What is the author’s idea? What does he want to warn people against? 

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What is the author’s idea? What does he want to warn people against?

Ex.10 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one using if, unless, otherwise.


If he doesn’t stop smoking, his cough will get worse.

Unless he stops smoking, his cough will get worse. He should stop smoking, otherwise his....

If you don’t go on a diet, you won’t lose weight. You should go on a diet,     

She won’t get better unless she takes regular exercise. If she....

If you don’t stop smoking, your lungs will suffer. You must....

She won’t lose weight unless she goes to the gym. If she..........

If he doesn’t take jogging, he won’t get fit. He won’t.........

He has to take tablets, otherwise he’ll get very tired. If he doesn’t....

You have to go to a sports centre if you want to get fit. You won’t..

You should eat less chocolate, otherwise you’ll put on weight. If you...

Ex. 11 Read the following text and be ready to say what new facts you have learnt about food.

Eat to Be Healthy

Our eating habits affect our feel during the day. What happens if you have no breakfast, or poor breakfast? You are likely to be tired or cross, and, of course, hungry till having lunch.

There is a ring of truth in a well-known saying: «А man is what he eats». Food is a form of fuel. It gives us energy, helps us to grow, resist disease and form strong teeth and bones. No single food can take care of all body's needs. Some foods are better than others in helping make strong muscles. Among them are meat, eggs, fish, and poultry. Some foods are better than others in helping keep bones, teeth, skin, and blood healthy. Among these foods are fruit, vegetables, milk, and cheese.

Fish is considered to be good for brain. People say that carrots are good for eyes. The saying: «An apple a day keeps the doctor away» means that you will be healthy if you eat an apple every day.

There are so many kinds of food - fast food, snacks, junk food - that it may be difficult to follow a healthy diet. Fresh fruit and vegetables are important for a healthy diet. In the past, sailors who went on long sea voyages stayed on their ships for many months without going ashore. They did not get fresh food and so often suffered from a disease called scurvy. Scurvy is caused by a lack of vitamin C, which is found in fruit and vegetables.

In our country, bread is an important part of our everyday food. When we sit down for a meal, there is always bread on the table. For breakfast, we have bread with butter or cheese. Some people have jam or olives. For lunch, we have bread with a meat or vegetable dish. Again at dinner, we eat bread with whatever food there is on the table. When there is rice or potatoes, we have bread, too. My granny says that if there is no bread, there is no food.


strong muscles - крепкие мускулы bones - кости brain - мозг poultry - мясоптицы scurvy - цинга a lack of - недостаток
Eating habits - привычкиведе

To be tired - устать

To be cross - злиться

A ring of truth - доляправды

Fuel - топливо

Toresistdisease - сопротивляться болезни


Ex. 12 Answer the following questions according to the text.

1 What will happen if you have no breakfast?

2 Why do we say that food is a form of fuel?

3 What foods help make strong muscles?

4 What is fish good for?

5 What are carrots good for?

6 Why is it sometimes difficult to follow healthy diet?

7 What disease can be caused by a lack of vitamin C?

8 Is bread important in your everyday food?

9 Why do old people say that there is no food if there is no bread?


Ex. 13 Read the following questions. Use them to begin a conversation with your partner.

1. Do you enjoy going on picnics? Why/Why not?

2. Are you a vegetarian? Why/not? Would you like to be one? Why do people become vegetarians? Do you think it's really necessary for us to eat meat?

3. Do you eat healthy food? Would you like to change your eating habits? Why?

4. Who usually does the cooking in your family? Do you enjoy cooking? What's your favourite dish?

5. Do you like fast food? How often do you eat it? Why is it so popular?

6. Do you like eating in restaurants, or do you prefer eating at home?

7. What is a balanced diet?

8. How does diet affect our health?

9. Have you changed your diet recently?

10. Would you like to change your diet?

Ex.14 Read the following text and fill the gaps with the correct word from the box.

Ventilated air, overweight, harmful, strengthened, condition, lungs,tidy, attention, air

The Laws of Health

There are certain laws of health, which deserve our_ _________, and they are simple to follow.First of all, a constant supply of pure fresh air is indispensable for our body. Every room in thehouse especially the bedrooms should be ________ every day.Secondly, our body should be washed as often as possible. The skin is full of pores, cells,blood vessels and nerves. It breathes the way our ________do. So it should be clean. Also there is agreat charm in one who looks ________and clean.

A certain amount of exercise is necessary to keep the body in perfect ________. All our mental and bodily abilities should be _________by use. Labour and study should succeed each other. It ismost essential to do morning exercises with the windows open or, if possible, in the open _________.Remember that exercises warm, invigorate and purify the body.

Late hours are very ________to the health as they exhaust our nervous system. We should goto bed early and get up early.

We should be moderate in eating to avoid ________and stomach problems.Abstain from excessive drinking as the mind is stupefied by alcohol and both health and character are often ruined.

Ex.15 What essential rules lay the foundations for good health and long life?


Ex.16 Work in pairs. Interview your partner and find out:

1. What he/she does to keep fit

2. What he/she does when he/she falls ill

3. If he/she does any sport or plays sport games

4. If he/she prefers an active/relaxed lifestyle

5. How much time he/she spends watching TV or playing computer games

6.  If he/she tries to cut down the amount of fat and sugar he/she eats

7. If he/she has any bad habits like smoking or drinking

8. What he/she wants to improve in his/her life


Ex. 17 Read the following text, think of a suitable title and give a summary.

Now life has become very active and intensive. People are always busy, always in a hurry. That’s why it is necessary to keep fit. But how? First, let’s discuss what one shouldn’t do to be healthy. It is very important not to take up bad habits. And if you have some bad habits, you must give them up as quickly as possible.

Smoking is one of bad habits. People who smoke catch a cold very easily, as it can turn into bronchitis. Most people who suffer from lung cancer are inveterate smokers. And it tells not only on their health, but it annoys other people. They have to breathe cigarette smoke if they are in one room with the smoker. In many countries smoking is prohibited in public places.

Drinking alcohol is another bad habit. Drunk people can’t control themselves, they can be dangerous for the surrounding people. At the same time they can be easy victims for criminals. Alcohol damages liver and brain. People who start drinking heavily lose their work and ruin their life.

Taking drugs is a big problem now. Many people try them out of curiosity. And then it becomes a habit. Every time a drug addict needs a bigger dose, and drugs are expensive. So it leads to crime: theft or murder. Moreover, drug addicts die young of overdose.

There are other things you should take into consideration if you want to be healthy. First of all, your diet should be balanced. Fatty food and sweets should be limited, vegetables and fruits are preferable. Eat apples and oranges every day. Don’t forget about fish, milk, chicken and cottage cheese.

And of course you need exercises in the morning or jogging in the evening. If you don’t like to get up early, you should attend a fitness club or shaping lessons. Don’t forget about swimming and walking in the fresh air. Going out of town every weekend will do you only good.

It is important to take care of yourself, and it is not very difficult so far.




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