Функциональная характеристика побудительных предложений 

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Функциональная характеристика побудительных предложений


Проанализировав повелительные предложения с точки зрения коммуникативной установки, мы выявили несколько слоев концепта волеизъявление/повеление.

Концепт волеизъявление относится к разряду сегментных концептов, имеющих базовый слой и несколько сегментов. Базовый слой включает такие когнитивные признаки, как категоричность, облигаторность, социальная маркированность, которые образуют вместе с ним центральный образ волеизъявления, существующий в нашем сознании. К сегментам концепта относятся: приказ, запрещение, угроза, предупреждение, инструкция, просьба, приглашение к совместному действию, совет, или рекомендация.

Концепт "волеизъявление" представляет собой строго структурированную категорию, имеющую центр, или ядро, и периферию, где располагаются элементы, обладающие характерными свойствами в наименьшей степени, чем элементы, находящиеся в центре.

. Языковой материал позволил определить, что базовый слой концепта образует сегмент приказ, который, обладая когнитивными признаками концепта: категоричностью, облигаторностью и социальной маркированностью, выражает непосредственное побуждение к выполнению определенного действия. Данный сегмент, помимо перечисленных признаков, имеет также темпоральный фактор, который уточняет действие по времени его исполнения. Например:

"All right then. Sit down. Let him alone. " [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 21]

Hide, and let them pass. [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 145]

" Shut up. " [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 18]

"Choir! Stand still!" [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 21]

"A11 right, choir. Take off your togs." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 23]

Speak up!" [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 32]

" Let him have the conch!" shouted Piggy. " Let him have it!" [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 32]

" Tell us about the snake-thing." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 32]

" Shut up! Wait! Listen! " [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 34]

" A fire! Make a fire! " [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 34]once half the boys were on their feet. Jack clamored among them, the conch forgotten. " Come on! Follow me! " [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 34]turned fiercely. " You shut up! " [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 37]

"No. You two come with me. " [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 50]

"Samneric. Get me a coconut. An empty one." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 51]

Come back! Come back! " [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 54]

" Back to the shelter -" [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 83]

"He's coming to see if we're keeping watch. Quick, Ralph!" [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 141]

"You must introduce me now," cried Lord Henry, laughing. [Wilde Oscar. The Picture of Dorian Gray, 12]

"Up! Get up! Now!" Harry woke with a start. His aunt rapped on the door again. [Rowling J. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, 8]

"Well, get a move on, I want you to look after the bacon. And don't you dare let it burn, I want everything perfect on Duddy's birthday." [Rowling J. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, 9]! Look at your hands. And look at your mouth. What is that truck?" [Twain Mark. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, 4]

"My! Look behind you, aunt!" [Twain Mark. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, 5]

Get away from here!" [Twain Mark. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, 9]the stabboard! Ting-a-ling-ling! Stop the labboard! Come ahead on the stabboard! Stop her! Let your outside turn over slow! Ting-a-ling-ling! Chow-ow-ow! Get out that head-line! Lively now! Come -- out with your spring-line -- what're you about there! Take a turn round that stump with the bight of it! Stand by that stage, now -- let her go! Done with the engines, sir! Ting-a-ling-ling! Sh't! s'h't! sh't!" (trying the gauge-cocks). [Twain Mark. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, 13-14]

2. Следующую позицию занимает сегмент запрещение, который, также обладая основными когнитивными признаками, выражает отрицательный приказ и имеет, соответственно, отрицательную форму репрезентации в языке. Запрещение чаще всего выражается отрицательной формой модальных или смысловых глаголов. Например:

"Now ain't you ashamed, Tom. You mustn't be so bad. Water won't hurt you." [Twain Mark. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, 22]

"Tell the gentleman your other name, Thomas," said Walters, "and say sir. You mustn't forget your manners." [Twain Mark. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, 28]

"You turn your face away so you can't see, and then I will. But you mustn't ever tell anybody -- will you, Tom? Now you won't, will you?" [Twain Mark. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, 47]

"Now, Becky, it's all done -- all over but the kiss. Don't you be afraid of that -- it ain't anything at all. Please, Becky." And he tugged at her apron and the hands. [Twain Mark. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, 48]

" No grownups!" [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 12]

"Green candles," said Jack contemptuously. "We can't eat them. Come on." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 28]

"And another thing. We can't have everybody talking at once. Well have to have 'Hands up' like at school." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 30]

You can't tell what he might do." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 120]

"You can't come. " [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 24]

"You can't go out -it's horrible!" [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 76]

"I'm chief. I’ll go. Don t argue. " [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 88]

"We can't leave the littluns alone with Piggy. Not all night." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 89]

"We can't spare more than one." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 89]

"So we can't have a signal fire.... We're beaten." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 95]

"Harry, don't talk like that. As long as I live, the personality of Dorian Gray will dominate me. You can't feel what I feel. You change too often." [Wilde Oscar. The Picture of Dorian Gray, 11]

"In the car crash when your parents died," she had said. "And don't ask questions." [Rowling J. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, 9]

3. Далее находится сегмент угроза, отличающийся от -приказа и запрещения отсутствием социальной маркированности и эксплицитно выраженного темпорального фактора.

После сегмента "угроза" располагается сегмент "предупреждение", имеющий менее категоричный характер и носящий рекомендательный характер.

"That's realty dirty. If you're taken short you go right along the beach to the rocks. See?" [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 62]

"There's too much talking out of turn," Ralph said, "because we can't have proper assemblies if you don't stick to the rules." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 69]there's a beast, we'll hunt it down! [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 70]

"You'll get hurt." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 127]

"Shhh!" hissed Professor McGonagall, "you'll wake the Muggles!" [Rowling J. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, 7]

4. Сегмент инструкция занимает удаленную позицию от центра концепта в силу некатегоричного выражения побуждения и отсутствия темпорального фактора.

"I'm chief. We've got to make certain. [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 83]

" Someone's got to go across the island and tell Piggy we’ll be back after dark." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 89]

"You two follow behind. I’ll go first, then Piggy a pace behind me. Keep your spears ready." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 130]

5. Более удаленное от рассматриваемых сегментов положение занимает сегмент просьба. Для этого сегмента характерно менее категоричное побуждение и относительное равенство социального положения говорящего и слушающего. Данный компонент имеет общее категориальное значение концепта "волеизъявление" - побуждение к действию, но отличается от прототипического компонента степенью облигаторности действия и языковыми средствами выражения побуждения. Чаще всего просьба выражается с помощью вводного please. Например:

"But, Merridew. Please, Merridew... can't we?" [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 21]

"Ralph! Please-Ralph!" [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 53]

"We're all drifting and things are going rotten. At home there was always a grownup. Please, sir; please, miss; and then you got an answer. How I wish!" [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 72]

"I don't mind going, said Jack hotly. "Ill go when we get there. Won't you? Would you rather go back to the shelters and tell Piggy?" [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 90]

Please help me," [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 157]

Lord Henry smiled and looked at Dorian Gray. "Am I to go, Mr. Gray?" he asked.

"Oh, please don't, Lord Henry. I see that Basil is in one of his sulky moods, and I can't bear him when he sulks. Besides, I want you to tell me why I should not go in for philanthropy." [Wilde Oscar. The Picture of Dorian Gray, 13]

"Just turn your head a little more to the right, Dorian, like a good boy," said the painter, deep in his work and conscious only that a look had come into the lad's face that he had never seen there before. [Wilde Oscar. The Picture of Dorian Gray, 15]

. На периферии категории располагается сегмент приглашение к совместному действию, обладающий основным категориальным значением концепта, и имеющий особый способ языковой реализации (при помощи сочетания let с объектным местоимением, с использованием модальных глаголов в сочетании с местоимением we, глаголами в повелительном наклонении).

" We ought to draw a map," said Ralph, "only we haven't any paper." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 26]

" We got to find the others. We got to do something." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 17]

"I agree with Ralph. We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're English, and the English are best at everything. So we've got to do the right things." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 37]

"I said before we'll be rescued sometime. We've just got to wait, that's all." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 38]

" We've got to start the fire again." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 88]

Jack says: " We've got to decide about being rescued." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 22]

" Let's have a fort." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 82]

" Let's stay here-" [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 83]

" We've got to start the fire again." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 88]you want to join my tribe come and see us. [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 106]

"Then we must go as we are," said Ralph, "and they won't be any better." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 129]

7. Наиболее удаленное положение от центра категории занимает сегмент рекомендация или предложение. Этот компонент не выражает прямого побуждения к действию, соответственно, не категоричен, при этом и социальное, и возрастное положение участников коммуникации может быть равным. Основное значение сегмента "рекомендация" сводится к высказыванию мнения о целесообразности действия, выполнение которого является лишь желательным для адресата.

"Didn't you want to go in a-swimming, Tom?" [Twain Mark. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, 6]you see," said Ralph, " we need hunters to get us meat. And another thing." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 30]

"We need shelters." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 43]

"If it rains likewhen we dropped in well need shelters all right. And then another thing. We need shelters because of the-" [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 43]

"The thing is: we need an assembly." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 61]

"We need an assembly. Not for fun. Not for laughing and falling off the log"- [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 61]

" Someone's got to look after them." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 77]

"We’ll eat first. Then go." Ralph paused. " We'd better take spears." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 79]

"Ralph-we need meat even if we are hunting the other thing." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 85]

"Now we can't have the fire up there-because we can't have the fire up there-we need more people to keep it going. [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 107] we must keep the fire burning. The fire's the most important thing on the island, because, because-" [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 107]

"Perhaps," said the chief. A theological speculation presented itself. " We'd better keep on the right side of him, anyhow. You can't tell what he might do." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 120]need more wood already, even when it's wet." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 121]put the conch back on the shining log. " We better eat and then get ready." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 128]

"Then why won't you exhibit his portrait?" asked Lord Henry. [Wilde Oscar. The Picture of Dorian Gray, 8]

"It certainly seems so," said Dumbledore. "We have much to be thankful for. Would you care for a lemon drop?" [Rowling J. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, 5]

"We could phone Marge," Uncle Vernon suggested. [Rowling J. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, 10]

"You could just leave me here," Harry put in hopefully (he'd be able to watch what he wanted on television for a change and maybe even have a go on Dudley's computer). [Rowling J. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, 10]

Особенностями литературного текста обусловлены такие примеры, где можно выявить сочетание слоев исследуемого концепта, встречающихся в одном отрывке. Например, в следующем примере можно проследить сочетание 1) приказа; 2) приглашение к совместному действию; 3) инструкции.

"1) Listen, everybody. I've got to have time to think things out I can't decide what to do straight off. If this isn't an island we might be rescued straight away. 2) So we've got to decide if this is an island. 1) Everybody must stay round here and wait and not go away. 3) Three of us-if we take more we'd get all mixed, and lose each other - three of us will go on an expedition and find out. I`ll go, and Jack, and, and...." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 23-24]

Или же такое сочетание, как 1) приглашение к совместному действию; 2) приказ;

"1) We've got to have special people for looking after the fire. Any day there may be a ship out there"-he waved his arm at the taut wire of the horizon-"and if we have a signal going they'll come and take us off. And another thing. 2) We ought to have more rules. Where the conch is, that's a meeting. The same up here as down there." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 37]

В следующем примере наблюдается сочетание 1) приказа с 2) предложением.

"1) Shut up," said Ralph absently. He lifted the conch. "Seems to me 2) we ought to have a chief to decide things." [Golding W. Lord Of The Flies, 22]




Проанализировав теоретический и практический материал на заданную тему, мы достигли следующих результатов:

· рассмотрены дефиниции понятия "предложение" в лингвистике, сформулированные различными теоретиками;

· дана общая характеристика английского предложения, опираясь на труды зарубежных и отечественных лингвистов;

·   рассмотрены типы предложений по их коммуникативной установке;

·   рассмотрены структурные типы английских предложений;

·   проанализированы особенности структуры повелительных предложений в английском языке. Наиболее часто встречаются полные и эллиптические повелительные предложения с глаголами в повелительном наклонении или с использованием модальных глаголов;

·   изучены функциональные особенности побудительных предложений в английском языке в тексте художественной литературы. Среди наиболее часто встречающихся примеров в анализируемых текстах можно отметить выражение приказа, запрета и сочетание слоев концепта волеизъявление в одном отрывке или даже одном предложении.




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