Find in Text Four and copy out phrases in which the preposition or adverb 'up' is used. Translate the phrases into Russian. 

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Find in Text Four and copy out phrases in which the preposition or adverb 'up' is used. Translate the phrases into Russian.

10.Fill in "up" or "down" where necessary:

l.~My sister was very ill and I had to sit... all night with her. 2. This little stream never dries.... 3. You have worked very well so far, keep it.... 4. You have got the story all mixed.... 5. I brushed... my recollections of the map of England. 6. I'll clear... this.mess. 7. A heavy snowfall held... the trains from the North. 8.1 came... to the country cottage for the week-end. 9. They went... the squeak­ing stair. 10. A red tractor crawled slowly... and... a large field. 11. Don't turn... the corners of the pages of your books.

11.Translate the following sentences into English. Pay attention to the prep­ositions:

1. В пять утра я была уже на ногах и, не теряя времени, принялась за работу. 2. Повесьте ваше пальто здесь, я покажу вам, как пройти в его комнату. 3. Я подняла носовой платок. Это не ваш? 4. Ее родите­ли умерли, когда она еще была маленькой, и ее воспитала тетя. 5. Мальчик перевернул ящик вверх дном, и игрушки рассыпались по всему полу. 6. Я не ложилась всю ночь и сейчас с ног валюсь от уста­лости. 7. Давайте поднимемся на этот холм, оттуда очень красивый вид на реку. 8. Я неважно себя чувствую, пожалуй, я пойду прилягу. 9. Я не люблю смотреть вниз с большой высоты, у меня кружится го­лова. 10. Лучше запишите мой адрес в записную книжку, вы можете потерять этот листок бумаги. 11. Радио говорит слишком громко, приглуши его.

12.a) Give the Russian equivalents for the following English proverbs and sayings, b) Make up situations to illustrate their meanings:

1. A friend's frown is better than a foe's smile. 2. An empty sack cannot stand upright. 3. Borrowed garments never fit well. 4. Faults are thick where love is thin. 5. Love will creep where it may not go.



Topical Vocabulary

1. Basic principles: to bring up (raise) children, to avoid pitfalls, the formative years, to progress (regress) in one's development, stunted development, physical and mental development, to en­courage a child, to let children grow naturally, to treat children like..., to develop more quickly than previous generations, to gain independence from parents, to grow up, to be mature, an effective approach, a peaceful and relaxed manner.

2. Basic qualities: love, security, care, affection, respect, pa­tience, reassurance, happy home backgrounds, responsible adults, not to feel neglected, to be sensitive to one's feelings, to be too wise to argue, to speak firmly, to be consistent, to be fair, to have no favourites, to show much patience (plenty of love).

3. Handling children: to have full faith in, to keep anger under control, capacity to restrain anger, to cause enormous damage, not to force one's will on a child, to avoid labelling children (stupid, sil­ly, foolish), to listen to children with understanding and sympathy, to win smb. over, to avoid statements (comments) which can create arguments and tension, to shake smb.'s confidence, to offend smb.'s self-respect, to prevent crises.

4. Atmosphere: friendly, not authoritarian, dignified, uncom­fortable, embarrassing, an atmosphere of calm and quiet, to let steam off, to put fat in the fire, to lose one's temper, not to create tension (s), to be said in the heat of the moment.

5. Praise: direct praise of personality, realistic (idealized) pic­ture of smb.'s personality, to exaggerate praise out of all propor­tion, to give a realistic picture of a child's accomplishments, to concentrate on a child's strength and not his weakness, to keep away from general remarks about anyone's personality.

6. Punishment: to scream and yell at, not to hit children, to be bound to lose, spanking, to cause mental illnesses (psychological damage), to beat the daylights out of smb., to shake the life out of smb., to be ashamed of oneself, the best way to criticize, to say nothing, a direct reprimand, to answer back, a beating, to lock chil­dren up, not to speak with a child deliberately, to ignore a child, an undesirable form of punishment, sarcasm, to work out all sorts of schemes for revenge, to tell smb. off (to give smb. a telling off).

7. Discipline. Behaviour. Manner: to discipline smb., a way of teaching politeness, to be punctual, to interrupt a conversation, to get quarrelsome, the art of living together, to lead to frayed nerves for days on end, to develop a conscience in smb., not a word of blame, not to impose anything on children, to encourage inner de­velopment, to give children a choice, to heighten smb.'s self-confi- dence, a beneficial and corrective influence on smb., to leave a de­cision to the child, to teach smb. manners.

8. Children's reaction: to live up to smb.'s expectation, to do smth. on purpose, to have admonitions and warnings, to be encour­aged to ask questions, to be curious and inquisitive, to learn by im­itation, to feel part of the family, to hate questions which try to trap, to be pushed into making up lies, to choose between telling a lie or giving embarrassing answers, to appreciate smth, to be- coifte full of resentment, to become a nuisance (resentful, spirit­less, delinquent).



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