Correcting Spiritual Deficiencies in Temples 

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Correcting Spiritual Deficiencies in Temples

It is the responsibility of the President, Regional Secretary, or GBC to correct any spiritual deficiencies in the temple program. Any alleged deficiency in a temple's program is not in itself sufficient grounds to justify or order a devotee to abandon one's prescribed duty.


Legal Affairs

The GBC directs the officers and managers of all ISKCON corporations to make all necessary and prudent arrangements to defend the corporations and their properties from legal liabilities. Failure to make such arrangements shall be sufficient ground for removal of the officers, Regional Secretaries or GBC Zonal Secretaries.

Oath of Loyalty

An annual oath of allegiance shall be made and signed by each ISKCON Leader in the prescribed manner.(75)


Statement of Oath

The oath shall be as follows:

1. To accept His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada as the Founder-Acarya and Supreme Authority of ISKCON. To follow his teachings, instructions and directions.

2. To accept the Governing Body Commission of ISKCON as the ultimate managing authority of ISKCON as directed in Srila Prabhupada's last will and testament.

3. To abide by the Society's spiritual rules, namely no illicit sex, no intoxication, no gambling, no meat-eating and chant a minimum of sixteen rounds of maha-mantra japa every day. To follow the principles set forth in Srila Prabhupada's books.

4. To accept that all ISKCON's funds, assets and properties under my control or direction, including anything ISKCON may have acquired under my direction, is the sole property of ISKCON and in the event of my death, resignation or other relinquishment of all ISKCON responsibilities, all these shall accrue solely to ISKCON and at all times I shall have no claim on them whatsoever.

5. To be guided by the spiritual directions of ISKCON's management, to cooperate with the local GBC representative, and to fulfill my duties in a serving spirit never intentionally acting against ISKCON's interests.

6. I will maintain the spiritual programs, standards, and teachings established by Srila Prabhupada in the projects and with the devotees placed in my care. I further agree not to involve the Society or those devotees placed under my care in any activities contrary to the above mentioned principles.(96)

Procedure for Taking Oaths

All ISKCON Leaders shall complete the approved ISKCON Oath of Loyalty in the following manner:

1. A signed oath certified by the appropriate legal authority prescribed for giving testimony of a declaration (Notary Public, Judicial Magistrate, Commissioner of Oaths, etc.) in the location shall be deposited with the GBC Society Secretary. This written oath shall be renewed once in five years or whenever there is a change in their position of responsibilities.

2. The GBC's shall make the above oath orally, in a group, before the Deities in Sridhama Mayapur during the course of their annual meetings.

3. Every Temple President, Regional Secretary, Temple Officer, etc. shall take the oath orally before the Deities of the Temple every year. The oath shall be administered by a local GBC Zonal Secretary. (Optionally the oath may be taken at ISKCON Sridhama Mayapur during the Gaura-purnima Festival period).

4. Other leaders not covered above shall also make an annual oral declaration of the oath before an ISKCON Deity administered by the GBC authority or liaison assigned.

This resolution shall override and replace all previous legislation on oaths for ISKCON leaders. This doesn't replace the additional oath that ISKCON gurus must also take.(95)




The existing Oath of Loyalty Law is amended to read as follows:


1. The GBC Secretary shall review annually the listing of all GBCs, Temple Managers, Gurus, and Property Trustees and insure that a notarized, signed, ISKCON Oath of Allegiance is on file for that devotee.


2. The Oath of Allegiance and a list of names of those devotees who have not submitted a notarized, signed Oath of Allegiance shall be sent to the GBC and other com.conferences and addresses. They are to return the Oath duly signed and notarized, to the GBC Office in Mayapur prior to ISKCON’s registration date.


3. Failure of ISKCON Leaders to submit a notarized oath in the required time shall earn an automatic censure. Continued failure to comply by the following GBC Meeting shall put the devotee on automatic probation and possible suspension.


4. All ISKCON Leaders and any members present shall orally take the Oath of Allegiance on the IKSCON Registration day before Srila Prabhupada and the Deities as a loving offering to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada.



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