V Закончите следующие предложения . 

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V Закончите следующие предложения .

1. Mathematics is called the queen of sciences because... 2. Nowadays mathematics is applied for... 3. Mathematics may be regarded... 4. Its vocabulary consists of... 5. Mathematics is divided into... 6. Pure mathematics includes... 7. When specialization begins students... 8. The graduates of the Mathematics Department work... 9. The students who specialized in applied mathematics ...


VI Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1. Who called mathematics the queen of sciences? Why? 2. What sciences are unthinkable without mathematics? 3. What was mathematics traditionally used for? 4. Why do we say that mathematics is often occupied with strange things? 5. What kind of language is it? 6. The grammar of the mathematical language is determined by the rules of logic, isn’t it? 7. What does its vocabulary consist of? 8. How many sections is mathematics divided into? What are they? 9. What are the key subjects at your department? 10. Where do the graduates of the department work?

VII Подготовьте устное высказывание по одной из тем:

1. Mathematics as the queen of sciences.

2. Your future profession.



I Прочтите и запомните следующие слова и выражения:

inclinations and interests – склонности и интересы

social environment – социальная среда

to be concerned with – заниматься ч.-л.

distribution – распространение

taxonomy – систематика

vast – обширный

subdivision – подразделение

to acquire experience – приобретать опыт


II Прочтите и переведите текст.

Choosing a career and getting a job are two of the most important things in a person’s life. There are several factors that influence the decision young people make: inclinations and interests, social environment, their parents’ profession, material aspects.

I made my choice at school when my favourite subjects were biology and chemistry. Biology is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, distribution, and taxonomy. Biology is a vast subject containing many subdivisions, topics, and disciplines.

Now I’m a student of Gomel State University, biological faculty. The Faculty of Biology is a center of learning and research, training specialists in various fields of biology. Our curriculum includes fundamental science courses and biological disciplines in various fields of biology. The basic biological disciplines include: zoology, botany, microbiology, evolution theory, biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, human, animal and plant physiology, human anatomy, cytology. In the first and second year our students have their summer fieldwork courses at the biological stations, where they study the variety of the natural world and acquire their experience in research work.

A wide variety of specific fields in anthropology, zoology, botany, physiology, genetics, biochemistry, biophysics and microbiology are offered for students to choose their major area from in the third year and to work on through the fourth and the fifth year.

After graduating from the university students can work as teachers, laboratory assistants, scientists.


III Закончите предложения.

1. Choosing a career and getting a job …... 2. There are several factors that influence …... 3. Biology is a natural science …... 4 The Faculty of Biology is a center of …... 5. The basic biological disciplines include …... 6. In the first and second year our students …... 7. A wide variety of specific fields in …...


IV Ответьте на вопросы.

1.What factors influence the decision young people make while choosing the profession? 2. What is biology? 3. Is the Faculty of Biology a center of learning and research? 4. What does your curriculum include? 5. Do students have their summer fieldwork courses at the biological stations? 6. What do they do there? 7. What courses are offered for students in the third year? 8. Where can students work after graduating?



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