UNIT ONE Electricity. Uses of electricity 

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UNIT ONE Electricity. Uses of electricity

ПЦК иностранных языков



Методическая разработка для студентов 3-4 курсов

Волгоградского экономико-технического колледжа

Специальность: 13.02.11

Волгоград 2020


UNIT ONE Electricity. Uses of electricity

Lesson 1………………………….

Text History of electricity

Lesson 2………………………….

Text The nature of electricity

Lesson 3………………………….

Text Uses of electricity

Lesson 4………………………….

Text Famous inventor- Yablochkov

Lesson 5………………………….

Text Great Russian scientist - Lomonosov


Lesson 1………………………….

Text  Kinds of magnets

Lesson 2………………………….

Text  Field of force

Lesson 3………………………….

Text Magnetism induced by electric flow



Text Two types of electricity

Lesson 2………………………….

Text Direct current

Lesson 3………………………….

Text Electricity in cells

Lesson 4………………………….

Text The induction of coil

Lesson 5………………………….

Text Capacity

Lesson 6………………………….

Text The simple transformer


Lesson 1………………………….

Text Two kinds of current

Lesson 2………………………….

Text Conductors and insulators

Lesson 3………………………….

Text Semiconductors


Lesson 1………………………….

Text Familiar types of Circuits

Lesson 2………………………….

Text Switches

Lesson 3………………………….

Text Potential and difference of potential

Lesson 4………………………….

Text Fuses

Lesson 5………………………….

Text Storage batteries

Lesson 6………………………….

Text Charging of storage batteries


Lesson 1………………………….

Text Measuring devices

Lesson 2………………………….

Text Electroscope


Lesson 1………………………….

Text Electrical power and horsepower

Lesson 2………………………….

Text Generator

Lesson 3………………………….

    Text Direct current generator and its application

Lesson 4………………………….

Text Electrical motor

Lesson 5………………………….

Text Transformer

Lesson 6………………………….

Text Care of equipment

Lesson 7………………………….

Text Care of motors


Lesson 1………………………….

Text Electronic emission

Lesson 2………………………….

Text Diod, triod, pentode

Lesson 3………………………….

Text Electromagnetic waves

Lesson 4………………………….

Text Wireless waves. Sound waves

Lesson 5………………………….

Text Transistors




Lesson 1.


                         The History of Electricity

Let’s speak about the history of electricity. The study of electricity began with Dr. William Gilbert who lived at about the same time as Galileo Galilei. In 1600 he wrote a book describing experiments on electricity and magnetism.

Russia played an important part in the development of electrical science.In spite of difficult conditions under which the scientists and inventors had to work in tzarist Russia they discovered electrical phenomena of great importance. In addition to that Russian scientists and inventors always tried to find practical application for the phenomena discovered.

The first work on electricity published in Russia was that written by the father of Russian science Lomonosov. Lomonosov was the first to find that heat, light and electricity are different forms of movement. He was also the first to find the electrical nature of some atmospheric phenomena.

Academician Petroff was the first scientist in the world who observed the phenomena known later as the electric arc. Another Russian scientist Yablochkov made a great contribution to the development of electrical science. It was Yablochkov who created the principle of a transformer. It is he who found the first practical application of the electric arc.

Thanks to Lodygin's great discovery, an electric lamp lights up our rooms.

Popov transmitted signals by means of electromagnetic waves and gave the world his great discovery— radio.

It is Lebedev who discovered and measured the pressure of light. The photoelectric effect was among the numerous discoveries of the famous Russia scientist Stoletov.

However, it is impossible even to list here the great inventions and discoveries that our scientists made in various fields of science and engineering.



 Words and word combinations:

development – развитие

science – наука

in spite of – несмотря на

difficult conditions – трудные условия

practical application – практическое применение

to observe – наблюдать

to make a great contribution – внести огромный вклад

to create – создавать

to try – пытаться

electric arc – электрическая дуга

to measure – измерять

pressure –давление

numerous – многочисленный

various – разный, разнообразный, различный

field of science – область науки


I. Find in the text the following words and word combinations:

Который жил,  играла важную роль, несмотря на, царская Россия, найти практическое применение, различные формы движения, атмосферные явления, электрическая дуга, который создал, благодаря, освещать, при помощи (посредством) электромагнитных волн, невозможно, в различных областях науки и техники.  

II. Answer the questions.

1. When did the study of electricity begin?

2. Russia played an important part in the development of electrical science, didn't it?

3. Did Russian scientists and inventors discover electrical phenomena of great importance?

4. Who published the first work on electricity in Russia?

5. What did Lomonosov find?

6. Was Lomonosov the first to find the electrical nature of some atmospheric phenomena?

7. Yablochkov made a great contribution to the development of electrical science, didn't he?

8.Who created the principle of a transformer?

9. Is Lodygin an inventor of an electric lamp?

10. Who was the first to transmit signals by means of electromagnetic waves?

11. Is it possible to list all great inventions and discoveries that our scientists made in various fields of science and engineering?

IX. Retell the text.


Lesson 2.


The nature of electricity.

When the question is asked, “what is electricity?” the answer is often given that “no one knows”. This all too frequent answer is far from being correct. Science knows a great deal about electricity.

 Many years ago the ancient Greeks knew that when a piece of amber is rubbed with wool or fur it achieves the power of attracting light objects? Later on the phenomenon was studied, and the word electric, after the Greek word "electron", meaning amber was used. Many scientists investigated electric phenomena, and during the nineteenth century many discoveries about the nature of electricity, and of magnetism, which is closely relat­ed to electricity, were made. It was found that if a sealing-wax rod is rubbed with a woolen cloth, and a rod of glass is rubbed with a silken cloth, an electric spark will pass be­tween the sealing-wax rod and the glass rod when they are brought near one another. Moreover, it was found that a force of attraction operates between them. An electrified sealing-wax is repelled, however, by a wax rod, and also an electrified glass rod is repelled, by a similar glass rod.


Words and word combinations:

 frequent - часто повторяемый, обычный

 a great deal - много

amber – янтарь, окаменевшая смола;

to rub – тереть;

a woolen cloth – кусочек шерсти;

a silken cloth – кусочек шелка;

a force of attraction – сила притяжения

it achieves the power — она (палочка) приобретает


after the Greek word — от греческого слова                                                            

sealing-wax rod — палочка из сургуча

a rod of glass — стеклянная палочка

more over – более того;

resinous - смолистый;

repel – отталкивать, отображать




I. Find in the text the following words and word combinations:


      Часто повторяемый (обычный), древние греки, знает много о, приобретает способность притягивать, электрическое явление, сила притяжения, исследовали, легкие предметы, натереть кусочком шерсти.

II. Choose the correct word:

1.ученый – a)tutor, b)investigator, c)inventor, d)scientist;

2.шерсть – a) cotton, b) silk, c) wool, d) nylon;

3.притяжение – a)determination, b)attraction, c)application,               d)complication,                                                  

4.отталкивать – a) attract, b) pass, c) repel, d)split;

5.использовать – a) relate, b) find, c) use, d) rub;

6.между – a) opposite, b) between, c) below, d) behind;

7.достигать – a) apply, b) account, c) achieve, d)develop.

    8. значение- a) phenomenon, b) being, c)meaning,                                                                                                


III. Answer the questions.

1. Does science know a great deal about electricity?

2. What did the ancient Greeks know many years ago?

3. Who investigated electric phenomena?

4. What will pass between the sealing-wax rod and the glass rod when they are brought near one another?


     IV. Give 3 forms of the following verbs:

to answer, to know, to achieve, to give, to investigate,

to make, to relate, to find, to repel, to rub, to operate, to use, to bring.  


Lesson 3.


Uses of Electricity

Electricity is the power that has made possible the engineering progress of today. In fact, electricity has always been with a man, but only within the last few centuries he has learned to apply it.

One hundred years ago there were neither electric lamps, nor electric motors, nor telephone, nor radio. Now electricity is everywhere. We use electricity in our homes and in buildings where we work or study. Electric lamps light our rooms. The uses of electricity in our homes do not end with producing light. How many electric motors are working in our homes! Electric motors operate washing machines, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, fans, clocks, and other electrical appliances.

Electricity plays a very important part both in industry and in agriculture. We use electricity as a means of transportation and communication. A primitive man depended upon fire, smoke or other kind of signals to send his thoughts to his neighbor. And a modern man can talk with someone in some distance. In recent years electricity has made a great contribution to radio communication between the spaceships and also between the astronauts and the Earth. In addition to that we apply electricity in automation and in research. Much of today's-scientific research depends on the solution of different difficult mathematical problems, some of which would require days to solve by the used methods. Electrically-operated computers now give the answers to these problems in seconds.

Words and word combinations:

to apply – применять

to operate – приводить в движение, работать, управлять

washing machine – стиральная машина

vacuum cleaner – пылесос

electrical appliances – электрический приборы

agriculture –  сельское хозяйство

a means of communication – средства связи

a primitive man – первобытный человек;

to depend on (upon) – зависеть от

neighbour – сосед

scientific research – научное исследование

solution – решение

to solve – решать

to require – требовать



I. Find in the text the following words and word combinations:

Технический прогресс, фактически, везде (повсюду), другие электрические приборы, в промышленности и в сельском хозяйстве, зависел от огня, к тому же (кроме), современный человек, в последние годы, решение разных трудных математических проблем.

II. Answer the questions.

1. Has the man learned how to apply electricity within the last few centuries?

2. Where do we use electricity?

3 What do electric motors operate?

4. Electricity plays a very important pan both in industry and in agriculture, doesn't it?

5. Does communication depend on electricity?

6. What else depends on electricity?

7. Why does much of today's scientific research depend on electricity?

Lesson 4.


Famous Inventor

                               P. N. Yablochkov

P. N. Yablochkov was born in Saratov Province, on September 26, 1847. The boy was taken by his parents to Petersburg, when he was 14 years old. Having finished school, he entered the military engineering College and later the Electro technical. School for officers. At both schools he studied mathematics, physics, chemistry, electrical engineering, foreign languages, and other subjects. After graduating from these two schools he continued to perfect his knowledge in electrical engineering.

Then Yablochkov moved to Moscow. While being in Moscow, Yablochkov often met with well- known scientists and inventors of that time. He organized a physical laboratory and workshop of his own. It is there he spent all his free time studying electrical phenomena. However, never getting any support in Russia he was obliged to leave his Motherland.

It is in France he received the patent for his "candle" or "Russian candle" as it was generally called. The practical application of the electrical arc for lighting purposes begins with Yablochkov. He placed the two carbon electrodes parallel to each other instead of placing them end to end. The arc appeared between the upper ends of the parallel rods.

All newspapers and magazines of that time published articles discussing Yablochkov's great invention. The practical application of the electrical candle spread and Yablochkov's name became known all over the world.

In spite of such great success he went on working hard at the improvement of his invention. Working at his candle, he arrived at the idea of the transformer.

He wanted to organize a mass production of the candle in his own fatherland. So, he came to Russia in order to develop electrical engineering here. Yablochkov continued working in the field of electricity to the day of his death.

Words and word combinations:

to enter – поступать (в высшее учебное заведение)

to graduate from – окончить (высшее учебное заведение)

after graduating from – после окончания

to move to – переехать

workshop – мастерская

support – 1)поддержка, 2) поддерживать

to oblige –обязывать, быть обязанным, заставлять

to receive – получать

purpose –цель

carbon electrode – угольный электрод;

article – статья

such great success – такой громадный успех

to work hard – работать упорно (усердно)

Motherland – родина

fatherland – отечество

improvement – улучшение

death - смерть


I. Find in the text the following words and word combinations:

Окончив школу, военное инженерное учебное заведение, другие предметы, после окончания, находясь в Москве, его собственную мастерскую, никогда не получал никакой поддержки, получил патент, дуга появилась между, великое изобретение, несмотря на такой огромный успех.   

VI. Retell the text.




Lesson 5.



                      Great Russian scientist



                                    M.V. Lomonosov


Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov, the greatest Russian scientist and poet, was born in 1711 not far from Kholmogory in Archangeiskaya region.

He began his working life when he was still a boy. The son of a fisherman, Misha often went with his father to the White Sea and to the Arctic Ocean. He learned much about nature and about the life of his country. At an early age Lomonosov was eager to learn and read every book he could find in his village of Denisovka. Soon he knew by heart a few books that he had found.

At the age of 19 the young man left his home and went on foot to Moscow where he succeeded to enter the Slavonic-Greek-Latin Academy, the only higher educational institution at that time. His first years of study were difficult, but Mikhail worked hard and made great progress. His teachers saw how clever and industrious he was and five years later he was sent to the Gymnasium of the Academy of Sciences in St. Peters­burg. His unusual ability as a student became evident very soon, and Lomonosov was sent to Germany to study chemistry and metallurgy.

In 1745 Lomonosov was elected to the Academy and appointed professor of chemistry.

M. Lomonosov founded the first chemical laboratory in 1748. His discover­ies enriched many branches of knowledge. Lomonosov's ideas forestalled the science of that time. Lomonosov was a great physicist, chemist and astrono­mer. He formulated the main principles of one of the basic laws of physics — the law of conservation of matter and motion.

Lomonosov developed a corpuscular theory of the structure of substance in which he anticipated the present-day theory of atoms and molecules. He constantly emphasized the nessesity of a close connection between chemistry and physics.  

Besides this M. Lomonosov wrote poetry (verses) that had a great effect on the development of the Rus­sian literary language. The first Russian grammar was written by him as well.

Moscow University was founded on the initiative of Lomonosov in 1755.

M. Lomonosov was generally recognized as one of the most outstanding persons in the world in the 18th century.

Lomonosov was a great patriot deeply loving his Motherland and had a great desire to make it a prosperous country.

Lomonosov died in 1765, at the age of 54.


Words and word combinations:

eager – полный страстного желания, стремящийся

 fisherman - рыбак

to know by heart – знать наизусть

ability - способность, умение

Arctic Ocean – Северный Ледовитый океан

 White Sea - Белое море

succeed – достигать цели, преуспевать,

to enter – поступать (в высшее учебное заведение)

industrious – трудолюбивый, усердный, прилежный

the Slavonic-Greek-Latin Academy – Славяно-греко-

                         латинская академия

evident – очевидный, ясный

appoint –назначать, определять

enrich - обогащать

forestall – опережать, предупреждать, предвосхищать

the law of conservation of matter and motion-

      закон сохранения материи и движения

a corpuscular theory – корпускулярная теория

anticipate – предвидеть, ускорять, приближать

emphasized – придавать особое значение, подчеркивать

initiative – инициатива

 desire - сильное желание

outstanding – выдающийся, знаменитый

a prosperous - процветающий


I. Find in the text the following words and word combinations:


Сын рыбака, самая выдающаяся личность, постоянно подчеркивал необходимость, знал наизусть, ему удалось поступить, единственное высшее учебное заведение, его необычные способности, был избран и назначен, послали в Германию, сформулировал главные принципы, первая русская грамматика, огромное желание.      


II.Translate the following international words.


Academy, metallurgy, professor, formulate, atom, theory, astronomer, corpuscular, substance, molecules, patriot, chemistry, basic.



V. Retell the text.

                        TEST YOURSELF


1. apply               1. добавлять

2. produce              2. применять

3. depend      3. увеличивать

4. require      4. приглашать

5. develop     5. зависеть

6. invent           6. развивать

7. add                     7. требовать

                     8. производить

                          9. указывать

                          10. изобретать



1. transmit              1. измерять

2. transform           2. соединять

3. measure              3. передавать

4. observe     4. применять

5. solve             5. преобразовывать

6. improve             6. наблюдать

7. connect     7. получать

                          8. решать

                          9. улучшить

                          10. определять



1. production     1. прибор

2. improvement     2. улучшение

3. voltage      3. решение

4. appliance           4. свойство

5. solution              5. производство

6. science      6. развитие

7. condition           7. действие

                          8. условие

                          9. напряжение

                          10. наука



1. scientist              1. тепло

2. inventor             2. дуга

3. discovery           3. изобретатель

4. importance     4. свет

5. phenomenon     5. ученый

6. heat               6. сила

7. arc                       7. явление

                          8. важность

                          9. время

                          10. открытие



1. wave             1. свет

2. pressure              2. тепло

3. engineering     3. применение

4. line                     4. зависимость

5. connection     5. волна

6. development     6. давление

7. dependence     7. линия

                          8. соединение

                          9. техника

                          10. развитие



1. communication 1. передача

2. impossible     2. простой

3. difficult              3. наблюдение

4. important           4. полезный

5. various      5. различный

6. observation     6. связь

7. transmission     7. важный

                                8. невозможный

9. трудный

10. главный



1. в действительности      1. by means of

2. за последние годы        2. power grid

3. несмотря на          3. in addition to

4. кроме                     4. obtain

5 благодаря                    5. times

6. посредством         6. in spite of

7. раз                               7. in fact

8. in recent years

9. thanks to

10. research



1. играть роль      1. electrical engineering

2. сделать вклад   2. equal

3. электротехника 3. power engineering

4. линия передачи 4. heat engineering

5. электростанция 5. play a part

6. энергетика        6 power plant

7. теплотехника   7. make continuation to

                           8. obtain

9. require

10. transmission line


9. Выберите правильный ответ:


M. V. Lomonosov P. N. Lebedev A. S. Popov

 William Gilbert   G.Galilei  P.N.Yablochkov

A. G. Stoletov A. N. Lodygin K. Tsiolkovsky

1. Who did the study of electricity begin with?

a) Galileo;

b) Dr.Gilbert;

c) Yablochkov.

2. Who created the principle of transformer?

        a) Lomonosov;    


        c) Lebedev.

3. What did Dr.Gilbert describe in his book about?

    a) experiments on static electricity;

    b) experiments on electricity and magnetism;

    c) experiments on electricity  in motion;

4. Who discovered and measured the pressure of light?

     a) Tsiolkovsky;

      b) Lebedev;

      c) Lodygin.             

5. Where did the first book on electricity publish?

       a) in Germany;

    b) in France;

      c) in Russia;

6. Who was the inventor of an electric lamp?

      a) Lomonosov;      

      b) Lebedev;

      c) Lodygin 

7. Who transmitted signals by means of electromagnetic waves?

      a) Stoletov;      

      b) Popov;

      c) Lodygin 

8. Where was first discovered the electric arc?

        a) in Germany;

        b) in Russia;

        c) in France;


9. Where was Yablochkov born?

        a) in Moscow;

        b) in St.Petersburg;

        c) in Saratov Province;

10. Who was the first scientist in the world who observed the electric arc?

         a) Petroff;      

         b) Popov;

         c) Stoletov. 


Упр.10. Определите по суффиксам, какие слова являются существительными, и укажите их номера.

1. transformer; 2. observe; 3. inventor; 4. industrial; 5. powerful: 6. scientist: 7. dependence; 8. requirement: 9. strong; 10. transmission

Упр. 11. Определите по суффиксам, какие слова являются прилагательными. и укажите их номера.

1. various; 2. possibility; 3. centre; 4. active; 5. magnetic; 6, electrical; 7, peaceful; 8. activeness; 9. transmit; 10. transformation

Упр. 12. Переведите предложения  на русский язык, укажите грамматическое время.


1. We must use a transformer to change high voltage into lower one.

2. A motor changes electrical energy into mechanical energy.

3. The small electric power plant in Obninsk has become the symbol of peaceful atomon our globe.

4. The workers will have already repaired the engine before you come.

5. We can transmit electricity for long distances.

6. The appliances willbe working when you come.          

7. In fact engineers are fulfilling major production tasks and solving problems of  state and economic importance.


Упр. 13. Поставьте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам.

1. The students observed this phenomenon in the laboratory.

2. The students may take foreign magazines in the library.

3. The 750 kv a.c. line connects Kanakoyo and Moscow.

4. The students will make this experiment in the laboratory next week.

5. His friend has translated twoEnglish articles



                                  UNIT II.



Lesson 1.


                         Kinds of magnets.

Loadstone is classified as a natural magnet. It was discovered many centuries ago and one of the earliest practical uses made of the ore was in making compasses. Its use in the compass was known the world over by the time of Columbus.

Artificial magnets may be made by rubbing a piece of steel with a piece of loadstone. The steel may be in the form of a straight bar, or it may be bent much like a horseshoe with the ends or poles a short distance apart.

Any magnet has a much stronger field when the ends or poles are close together, thus reducing the air gap.

Permanent magnets may be made by running an electric current through a coil of insulated wire wound around the piece of hard steel to be magnetized.


If a magnet is dipped into iron filings most of the filings will be attracted near the ends and only a few near the middle. Therefore, magnetism is stronger at the ends where it enters and leaves the magnet. These ends are called the poles of the magnet.

If the bar magnet is hung by a string so that it swings freely with no other metal or magnet near, it will come to rest with one end pointing North and the other end pointing South. Such action is due to the influence of the earth's magnetism which is always on the earth surface. Thus one end of a bar magnet is usually marked "N" and the other is marked "S".

In fact, these two poles are very different in action, the north pole of one magnet will attract the south pole of another but will repel the north pole. Let us suspend a bar magnet with marked poles, as in Fig. 1, by a string. Hold a second magnet a.s shown and observe the action. Notice, that the closer the magnets are together, the stronger the action.

Remember then that:

Like poles are repelled.

Unlike poles are attracted.


Lesson 2.



Field of Force

Around every magnet there is a field of force. It is invisible but we can prove it is there. If iron filings are sprinkled upon a piece of paper placed over a magnet, the filings will arrange themselves to show the direction of the lines-of-force of the "field" about the poles (see Fig. 2).

The space about the magnet where magnetic forces exist is called the magnetic field. Notice, that each filing turns in the same direction. an action caused by the magnetism of the two poles. The lines of force flow out of the north pole of the magnet and back into the magnet at the south pole. The movement of the lines of force in the field is called flux.


         Words and word combinations:


a field of force – силовое поле

 invisible –невидимый,

to prove - доказывать,    

to sprinkle upon–1)посыпать, разбрасывать;

                        2)обрызгивать, опрыскивать.                                                                                                                                                                                             

to arrange – располагать, устраивать

line of force - силовая линия, направление действия


to exist – существовать

 to flow out - вытекать;

to cause –вызвать, быть причиной

to turn - поворачивать

flux – 1)течение, поток; 2) флюс, плавень.


I. Find in the text the following words and word combinations:

Называется магнитным полем, невидимый, железные опилки, размещенные поверх магнита, замечать, в том жесамом направлении, движение силовых линий.

Lesson 3.


Lesson 1.


                  Two Types of Electricity

Generally speaking, there are two types of electricity: static or standing electricity and current or electricity in motion.

Static electricity was the first kind of electricity mentioned in history. Static electricity is generated by friction.

Franklin proved that lightning was static electricity generated by moving molecules of moisture in the clouds and discharging to other clouds or to earthly objects. Now lightning rods have been set up on buildings to take static charges directly into the ground.




The first person to produce an electric current was Volta. It happened in 1799. He built the first "dry" cell, which was made of a disk of copper, a layer of cloth moistured with salt water, then a disk of zinc, another layer of cloth, another disk of copper and so on for several layers of three materials. The first disk of copper and the last disk of zinc were connected by means of a wire. This connection produced current electricity. The word "volt" comes from Volta, the name of the inventor. Our present day cells and batteries of cells work on the same principle as Volta's dry cell.

Two words the meaning of which you must know are voltage and amperage or volts and amperes. "Voltage" means "force" or "pressure" of an electric current. Before electricity flows there must be force or voltage just as there must be force to move water. Amperage means "amount" of electricity flowing. So electricity flowing is measured by amperes.


   Words and word combinations:

static electricity – статическое электричество

friction - трение

 moisture – влажность, сырость, влага

lightning rod – громоотвод

to set up – устанавливать

disk of copper – медный диск

layer of cloth – кусок ткани(полотна)

voltage – напряжение

amperage –сила тока в амперах

amount – количество

directly – прямо, непосредственно


Lesson 2.


Direct Current

A cell or a battery produces an electric current. The electricity flows out of one terminal or contact and flows back into the other. One terminal is called the positive pole. The other terminal is called the negative pole. The symbols for the poles are + (plus) and — (minus) signs.

That the electricity flows from plus terminal to minus terminal is the conventional way of representing the electricity direction. In recent years it has been proved that electrons flow in the opposite direction.

Both dry cells and storage batteries are sources of direct current. All cells produce a flow of current always flowing in the same direction from the + pole to the - pole. Such current flowing in one direction is called direct current, d.c. for short.


         Words and word combinations:

to represent – представлять

terminal – зажим, клемма

flow out - вытекать

cell – элемент,

source — источник

conventional – обычный, стандартный, общепринятый

for short — для краткости

sign — знак


I. Find the following words and word combinations in the text:

Положительный полюс, в последние годы, сухой элемент, аккумуляторные батареи, в том же направлении, в противоположном направлении, такой ток, постоянный ток, доказывать, поток электронов.

Lesson 3.


Electricity in Cells

A molecule consists of atoms. Each atom has electric charges called electrons, which move around in the atom. A simple cell may be made by putting a plate of copper and a plate of zinc in a glass of water and adding ten percent solution of sulphuric acid. The chemical action takes place on the zinc plate faster than it does on the copper plate, releasing electrons. Electrons in motion produce a current. Thus a direct current may be obtained by attaching terminals to the wires. We get an electric current because of motion of electrons. If the wires are connected to a galvanometer (an instrument for measuring a small movement of current) a small current flow will be shown on this instrument.

So, a cell consists of an electrolyte and two electrodes. Every cell has a positive terminal and a negative one. These terminals are used to connect the battery to the circuit. Since a battery is formed by connecting several cells, it is important to know how these cells should be connected to obtain the desired voltage for a circuit. There are two common ways of connecting cells either in parallel or in series. When cells are connected in series the positive terminal of the first cell is connected to the negative of the second cell. the positive terminal of the second cell - to the negative terminal of the third... and so on.

When cells are connected in parallel their negative terminals are connected together and their positive terminals are also connected.

Parallel wiring of several cells then gives only approximately the same force or voltage as one cell; but it produces approximately the combined amperage of all the cells (see Fig. 3).

In order to increase the voltage output cells should be connected in series. Series wiring is illustrated in Fig. 4.


Words and word combinations:

copper – медь

percent (%) – процент

sulphuric acid– серная кислота

releasing electrons – испускающий электроны

chemical action –химическая реакция

in series – последовательно

in parallel – параллельно

solution - 1)раствор, 2) решение

approximately – приблизительно

to take place – иметь место, происходить


I. Find the following words and word combinations in the text:

Состоять из, электроны в движении, приблизительно, инструмент для измерения,соединяются параллельно (последовательно), цинковая (медная) пластина, два распределенных способа соединения, электрическая цепь, важно знать, испускающий электроны, получит желаемое напряжение, 10 % раствор серной кислоты.


III. Answer the questions.

1. What does a molecule consist of?

2. How may a simple cell be made?

3. How is an electric current produced in a simple cell?

4. What is a cell used for?

5. What does a cell consist of

6. What is the function of the terminal?

7. What instrument is used for measuring a small movement of current?

8. In what way are cells connected in order to increase the amperage?

9. In what way are cells connected in order to increase the voltage output?

10. In what way are the terminals of series cells connected?


Упр. 1.

1. obtain                     1. считать

2. influence                     2. означать

3. attract                     3. упоминать

4. repel                       4. решать

5. generate                       5. вырабатывать

6. mention                       6. планировать

7. mean                       7. отталкивать 

                                    8. влиять

                                    9. получать

10. притягивать


Упр. 2.

1. contain               1. заряжать

2. consist of                     2. желать

3. reduce                3. разряжать

4. insulate              4. представлять

5. supply                5. снабжать

6. discharge                     6. состоять из

7. charge                 7. изолировать

8. требовать

9. сокращать

10. содержать


Упр. 3

1. piece                   1. пластина

2. wire                    2. количество

3. surface      3. вид

4. kind                    4. поверхность

5. friction     5. кусочек

6. amount     6. проволока

7. flow                    7. трение

                                8. поток

                                9. элемент

                                10. батарея


Упр. 4.

1. cell                               1. общий

2. terminal                       2. элемент

3. copper                3. приблизительно

4. circuit                     4. зажим

5. plate                       5. провод

6. common                      6. поток

7. approximately            7. цепь

                                    8. влияние

                                    9. пластина

10. медь


Упр. 5.

1. указывать             1. due to

2. благодаря             2. the same

3. устанавливать           3. some

4.тот же самый             4. to point

5. несколько             5. to take part in

6. иметь место          6. to set up

7.сила                        7. to think

                                    8. to take place

                                    9. force

                                    10. to decide


Упр. 6.

1. отдаваемое напряжение             1. in order to

2. аккумуляторная батарея            2. in series

3. для того чтобы                 3. lines of force

4. из-за                                 4. lightning rod

5. параллельно                        5. storage battery

6. последовательно                6. field of force

7. громоотвод                         7. because of

                                                   8. voltage output

                                                   9. in parallel

                                                   10. just as


Lesson 4.


The Induction Coil

The induction coil is known to consist of two coils wound together but connected separately. The simplest induction coil is illustrated in Fig. 6. One coil is wound about a core with its ends connected in series.

On the outside of the first coil la wound a second coil of fine wire with its ends connected to two carbon rods. We know the inside coil lo be called the primary coil. The outside coil of small wire is called the secondary coil.

One should remember the number of turns on an induction coil determines the change in voltage. For example, an induction coil with a good core has a hundred turns of wire on the primary coil and is connected with a battery. The secondary coil has a thousand turns, or ten times as many turns as on the primary. A six-volt battery forces the electricity through the primary circuit. The secondary coil having ten times as many turns of wire as the primary coil, has approximately ten times many volts, or sixty volts. Anyone who touches both terminals of the secondary coil will receive a shock.


People are known to differ in their "ability" to be shocked by a current of electricity. The nerves and the heart are affected by shock. A shock, which might be fatal to some people, would hardly be felt by others. Also, the electricity in attempting to flow through the body, needs a good connection. Since water is known to conduct electricity, a person may get a severe shock if he is standing on a damp floor or if his hands are wet when in contact with an electric appliance.

The strength of an induction coil proved to depend upon the size of wires used, the number of turns of wire in each coil and the current used. We also consider the strength of an induction coil to depend upon the workmanship of the person making the coil.

Words and word combinations:

induction coil – индукционная катушка

separately - отдельно

wind (wound) – наматывать, обматывать

core – сердечник

turn –виток

approximately – приблизительно

severe – серьезный

strength –сила

to affect –воздействовать

damp –сырой

workmanship – квалификация, мастерство



I. Find in the text the following words and word combinations:

Простейший, наружная катушка, тысяча витков, проводит электрический ток, может получить шок, зависит от мастерства (квалификации), сила индукционной катушки, первичная катушка, способность, тонкий провод, прикасаться к обоим зажимам, серьезный шок.

II. Answer the questions.

1. What does a simple induction coil consist of

2. How do we call the inside coil?

3. How do we coil the coil wound on the outside of the first coil?

4. What will happen if you touch both terminals of flu- secondary coil?

5. Do people differ in their "ability" to be shocked by a current of electricity?

6. May a person gel a severe shock if he is standing on a damp floor?

7. Is it dangerous for a person if his hands arc wet when he is in contact with an electrical appliance?

8. What does the strength of an induction coil depend upon?

Lesson 5.



When two insulated conductors, one of which is charged, are brought into contact, the charge spreads over both con­ductors. The uncharged conductor becomes charged. A larger conductor receives a larger part of the charge. The potential of the two conductors becomes the same as soon as they are brought into contact, but the quantity of electricity is not the same on each. The larger portion of the charge is on the lar­ger conductor.

We say that the conductors have not the same capacity for electricity. The capacity of the conductor depends upon its size.

The capacity of the conductor is measured by the quantity of electricity which must be given to it in order to raise its potential to a given amount.

From this definition it is seen that if the capacity of a con­ductor increases while the quantity of electricity on it remains constant, its potential will become less.  

Condenser. Any arrangement by which the capacity of a conductor is increased artificially is called a condenser.

Words and word combinations:

 capacity - емкость

are brought into contact — приводятся в соприкосновение

the charge spreads over — заряд распространяется по 
as soon as — как только      
is not the same on each — не одно и то же в каждом из них

the larger portion of the charge —большая часть заряда

depends upon its size — зависит от его размера

remains constant — остается постоянным

becomes less — уменьшается

condenser – конденсатор

arrangement – 1) расположение, расстановка;

                 2) схема, приспособление



I. Find in the text the following words and word combinations:

Изолированные проводники, большее количество, количество электричества, емкость, возрастает, увеличивается, конденсатор, искусственно, называется.

II. Answer the questions.

1. What spreads over two conductors, when two insulated conductors are brought into contact?   

2. Does the uncharged conductor become charged?

3. Do the conductors have the same capacity for electricity?

4. What does the capacity of the conductor depend upon?

5. The capacity of the conductor is measured by the quantity of electricity, isn’t it?

6. What is called a condenser?

Lesson 6.


The Simple Transformer

The simple transformer is considered to be a type of induction coil. The transformer "transforms" the current within a c


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