Study the following marks on human body. Match the name of the mark with the explanation of its origin. 

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Study the following marks on human body. Match the name of the mark with the explanation of its origin.

1. This BITEon my leg a. I got when I was operated on for appendicitis
2. These BLISTERSon my feet b. I got when I went on a walking tour in too tight shoes
3. This BRUISEon my eyelid c. I got when I was hit by my friend during our quarrel
4. This CUTon my thumb d. I got when I fell down while running
5. This GRAZEon my knee e. I got when I suffered from measles
6. This SCARon my belly f. I got when I was cutting onions with a sharp knife
7. This SCRATCHon my arm g. I got when I was attacked by a fierce dog
8. These SPOTS on my cheeks h. I got when I was playing with my cat
8. These CHILBLAINS on my fingers i. I got when I went to take some honey from the beehive
9. This STINGon my chin j. I got when it was freezing cold

Circle the correct answer

1. The nurse put a …………. round Peter’s bleeding knee.

a) bandage b) belt c) ribbon d) scarf

2. They ……….. his broken leg in plaster.

a) arranged b) fitted c) set d) tied

3. Try something sharp-smelling under her nose, that might ……… if she’s still unconscious.

a) bring her about b) bring her to c) get her over d) put her forward

4. He had injured his arm badly and had to keep it in a ………..

a) cradle b) litter c) sling d) stretcher

5. When he finally ………….., he couldn’t remember what had happened.

a) came round b) held back c) stood back d) wore off

6. If he loses consciousness, give him a sip of brandy to bring him ……...

a) back b) over c) round d) up

7. The doctor took his temperature and felt his ……...

a) blood b) muscle c) pulse d) vein

8. While he was in hospital, his wound was ………. twice a day.

a) changed b) cured c) dressed d) healed

9. Apply direct …………… on the wound to stop severe bleeding.

a) compression b) contraction c) pressure d) restriction

10. After any hard or prolonged exercise it is advisable to check your ……...

a) brain waves b) eyesight c) mental balance d) pulse rate


Do the crossword puzzle

1. from an old wound (4) 5. painful swelling on the hand or foot caused by exposure to cold (9) 6. small mark in the skin, possibly caused by an illness such as measles (4) 7. from dog’s teeth (4) 8. on the knee (5)


                  1         2                  
            3         4                        
  1. often the result of a toothache or sprained ankle (8) 2. hard skin, often on the foot (4) 3. from cat’s claws (7) 4. from walking in too tight shoes (7)


II. Listening


1. You are about to be informed about medical emergencies. Read the list of warning signs (symptoms) and their possible meanings. For each item write either WS if you consider it to be a warning sign or M if you consider it to be a possible meaning of a medical emergency. The first one has been done for you.


sudden or severe pain in the stomach, chest or head _ WS _; broken artery _ M _; stomach pain ____, appendicitis____; chest or back pain____, heart attack____; difficulty breathing____, heart condition____; a hole or blockage in a lung___; mental changes____, losing of memory____, losing thinking abilities____, stroke____, serious infection____; changes in speech____, not being able to see clearly____; losing consciousness____, becoming dizzy, weak____; uncontrolled bleeding from any wound____, coughing, vomiting blood____.


2. There are some pieces of advice about what to do if you ever need care at an emergency department. Tick those you think are really important. The first one has been done for you.

  to bring a list of any medicines you take \/
  to bring a list of any allergies you have  
  to inform about bad reaction to any medications or other products  
  to drink plenty of liquids  
  to know the history of vaccines or the immunizations a child has had against diseases  
  to remain calm  
  to inform about being allergic to any foods or insects  
  to call for an ambulance  


Listen and fill in the gaps.

1)_____________ 2)______________ are not always easy to recognize. Yet any delay in emergency 3)__________________could mean the difference between life and death or permanent 4)_______________.

The American College of Emergency Physicians is a professional group for doctors who work in hospital emergency departments. It says everyone should know the 5)_______________ 6)___________of a medical emergency.

One is a 7)____________ 8)________ 9)_______ pain that does not go away. This includes 10)__________ in the 11)______________, 12)__________ or 13)___________. A severe 14)_________________, worse than anything you have ever felt, could mean 15)___________________ in the head from a 16)_________ 17)____________.

Severe 18)_________ 19)________could be a sign of 20)___________. Severe 21)__________ or 22)__________ 23)________could signal 24)_________ 25)_________.

Another warning sign of a medical emergency is 26)____________ 27)______________. This could mean a 28)_________ 29)___________. Or there could be a 30)_________ or 31)__________ in a 32)__________.

33)______________ 34)___________ are also warning signs. A person who suddenly 35)_________ 36)____________or 37)_______________ 38)__________could be suffering a 39)_________ or 40)_____________ 41)_____________.

Sudden 42)__________ in 43)____________or 44)____ 45)_______ 46)________ to 47)______ 48)__________ are two other reasons to seek emergency care. Other warning signs include 49)__________ 50)_____________ or 51)__________ 52)__________ and 53)_____________.

54)____________ 55)___________from any 56)__________ also calls for professional care. So does 57)___________ or 58)____________ 59)_________.

The American College of Emergency Physicians notes that children can show different signs of medical problems than adults. A child might be too young to describe the problem. Yet 60)__________that are not as serious for an adult may be more serious for a child.

There is also advice about what to do if you ever need care at an 61)___________ 62)___________. One suggestion is to bring a list of any 63)___________________ you take and any 64)_________________ you have. Are you allergic to any 65)_________ 66)_________? Do you get a 67)_________ 68)____________to any 69)___________or other products?

Also, you should know your history of 70)________________ or the 71)_______________a child has had against 72)___________________. And, the doctors say, 73)__________ 74)_________. That can help 75)____________ 76)_____________with doctors and 77)_______________ at the hospital.


1. Find someone who

- has ever had care at an emergency department;

- has ever had sudden or severe pain in the stomach, chest, back or head;

- has ever got a bad reaction to any medications or other products;

- has ever lost consciousness, become dizzy, weak;

- has ever had uncontrolled bleeding from any wound.

2. Write 8 reports about possible meanings of the following warning signs


0/ a sudden or severe headache

If a person has a sudden or severe headache it could mean bleeding in the head from a broken artery. Yet any delay in emergency treatment could mean the difference between life and death or permanent disability. The person is strongly recommended to have care at an emergency department. The person is supposed to bring a list of any medicines he/she takes and any allergies he/she has. Also, he/she should know the history of vaccines or the immunizations he/she has had against diseases.

1/ a sudden or severe stomach pain;

2/ a sudden or severe chest or back pain;

3/ difficulty breathing;

4/ mental changes, loses memory, thinking abilities;

5/ changes in speech, not being able to see clearly;

6/ losing consciousness, becoming dizzy, weak;

7/ uncontrolled bleeding from any wound;

8/ coughing or vomiting blood

III. Reading

Before reading. What can cause an injury?Think of the places where a person can be injured. What are the possible injuries in area where you live? Are there any particular dangers?

While reading. Read the text and find the answers to the following questions:

1) What is an injury?

2) What are common injuries?

3) What can cause burns?

4) What parts of body can be dislocated?

5) What is the treatment for dislocations?

6) How to prevent dislocations?

7) Why do fractures happen?

8) What should you do in case of a fracture?

9) What is the difference between a sprain and a strain? What are their symptoms and treatment?

An injuryis damage to your body. It is a general term that refers to harm caused by accidents, falls, blows, burns, weapons and more. In the U.S., millions of people injure themselves every year. These injuries range from minor to life-threatening. Injuries can happen at work or play, indoors or outdoors, driving a car or walking across the street.

Common injuries include

- Burns

- Dislocations

- Fractures

- Sprains and strains

A burn is damage to your body's tissues caused by heat, chemicals, electricity, sunlight or radiation. Scalds from hot liquids and steam, building fires and flammable liquids and gases are the most common causes of burns. Another kind is an inhalation injury, caused by breathing smoke. Burns can cause swelling, blistering, scarring and, in serious cases, shock and even death. They also can lead to infections because they damage your skin's protective barrier. Antibiotic creams can prevent or treat infections.

Dislocations are joint injuries that force the ends of your bones out of position. The cause is often a fall or a blow, sometimes from playing a contact sport. You can dislocate your ankles, knees, shoulders, hips and elbows. You can also dislocate your finger and toe joints. Dislocated joints often are swollen, very painful and visibly out of place. You may not be able to move it.

A dislocated joint is an emergency. If you have one, seek medical attention. Treatment depends on which joint you dislocate and the severity of the injury. It might include manipulations to reposition your bones, medicine, a splint or sling, and rehabilitation. When properly repositioned, a joint will usually function and move normally again in a few weeks. Once you dislocate a shoulder or kneecap, you are more likely to dislocate it again. Wearing protective gear during sports may help prevent dislocations.

A fracture is a break, usually in a bone. If the broken bone punctures the skin, it is called an open or compound fracture. Fractures commonly happen because of car accidents, falls or sports injuries. Other causes are low bone density and osteoporosis, which cause weakening of the bones. Overuse can cause stress fractures, which are very small cracks in the bone.

You need to get medical care right away for any fracture. You may need to wear a cast or splint. Sometimes you need surgery to put in plates, pins or screws to keep the bone in place.

A sprain is a stretched or torn ligament. Ligaments are tissues that connect bones at a joint. Falling, twisting, or getting hit can all cause a sprain. Ankle and wrist sprains are common. Symptoms include pain, swelling, bruising and being unable to move your joint. You might feel a pop or tear when the injury happens.

A strain is a stretched or torn muscle or tendon. Tendons are tissues that connect muscle to bone. Twisting or pulling these tissues can cause a strain. Strains can happen suddenly or develop over time. Back and hamstring muscle strains are common. Many people get strains playing sports. Symptoms include pain, muscle spasms, swelling and trouble moving the muscle.

At first, treatment of both sprains and strains usually involves resting the injured area, icing it, wearing a bandage or device that compresses the area, and medicines. Later treatment might include exercise and physical therapy.

After reading. Fill in the appropriate word(s) from the list. Use the word(s) only once. Make up sentences with these word combinations.

life dislocated physical
protective ankle flammable
torn inhalation wear

1. ……….injury

2. ……… liquids

3. ……… therapy

4. …….... barrier

5……….. tendon (ligament)

6……….. joints

7………...a splint

8. …........ threatening

9……….. sprain

IV. Speaking Tasks

Questions to talk about injuries:

1) How to give first aid in case of an injury (a wound)?

2) What was the most serious injury you had? How did you treat it?

3) Are you easily injured?

4) What do you usually do to prevent injuries?

5) How to prevent injuries of children (toddlers, elderly people)?


V. Grammar Check

The sentences below do not read correctly. Identify the adverbs in the sentences and then swap the adverbs around so that each sentence makes sense. Some of the adverbs could be used in several of the sentences.

1. The bandage was medicinally tied around her wrist.

2. Immediately, she is very advanced for her age.

3. If the patient sweats fairly, it may be necessary to cool his body with cold compresses.

4. The tumour is excessively placed and not easy to reach.

5. She manages all her patients very mentally.

6. The relief team loosely requires more medical supplies.

7. This is a physically antiseptic solution.

8. Mildly he is very weak, but his mind is still alert.

9. He became ill efficiently after he came back from holiday.

10. The herb can be used awkwardly.

11. He has been working as a doctor only for a severely short time.

12. Her breathing was urgently affected.



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