Modal Verbs and Their Equivalents 

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Modal Verbs and Their Equivalents

I.     1 must 2 may 3 must 4 can 5 may 6must 7 must 8 must 9 must 10 can


1. We could (were able to) help / will be able to help

2. I could (was able to) do / will be able to do

3. She could (was able to) translate / will be able to translate

4. He could (was able to)go / will be able to translate

5. They could (were able to) read / will be able to read

6. I had to (was to) do / shall have to do

7. He had to (was to) do / will have to do

8. You had to (were to) learn / will have to learn

9. You had to (were to) walk / will have to walk

10. She had to (was to) do / will have to do


III.   1 c 2 d 3 a b 4 e 5 d 6 f 7 c b 8 c

IV.    1 a 2 e 3 b 4 d 5 f 6 c 7 d

V.       1 b 2 c 3 b

VI. 1 d 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 e

VII.  1 b 2 e 3 d 4 h 5 c 6 f 7 a 8 g


1. I must go there at once.

2. Children mustn’t take matches.

3. We must go there tomorrow.

4. Must I go there? – Yes, you must. – No, you needn’t.

5. She must be about fifty.

6. He must be at home now.

7. He must know her address.

8. She must have lost your address.

9. You must have left your book at the institute.

10. You must do it.



1. Кто может перевести это предложение?

2. Ты мог говорить по-английски год назад?

3. Я думаю, они смогут дойти до деревни до наступления темноты.

4. Ты можешь идти, я закончу работу сам(а).

5. Каждый инженер должен знать хотя бы один иностранный язык.

6. Ваш сын должен оставаться в постели, т.к. он все еще болен.

7. Ему не разрешили заходить в концертный зал после третьего звонка.

8. Он должен был оставаться в офисе, пока не закончит доклад.

9. В аудитории курить не разрешается.

10. Вы знаете студента, который должен делать доклад?



1. The box is heavy. The boy cannot lift it.

2. Must we attend all the lectures?

3. The room is dark. We cannot work in it.

4. We must not be late for our classes.

5. The apples are green. We cannot eat them.

6. May I try to read this text again?

7. I must get up early on week days.

8. May I take your pencil for a minute?

9. We were to meet at the station at 6.

10. You should take a taxi if you don’t want to be late.


Passive Voice

I. 1a 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 c

II. 1b 2b 3a 4b 5b 6b


1. Eго часто отправляют в командировки за границу

2. Ребенка отведут к родителям.

3. Профессору Брауну обычно задают много вопросов после лекций

4. Какие вопросы обсуждаются во время деловых бесед?

5. Обычно почту приносят в офис утром.

        6. Наше оборудование экспортируется в различные страны

        7. Ножи обычно делают из стали.


IV.    2 3 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 14

V.          1 b 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 b 6 a 7 b

VI.   1 will be constructed; 2 was constructed; 3 constructed; 4 are constructed; 5 is being constructed; 6 has been constructed; 7 had been constructed; 8 was being constructed; 9 will have been constructed; 10 construct.


VII.     1 are sold; 2 was seen; 3 told; 4 was told; 5 will be shown; 6 will be finished; 7 will be taken; 8 booked; 9 are built;10 was founded


1. Его всегда слушают с большим вниманием.

2. Мои часы спешат, на них нельзя положиться.

3. Почему над ним смеялись?

4. Вчера я посмотрел фильм, о котором так много говорят.

5. В доме никто не жил.



1. Ему показали дорогу до станции.

2. Не входите в комнату! Там экзаменуют студента.

3. Мои часы сделаны из стали.

4. Когда она вернулась домой, ей рассказали новость.

5. Эти книги продаются повсюду.

6. Так как мои часы были сломаны, я был вынужден купить новые.

7. Крыша моего дома покрашена зеленым (цветом).

8. Письмо только что напечатали.

9. Новый фильм демонстрируют (-ется) во всех больших кинотеатрах Москвы.

10.  Контракт будет подписан к 5 часам.



        1. These documents were brought in the morning.

2. I’m often sent on business to Germany.

        3 A new film will be shown tomorrow.

4. We were asked a lot of questions at the conference.

5. The flowers were watered in the morning.

6. The contract will be signed next week.

7. We get letters from foreign firms every day.

8. The roof will be painted brown.

 9. The children of Sparta were given a military education.

10. Usually the students are examined in this room.


Reported speech, Sequence of tenses



I.   1 a 2 b 3 a 4 c 5 c 6 b 7 c

II.   1 b 2 c 3 b 4 b 5 c 6 c 7 b  

III. 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 b 5 a 6 b 7 b 8 b 9 b 10 b


IV.    1 watched TV 2 forgot 3 had left 4 was interested 5 collected 6 had received 7 had been 8 had arrived 9 should be busy 10 would come


V.    1 a 2 b 3 b 4 b 5 a



1. Father asked his son to pass him the sugar.

2. I asked/ told Mike to send me a telegram as soon as he arrived

3. Mother asked / told us not to be late for dinner.

4. Jane asked us to tell her all we knew about it.

5. She asked Nick not to say anything about it / …to say nothing about it

6. Robert asked Henry to help him with that work.

7. Mother told her son not to forget to buy a bottle of milk.

8. Jane asked Alice to come to see her.

9. Nick’s mother told him not to eat much ice-cream.

10. The man told Kate not to be afraid of his dog.


1. I asked the man if/whether he was living in a hotel.

2. Jack asked his friend if/whether he had sent her a telegram the day before.

3. He asked me if/whether I should see my friends before I left St.Petersburg.

4. She asked me if/whether I was listening to her

5. I asked her if/whether she could give me their address.

6. I asked my mother if/whether somebody had come to see me.

7. Mary asked Peter if/whether he would show his photo to Dick.



1. I asked him how long he was going to stay there.

2. I asked him how long it would take him to get there.

3. They asked him what time the train started.

4. Ann asked Mike when he left London.

5. She asked Sally what she would do after dinner.

6. Adam asked me where I had seen such trees.

7. Mother asked me who had brought that parcel.

8. Peter asked his friends when they were leaving St.Petersburg.

9. I asked him when he had come home the day before.

10. Mary asked Tom what time he would come there the next day.




1. Он знал, что ты болен.

2. Он знал, что ты был болен.

3. Мы обнаружили, что она всегда выходит из дома в 8 часов утра.

4. Мы обнаружили, что она всегда выходила из дома в 8 часов утра.

5. Мы не знали, куда уходят наши соседи  каждый вечер.

6.  Мы не знали, куда ушли наши соседи.

7.  Она сказала, что ее лучший друг–врач.

8. Она сказала, что ее лучший друг был врачом.

9. Я не знал, что ты работаешь в Эрмитаже.

10. Я не знал, что ты работал в Эрмитаже




1. Our grandmother said that she wanted to visit us herself.

2. We knew that she was very busy.

3. Nobody knew that you were waiting there. Let’s go into the house.

4. She was sure that her mother would give her some advice.

5. The secretary didn’t notice that the director was speaking to somebody.

6. He told me yesterday that his father was a businessman and lived in Moscow.

7. Last week we decided that the following summer we should go to the Crimea.


Conditional sentences

I.   1 c 2 c 3 b 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 b

II.   1 a 2a 3 b

III.   1 a 2 b 3 c 4 f 5 e  6 d


IV.    1 rains, 2 will play; 3 had asked; 4 is; 5 give; 6 did;  

7 had known; 8 were; 9 snows; 10 didn’t know.




1. If you took this medicine, it would do you good.

2. If she took bus 15 she would get there in a quarter of an hour.

3. If you got to know them well you would like them.

4. If he went out without his coat on he would catch cold.

5. If you got down to business at once you would finish the job today.

6. If he finished his work, he would go to the concert.

7. If the weather kept fine we should stay in the country for a week.


1. If it were not so awfully hot, we should go swimming.

2. If it were not a nasty day they would go to gather mushrooms.

3. If I had not a bad headache, I should do the translation tonight.

4. If it were not cold, they would go for a walk.

5. If you didn’t work systematically, you would not pass your examination.

6. If I couldn’t get a ticket, I should not go to the Philharmonic.

7. If my friend were too busy he would not go to the concert.



1. The theatre would have been packed if the audience had liked the performance.

2. He would have got(ten) to the museum quicker if he had gone there by taxi.

3. If you had arrived a few minutes earlier you would have met him.

4. If it had stopped raining we would have gone out.

5. I should have gone down to the country if the weather had been fine.

6. If she had read a lot she would have made good progress in her studies.

7. If you had read his last book it would have impressed you greatly.



1. If the leading actress had not made a great impression on the audience, everybody would not have applauded.

2. If he had had anything to declare he would have to pay customs duties.

3. If he had not booked room in advance it would have been difficult to get room in the hotel.

4. If I had had enough information I could have finished the article.

5. If he had not been so tired on Sunday he would have joined us.

6. If it hadn’t been cold our children would have played outside.

7. If you had asked him he would have helped you.



1. Если бы ты принял вчера лекарство, температура бы упала.

2. Он бы сделал эту работу, если бы у него было время.

3. Они бы не пропустили поезд, если бы отправились на станцию прямо сейчас.

4. Если ты мне позвонишь, я тебе что-то расскажу.

5. Если бы он не помог нам вчера, проект не был бы закончен.

6. Если не будет дождя, мы будем работать в саду.

7. Если бы у нас было время, мы бы могли пойти осматривать достопримечательности завтра утром.




1. If I come home early I shall be able to write my report today.

2. If you had come to the conference yesterday, you would have met with a well-known English writer.

3. If he had taken a taxi he would have come in time.

4. If I had his telephone number, I should easily settle this matter with him.

5. If I know the time of his arrival, I shall meet him at the station.

6. If I had a good dictionary I should translate this text.

7. If you learn the rule you will write the test-paper successfully.

8. If you had rung me up, I should have told you something.

9. If you ring me up, I shall tell you something.

10. If I lived in Moscow, I should visit the Tretyakov Gallery every year.

Revision tests:

I.  1 b 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 c 6 a 7 c 8 c  

II.   1 c 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 a 6 a 7 c 8 c 9 a 10 b

III.   1 a 2 c 3 b 4 b 5 c 6 c 7 a 8 c 9 b 10 c 11 c 12 a 13 c  

IV.   1 b 2 c 3 c 4 c 5 c 6 b 7 c 8 a 9 a 10 b

 V. 1 a 2 b 3b 4 a 5 a 6 d 7 b 8 a 9 e 10 a

VI. 1 had 2 have seen 3 was talking 4 are you going 5 don’t drop 6 go out 7 hasn’t eaten 8 is doing 9 was shining… were singing 10 don’t study

VII. 1 wrote 2 have been 3 am getting ready 4 work 5 have just finished 6 am writing 7 don’t only study 8 went 9 saw 10 was called 11 have you seen 12 hope 13 had 14 am trying 15 are 16 write


1. Health and happiness are more important than money.

2. I don’t like tea with sugar.

3. I’ve just read a very interesting book. I can give it to you if you want (like).

4. Is he going to pass the exam? He doesn’t even open the textbook.

5. When I returned home my parents were already sleeping.

6. Are you hungry? - Yes, I am. I haven’t had dinner yet.

7. I’ve never been to a big city.

8. What are you going to do tonight? – I haven’t decided yet.

9. Have you got any relatives in St Petersburg? – Yes, I have. My cousin lives there.

10. What language is she speaking? I can’t understand anything. (I can understand nothing).





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