Wheel and tire assembly 

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Wheel and tire assembly

shimmy damper              
- характеристики управляемости

- убирающийся

- закрылок; щиток; предкрылок

- интерцептор

- воздушный тормоз; тормозной щи-


- предкрылок

- опора  шасси; стойка  шасси;  нога


- воздушно-масляный  амортизатор;

воздушно-масляная амортизацион-

ная стойка

- колесный тормоз

- колесо с пневматиком в сборе

- демпфер шимми; гаситель коле-






Найдите в тексте, расшифруйте и переведите сокращения:


acft; fus; a HTA acft; const; spt; nec; flt; sur; gp; vert stblz; horiz stblz; prim con surs; plt; chars.


Найдите в тексте эквиваленты словосочетаний:


основными элементами конструкции являются; независимо от положения самолета в пространстве; выдерживать напряжения; зависеть от требований, предъявляемых к конструкции; создавать большую часть подъемной силы; каркас, выполненный из; придавать профилю крыла форму; изменять положение самолета в пространстве; управлять движением крена; управлять набором высоты и снижением; управлять элеронами и рулем высоты из кабины летчика; управлять с помощью штурвальной колонки; приводить руль направления в движение педалями; врезать триммеры заподлицо в задние кромки; стабилизировать полет при возникновении неустойчивого положения; прилагать усилия к органам управления; шарнирно крепить закрылок; выпускать предкрылок; улучшать управляемость.


3. Выпишите из текста соответствующие термины и заполните табл.2. Термины переведите.

                                                                                                                                Таблица 2

Flight Control Surfaces

Primary Group Secondary Group Auxiliary Group






The principal structural units of an acft consist of the fuselage, wings, flight control surfaces and undercarriage or landing gear.


Рис.2. Principal structural units of the F-16:

1 - nose section - носовой отсек; 2 - canopy - фонарь (кабины); 3 - fuselage forward section - передний отсек фюзеляжа; 4 - slat - предкрылок; 5 - aileron - элерон; 6flap - закрылок; 7 - fuselage aft section - хвостовой отсек фюзеляжа; 8 - all-movable stabilizer - управляемый стабилизатор; 9 - vertical stabilizer - киль, вертикальный стабилизатор; 10 - rudder - руль направления; 11 - trailing edge задняя кромка; 12 - wing tip - законцовка крыла; 13 - wing - крыло; 14 - leading edge - передняя кромка, носок крыла; 15 - landing gear - шасси; 16 - cockpit - кабина летчика


The fus is the main structure of an acft which houses the crew, and sometimes the armament and the power plant. The tail surfaces or empennage and landing gear are attached to it. The fus also contains the pilot cockpit with a canopy.

Regardless of the attitude of an acft, there are always stresses on the fus structure. It must be constructed to withstand all such stresses. Detail design depends upon the function and structural requirements to the acft.



The wings are designed to develop the major portion of the lift of a HTA acft. Wing const is similar in most modern acft. The wing is a framework composed chiefly of spars and ribs covered with metal.


Рис. 3. Wing construction:

1 - spar - лонжерон; 2 - rib - нервюра; 3 - stringer - стрингер


The spars are the main structural members of the wing, extending from the fus to the tip. All the load that is carried by the wing is ultimately taken up by the spars. Ribs give the wing section its shape and also transmit the airload from the wing covering to the spars. They extend from the leading edge to the trailing edge of the wing.

A complete wing assembly consists of the surface providing lift for the spt of the acft, together with the nec flight control surfaces.


Flight Control Surfaces


The flight control surfaces are movable airfoils designed to change the attitude of the acft during flt. These surs may be divided into three groups usually referred to as the primary group, secondary group and auxiliary group.

The primary gp includes the ailerons, elevators and rudder. The ailerons are attached to the trailing edge of the wings and control the rolling motion of the acft. The elevators, attached to the horizontal stabilizer, control the climb or descent (pitching motion). The rudder, attached to the vert stblz, determines the horiz dir of flt (yawing motion).

The ailerons and elevators are generally operated from the cockpit by a control stick or by wheel and yoke assembly. The rudder is operated by foot pedals.


Рис. 4. Principal maneuvers of the aircraft:

1 - pitching motion - движение тангажа; 2 - lateral axis - поперечная ось; 3 - yawing motion - движение рыскания; 4 - vertical axis- вертикальная ось; 5 - longitudinal axis- продольная ось; 6 - rolling motion - движение крена

Included in the secd gp are the trim tabs and spring tabs. Trim tabs are small airfoils recessed into the trailing edges of the prim con surs. The purpose of trim tabs is to enable the pilot to trim out any unbalanced condition which may exist during flight, without exerting any pressure on the prim controls. Each trim tab is hinged to its parent prim con sur, but operated by an independent control. The purpose of spring tabs is to aid the plt in moving the prim con surs.

Included in the auxiliary gp of flt con surs are the wing flaps, spoilers, speed brakes and slats.

Wing flaps are used to give the acft extra lift and are hinged to the trailing or leading edge of the wing.

Spoilers are for the purpose of decreasing wing lift. They are long narrow surs, hinged at their leading edges to the upper sur of the wings.

Speed brakes are hinged surs used for slowing down the speed of an acft and attached to the wings. On some acft they are hinged to the lower sur of the fus.

Slats are movable control surs attached to the leading edges of the wings. When the slat is extended forward, a slot is created between the slat and the leading edge. At low airspeeds this increases lift and improves handling chars.


Landing Gear


The landing gear or undercarriage of an acft consists of main and auxiliary units. The main landing gear contains two landing gear units, one under each side of the fus or one under each wing. The aux unit is located either under the tail or the nose of the acft.

A typical landing gear consists of three retractable landing gear assemblies. Each main landing gear is equipped with a conventional air-oil shock strut, a wheel brake assembly, and a wheel and tire assembly. The nose landing gear is equipped with a conventional air-oil shock strut, a shimmy damper, and a wheel and tire assembly.




1. Ответьте на вопросы.


1. What are the principal structural units of an aircraft?

2. What structural units are attached to the fuselage?

3. What is the construction of an aircraft wing?

4. What does a complete wing assembly consist of?

5. What are flight control surfaces designed for?

6. What groups are flight control surfaces divided into?

7. What flight control surfaces belong to the primary group?

8. What are the functions of the ailerons, elevators and rudder?

9. What is the difference between the trim tabs and spring tabs?

10. What flight control surfaces belong to the auxiliary group?

11. What are the wing flaps (spoilers, speed brakes, slats) used for?

12. What does the landing gear consist of?

13. What is the main landing gear (nose landing gear) equipped with? 

Переведите словосочетания.


основные элементы конструкции самолета; to house the crew, armament and power plant; кабина летчика с фонарем; to withstand stresses on the fuselage structure; предназначаться для создания подъемной силы ЛА тяжелее воздуха; variable-sweep wing; каркас из лонжеронов и нервюр, покрытый металлической обшивкой; spars extend from the fuselage to the tip; придавать форму профилю крыла; flight control surfaces; управлять движением крена с помощью элеронов; horizontal stabilizer with elevators; руль направления, смонтированный на киле; auxiliary wing control surfaces; шасси состоит из трех убирающихся опор.



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