Найдите в тексте 5А предложения с этими словами и переведите их. 

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Найдите в тексте 5А предложения с этими словами и переведите их.

reproduction, reuse, recycling, reprocessing.


Задание 6. Вспомните разные функции слова «one». Найдите в I абзаце предложения с ним и переведите.


Задание 7. Вспомните образование времен групп Perfect и Continuous.

Объясните употребление этих времен в предложениях первого абзаца. Переведите их.


Задание 8. Найдите в тексте 5А предложения с причастиями I и II и герундием. Переведите их.


Задание 9. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих выражений:

неотложная задача (проблема), тесно связаны с, загрязнение окружающей среды, рециркуляция отходов, вторичная перера-ботка, уменьшить загрязнение земли, вредные вещества, защита окружающей среды, программа по изучению данных о..., охрана природы и рациональное использование природных и живых ресурсов.


Задание 10. Подберите соответствующие понятия из колонки В к словарным определениям из колонки А.

A   B
to make dirty (or deseased) thrown away because not wanted; useless; refuse to treat substance already used so that further use is possible.   waste to recycle 3. to pollute (to contaminate)

Задание 11. Переведите выражения и составьте с ними предложения.

One of the pressing problems; to be closely linked to; the relationship between; protection of resources against loss; reprocessing of used materials for reuse.


Задание 12. Из списков А и В образуйте логические словосочетания. Переведите их. Придумайте с ними предложения.

А   B
to be linked the relationship the protection contamination to endanger on the level to protect to develop   the health and lives to ecological problems between living things and environment of resources against loss by harmful substances of world community an international program the environment


Задание 13. Дайте определение следующим понятиям:

ecology, pollution, conservation, recycling.


Задание 14. Почему экологическая проблема является и социальной? Докажите свою точку зрения.

Задание 15. Составьте вопросы к тексту 5А, ответы на которые явились бы ключевыми предложениями текста.

Задание 16. Составьте план текста 5А. К каждому пункту плана выпишите ключевые словосочетания.

Задание 17. Перескажите текст 5А, пользуясь планом и выписанными словосочетаниями.


Text 5B


Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Our air, our water, and our land are all subject to abuse1 as a consequence of industrial activity.

Air is polluted mainly by heating systems and cars. Cities and suburbs2 contain numerous industrial enterprises, automobiles and heating systems, polluting by emissions of harmful dust.

The most promising way to solve the problem of clean air is to improve tehnology to reduce emissions into the atmosphere, to improve city planning to build factories beyond city limits and to make our cities more green: trees play the role of biological filters.

Unlike other natural resources water renews itself due to its constant circulation.

In the economy water is a raw material3 and hardly any type of product is manufactured without it. It has been estimated that industry consumes about 85% of the water in the cities. The use of water leaves it polluted. Newspapers report that all the large rivers in Europe and USA are completely or partially-polluted. Already several hundred cases of ground water pollution have been reported also. This pollution comes from a variety of sources: municipal industrial facilities, oil spills4 and runoff5 from farmlands and construction sites.

The most effective method of protecting the water environment is to shift to a closed production cycle. This offers a triple advantage: saving of water (cleaned, it can be reused), extracting valuable substances from the wastes and ruling out harm to nature.



Notes to the text:

1abuse - злоупотребление, порча, неправильное употребление

2suburbs – пригород, окрестность

3raw material – сырьё

4oil spill – разлив нефти (на поверхности воды)

5runoff – сток


Задание 2. Прочитайте слова, обратив внимание на транскрипцию. Переведите их.

air [ɛə], emission [i’miʃən], atmosphere [‘ætməsfiə], natural [‘nætʃrəl], biological [,baiə’lɔdʒikəl], resources [ri’sɔ:siz], consequence [‘kɔnsikwəns].


Задание 3. Прочитайте текст 5В. Озаглавьте его. Составьте к нему аннотацию. Необходимо уложиться за 10 минут.

Задание 4. Назовите глаголы, от которых образованы следующие существительные. Переведите.

pollution, emission, solution, improvement, production, protection.


Задание 5. Найдите в тексте (II, V, VI абзацы) предложения с причастием II. Прочитайте и переведите.


Задание 6. Вспомните функции слова “it”. Подтвердите примерами из V абзаца текста.


Задание 7. Переведите следующие словосочетания:

water pollution; heating systems; industrial dust; city planning; unlike other resources; ground water pollution; municipal industrial facilities; the water environment; a triple advantage.

Задание 8. Подберите пары синонимов из колонок А и В.Переведите их.

A. a way to contain numerous an enterprise to manufacture to reduce B. to decrease to produce to have many a method a plant


Задание 9. Закончите предложения, пользуясь таблицей

Air Cities Water Rivers is/are polluted by with because of ...


Задание 10. Составьте словосочетания, подобрав к глаголам из списка А соответствующие слова или словосочетания из списка В. Переведите. Составьте с ними предложения.

to improve, to reduce, to build, to make, to report about, to shift to.

emissions, factories, water pollution, cities more green; a closed production cycle, technology.


Задание 11. Закончите схему:

  Methods of  
air protection   water protection


Задание 12. Ответьте на вопросы.

1.What is the text about? 2. What are the types of pollution most commonly associated with industry? 3. How does air become polluted? 4. What are the main water consumers? 5. Why is the problem of pollution becoming a global one? 6. What is common in the solution of water and air problems? 7. What are the ways of solving the air problem? 8. What is the most effective method of protecting the water environment?


Задание 13. Разделите текст 5В на логически законченные части. Озаглавьте их. Запишите заголовки в виде пунктов плана. Передайте содержание текста 5В, пользуясь своим планом.

Text 5C

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст 5С и скажите, какой проблеме он посвящен.

American doctors believe that there is a new illness – earth anxiety1. What is it? It’s anxiety or worry about our environment. One of the main causes of worry is rubbish. Years ago we used to throw things away and not think twice about it. Now people are beginning to learn the facts:

In Britain, each family throws out one tonne of rubbish each year.

America produces 160 mln tonnes of rubbish (they call it garbage) and Russia-150 mln tonnes annually2.

Eventually this can seriously upset the ecological balance. The rapid growth of urban3 centres and their population have created a problem of waste utilization.

Of all domestic wastes4 the greatest trouble is given by plastics. Resisting burning, plastics only melt and release a smoke, poisoning5 the atmosphere.

Scientists are searching for a solution by employing microorganisms. By the end of the 80’s British researchers had grown microbes which convert polychlorvinyl film into carbon6. May be in the near future bacteria will help solve the problem of urban dump.

The disposal of industrial waste directly into the ground is one more great threat facing the environment today. Two – thirds of hazardous waste produced is disposed in or on the land unsafely.

What are we able to do? The right “long–term” ecological answer lies in recycling and low waste and wastefree technology which brings no harm to the environment. The most effective method of waste disposal is to utilize it, or to process it industrially.


Notes to the text:

1anxiety – беспокойство, тревога

2annually – every year

3urban – городской; urban dump – городская свалка

4domestic waste – бытовые отходы

5to poison – отравлять, портить

6carbon – углерод


Задание 2. Найдите в тексте 5С ответы на следующие вопросы:

Почему проблема переработки мусора приобретает в наши дни глобальное значение?

Как решить проблему переработки отходов наиболее «экологически»?

Что значит нейтрализовать отходы биологически?


Задание 3. Прочитайте текст 5С ещё раз. Закончите предложе-ния в соответствии с содержанием текста.

One of the main up-to-date problems is...

The rapid growth of cities and population have created a...

The scientists are searching for...

The most effective methods are...


Задание 4. Кратко передайте содержание текста 5С по-английски.


Text 5D


Задание 1. Переведите письменно текст 5 D со словарём и озаглавьте его.


People everywhere have become aware of a new kind of pollution – noise pollution. The problem has been brought into sharp focus by the discovery that many teenagers have suffered permanent hearing loss following long exposures to amplified rock music and by public concern about the effects of sonic booms caused by supersonic transport.

Noise is usually measured in decibels. The human threshold of hearing is represented by zero decibels. There has been growing evidence that noise in the 90-decibel range may cause irreversible changes in the nervous system. Noise may be a factor in many stress-related diseases, such as peptic ulcer1 and hypertension2.


Notes to the text:

1peptic ulcer – язва желудка

2hypertension – гипертония


Задание 2. Переведите письменно следующий текст и озаглавьте его.


In the mid-1950s Norwegians began to notice that there were fewer and fewer fish in the lakes. Not until the 1960s was the reason discovered: acid rains. It was demonstrated that the local rainwater contained acid, which killed aquatic life.

The main source of these acids is gas emission from coalburning factories and electric utility plants.

The harm made by acid rain is not confined to waterways. It extends to soils and vegetation as well.

The ecological upset caused by the gases first noticed in Norway, soon took on global dimensions.

«Acid rain» has been blamed for damaging lakes and forests in south-eastern Canada and the north-eastern United States.


Text 5E


Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст 5Е. Выполните следующие за ним задания.


Bottom Line Is – Get Involved


Now you know a little about ecological problems mankind faces nowadays.

The 90’s have been dubbed «The environmental decade».

But new laws and higher taxes alone won’t solve the problems. It’s high time to begin as individuals to take responsibility for our personal environmental impact.

Business people sometimes view environmental as a threat. On the other hand more and more firms see environmental responsibility as a necessity. Consumers are demanding it.

One of the most promising new directions is to emphasize prevention as opposed to correction. Pioneering companies are reducing the flow of pollutants into the environment by using alternative materials, changing production techniques, and recycling waste industrially or neutralizing them biologically. In one year du Pont1 reduced its output of waste by 50% in one division and by 35% in another.

Sometimes people say «It seems so hopeless we live in a throwaway society and as individuals we can’t change that. There’s really nothing we can do about these problems, is there? «Yes, there is something you can do». You can be an environmentally responsible citizen, making wise choices as a consumer and actively working to re-shape our society into a sustainable one!

Your role begins with your life style!

Be a green-oriented consumer! Every time you buy a product you «vote» for it. Business only sell those things the public will buy. So by making environmentally sound purchases, you’re increasing the demand for these goods and decreasing the market for products which pollute or deplete resources.

Participate in a green group. If there are environmental action groups on your campus, attend a meeting and, if you like what you hear, join. Try to involve other people: tell the classmates about your group, its goals and how the students can join.

If there are not any groups, start your own one. Talk to like-minded friends and acquaintances and find a core group whose interests, goals and enthusiasm are similar.

Use press, stage demonstrations to draw attention to important environmental issues.

No matter your style, whether you act as an individual or organize a campus-wide group, activism is the key to change.

The bottom line is get involved.


Notes to the text:

1du Pont – Дюпон


Задание 2. Переведите заглавие текста 5Е. Прокомментируйте его.


Задание 3. Разделите текст 5Е на 2 логически завершенные части. Определите главную мысль каждой из них.


Задание 4. Найдите в тексте слова, однокоренные данным, и переведите предложения с ними.

ecology; environment; responsible; necessary; to consume; to pollute; to recycle; to sustain; to produce.


Задание 5. Найдите в тексте 5Е слова:

face, view, pioneer, sound, matter, bottom.

Дайте все возможные варианты их перевода. Определите, в каком значении они употреблены в данном тексте. Переведите предложения с ними.

Задание 6. Найдите в тексте 5Е следующие слова и выражения:

it’s high time; to emphasize prevention as opposed to correction; a throwaway society; an environmentally responsible citizen; life style; like-minded friends; a core group; an environmentally sound purchase; to stage a demonstration; green-oriented consumer.


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