Kazakhstan, Aktobe, S.Baishev Aktobe university 

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Kazakhstan, Aktobe, S.Baishev Aktobe university

In the 21st century the sociocultural context of learning of foreign languages significantly changed. Their educational and self-educational functions increased in higher education institution considerably, the professional importance intensified in labor market in general that caused strengthening of motivation in studying of languages of the international communication. New problems assume changes in requirements to level of proficiency in language, definition of new approaches to selection of contents and the organization of material.

Thus, a main objective in foreign language teaching is the formation and development of communicative competence of students, teaching to second language acquisition. Today the teachers of foreign language are sharply faced by a problem of search of ways of increase in cognitive interest of students to studying of language, strengthening of their positive motivation in the learning. One of the possibilities of this problem`s solution is the use of pedagogical technology of interactive teaching. N.Khmel offers the following definition of a concept: «pedagogical technologies is a complex of consecutive actions of the transfer of theoretical knowledge to the practical realization of functioning of complete pedagogical process providing possibilities of self-development of the identity of teachers and pupils which results of the embodiment can be measured step by step and to see dynamics, both development of the personality, and collective» [1].

As our practice shows, the most significant results at a learning of foreign languages are yielded by a problem-solving and project-oriented method. This method allows to create the creative atmosphere where each student is involved in active informative process on the basis of the principle of cooperation on occupations.

According to Doctor of pedagogical sciences V.F.Aitov, «problem-solving and project-oriented as personal activity approach, in the context of making of conditions for development of foreign-language professional competence comprises considerable opportunities for formation of cogitative, creative, informative abilities. In the course of vigorous activity the knowledge develops and changes together with activity of the student learning a foreign language» [2].

The problem-solving and project-oriented method as pedagogical technology includes a target orientation, scientific ideas on which the system of actions of the teacher and student, evaluation criteria and qualitatively new result leans. On classification of projects by Y.S.Polat, «by the number of participants of projects are allocated personal, pair and group» [3]. Group projects are most often used in teaching practice. At the same time groups of students are formed taking into account psychological compatibility.

When using this method the role of the teacher changes also. It is various at various design stages. The teacher acts in several roles: as consultant, assistant, observer, source of information and as coordinator.

Considering that students are one of social groups, the younger generation, it is necessary to convey to them information about the most popular youth subcultures. Therefore the related questions attract interest in studying and don't lose the relevance at all times. On material of English-speaking and Russian-speaking youth subcultures for development of communicative competence it is possible to develop the following methodical project for classes in the foreign language: «Youth subcultures».

The purposes of this project are:

- formation of competence of the sphere of independent cognitive activity in the field of English.

- formation of abilities to see a problem and to plan ways of its decision.

- formation of critical thinking and skills of work in team.

Project tasks:

- to master ideas of English-speaking and Russian-speaking youth subcultures.

- to master the concepts connected with subcultures.

For carrying out this project the group can be divided into 2 teams. In each team the captain by means of draw has to be elected. As for example, the first team is given a task: to make the presentation on theme: «Popular English-speaking and Russian-speaking subcultures». To the second team - to write the publication on theme: «Influence of subculture on youth».

The followingproblematic questionsare given to participants of the project:

1. Why have some subcultures become very popular in young generation?

2. How do subcultures influence on youth?

3. Why do the youth unite in subcultures?

4. What international subcultures do you know?

It is possible to give additional tasks to students on this theme, also using information resources of the Internet. For example, such tasks:

1. Find materials about English-speaking Internet – subcultures in Internet resources.

2. Find materials about Russian-speaking Internet – subcultures in Internet resources.

3. Find lexicon of the «Lolspeak» language in the Internet.

4. Find lexicon of «padonkaffsky language» in the Internet.

5. Find distinction and similarity in a slang of English-speaking and Russian-speaking Internet - subcultures.

In conclusion it would be desirable to note that the problem-solving and project-oriented method is in transferring accent from various type of exercises on the vigorous cogitative activity of students demanding for the registration of possession of certain language means. At application of this method on classes of foreign language the students were involved in real research activity and aimed at obtaining real result.


1. Khmel N.D. Theory and technology of realization of complete pedagogical process. Work book. Almaty, 2001.

2. Aitov V.F. Problem-solving and project-oriented approach to formation of foreign-language professional competence of students (on the example of extralinguistic faculties of pedagogical higher education institutions) Text.: extended abstract of dissertation of Doct.of ped.sc. /V.F.Aitov. St. Petersburg, 2007. - 48 pages.

3. Polat E.S. Method of projects at lessons of foreign language // Foreign languages at school. – 2000. – №. 2-3.



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