friendly way – friends).

76- (Even – Every – Ever – Event) young children know the difference between right and wrong.

77- He grew up (to read – reading – read – reads) the novels of Charles Dickens.

78- Never leave children (play – played - playing – plays) near electrical wires.

79- What do you (many – more – much – most) like about your school? –The library.

80- Patients often face long (delays – replays – plays – stays) in getting the treatment they need.



The Present Perfect Tense


                                                   § يتكون المضارع التام من:  

Have / Has + PP.

· He has just bought a new car.         

§ يستخدم المضارع التام للتعبير عن:

1- حدث تم في الماضي ولا يزال له تأثير في الحاضر:

· My car has broken down.  I have to go to work by bus.

· I've lost my keys. I can't open the door.

2- حدث بدأ في الماضي و ما زال مستمر في الحاضر:

· I have done this job for many years. = I still do this job.

3-حدث تم في الماضي ولم يُحدد الوقت الذي انتهي فيه:

· I have just finished the homework.

· = I finished the homework a moment ago.

· I've already done the job.

· = I did the job two hours ago.

& يستخدم المضـارع التام مع كلمات مثـل:


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