With predicted a spin, in a little bubble to the chamber. 

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With predicted a spin, in a little bubble to the chamber.

Vector of a spiral orbit, it is not simple a now to liquidate, congenital quality a electron to stationary orbits, this requirement an aether of a dynamic field by definition. And furthermore not braking process in the environment as it is naive earlier to a concept digital analysts, a expozicio it is erroneous, this spiral figurative to line, ostensibly loss a enerdge to potencial, after collision with energy scale in quantum.The given mechanism fixed visually, gives pumping to vacuum pulsing sphere of "kernel" of atom of hydrogen (protii), as razdraj - sphere as a whole, giving picture of demonstrative indivisibility of the vacuum centre of any atom. At a proton, an antiparticle a electron, in similar experience to spiral a cone the passage trajectory will have a predicted vector a back, As congenital a now liqvidation to quality of a proton, "balance weight" a electron. But if to be expressed more precisely this last quality does not belong to a razdraj-proton as to that - this strict requirement an aether of a dynamic field to which he submits in the work all life and especially at the moment of a birth. But the proton in itself "does not go", it always razdraj - pair and has cross-section polarity to electron.A spin is right to rotating, to be long of razdraj-electron, up to demand of aether dinamic the field. In already evident for us to a differentiation of concepts, a particle and anti the particle at level of atom of hydrogen (Н) and helium (Не), has the importance not imaginary polarity of particles, and their predicted to spin.The spin to defines evident, a duple to scattering of a particle and of a аntiparticle, in a little bubble the liquid hydrogen chamber.The spin to defines the quantum mechanics of cross-section polarity in atom of hydrogen(H,protii). The spin to participates, in a cross-wise the figurative requirement, an aether of a dynamic field, that is in architectonic the atom of helium(He).

 And at last the quantum mechanics of a spin-orbital a from axle to defines, to be relic vacuum a meta stable, as in atom of hydrogen (H, protii), or absolutely stable, as in atom of helium(He).


This photo is made in a little bubble to the chamber with liquid hydrogen in

Year, author Dzhej Orir, the physicist.


Indicative a soliton - orbital from axle a crosswise to figurative an aether of the dynamic requirement, 17. backs of the magnetic moment and backs an aether of the dynamic moment of particles of harmonious atom of helium.

Razdraj the mechanism unique a electron to atom of hydrogen, differs from a razdraj the mechanism of steam rooms razdraj -electrons atom of helium, it all the same exists as a reality, but at defective level.And backs unique a electron to atom of hydrogen has enviable and steady randomness, at pass through vacuum an impulse sphere in the not easy a razdraj the mechanism, on a rating of "kernel" vacuum. It is helped by a positron, as a counterbalance of it one pedal a razdraj the mechanism, with difference from bipedal a razdraj the mechanism of atom of helium. This mechanism should be experienced up to the end and then only to understand the reader.Generally speaking as a whole for atom of hydrogen it is original «the quantum invalid» in group of a quantum, mechanical rating vacuum, focus of sphere of "kernel" of atom, where one foot normal, and the second as though wooden, but all this figurative comparison. Not ideal, unique a electron, the unique orbit of atom of hydrogen nevertheless will not be "invalid" in figurative sense. The nature has given us hydrogen, as result of nationalisation in the form of a molecule of hydrogen with two atoms and high-grade work a razdraj -electron and razdraj a positron already hydrogen molecules. The mechanism a razdraj particles with cross-section one polarity, has worked on an example of the steady molecule of hydrogen formed in the nature, as the proof of its right to existence.What for to the nature to create a helium molecule, and a razdraj the mechanism of particles and anti particles of a cover of atom of helium and so it is perfect (all kinds of people at atom of helium is available). The matter is that randomness a back, the only thing a back to electron atom of hydrogen was artificially created by founding fathers what not to enter into the contradiction which arose at postulation of their model of atom.Backs a electron to atom of hydrogen, can be quiet founding fathers it is any, predicted and always same. And pledge of this randomness lies in work of an antiparticle, a proton which has backs - stable and backs - predicted randomness which participates in a weak rating of a vacuum hemisphere of a “kernel” of atom of hydrogen, let not ideal and weak in difference from atom of helium, but existing at the expense of uniform and not a dividend, an aether of a dynamic field. If to spend analogue communication with the nature atoms of hydrogen connected in a molecule can be compared only about a identical to twins at their birth and development.                                                                                         But our problem to describe the indicative mechanism of work a razdraj to atom particles, and we will describe it on an example quantum архитектоники atom of helium as the quantum sample and a work example, let (to atom of helium) will envy us all 92 elements of periodic system of D.I.Mendeleev.                        

Researches show that nuclear "kernels" are steady formations.And this stability of "kernel" does not contradict steady work own неуничтожимых impulses of work of particles and the most important thing of the antiparticles which are in stationary orbits a spiral-cone the forms (get used to it of Lord).In our understanding, this mechanism in the theory of a quantum bow is designated as to spin a work of cross-section polar particles of an identical charge with a vacuum rating of the nuclear "kernel" which structure differently polar, is more true a razdraj differently a polar.За than an abacus of that? To be explanation: in an average orbit of any atom or in a near orbit if there is no average as at hydrogen, exists a razdraj the mechanism of positively charge of a proton on a rating vacuum a razdraj - spheres of "kernel" of any atom.                                                                                               This mechanism is not ideal only at atom of hydrogen, for what that pays off with the properties inherent only in it in the nature.Here the combined charge a razdraj - spheres of "kernel" of any atom whence undertakes. The logic error of fathers - researchers of nuclear "kernel", and all atom consists that they were moved and have got under hypnosis quantum (read classical) electrodynamics where differently polarity always makes a start, and one polarity is drawn. But that you will not do, so the dialectics of a science and its ethics is arranged.According to the theory of a quantum bow, in the physicist of an atomic nucleus all to on the contrary - differently polar particles are drawn, and one polar make a start.

Physicist Dzhej Orir, writes authority on studying of physics of atom: the only thing that it is possible to underline with advantage for itself in questions of classical electrodynamics concerning structures of atom so it is symmetry of the equations of R.Makskvell at its electrodynamic calculations.

 This rule is really true at studying of laws of physics of atom and you will see it further in the mathematical formula to spin a works razdraj-electron and razdraj a proton of atom of helium in the end of this chapter.

Further D.Orir writes: «detailing 200"elementary"particles of atom of the physicist began to become shallow not in figurative, and in literal sense of this word.

For the theory of a uniform field these particles will be all on all quantum conditions where it will be more important not their abstract size, a charge or the weight.А will play the first 154 turn of backs of these particles, speed of rotation and force of energy of it a back. Here in this question I as the author of the theory of live atom, from him is the mechanism on a rating of vacuum sphere of a kernel, promise to you to give paramount value in the   researches. Why? Yes because this mechanism can be 154 compared to work of an orchestra with its set of tools. And here the stick operates this orchestra on distance a maestro. In our case a maestro, to stick will be uniform and not the dividend an aether a dynamic field. 18.

Further D.Orir ascertains that all physical constants at work with atom: with, е, h, m, etc. Are to complect a independent. If is even easier in the value, they do not form the uniform mechanism of elements of atom in the set.

As the proof it is served also by a charge not giving in to calculation to electron and all other physical constants. A question on to stop. And whether it is necessary to calculate in general, these not exposition an overall picture of atom of a constant when there will be no general drawing from this mosaic of abstract constants. The structure of atom not resolved up to the end a boomerang beats on not to the permission of a problem of an origin, the sizes and evolution of our Universe. Distant space does not give in to laws linear jet draught.And all stagnation lies in not correct understanding of the law on atom and as it is arranged. We will understand up to the end as the atom (microcosm) then we will understand as is arranged the macrocosm (solar system) is arranged where there is a uniform live mechanism of work of planets. For explanation of the moment of true in this delicate question we will try to reflex.And the live reflexion includes first of all the questions, correctly asked questions and then only not the simple. But it is important to generate a correct question.

1 question - for what there are such quantitative characteristics (№ 200.) particles round any atom including the counterbalance mechanism are antiparticles.

2 question - for what a razdraj - particles turn on a spiral –kone or as it was truly designated earlier, to "stacionary" orbits.

3 question - why or from - for what not to be cepher a charge to electron, can the answer lies in absence of primary logic in this question.                       

If to adhere to the theory uniform an aether of a dynamic field and those laws recently designated by your obedient servant the visible dominating role a torsion dependent on an aether cross-section-polar a back especially электрона and a positron is traced not. This own moment not a destructive an impulse of torsion of particles, has appeared not own for this particle. Here a root of concept of work an aether of dynamic mechanics of atom of any element from D.I.Mendeleev a periodic system.Further work of the mechanism of a vacuum rating focus - atom kernels is traced not noticed earlier by physicists a mechanism steady, as a spin. But the focus kernel, of atom it not that term which characterizes, an essence of occurring process.Correctly to tell so - vacuum impulse-sphere of atom so will be more, more authentic. Again dependent, simultaneous binary sphere in atom focus which is traced focuses in itself, as though sucks weight from a electrons and protons in itself. Here and the answer to the third question to you expensive reader. So the aether a dynamic impulse is primary, razdraj - the mechanism a particie is secondary, and the vacuum rating a sphere impulse is tertiary. All rises on the places, the Lord! If to eliminate hypnosis quantum a electro  dynamics and it to be protégé adventurous type it is possible to achieve not simply new, but the advanced construction of physics of atom.

And at us the live mechanism of work of live atom where the impulse of sphere of atom is given to a vacuum rating a proper attention will turn out.nn    19.


particles and razdraj antiparticles of unipolar character there is a formation a torsion to vacuum. Cross-section one polarity a razdray to particles, here is the basic postulate dynamics aether concerning works of a quantum bow of any atom. Iron property razdraj –electrons consist that backs at them is constantly any, the charge is logically identical, and it not constanta a rule.Iron property of razdraj-protons consists that backs at them is constantly any, the charge is logically identical, and this rule too is firm for us, the Lord.This postulation gives the chance to pump up in the centre of atom with a perimeter atom cross-section polar, a duplet the mechanism a torsion to vacuum. And is even more true, to pump up constantly its impulse-sphere, consisting of two binar differently the polar charged hemispheres. In to torsion to not observable mechanics different polarity a assimilation an impulse sphere. The word draws to us it is necessary as that to forget in the physicist of atom of times and on always. Focal "kernel" of any atom as the sphere steady an impulse with a stationary rating with to perimeter from to spin a particles and antiparticles is formed not by quantitative characteristics. First of all, it is speed a razdraj particles and energy a razdraj the particles any way wandering on a spiral-cone to be long. It is possible to tell safely that focus - atom "kernel", it is pulsing live sphere, shows a consequence live a razdraj –spin to works of those "elementary" particles of concrete atom which form an atom cover.Again significant an impulse - the sphere of "kernel" of atom is arranged a binary to different a polar. For the account to different a polar two hemispheres make uniform sphere of steady character. The atom kernel is filled, and more truly permanently is filled with physical vacuum which is pumped up and formed for the account razdraj-spin to works, "douplet" of particles and   anti particles uniform and not an atom dividend. The more a razdraj particles on not valency, average orbits a spiral -kone to type, the atom so also the element is steady at the existence in the nature on time (take a analog to inert gases).The aether dynamic memory exists also it is shown at a birth of new particles in a kind razdraj – electrons and razdraj - protons naturally.A spin is right to rotating, to be long of razdraj-electron. A spin is left to rotating, to be long of razdraj-proton. With demonstrative base in a little bubble to the chamber as at us in the end of the head. Focus of a kernel of any atom, always has in the internal structure сочетанный a charge consisting of two hemispheres a different polar character, with constant feed of hemispheres from the outside work razdraj to spin a character from orbitalelementary particles. If not to be conducted, as earlier was under laws of quantum electrodynamics different polarity of focus of "kernel" of atom has property a assimilation, instead of a dissimilation.These are two not to different a single whole halves. Two hemispheres give in the sum to clouse in one pulsing sphere which we and will designate as a razdraj - focus or on old - "kernel".                             20.


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