Определите , является ли утверждение 

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Определите , является ли утверждение

Ozone depletion is one of the outcomes of air pollution.

а) в тексте нет информации Ь) ложным с) истинным



28. It is estimated that millions of deaths each year are caused by air

а) истинным  b) в тексте нет информации с) ложным

29. То decrease their exposure to pollutants in the air people should
exercise outdoors on hot, smoggy days.

а) ложным    b) истинным       с) в тексте нет информации

30. Industrial development could impact certain species by air pollution,
а) в тексте нет информации Ь) истинным  с) ложным

31. Укажите, какой части текста (1-4) соответствует следующая

Air pollution causes different health problems and early deaths.

a) 4              b) 2  c) 1            d) 3

32. Many countries undertake efforts to enhance the usage of non-polluting
energy sources.

a) 4              b) 1   c) 3            d) 2

33. Ответьте на вопрос.

What sources are considered to be major air pollutants?

a) They are cars and busses.

b) They are hydro-electric stations.

c) They are electro mobiles.

d) They are nuclear power plants.

34. Определите основную идею текста.

a) Air pollution from mobile sources reduction is currently discussed in many countries.

b) Air pollution damages life on the Earth.

c) Air pollution control technologies are very costly.

d) Air pollution modifies the atmosphere on our planet.


27. Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.


1. Recycling is the reprocessing of materials into new products.
Recycling generally prevents the waste of potentially useful materials,
reduces the consumption of raw materials and reduces energy hence
greenhouse gas emissions, compared to virgin production. Recycling is a
key concept of modern waste management.

2. Recyclable materials, also called "recyclables", may originate from a wide range of sources including the home and industry. They include glass, paper, aluminium, asphalt, iron, textiles and plastics. Biodegradable waste, such as food waste or garden waste, is also recyclable with the assistance of micro-organisms through composting or anaerobic digestion. Recyclables are sorted and separated into material types. Their contamination with other materials must be prevented to increase the recyclables' value and facilitate easier reprocessing for the ultimate recycling facility. The sorting can be performed either by the producer of the waste or within semi- or fully-automated facilities.

3. Recycling is beneficial in two ways: it reduces the inputs (energy and raw materials) to a production system and reduces the amount of waste produced for disposal.

Some materials like aluminium can be recycled indefinitely as there is no change to the materials. Recycling aluminium saves 95% of the energy cost of processing new aluminium because the melting temperature is reduced from 900° С to 600° C. It is by far the most efficient material to recycle. Other recycled materials like paper require a percentage of wood fibres to be added to compensate for the degradation of existing fibres.

4. If the resources being processed are purer, less energy is needed to
process them and less energy is needed to transport from the place of
extraction. This reduces the environmental, social, and usually the economic
costs of manufacturing. The maximum environmental benefit is gained by
reducing the amount of waste produced and reusing items in their current
form such as refilling bottles.

Определите, является ли утверждение:

Waste processing cuts the costs of product manufacturing.

а) истинным    b) в тексте нет информации   с) ложным


28. Biodegrading is a kind of waste recycling.

а) истинным    b) в тексте нет информации   с) ложным

29. Wastes sorting for further processing is done only by the materials
recycling facilities.

а) истинным    b) в тексте нет информации   с) ложным

30. Iron and steel are the world's most recyclable materials.

а) истинным    b) в тексте нет информации   с) ложным

31. Укажите, какой части текста (1-4) соответствует следующая

The types of recyclables are numerous.

a) 3              b) 4              c) 2              d) 1

32. Materials differ in the degree of being beneficial.

. a) 1                b) 3              c) 4              d) 2

Ответьте на вопрос.

Why is recycling a key concept of modern waste management?

a) Because it accelerates consumption of raw materials.

b) Because it presupposes managing new manufacturing facilities.

c) Because it reduces economic and environmental ill-effects of

d) Because much energy is required to process wastes.


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