University of Cambridge Faculty of law 

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University of Cambridge Faculty of law


The papers for the Law Tripos, which are divided into Groups 1-1V, are as follows:


Paper 1. Roman Law I Paper 5. Law of Contract

Paper 2. Constitutional Law Paper 6. Land Law

Paper 3. Criminal Law Paper 7. International Law

Paper 4. Law of Tort Paper 8. Roman Law


Paper 9. Administrative Law Paper 15. Commercial Law

Paper 10. Family Law Paper 16. Labour Law

Paper 11. Legal History Paper 17. Principles of Conveyancing Law

Paper 12. Criminology Paper 18. Company Law

Paper 13. Criminal Procedure and Paper 19. Contract and Tort II

Criminal Evidence Paper 20. Conflict of Laws

Paper 14. Equity Paper 21. EU Law

Paper 22. French Law

Paper 23. Jurisprudence

11. Consult your curriculum and make the list of legal subjects studied at your university to get a degree of bachelor. Compare it with that of Cambridge University.

12. Answer the questions.

1. Does the course give an academic legal education or practical knowledge? 2. What intellectual abilities does the course develop? 3. Do most Cambridge Law graduates practice law? 4. Should candidates, who want to study law, study sciences or humanities at school? 5. What exams must English schoolchildren pass if they want to go to University (in Great Britain and in Ukraine)? 6. Which special word means a course or examination at Cambridge? 7. Can students choose the subjects they study in the first year of the law course? 8. Do the students have some options in the second year and the third year? 9. What subjects do the students read in a) the first year; b) the second year; c) the third year? 10. Which students are called undergraduates and postgraduates? 11. Do you know that the law students study 25 subjects at Cambridge University? How many subjects do you take at your University? 12. What subjects are you studying now? 13. How many years does the first degree course last at your University? 14. What branch of law interests you most? 15. If you were a student at Cambridge University, which subjects would you choose to study? 16. What do most graduates from our university do?

13. Home assignment. Translate into English.

1. Мета юридичного курсу у нашому університеті – дати грунтовну підготовку з права радше з академічної, ніж професійної перспективи. 2. Студенти розглядають такі питання, як етичні судження, політичні свободи та громадський контроль. 3. Абітурієнтам, які мають намір вивчати право, не потрібно вчити якісь певні предмети в школі. 4. На першому курсі вони вивчають Римське право, історію права, теорію права, логіку (logic), риторику (rhetoric), тощо. 5. На другому курсі ми складаємо такі іспити та заліки, як цивільне право, кримінальне право, фінансове право (Financial), адміністративне право, міжнародне право та інші. 6. Щоб отримати ступінь бакалавра, студенти навчаються чотири роки. 7. У нашій країні студенти складають іспити двічі на рік у кінці кожного семестру. 8. Після третього курсу студенти спеціалізуються в (major in) конституційному, фінансовому, кримінальному, цивільному, екологічному, господарському (Business Law) праві, тощо. 9. Після четвертого курсу студенти продовжують вивчати право, щоб отримати ступінь магістра чи кваліфікацію спеціаліста. 10. Кожний випускник школи може подати заяву про вступ до вищого учбового закладу. 11. Після успішного складення вступних іспитів їх приймають до внз. 12. Деякі студенти навчаються у внз своїм власним коштом.

14. Write the composition ‘My studies at Kyiv University’.

Grammar Section

Present Simple & Present Continuous

1. Add the endings – s and – ing to the following verbs.

Intend, prefer, study, encourage, stop, stay, cry, lie, submit, participate, teach, crash, tie, sit, cancel, apply, put, fix, die, draw.

2. Expend the following into sentences in order to make true statements with don’t or doesn’t where necessary.

1. An undergraduate / read law / for 5 years. 2. Candidates / study legal subjects at school. 3. The first period / begin / at 9 o’clock/ at our University. 4. The first-year students / study / the theory and history of law. 5. First-year students / take / their first exams / at the end of the first year. 6. A second year student / choose / subjects from a wide range of options. 7. I / intend / to read History. 8. We / need / to stay at University after classes to do our homework. 9. Law course at our University / last / six years for a master’s degree. 10. The law course at our University / only /comprise / legal subjects. 11. L.L.B. / mean / Master of Law. 12. All postgraduates / submit / theses before taking the Master’s degree.

3. How is our world changing? Look at the prompts below and make sentences using the Present Continuous.

1. more people / recycle / rubbish nowadays. 2. the climate / get / warmer. 3. more young people / get / higher education. 4. more wild animals / become / extinctthese days. 5. computers / become / faster every year. 6. cities / grow / bigger every year.

4. Read the following extracts and put the verbs into the present simple or present continuous. Say what use of these tenses each extract shows.

A. These days, it seems everything 1)........ (change). Cities 2)........ (become) bigger and busier every year, technology 3)............ (develop) faster than ever before, and scientists 4)....... (learn) more about the way things work.

B. Water 1)........ (boil) at 100°C and 2).... (freeze) when the temperature 3)......... (drop) below O°C. Salt water 4)........ (be) different, however.

C. This film 1).......... (be) great! It 2)........ (have) an all-star cast and the script 3)......... (be) funny. The action 4)........... (begin) when two men 5)............ (try) to rob a bank....

D. Rogers 1)...... (kick) the ball and 2)........... (pass) it to Jones. Jones 3)........ (run) down the pitch. He 4).......... (pass) the ball to Smith who 5)....... (shoot) and 6)............. (score)!

5. Read the information about the people and make short stories about them.

- Alex, lawyer - work from 9 to 6 - have lunch at his office - work with his client at the moment - fly to London on Saturday - Philip, a fourth-year student - study from 8 to 1.15 - have lunch at his collage - work at the library at the moment - get married next month

6. Michael McIntosh is a politician. Read the text and put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present continuous.

Michael McIntosh 1)...... (be) a very busy man.

Every morning, he 2)....... (leave) home at 8 o’clock, and 3)....... (go) to his office. He 4)........ (usually / have) meetings until lunchtime, and in the afternoon, he 5)....... (often / visit) the people of his constituency. He really 6).......... (enjoy) talking to people.

At the moment, he and his team 7)...... (organize) his election campaign. There are elections in June and he 8)............... (hope) to persuade lots of people to vote for him.

Next month, he 9)...................... (go) to London to meet the Prime Minister. They 10)....... (have) a meeting to discuss future plans for the constituency.

7. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

1. I haven’t decided yet about whether to specialize in criminal or civil law. But I think about it / am thinking about it. 2. All right, you try to make a decision! But I hope / am hoping you know what you are doing. 3. Every year I visit / am visiting Britain to improve my English. 4. It’s time we turned on the central heating. It gets / is getting colder every day. 5. Of course, you’re Mary, aren’t you? I recognize / am recognizing you now. 6. The film ‘War and Peace’ is very long. It lasts / is lasting over four hours. 7. I can see from what you say that your mornings are very busy! But what do you do / are you doing in the afternoons? 8. I’m going to buy a new suit. My old one doesn’t fit / isn’t fitting any more. 9. That must be the end of the first part of the performance. What happens / is happening now? 10. What’s the matter? Why do you look / are you looking at me like that?

8. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or p resent continuous.

A. 1. A:................... (you / know) that man over there? B: Actually, I do. He’s our new lecturer. 2. A: Are you doing anything tomorrow evening? B: Yes. I...... (see) my group mates at nine o’clock. 3. A: I.... (see) you’re feeling better. B: Yes, I am, thank you. 4. A: What’s that noise? B: The students.... (have) a seminar. 5. A: Tom.... (have) a new computer. B: I.... (know). I’ve already seen it. 6. A: This uniform....... (not / fit) me any more. B: Why don’t you buy a new one? 7. A: Your perfume..... (smell) nice. B: It’s a new perfume called Sunshine. 8. A: What is Jane doing? B: She.... (smell) the flowers in the garden. 9. A: What......... (you / look) at? B: Some photos I took during my school-leaving party. 10. A: You.... (look) very pretty today. B: Thank you. I’ve just had my hair cut. 11. A: I.... (think) we’re being followed. B: Don’t be silly. It’s just your imagination. 12. A: Is anything wrong? B: No, I.... (think) about my report. 13. A: This fabric..... (feel) like silk. B: It is silk, and it’s very expensive. 14. A: What.... (you / do)? B: I..... (feel) the radiator to see if it’s getting warm. 15. A: She.... (be) generous, isn’t she? B: Yes, she has never been a mean person. 16. A: He..... (be) very quiet today, isn’t he? B: Yes, I think he has problems. 17. A: Would you like some cherries? B: Yes, please. I..... (love) cherries. 18. A: I’m sorry, but I...... (not understand) what you... (mean). B: Shall I explain it again? 19. A: The children are making lots of noise today. B: I know, but they.... (have) fun. 20. A: This cake..... (taste) awful. B: I think I forgot to put the sugar in it!

B. Home Assignment.

1. A: Why.... (you / smell) the soap? B: It... (smell) lovely. It’s like roses. 2. A: Why... (you / taste) the soup? B: To see if it.... (taste) good. I think it needs more salt. 3. A: I... (see) Andy this evening. B: I...(see). So, you don’t want to come to the library with me. 4. A: How much.... (the bag / weigh)? B: I don’t know yet. The man.... (weigh) the bag now. 5. A: I... (think) about buying a new car soon. B: Why, I...(think) your car is fine. 6. A: I... (feel) very tired today. B: You should go to bed early. 7. A: What... (you / look) at? B: The sky. It... (look) as if it’s going to rain. 8. A: I really... (enjoy) home’ made food. B: So do I, and I.... (enjoy) every bit of this meal. 9. A: Why.... (you/feel) the radiator? B: It..... (feel) cold in here. Is the heating on? 10. A: The famous opera singer... (appear) at the opera house tonight. B: Yes. He... (appear) to be feeling better after the operation. 11. A: Chris.... (be) a sensible person, isn’t he? B: Yes, but in this case, he.... (be) rather foolish. 12. A: My dad... (fit) the old blind from the living room in my bedroom now. B: Really?..... (it / fit) that window? 13. A: My back.... (hurt). B: Why don’t you lie down for a while?

9. The Present Continuous is used to express irritation or anger. The adverbs ‘always’, ‘constantly’, ‘forever’, ‘continually’ are used with the verb in the continuous form in such cases. The Ukrainian equivalents are ‘вічно ти’, ‘постійно’, ‘весь час’.

A. Open the verbs in brackets and translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.

1. She …. (constantly / to change) her mind and …(write) one will after another. 2. Why …. (you / always / come) late? 3. She … (forever / quarrel) and … (give) pointless advice. 4. You … (always / complain) about everything. 5. You …. (constantly / interfere) in what doesn’t concern you. 6. You …. (always / find) fault with me. 7. She … (always / borrow) one’s things and … (forget) to give them back. 8. Don’t ask them. They …. (forever / get) on everybody’s nerves.

B. Home Assignment. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Вона постійно змінює свою думку. 2. Вона завжди губить ключі. 3. Чому ви вічно сперечаєтесь? 4. Він постійно свариться та діє усім на нерви. 5. Ти постійно втручаєшся у мої справи. 6. Чому ти постійно скаржишся та бурчиш (grumble)? 7. Вічно він дає безглузді поради. 8. Він завжди кидає недопалки скрізь. 8. Чому викладач завжди чіпляється до мене?

10. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or p resent continuous.

1. I … (hear) that you have been promoted. Congratulations! 2. British people …. (drink) more and more wine, apparently. 3. I hope Sarah will be here soon. I …. (depend) on her. 4. Please, be quiet. You … (forever / interrupt). 5. Hey, you! What … (you / think) you’re doing? 6. Could you come here, please? I …. (want) to talk to you now. 7. Jane is always on holiday, so Linda ….. (handle) her work. 8. To be honest, I ….(doubt) whether Jim will manage to do the work. 9. You’ve only just started the job, haven’t you? How ….. (you / get) on? 10. Pay no attention to Graham. He …. (just / be) sarcastic.

11. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or p resent continuous.

I … (1. work) in a large office with about thirty other people, most of whom I …. (2. know) quite well. We …. (3. spend) most of the day together, so we have become friends. In fact, most of my colleagues … (4. be) so interesting, that I … (5. think) of writing a book about them! Take Helen Watson, for example. Helen …. (6. run) the accounts department. At the moment she … (7. go out) with Keith Ballantine, one of the sales representatives, and they … (8. seem) very happy together. But everyone – except Helen apparently - … (9. know) that Keith …. (10. fancy) Susan Porter. But I … (11. happen) to know that Susan … (12. dislike) Keith. ‘I can’t understand people who never … (13. stop) apologizing all the time!’ she told me. ‘And besides, I know he … (14. deceive) poor Helen. He … (15. see) Betty Wills from the overseas departments.’ And plenty of other interesting things ….. (16. currently / go on). For instance, every week we …. (17. experience) more and more problems with theft – personal belongings and even money have been stolen. When you … (18. realize) that someone in your office is a thief, it …. (19. upset) you at first. But I … (20. also / try) to catch whoever it is before the police are called in. I’m going to tell you who I …. (21. suspect - підозрювати) Well, not yet anyway!

12. Translate into English.

1. Вищі навчальні заклади готують спеціалістів для нашого народного господарства. 2. Київський університет проводить науково-дослідну роботу. 3. Студенти спеціалізуються у фізиці, математиці, юриспруденції, філології і т.п. 4. Деякі студенти одержують стипендію. 5. Університет добре відомий в країні і за її межами своїм внеском у наукові дослідження. 6. Кількість заліків неоднакова у різних університетах. 7. Деякі університети мають свої власні правила, статути та курси навчання. 8. Старшокурсники спеціалізуються з предметів, що є суттєвими у їх майбутній роботі. 9. Я вивчаю право в Київському Університеті, і зараз, на першому курсі, ми вивчаємо багато теоретичних предметів. 10. Кожного семестру ми складаємо багато іспитів та заліків, але у цьому семестрі ми складаємо лише чотири іспити. 11. Не заходьте в аудиторію. Там студенти нашої групи складають іспит. 12. Мій брат - випускник Київського університету. Він спеціалізуєтьсяу фінансовому праві. Зараз він пише дисертацію на цю тему.


Vocabulary Section


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