Some people say that it is very important for everybody to have a hobby. Others do nothing but watch TV or listen to music in their free time. 

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Some people say that it is very important for everybody to have a hobby. Others do nothing but watch TV or listen to music in their free time.


Our lives would be hard without rest and recreation. People have quite different ideas of how to spend their free time. For some of them the only way to relax is watching TV or drinking beer. But other people use their spare time getting maximum benefit from it.
I strongly feel that hobbies make our lives much more interesting. There are different kinds of hobbies such as reading, cooking, knitting, collecting, playing a musical instrument, painting, photography, dancing, travelling, sports and many others. So you can always find an exciting activity which you will certainly like. Personally, I am fond of camping. To my mind, it is a great opportunity to get away from town life. What is more, camping is a cheap way to rest, to improve your health, to train yourself physically and to enjoy nature.
Nevertheless, quite a lot of people have no hobby. Most of them say that they are too busy or too tired to do anything in their free time. But I am sure that such people are lazy and passive and their lives are dull and uneventful.
In general, having a hobby is very important for everybody because it is a kind of self-expression and the way to understand other people and the whole world. A hobby makes you stronger physically and mentally, helps you escape from reality, improve your knowledge, broaden your mind, develop your skills and gain a better understanding of how the world works.


Many teenagers enjoy playing computer games. Some people, however, believe that teenagers should spend their free time doing more physical activities.

Computer games are extremely popular nowadays. A lot of teenagers play computer games in order to escape dull reality and to fight with horrible monsters or to save the world from hostile aliens.
Personally, I am fond of playing computer games. They give me an opportunity to plunge into exciting adventures: to overcome obstacles, to fly an aircraft or to pilot a spacecraft, to solve different puzzles, to look after a virtual pet, to build cities, to play sport games and even to control the lives of people. Computer games are constantly becoming more life-like and complex. New styles and genres appear. That's why I can't resist the temptation to buy new computer games every month.
But according to experts, computer games can be rather dangerous and they can harm teenagers' health. They say that computer games make young people unsociable and passive. They are absorbed in games without speaking to each other for a long time. A lot of teenagers can play for hours without eating, sleeping or learning. They sit in front of the computer screen exercising their fingers instead of doing physical activities. That's why the levels of obesity among teenagers are rising. Besides, computer games cause addiction.
To conclude, computer games have both advantages and disadvantages. Violent computer games make teenagers aggressive. But educational games help teenagers develop many skills. Anyway, it is necessary not to forget about sports as it helps teenagers to be healthy and to stay in good shape.


Some people prefer eating out. However, many people still like cooking meals at home.

Different people have different tastes. Some of them prefer eating out, while others enjoy tasty food at home. In the past people went to cafes and restaurants only on special occasions. But they are eating out more frequently now.
Personally, I enjoy eating out. Firstly, the choice of restaurants is great nowadays. You can try different foreign cuisines and you can always find something to your taste. There are Italian, Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Mexican, Turkish and many other restaurants in every city. Besides, you can go to bars, cafes or pubs. Secondly, many people work too much and have no time to cook meals at home. Thirdly, they go to bars, cafes or restaurants to meet with their friends or to celebrate a holiday. Finally, at a restaurant you will be able to relax and enjoy tasty food, good service and the atmosphere of festivity.
However, a lot of people prefer eating at home. Some of them say that it is too expensive to go to a restaurant. Others just enjoy cooking meals. What is more, some people are sure that home meals are tastier and more nutritious than food which is served at a restaurant or a cafe.
To sum up, eating at home is cheaper and more traditional. But if you want to relax and to feel a holiday atmosphere, you will certainly eat out.

Ecotourism is one of the fastest-growing sectors of the tourism industry today. Some people think that it teaches tourists to take care of nature and wildlife. Others say that ecotourism has a number of disadvantages.

Environmental pollution has disastrous effects on nature and wildlife. That is why nowadays many people try to damage the environment as little as possible. Ecotourism means travelling to natural destinations with rare flora and fauna. Its main goal is to conserve the environment and to improve the well-being of local people.
In my opinion, ecotourism gives us an opportunity to broaden our mind, to discover new ways of life, to meet interesting people and to improve our knowledge of history and geography It provides funds for conservation and jobs to local people because tourists use local transportation, inns and markets. Besides, ecotourism helps people understand the environment around them, makes them respect different cultures and be careful with nature.
However, ecotourism has some negative aspects. The increasing number of tourists can damage the local environment. Some tourists pollute drinking water, pick up rare flowers and disturb wild animals. They often purchase souvenirs made from the skin of endangered animals or leaves of rare plants and scare away animals.
In conclusion, I think that ecotourism is for environment-conscious people who love nature, understand the negative influence of conventional tourism on the environment and want to minimize it. I strongly feel that it is an unforgettable experience which is rewarding at the same time.


Some people are ready to risk their lives in order to establish a record, while others say that it is rather silly.

Every year hundreds of people do rather dangerous and silly things in order to set up a record and to become famous. They swallow bugs, climb skyscrapers, cross the ocean on a windsurfing board and what not. Are these people heroes or fools?
To my mind, all these activities are just a waste of time, efforts and money. If people want to escape everyday monotony and to get their portion of adrenaline, I think they would better do something useful. What is more, record breakers are often inexperienced and sometimes they get into trouble when they climb Everest, sail across the Atlantic or do something of this kind. Thus, adventurers risk both their lives and the lives of the people who try to save them. Helicopter and ship crews are often wounded or killed when they try to reach people who lost their way in the forest, were stuck in the mountain or crashed into the sea. Such rescue missions are not only difficult and time-consuming. They also cost much money.
But in spite of numerous warnings, people continue doing silly and dangerous things. Most of them think that they are extremely brave, strong and hardy. They want other people to admire them and to follow their example. But I'd rather call these adventures foolhardy. To my mind, if they want to get the adrenalin going, they should try such professions as rescuers, pilots or firemen.
To sum up, the adventurer should think twice before he makes up his mind to risk his life and health. It is always useful to think about all possible consequences of your actions.

A lot of people are fond of watching TV. Others say that television is becoming a national disease.
Every day millions of people watch TV and find it the best way of entertainment. Why is television so popular?
Personally, I spend at least two hours a day watching TV. Thanks to television, I can learn about the latest international and local events, I "travel" all over the world and broaden my mind. Television gives me food for thought, introduces me to new ideas and activities. There is always a great variety of programs on TV: news and sports programs, talk shows and TV games, documentaries and feature films, concerts and theatre performances. Besides, there are a lot of excellent educational programs for children and teenagers. They help them improve their knowledge, transfer them to different places and develop their imagination and creativity.
However, there are a lot of silly programs and commercials on TV which stuff our heads with nonsense. Some people don't choose what they watch and they are glued to the screen the whole days. Watching television can be addictive as well as smoking or drinking coffee. This fact lets some people affirm that television is becoming a national disease. The other problem is that there is too much violence on TV. Every day we are reported about natural disasters, murders and robberies. We watch hits where people are killed before our very eyes. It dulls our sensitivity and makes us aggressive.
To conclude, it's up to you to decide what to watch and how much time to spend in front of the TV-set. All in all, television can be very dangerous when it is misused. That is why it is very important to choose programs that we watch very carefully and to limit our viewing time.

Some parents allow their children to watch TV the whole days, while other parents are worried about the negative influence of television on children's physical and mental development.

A lot of parents still don't know how television influences children's health and development. Is it all right to let children watch TV as much as they want?
In my opinion, it's not right that some parents use television as a babysitter in order to keep their children quiet. Besides, many of them don't care what films and programs their children watch. As a result, boys and girls watch hits, commercials, soap operas and programs which are not intended for them. As experts point out, television delays children's speech development. What is more, a lot of adults complain that they can't get their sons and daughters to leave the TV-set when they want to play with them or to take them to the zoo. Nowadays some children are so addicted to television that they are not interested in anything else: they don't read books, communicate with grown-ups and other children. They move less, speak less and they even think less. As a result children are becoming passive, lazy and dull-witted.
However, television has some advantages as well. There are a lot of good cartoons and feature films for children on TV. Besides, there are excellent educational programs and programs designed for schools. They help children broaden their mind, transfer them to different places and develop their imagination and creativity.
To some up, if a child's parents are clever enough, they will choose carefully what their son or daughter watches. It is very important to limit children's viewing time. Boys and girls should understand that there are a lot of other interesting and useful things to do besides watching TV.


Many people watch soap operas because they find them enjoyable and realistic. Others say that watching soap operas is just a waste of time.

1 have always wondered why there is so much talk about soap operas. Most people either like or strongly dislike them.
Personally, I don't watch soap operas. I find them absolutely uninteresting and totally boring. As a rule events unfold rather slowly and sometimes actors' performance leaves much to be desired. Some soap operas have been running for several years. If I have some free time, I'd rather read a book, listen to music or go for a walk with my friends. I think soap operas are aimed at housewives and pensioners who have much spare time. To my mind, people who are fond of soap operas find their own lives rather boring. If a person's life is full of interesting events, he or she will hardly have a desire to spend hours in front of the TV-set watching other people fall in love, quarrel, separate and so on.
However, a lot of people say that watching soap operas gives them an opportunity to relax, to experience the main characters1 feelings and to plunge into exciting adventures. People who like soap operas try to see every episode. And later they discuss what happened to their favourite characters with their friends or colleagues. Thanks to soap operas, they can learn about the lives of rich and glamorous people. Besides, watching soap operas is the best entertainment for old and disabled people who are confined to their homes and who lack communication.
To conclude, it is up to you to decide whether to watch soap operas or not. Anyway, tastes differ and what is interesting to you may seem totally boring to other people.


Some people are fond of reality TV shows, while others are against them.

Nowadays there are a lot of television programmes that put ordinary or famous people in different situations, film them over a period of weeks or months, and let the viewers watch what happens every day. Reality shows now dominate the TV schedules, but different people have different attitude to these programmes.
Personally, I think that watching reality shows is a waste of time. Most of them are boring and stupid. I don't care about celebrities eating bugs or police officers chasing after stolen cars. To my mind, there are too many reality shows on TV and all of them are exactly the same. What is more, reality shows have become more personal and even humiliating. They are full of awkward situations and they make people do silly things to please the masses. So I'd rather watch a good movie.
However, millions of people love watching reality shows. They say reality television gives ordinary people a wonderful opportunity to become national celebrities, at least for a short period. For some people watching reality shows is a great way to pass the time and they consider these programmes to be rather funny. Some viewers are addicted to reality shows and watch them for hours. But I think it is better to worry about your own life than the lives of other people.
In conclusion, I would like to say that television should give us food for thought, and introduce us to new ideas and activities. As for reality shows, they stuff our heads with nonsense.

Some people say that television, radio and newspapers have changed our lives for the better. However, others believe that the mass media has more disadvantages than advantages.

Nowadays the mass media actually rules the world. It has a lot of power because its tool is information and its aim is to make information available to ordinary people.
Personally, I can't imagine my life without newspapers, radio and television. They inform us of what is going on in the world and give us wonderful possibilities for education and entertainment. On every news-stand there are dozens of newspapers for businessmen, children and teenagers, sports fans and so on. To my mind, you can always find a newspaper which suits your interests. Television is the main source of news for millions of people. It gives us an opportunity to "travel" all over the world. Besides, it helps us relax and escape from reality. As for the radio, I like listening to it in the car, in the open air, or when I do something about the house.
On the other hand, newspapers, radio and television often inform us of dramatic events. Many people say it makes them feel depressed. One more disadvantage is that the media spreads gossip about different celebrities and their private lives. What is more, newspapers, television and radio have become major advertising media. Advertisements and commercials make people buy a lot of useless things. Moreover, they can be harmful. For example, cigarette or beer advertising can increase the consumption of these goods and cause problems with health.
To conclude, it is still an open question if it is good or bad that the media moulds public opinion. Anyway, I'm sure that people should not believe everything they hear, see or read about.

Some people prefer to live in a big city, while others would like to live in a small town or in the country.

Those people who live in a big city and those who live in a small town or in the country lead different ways of life. We choose where to live according to our preferences and character.
There are a lot of advantages of living in a big city. Firstly, people have more opportunities to receive good education and to find a well-paid job there. In any city there are a lot of educational establishments and a great number of firms which need qualified specialists. Besides, there is a wide choice of entertainment in a big city. One can visit concert halls, theatres, museums, art galleries, cinemas, clubs, restaurants, cafes, discos and what not. To my mind, a big city gives people all modern conveniences and cultural opportunities.
However, it is well-known that citizens suffer from a great number of problems such as traffic jams, huge crowds of people, dirty public transport and many others. Living in a big city is dangerous to your health. Factories emit tons of harmful chemicals; cars exhaust toxic gas and the air is so dirty that it is hard to breathe. That is why a lot of people prefer living in the country to living in a big city. In a village one can enjoy fresh air, beautiful nature and the quietness of provincial life.
To conclude, it's up to you to decide whether to live in a city or in the country. But I think that if you are tired of noise, illumination and crowds, you can always leave a city and have a rest in the country to improve your health or just for a change of scene.


Some people say that it is impossible to feel lonely in a big city. However, others believe that quite a lot of citizens suffer from loneliness.

It is rather difficult to live in the world of strangers, that's why people need friends. They give us a sense of being protected, emotional comfort and moral support. But is it easy to make friends when you live in a big city?
To my mind, loneliness is a wide-spread problem nowadays. Living in a big city many people often feel that they are not noticed because of the fast pace of city life. You can stand on the street for several hours and nobody will pay attention to you. Sometimes you feel as if you suddenly became invisible. A big city is a place where millions of people live and work, but still it is very difficult to find a devoted friend in this indifferent crowd. City life absorbs people and makes them forget about such essential things as rest, recreation or friendship. So you can feel lonely even if you are surrounded by hundreds, thousands or millions of people.
On the other hand, the city offers you a wide choice of places where you can relax and meet somebody. You can visit clubs, restaurants, cafes, discos, theatres, museums, art galleries, libraries, cinemas, parks, health clubs and what not. A sociable person can easily communicate with other people and make friends with them. So if you are a good mixer, if you are always optimistic and have a sense of humour, you will hardly feel lonely.
To sum up, I think that a big city gives you a lot of opportunities, but sometimes it can be cold, remote and indifferent. The main thing is not to despair, but to try to find friends.



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