I.   the verb: a general outline 

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I.   the verb: a general outline

I.                   THE VERB: A GENERAL OUTLINE

I. 1. The General Meaning of the Verb.

The verb is a part of speech which denotes an action (“walk”, “speak”, “play”), process (“sleep”, “wait”, “live”) or relation (“consist”, “resemble”, “lack”).


I. 2. The Grammatical Categories of the Verb in English.

Here are the grammatical categories of the English verb:



Finite forms


Non-finite forms (Infinitive, Gerund, Participle I (the Present   Participle), Participle II (the Past Participle))


Finite forms always perform the function of the predicate of the sentence. They have the following grammatical categories:


 1. PERSON → 1s t vs. 2nd vs. 3rd

 2. NUMBER → Singular (sg) vs. Plural (pl)

 3. TENSEPast vs. Present vs. Future

 4. ASPECTContinuous vs. Non-continuous

  5. PHASEPerfect vs. Non-perfect

 6. VOICEActive vs. Passive

  7. MOODIndicative vs. Imperative vs. Oblique * (Subjunctive I, Subjunctive II

                                                                                     Suppositional & Conditional)  


  * According to Academician V.V. Vinogradov’s conception.


Non-finite forms perform a variety of functions in the sentence. *


  * Non-finite forms are to be looked into in the corresponding part of this work. Here we just mention their functions.


The infinitive may be the subject, the predicative (i.e. part of a compound predicate), the object, the attribute, the adverbial modifier of purpose or result. Cases when it may be treated as the predicate of the sentence are very few.

The infinitive has the following grammatical categories:

  1. ASPECTContinuous vs. Non-continuous

  2. PHASEPerfect vs. Non-perfect

 3. VOICEActive vs. Passive

Gerund may be the subject, the predicative (i.e. part of a compound predicate), the object, the attribute, the adverbial modifier of time, manner, cause, attending circumstances and some others. Its grammatical categories are:

  1. PHASEPerfect vs. Non-perfect

 2. VOICEActive vs. Passive

Participle I (the Present Participle) may be part of a Continuous Tense verb-form, the attribute or the adverbial modifier of time, manner, cause, attending circumstances and some others. Here are its grammatical categories:

  1. PHASEPerfect vs. Non-perfect

 2. VOICEActive vs. Passive


Participle II (the Past Participle) may be part of a Perfect Tense verb-form, part of a Passive Voice verb-form, the attribute or the adverbial modifier of time, manner, condition, concession. It has no grammatical categories, i.e. it is unchangeable.


I. 3. Basic Verb Forms.

Following the list of the grammatical categories of the verb-forms, we can make up a set of all possible grammatical forms of a verb – the so-called “grammatical paradigm of a verb”.

Here is the paradigm of the finite forms of the verb “give” (an irregular verb) (Indicative Mood only): “I give. ” “He gives. ” “I am giving. ” “He is giving. ” “We are giving. ” “I have given. ” “He has given. ” “I have been giving. ” “He has been giving. ” “I am given. ” “He is given. ” “We are given. ” “I am being given. ” “He is being given. ” “We are being given. ” “I have been given. ” “He has been given. ” “I gave. ” “I was giving. ” “They were giving. ” “I had given. ” “I had been giving. ” “I was given. ” We were given. ” “I was being given. ” “We were being given. ” “I had been given. ” “I shall give. ” “He will give. ” “I shall be giving. ” “He will be giving. ” “I shall have given. ” “They will have given. ” “I shall be given. ” “He will be given. ” “I shall have been given. ” “He will have been given. ”     


Can you explain the grammatical meaning of the given verb-forms?

The present paradigm enables us to single out the three basic verb-forms used to build all possible synthetic and analytical verb-forms: 1. “give” – the plain stem of the verb (the infinitive without the particle “to”), 2. “gave” – the Past Simple Tense form, 3. “given” – the Past Participle form.

On top of these, some grammarians also mention the fourth verb-form as well – 4. “giving” – the Present Participle form, but it can hardly be termed basic since it is made up after the pattern “give + -ing”.

N.B. Regular verbs have homonymous forms of the 2nd (the Past Simple Tense) and the 3rd (the Past Participle) forms. They are built up after the pattern “V + -ed”, e.g. “wish – wished – wished”.



Напр.,  S hall I / we / be at home at 6 o’clock? – Yes, I shall.

                                                                          – No, I shall not (shan ' t).   


WILL +Подлежащее 3-го лица единственного, или 2-го или 3-го лица множественного числа + BE                                 

Напр., Will he / she / it / you / they / be quiet? – Yes, he / she / it / you / they will.

                                                         – No, he / she / it / you / they will not (won't).   


N.B.: Следующая модель также возможна в наши дни:


WILL + Подлежащее 1-го лица единственного илимножественного числа + BE

Напр.,   Will I / we / be at home at 6 o’clock? – Yes, I will. || No, I / we / will not (won't).

N.B.: Могут быть сочетания отрицательного и вопросительного предложения:

Напр., Am I not good at maths? / Aren’t I good at maths?

       Is he / she / it / not nice? / Isn’t  he / she / it / nice?

       Are we / you / they / not students? / Aren’t we / you / they / students?

       Was I / he / she / it / not in Berlin? / Wasn’t I / he / she / it /in Berlin?

      Were we / you / they / not right? / Weren’t  we / you / they / right?

      S hall I / we / not be there? / Shan't I / we / be there?

      Will he / she / it / you / they / not be quiet? / Won't he / she / it / you / they / be quiet?


II. 1.2.      Большинство глаголов строят свои формы настоящего и прошедшего простого времени следующим образом:


II. 1. 2.1.   Present Simple (positive sentence) (утвердительное предложение):


Подлежащее 1-го лица единственного, или 1-го, 2-го или 3-го лица множественного числа + простая основа смыслового глагола

Напр., I / we / you / they / work every day.


Подлежащее 3-го лица единственного числа + простая основа смыслового глагола + - (e) s

Напр., He / She / It / work s quite well.


II. 1. 2.2.     Past Simple (positive sentence) (утвердительное предложение):

В утвердительной форме прошедшего простого у правильных глаголов есть окончание “-ed”, присоединённое к простой основе глагола.


Подлежащее (любое лицо и число, которое только возможно) +   простая основа смыслового глагола +  - ed

Напр., I / he / she / we / you / they / work ed as a teacher.


У неправильных глаголов есть разнообразные формы Прошедшего Простого восходящие к старым традициям. Эти формы занесены в словарные статьи, посвящённые соответствующим глаголам. Их можно также найти в особых списках форм неправильных глаголов в словарях и учебниках английского языка.

Напр., I / he / she / we / you / they / went to work yesterday.

II. 1. 2.3. Future Simple (positive sentence) (утвердительное предложение):

Подлежащее 1-го лица единственного или множественного числа + SHALL

('LL) + простая основа смыслового глагола

Напр., I / We / shall do it tomorrow.

Подлежащее 3-го лица единственного, или 2-го или 3-го лица множественного числа + WILL (' LL) + простая основа смыслового глагола

Напр., He / She / It / You / They / will return tomorrow..


N.B.:    Следующая модель также возможна в наши дни:

Подлежащее 1-го лица единственного или множественного числа + WILL (' LL) + простая основа смыслового глагола

 Напр.,  I / We / will write to you regularly.

II. 1. 2.4. Present Simple (negative sentence) (отрицательное предложение):

Подлежащее 1-го лица единственного, или 1-го, 2-го или 3-го лица множественного числа + DO NOT (DON ’ T) + простая основа смыслового глагола                                                   

Напр., I / he / she / we / you / they / do not (don’t) work every day.


Подлежащее 3-го лица единственного числа + DOES NOT (DOESN ’ T) + простая основа смыслового глагола

Напр., He / She / It / does not (doesn’t) work quite well.

II. 1. 2.5. Past Simple (negative sentence) (отрицательное предложение):


Подлежащее (любое лицо и число, которое только возможно) + DID NOT (DIDN ’ T) + простая основа смыслового глагола

Напр., I / he / she / we / you / they / did not (didn’t) work at the factory.


II. 1. 2.6. Future Simple (negative sentence) (отрицательное предложение):

Подлежащее 1-го лица единственного или множественного числа + SHALL NOT (SHAN ' T) + простая основа смыслового глагола  

Напр., I / We / shall not (shan’t) do it tomorrow.

Подлежащее 3-го лица единственного или 2-го или 3-го лица множественного числа + WILL NOT (WON ' T) + простая основа смыслового глагола

Напр., He / She / It / You / They / will not (won’t) return tomorrow.


N.B.:  Следующая модель также возможна в наши дни:


Подлежащее 1-го лица единственного или множественного числа + WILL NOT (WON ' T) + простая основа смыслового глагола  

Напр., I / We / will (won’t) write to you regularly.

II. 1. 2.7. Present Simple (interrogative sentence) (вопросительное предложение):

Do + Подлежащее 1-го лица единственного или 1-го, 2-го или 3-го лица множественного числа + простая основа смыслового глагола

Напр., Do I / we / you / they / work every day? – Yes, I / we / you / they / do.

                                                                  – No, I / we / you / they / do not (don’t).


Does + Подлежащее 3-го лица единственного числа + простая основа смыслового глагола

Напр., Does he / she / it / work quite well? – Yes, he / she / it / does.

                                                              – No, he / she / it / does not (doesn’t).

II. 1. 2.8. Past Simple (interrogative sentence) (вопросительное предложение):

Did + Подлежащее (любое лицо и число, которое только возможно) + простая основа смыслового глагола

Напр., Did I / he / she / we / you / they / work at the factory?

        – Yes, I / he / she / we / you / they / did.

        – No, I / he / she / we / you / they / did not (didn’t).

II. 1. 2.9.   Future Simple (interrogative sentence) (вопросительное предложение):

SHALL +Подлежащее 1-го лица единственного или множественного числа + простая основа смыслового глагола  

Напр., S hall I / we / see them tomorrow? – Yes, you shall.

                                                           – No, you shall not (shan't).   

WILL +Подлежащее 3-го лица единственного, 2-го или 3-го лица множественного числа + простая основа смыслового глагола

Напр., Will he / she / it / you / they / help you in any way?

                                                           – Yes, he / she / it / you / they will.

                                                         – No, he / she / it / you / they will not (won't).   


N.B.:  Следующая модель также возможна в наши дни:

WILL +Подлежащее 1-го лица единственного или множественного числа + простая основа смыслового глагола

Напр.,   Will I / we / need to take my umbrella with me? – Yes, you will.

                                                                                  – No, you will not (won ' t).

N.B.:Имейте в виду, что только “shall” следует использовать в предложениях сделать что-либо.

Напр., Shall I help you? – Yes, please.

                                     – No, thanks.

N.B.: Могут быть сочетания отрицательного и вопросительного предложения:

II. 2. Continuous (or Progressive)

Длительное (или Продолженное)


Группа длительных времён – это аналитические грамматические формы. Форма длительного времени состоит из структурного (формального) глагола (какая-либо форма “to be”), несущего только грамматическое значение, и знаменательного (понятийного) глагола (в виде причастия I (Participle I)):  


BE + … ING


В российском языкознании эта модель обычно именуется расчленённая

(прерывистая) морфема.


Другими словами:


Соответствующая форма вспомогательного глагола “to be”, за которым следует причастие I * смыслового глагола
BE + Participle I

*В данном случае, мы имеем дело с так называемой неопределённой формой причастия I, т.е. простой основой глагола с окончанием “-ing”.


N.B.Имейте в виду, что длительные времена могу использоваться только с глаголами, называющими какие-либо действия (dynamic verbs) (напр., “to listen” («слушать»), “to look” («смотреть»)).

 И, наоборот, глаголы, называющие какие-либо состояния (stative verbs) (напр., “to hear” («слышать»), “to see” («видеть»)), обычно не используются в длительных временах. 


II. 2. 1. Present Continuous (positive sentence) (утвердительное предложение):


Подлежащее 1-го лица единственного числа + AM (' M) + … ING

Напр., I am listening to music.

(буквально: Я есть слушающий музыку. = т.е. Я слушаю музыку. (Сейчас я в процессе прослушивания музыки. Я начал слушать её некоторое время тому назад, слушаю в данный момент, и буду слушать какое-то время в будущем.) 


Подлежащее 3-го лица единственного числа + IS (' S) + … ING

Напр.,  He / She / It / is working.


Подлежащее 1-го, 2-го или 3-го лица множественного числа + ARE (' RE) + … ING

Напр.,  We / You / They / are reading.


II. 2. 2. Past Continuous (positive sentence) (утвердительное предложение):

Подлежащее 1-го или 3-го лица единственного числа + WAS + … ING

Напр., I / He / She / It / was running from 4 to 5 yesterday.

            Я / Он / Она / бежала с 4-х до 5-ти вчера.

N.B. “It” относится к неодушевлённому (в данном случае, очевидно имеется в иду какая-либо машина, механизм => Она (машина) ехала (или работала) с 4-х до 5-ти вчера.


Подлежащее 1-го, 2-го или 3-го лица множественного числа + WERE + … ING

Напр.,We / You / They / were sleeping the whole evening.


II. 2. 3. Future Continuous (positive sentence) (утвердительное предложение):

Подлежащее 1-го лица единственного или множественного числа + SHALL BE ('LL BE) + …ING

Напр., I / We / shall be preparing for my exams at 6 o’clock tomorrow.


Подлежащее 3-го лица единственного или 2-го или 3-го лица множественного числа + WILL BE (' LL BE) + … ING

Напр., He / She / It / You / They / will be crossing the Atlantic at this time in a week.


N.B.:  Следующая модель также возможна в наши дни:

Подлежащее 1-го лица единственного + WILL BE (' LL BE) + … ING

Напр.,   I / We / will be will be crossing the Atlantic at this time in a week.


II. 2. 4. Present Continuous (negative sentence) (отрицательное предложение):

Подлежащее 1-го лица единственного числа + AM NOT (AIN ' T) + … ING

Напр., I am not crying.


Подлежащее 3-го лица единственного числа + IS NOT (ISN'T) + …ING

Напр., He / She / It / is not making any noise.


Подлежащее 1-го, 2-го или 3-го лица множественного числа + ARE NOT (AREN'T) + …ING

Напр.. We / You / They / are not talking to you.


II. 2. 5.   Past Continuous (negative sentence) (отрицательное предложение):

Подлежащее 1-го или 3-го лица единственного числа + WAS NOT (WASN ' T) + … ING

Напр.. I / He / She / It / was not getting in your way.


Подлежащее 1-го, 2-го или 3-го лица множественного числа + WERE NOT (WEREN'T) + …ING

Напр.. We / You / They / were not going home.


II. 2. 6. Future Continuous (negative sentence) (отрицательное предложение):

Подлежащее 1-го лица единственного или множественного числа + SHALL NOT BE (SHAN ' T BE) + … ING

Напр.. I / We / shall not be watching TV this whole evening.


Подлежащее 3-го лица единственного или 2-го или 3-го лица множественного числа + WILL NOT BE (WON'T BE) + …ING

Напр.. He / She / It / You / They / will not be standing there when you come home tonight.


N.B.:         Следующая модель также возможна в наши дни:

Подлежащее 1-го лица единственного или множественного числа + WILL NOT BE (WON ' T BE) + … ING

Напр.. I / We / will not be standing there when you come home tonight.  

II. 2. 7.    Present Continuous (interrogative sentence) (вопросительное



AM + подлежащее 1-го лица единственного числа + … ING             

Напр..   Am I dreaming? – Yes, I am.

                                 – No, I am not.


IS + Подлежащее 3-го лица единственного числа + … ING             

Напр.. Is he / she / it / working? – Yes, he / she / it / is.  

                                              – No, he / she / it / is not (isn’t).


ARE + Подлежащее 1-го, 2-го или 3-го лица множественного числа + … ING Напр..   Are we / you / they / eating? – Yes, we / they / are.

                                                 – No, we / they / are not (aren’t).


II. 2. 8. Past Continuous (interrogative sentence) (вопросительное предложение):

WAS + подлежащее 1-го или 3-го лица единственного числа + … ING   

Напр.. Was I / he / she / it / giving you any trouble? – Yes, I / he / she / it was.

                                                                        – No, I / he / she / it was not (wasn’t).


WERE + подлежащее 1-го, 2-го или 3-го лица множественного числа+ … ING

Напр.. Were we / you / they / having a rest? – Yes, we / you / they were.

                                                                  – No, we / you / they were not (weren’t).


II. 2. 9. Future Continuous (interrogative sentence) (вопросительное предложение):


SHALL + подлежащее 1-го лица единственного или множественного числа + BE + … ING

Напр., S hall I / we / be having dinner with him at 6 o’clock tomorrow?

                                                                                  – Yes, I / we shall.

                                                                                   – No, I / we shall not (shan't).


WILL + подлежащее 3-го лица единственного или 2-го или 3-го лица множественного числа + WILL BE (' LL BE) + … ING + BE + … ING

Напр, Will he / she / it / you / they / be making so much noise this whole evening?

                                                         – Yes, he / she / it / you / they will.

                                                         – No, he / she / it / you / they will not (won't).   


N.B.: Следующая модель также возможна в наши дни:

WILL + подлежащее 1-го лица единственного или множественного числа + BE + … ING

Напр., Will I / we / be having dinner with him at 6 o’clock tomorrow? – Yes, I will.

                                                                                     – No, I / we / will not (won't).

N.B.: Также возможны вопросительно-отрицательные предложения.

Напр., “Won't you be sleeping at this time tomorrow?”

II. 3. Perfect (Совершённое)

Группа совершённых времён – это аналитические грамматические формы. Форма  совершённого времени, состоит из структурного (формального) глагола (какая-либо форма “to have”), несущего только грамматическое значение, и знаменательного (понятийного, смыслового) глагола (в виде причастия II (Participle II)):     


 HAVE + … EN *


* Здесь и ниже данное символическое обозначение формы относится к разнообразным формам Причастия II как правильных, так и неправильных глаголов.

В российском языкознании эта модель обычно именуется расчленённая

(прерывистая) морфема.


Другими словами:


Соответствующая форма вспомогательного глагола “to have”, за которым следует причастие II смыслового глагола
HAVE + Participle II

II. 3. 1.   Present Perfect (positive sentence) (утвердительное предложение):


Подлежащее 1-го лица единственного, или 1-го, 2-го или 3-го лица множественного числа + HAVE + … EN


 e.g., I / we / you / they / have seen this film.


Подлежащее 3-го лица единственного числа + HAS + … EN

  e.g., He / She / It / ha s been here since 1990.


II. 3. 2.   Past Perfect (positive sentence) (утвердительное предложение):

Подлежащее (любое лицо и число, которое только возможно)+ HAD + … EN         

e.g. I / he / she / we / you / they / had work ed for two hours when it got quite dark.


II. 3. 3.   Future Perfect (positive sentence) (утвердительное предложение):


Подлежащее 1-го лица единственного или множественного числа + SHALL (' LL) + HAVE + … EN

e.g., I / We / shall have done the work by the time you get back.


Подлежащее 3-го лица единственного или 2-го или 3-го лица множественного числа + WILL (' LL) + HAVE + … EN

e.g., He / She / It / You / They / will have returned by 3 tomorrow afternoon.


N.B.:  Следующая модель также возможна в наши дни:

Подлежащее 1-го лица единственного или множественного числа + WILL (' LL) + HAVE + … EN

 e.g., I / We / will have written the report before you find any spare time to help us.


II. 3. 4. Present Perfect (negative sentence) (отрицательное предложение):

Подлежащее 1-го лица единственного, или 1-го, 2-го или 3-го лица множественного числа + HAVE NOT (HAVEN ' T) + … EN

 e.g., I / we / you / they / have not (haven’t) seen this film.


Подлежащее 3-го лица единственного числа + HAS NOT (HASN ' T) + … EN

e.g., He / She / It / ha s not (hasn’t) been here since 1990.

II. 3. 5.   Past Perfect (negative sentence) (отрицательное предложение):

Подлежащее (любое лицо и число)+ HAD NOT (HADN ' T) + … EN        

e.g. I / he / she / we / you / they / had not worked for two hours when it got quite dark.


II. 3. 6. Future Perfect (negative sentence) (отрицательное предложение):


Подлежащее 1-го лица единственного или множественного числа + SHALL NOT (SHAN ' T) + HAVE + … EN

  e.g. I / We / shall not (shan't) have done the work by the time you get back.

Подлежащее 3-го лица единственного или 2-го или 3-го лица множественного числа + WILL NOT (WON ' T) + HAVE + … EN

e.g. He / She / It / You / They / will not (won't) have returned by 3 tomorrow afternoon.


N.B.: Следующая модель также возможна в наши дни:

Подлежащее 1-го лица единственного или множественного числа + WILL NOT (WON ' T) + HAVE + … EN

e.g., I / We / will not (won't) have written the report before it is time to go to bed.

II. 3. 7. Present Perfect (interrogative sentence) (вопросительное предложение):


HAVE + подлежащее 1-го лица единственного, или 1-го, 2-го или 3-го лица множественного числа + … EN

 e.g., Have I / we / you / they / seen this film? – Yes, I / we / you / they / have.

                                                           – No, I / we / you / they / have not (haven’t).

HAS + подлежащее 3-го лица единственного числа + … EN

e.g., Ha s he / she / it / been here since 1990? – Yes, he / she / it / has.

                                                                       – No, he / she / it / has not (hasn’t).


II. 3. 8. Past Perfect (interrogative sentence) (вопросительное предложение):


HAD + подлежащее (любое лицо и число)+ … EN         

e.g. Had I / he / she / it / we / you / they / worked for two hours when it got quite dark?  – Yes, I / he / she / it / we / you / they / had.

       – No, I / he / she / it / we / you / they / had not (hadn’t.)

II. 3. 9. Future Perfect (interrogative sentence) (вопросительное предложение):

SHALL + подлежащее 1-го лица единственного или множественного числа + HAVE + … EN   

  e.g. Shall I / we / have done the work by the time you get back?

                                                                           – Yes, I / we / you shall.

                                                                         – No, I / we / you shall not (shan't).   


WILL + подлежащее 3-го лица единственного или 2-го или 3-го лица множественного числа + HAVE + … EN

 e.g., Will he / she / it / you / they / have returned by 3 tomorrow afternoon?

                                                        – Yes, he / she / it / you / they / will.

                                                       – No, he / she / it / you / they / will not (won't).   


N.B.:  Следующая модель также возможна в наши дни:

WILL + подлежащее 1-го лица единственного или множественного числа + HAVE + … EN

e.g., Will I / we / have written the report before it is time to go to bed?  

                                                                          – Yes, I / you / we / they / will.

                                                                         – No, I / you / we / will not (won't).   


N.B.: Также возможны вопросительно-отрицательные предложения.



II. 4. Perfect Continuous

   Совершённое длительное


The Perfect Continuous Tenses are analytical grammar forms combining patterns of the two above mentioned tenses: the Perfect and Continuous ones. A Perfect Continuous Tense form consists of a structural verb (a “to have been” form) bearing a grammatical meaning only and a notional verb (in the form of the Participle I):

Группа совершённых длительных времён – это аналитические грамматические формы, объединяющие модели двух вышеупомянутых времён: совершённого и длительного. Форма совершённого длительного времени, состоит из структурного (формального) глагола (какая-либо форма “to have been”), несущего только грамматическое значение, и знаменательного (понятийного, смыслового) глагола (в виде причастия I):  




To put it another way:


The corresponding Perfect form of the auxiliary verb “to be” followed by the participle I form of the notional verb

Другими словами:


Соответствующая перфектная форма вспомогательного глагола “to have”, за которым следует причастие I смыслового глагола
HAVE BEEN + Participle I

II. 4. 1.   Present Continuous Perfect (positive sentence) (утвердительное предложение):


1st person singular number or 1st, 2nd or 3rd person plural number Subject + HAVE BEEN + …ING

Подлежащее 1-го лица единственного, или 1-го, 2-го или 3-го лица множественного числа + HAVE BEEN + … ING

   e.g., I / we / you / they / have been waiting for two hours.

3rd person singular number Subject + HAS BEEN + …ING

Подлежащее 3-го лица единственного числа + HAS BEEN + … ING

e.g., He / She / It / ha s been causing us some trouble since 1990.


II. 4. 2.   Past Perfect Continuous (positive sentence) (утвердительное предложение):

Subject (any person or number possible) + HAD BEEN + …ING

Подлежащее (любое лицо и число, которое только возможно) + HAD BEEN + … ING                

e.g. I / he / she / we / you / they / had been working for two hours when it got quite dark.


II. 4. 3. Future Perfect Continuous (positive sentence) (утвердительное предложение):


1st person singular or plural number Subject + SHALL ('LL) + HAVE BEEN + …ING

Подлежащее 1-го лица единственного или множественного числа + SHALL (' LL) + HAVE BEEN + … ING

e.g., I / We / shall have been living here for a year next February.


3rd person singular number or 2nd or 3rd person plural number Subject + WILL ('LL) + HAVE BEEN + …ING

Подлежащее 3-го лица единственного или 2-го или 3-го лица множественного числа + WILL (' LL) + HAVE BEEN + … ING

   e.g., He / She / It / You / They / will have been working for quite a long time before you come back.


N.B.: The following pattern is also possible nowadays:

     Следующая модель также возможна в наши дни:

1st person singular or plural number Subject + WILL ('LL) + HAVE BEEN +


Подлежащее 1-го лица единственного или множественного числа + WILL (' LL) + HAVE BEEN + … ING


e.g., I / We / will have been learning English for a year when you find time to join me in my studies.

  N.B.: Future Perfect Continuous forms are not frequent in real life.

 Формы будущего совершённого длительного не часто встречаются в реальной жизни.


II. 4. 4. Present Perfect Continuous (negative sentence) (отрицательное предложение):

1st person singular number or 1st, 2nd or 3rd person plural number Subject + HAVE NOT (HAVEN'T) BEEN + …ING

  Подлежащее 1-го лица единственного, или 1-го, 2-го или 3-го лица множественного числа + HAVE NOT (HAVEN ' T) BEEN + … ING

   e.g., I / we / you / they / have not (haven’t) been waiting for you but your friend.


3rd person singular number Subject + HAS NOT (HASN'T) BEEN + …ING

Подлежащее 3-го лица единственного числа + HAS NOT (HASN ' T) BEEN + … ING

e.g., He / She / It / ha s not (hasn’t) been causing you a lot of trouble for nothing.

II. 4. 5.   Past Perfect Continuous (negative sentence) (отрицательное предложение):

Subject (any person or number possible) + HAD NOT (HADN'T) BEEN + …ING                                                                                                         

Подлежащее (любое лицо и число, которое только возможно)+ HAD NOT (HADN ' T) BEEN + … ING                                                                                                                       

e.g. I / he / she / we / you / they / had not been working for two hours when it got quite dark.


II. 4. 6. Future Perfect Continuous (negative sentence) (отрицательное предложение):

1st person singular or plural number Subject + SHALL NOT (SHAN'T) + HAVE BEEN + …ING

Подлежащее 1-го лица единственного или множественного числа + SHALL NOT (SHAN ' T) + HAVE BEEN + … ING

e.g., I / We / shall not (shan't) have been sitting there by the time you get back.


3rd person singular number or 2nd or 3rd person plural number Subject + WILL NOT (WON'T) + HAVE BEEN + …ING

Подлежащее 3-го лица единственного или 2-го или 3-го лица множественного числа + WILL NOT (WON ' T) + HAVE BEEN + … ING

 e.g., He / She / It / You / They / will not (won't) have been getting on your nervesall your lifewhen you learn to look on the bright side of life.

II. 4. 7. Present Perfect Continuous (interrogative sentence) (вопросительное предложение):

HAVE + 1st person singular number or 1st, 2nd or 3rd person plural number Subject +  BEEN + …ING

HAVE + подлежащее 1-го лица единственного, или 1-го, 2-го или 3-го лица множественного числа + BEEN + … ING

 e.g., Have I / we / you / they / been trying to save money enough to buy a car?

                                                          – Yes, I / we / you / they / have.

                                                           – No, I / we / you / they / have not (haven’t).


HAS + 3rd person singular number Subject + BEEN + …ING

Подлежащее 3-го лица единственного числа + BEEN + … ING

e.g., Ha s he / she / it / been working here since 1990? – Yes, he / she / it / has.

                                                                       – No, he / she / it / has not (hasn’t).


II. 4. 8. Past Perfect Continuous (interrogative sentence) (вопросительное предложение):

HAD + Subject (any person or number possible) + BEEN + …ING

HAD + подлежащее (любое лицо и число, которое только возможно) + BEEN + … ING          

e.g. Had I / he / she / it / we / you / they / working for two hours when the machine broke down?

                                        – Yes, I / he / she / it / we / you / they / had.

                                         – No, I / he / she / it / we / you / they / had not (hadn’t).


II. 4. 9. Future Perfect Continuous (interrogative sentence) (вопросительное предложение):

SHALL + 1st person singular or plural number Subject + HAVE BEEN + …ING

SHALL + подлежащее 1-го лица единственного или множественного числа + HAVE BEEN + … ING                                                                                                                   

 e.g., Shall I / we / have been doing the work for a whole month by the time you want to help me?                                                           – Yes, you shall.

                                                                                     – No, you shall not (shan't).   

WILL + 3rd person singular number or 2nd or 3rd person plural number Subject + HAVE BEEN + …ING           

WILL + подлежащее 3-го лица единственного или 2-го или 3-го лица множественного числа + HAVE BEEN + … ING            

e.g., Will he / she / it / you / they / have been living thereforfive years next June?

                                                         – Yes, he / she / it / you / they / will.

                                                       – No, he / she / it / you / they / will not (won't).   


N.B.: The following pattern is also possible nowadays:

     Следующая модель также возможна в наши дни:

WILL + 1st person singular or plural number Subject + HAVE BEEN + …ING 

WILL + подлежащее 1-го лица единственного или множественного числа + HAVE BEEN + …ING           

  e.g., Will I / we / have been doing the work for a whole month by the time you spare some time to help me?– Yes, you will.

                                – No, you will not (won't).   


N.B.: There may be combinations of negative and interrogative sentence.




IV. 1. Simple (or Indefinite)

Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with am, is or are


1. Hi, I … Paula. Nice to meet you.

2. He … 22 years old.

3. My mother and father … English.

4. Fernanda … a Spanish teacher.

5. Philip and Elizabeth … on holiday.

6. Hello, I … Sebastian. I … from Florence.

7. My mother … from United States.

8. I … a taxi driver and my brother … a bus driver.

9. Betty … from Edinburgh and she … 25 years old.

10. My sisters … married.


Exercise 2: Complete the sentences with was or were.


1. My grandparents … married for more than fifty years.

2. When I... in Berlin last year, the weather... very cold.

3. It... very nice to meet you, Mr. Brown.

4. I... a beautiful day in August. My parents and I... on holiday at the seaside.

5. The Spice Girls... popular in the 1990s.

6. The 1970s group Abba... from Sweden.

7. John Lennon and Paul McCartney... both originally from London.

8. Franz Kafka... a famous writher.

9. My first teacher... a woman.

10. A very interesting programme.... on television last night.


Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with shall be or will be.


1. I think I.... at home tonight.

2. Next year we..... students of this university.

3. He..... on holiday in May.

4. My sisters..... late for the party. I am sorry.

5. Our boss...... extremely busy next Friday.

6. I’m afraid he..... out of office on Tuesday.

7. We.... happy to see you again next week-end.

8. She.... very hungry if she stays here without lunch.

9. Jim.... thirsty if he doesn’t take any water with him.

10. They..... very tired after the exhibition and will not be able to join us.


Exercise 4: Make the sentences negative.


1. Edinburgh is in England.

2. I’m from Ireland.

3. My mother and father are from France.

4. Brazil is a small country.

5. My name is Lana.

6. My sister is married.

7. I’m 15 years old.

8. Martha and Tom are our assistants.

9. My surname is “Howard”.

10. Bob and Tracey are brothers.


Exercise 5: Make true sentences with was, wasn’t, were or weren’t


1. I was / wasn’t born in the 1980s.

2. I was / wasn’t at home at ten o’clock last night.

3. The weather was / wasn’t very good yesterday.

4. The 1990s were / weren’t a good time for my country.

5. I was / wasn’t late for class today.

6. We were / weren’t happy to meet with my future group mates.

7. My teacher was / wasn’t strict during the last exam.

8. We were / weren’t tired after a long walk yesterday.

9. I was / wasn’t absent at my last English lesson.

10. The English text-book was / wasn’t easy for me.


Exercise 6: Complete the following sentences with the proper negative form of “to be” in the Future Simple:


1. My parents.... at hospital with my granny next week-end.

2. I.... present at the international conference.

3. Jerry..... online after 6 PM. You can get in contact with him.

4. You.... wrong if you insist on your viewpoint.

5. My computer..... under repair till next week.

6. My son..... afraid of your dogs, I think.

7. His wife.... upset if she finds out about his debts.

8. Tom and Mary..... at school after lunch.

9. We..... very busy after our first exhibition.

10. I.... worried if you don’t come home before 11.


Exercise 7: Fill in the blanks with am, is or are.


1..... I late?

2..... your name Angela Zeller?

3...... you married?

4..... Carmen from Spain?

5...... you from Japan?

6...... Edinburgh the capital of Scotland?

7...... it a Japanese car?

8..... Budapest in Hungary?

9...... they American actresses?

10..... Sting an English musician and singer?


Exercise 8: Fill in the blanks with was or were.


1..... you near the office at ten o’clock yesterday?

2..... anybody late for class today?

3..... your father and mother born in Ireland?

4...... Marilyn Monroe’s real name Norma Jean Baker?

5..... the news on TV encouraging last night?

6..... your friend really ill when you saw him yesterday?

7..... the weather nice when you were travelling in Turkey?

8...... the children afraid of the horror film you saw on Friday?

9...... the food delicious at the birthday party?

10..... your first teacher kind and generous?


Exercise 9: Make the following sentences interrogative:


1. My children will be quiet during the walk.

2. I shall be right if I do it first.

3. Jim will be absent during the conference.

4. Mary will be really happy to see her dad again.

5. We shall be sure to keep our money in this ban


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