III Sort out the words from the box 

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III Sort out the words from the box

redistribute, router, peripheral, wireless, refer, backbone, architecture, workstation, data, service, available, basic, disk, hotspot, exchange, main, configuration, optic, adapter, connection, central, link,
Noun Verb Adjective
1. _______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________   1. ____________________ 2. ____________________ 3. ____________________   1. ___________________ 2. ___________________ 3. ___________________  


IV. What is the Odd-One-Out

- network, peripheral, adapter, shape, hub, backbone

- redistribute, link, refer, forward, satellite, connect

- available, basic, main, connection, wireless


V. Make up word combinations

network communication loop peripherals hardband physicalprotocolsarchitecture

- share resources and_____________

- two main types of____________

- main ___________ disk

- standard of _____________

- shape of a ___________

- broad _________services

- closed _________ configuration

- basic ____________topologies

- the most common _____________

VI. Make all possible word combinations with the words from the box

fibre-optic campuses adapters point wireless fidelity transmission wireless information cables connection paths university exchange

VII. Answer the following questions

1. What does networking allow?

2. What are the two main types of architecture of LANs?

3. What is the main protocol for LANs?

4. What are the most networks linked with?

5. What do need to build a WLAN?

6. What are hotspots?

7. What does topology refer to?

8. What may WANs connect?

VIII. Which of the following statements are true and which are false. Give your reason.


1. LANs link computers and other devices that are placed far apart.      
2. In a client-server architecture, all the workstations have the same capabilities.      
3. The word protocol refers to the shape of the network.      
4.Topology refers to the shape of a network.      
5. Routers are used to link two computers.      
6. Access points don't need to he connected to a wired LAN.      
7. Hotspots can only be found inside a building.      
8. The Internet is an example of a LAN.      
9. Wireless adapters are optional when you arc using a WLAN.      
10. Wireless WANs use fibre-optic cables as linking devices      

IX. Match the sentences and find the continuation

1. Networking allows two or more computer systems to 2. LANs are usually 3. A router is a device that 4. Hotspots are 5. WANs have no geographical limit and may a) connect computers on opposite sides of the world b) WLANs available for public use. c) exchange information. d) placed in the same building e) forwards data packets.
  - it is needed to link a LAN to another network. - share resources and peripherals. - in places like airports and hotels - they can be built with two main types of architecture - they are usually linked through telephone lines, fibre-optic cables or satellites  

X. Fill in the gaps

LAN nodes hub backbones WLAN peer-to-peer server


1. All the PCs on a ______________ are connected to one ________________, which is a powerful PC with a large hard disk that can be shared by everyone.

2. The style of _______________ networking permits (дозволяє) each user to share (спільно використовувати) resources such as printers.

3. The star is a topology for a computer network in which one computer occupies (займає) the central part and the remaining ________________ are linked solely (виключно) to it.

4. At present Wi-Fi systems transmit(передає) data at much more than 100 times the rate of a dial-up modem (комутований модем), making it an ideal technology for linking computers to one another and to the Net in a_______________.

5. All of the fibre-optic _______________ of the United States, Canada and Latin America

cross Panama.

6. A _____________ joins multiple (численні) computers (or other network devices) together to form a single network segment (єдиний мережевий сегмент), where all computers can communicate directly with each other.


XI. Make the right choice

1. LANs can be built with twomain types of architecture peer-to-peer or ______________.

a) workstation c) client-server
b) node d) router

2. Ethernet is one of the most commonprotocols for___________.

a) WANs c) WLANs
b) LANs d)Hotspots

3. A router is a device that ___________________.

a)redistributes the data c) forwards data packets
b) controls the data d) exchanges the data

4. Topology refers to the ___________________.

a) shape of a network c) data packets
b) wireless fidelity d) redistribution of the data

5.Wireless WANsuse _________________.

a) fibre-optic cables c) mobile telephone networks
b) broad band services d) mixed topologies

6. To build a WLAN you need _____________.

a) workstations c) nodes
b) access points d) broad band services

XII. Make up sentences

1. network / the / in / are / linked / the / devices / all.

2. bus / workstation / cable / called / to / a / main / a / connected / is / every.

3. configuration / a / one / connected / loop / are / another / in / workstations / closed / to / the.

4. use / for / WLANs / public / are / available / hotspots

5. lilies / main / are / transmission / within / a / WAN / paths / high-speed / the.


XIII. Translate the sentences from Ukrainian into English

  1. Робота з мережами дозволяє двом або більше комп'ютерним системам обмінювати інформацію.
  2. Комп'ютери в локальній мережі повинні використовувати той же самий протокол, або стандарт комунікації.
  3. Маршрутизатор - пристрій, який передає пакети даних.
  4. Більшість мереж зв'язана кабелями або дротами.
  5. Є три основні фізичні топології.
  6. Основні шляхи передачі в межах глобальної мережі - високошвидкісні лінії, названі магістралями.
  7. Найбільшою глобальною мережею, що вже існує, є Інтернет.


XIV. Points for discussion

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using networks

Text 11

Faces of the Internet


I. Read and translate the text


What the Internet is

The Internet is an International computer Network made up (що складається з) of thousands of networks linked together. All these computers communicate with one another; they share data (обмінюватися даними), resources, transfer (передавати) information, etc. To do it they need to use the same language or protocol: TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol (протокол управління передачі)/ Internet Protocol (Інтернет - протокол)) and every computer is given an address or IP number. This number is a way to identify (розпізнати) the computer on the Internet.


Getting connected (підключення)

To use the Internet you basically need a computer, the right connection software and a modem to connect (підключати) your computer to a telephone line and then access (мати доступ) your ISP (Internet Service Provider).

The modem (modulator-demodulator) converts (перетворювати) the digital signals stored in the computer into analogue signals that can be transmitted over telephone lines. There are two basic types: external (зовнішній) with a cable (кабель) that is plugged (що вмикається) into the computer via (через) a USB port, and internal (внутрішній), an expansion card (плата розширення) inside the computer. A PC card modem is a different, more versatile (універсальний) option for laptops and mobile phones.

At first most computers used a dial-up telephone connection that worked through the standard telephone line. Now a broadband (широкий діапазон) connection, a high data transmission rate (швидкість передачі) Internet connection, has become more popular: either ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) (асиметрична цифрова абонентська лінія), which allows you to use the same telephone line for voice and fast access to the Internet, or cable, offered by most TV cable providers.

The basic equipment has changed drastically (докорінно) in the last few years. You no longer need a computer to use the Internet. Web TV provides (забезпечувати) email and access (доступ) to the Web via a normal TV set plus a high-speed modem (високошвидкісний модем). More recently, 3Generation, mobile phones and PDAs, personal digital assistants (персональні цифрові секретарі), also allow (дозволяти) you to go online with wireless (безпровідний) connections, without cables.

Telephone lines are not essential (необхідний) either. Satellites orbiting the earth (супутники що обертаються навколо землі) enable your computer to send and receive Internet files. Finally, the power-line (лінія електропередачі) Internet, still under development, provides access via a power plug (штепсельна вилка).


Components of the Internet

The Internet consists of many systems that offer (пропонувати) different facilities (можливості) to users.

WWW, the World Wide Web, a collection of files or pages containing links (що містять посилання) to other documents on the Net. It’s by far (безперечно) the most popular system. Most Internet services are now integrated (доступні) on the Web.

Email, or electronic mail, for the exchange of messages and attached files (файли-додатки).

Mailing lists (розсилка) (or listservs) based on programs that send messages on a certain topic to all the computers whose users have subscribed (підписані) to the list.

Chat and instant messaging (миттєвий обмін повідомленнями), for real-time conversations; you type your messages on the keyboard.

Internet telephone, a system that lets people make voice calls via the Internet.

Video conference, a system that allows the transmission of video and audio signals in real time so the participants (учасники) can exchange data, talk and see one another on the screen.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) (протокол передачі файлів), used to transfer files between computers.

Newsgroups (групи обміну інформацією), where people send, read and respond (відповідати) to public bulletin board (дошка оголошень) messages stored on a central computer.

TELNET, a program that enables a computer to function as a terminal (термінал) working from a remote computer (віддалений комп’ютер) and so use online databases or library (бібліотека) catalogues.

II. Match the meaning

- Link together - communicate - transfer - convert - transmission - digital signals - inside the computer - telephone connection - subscriber line - fast access - allow - change - high-speed modem - 3generation mobile phones - wireless connection   - orbit the Earth - enable - provide - offer facilities - collection - contain - instant messaging - links - exchange data - public bulletin board передавати перетворювати з’єднати спілкуватися телефонний зв’язок абонентська лінія швидкий доступ передача цифрові сигнали в середині комп’ютера забезпечувати дозволяти безпровідний зв’язок високошвидкісний модем   пропонувати можливості оперативний обмін повідомленнями змінюватися робити можливим обертатися навколо Землі містити посилання сукупність дошка оголошень мобільні телефони 3 покоління обмінюватися інформацією


III. Sort out

allow, wireless, basic, identify, access, use, earth, versatile, transmission, transfer, digital, mobile, let, participant, cable, enable, internal, provide, different, resources, convert, right, network, essential, see, message, external, satellite


Noun Verb Adjective
1. ________________________ 2. ________________________ 3. ________________________   1. ____________________ 2. ____________________ 3. ____________________   1. ___________________ 2. ___________________ 3. ___________________  


IV. What is the Odd-One-Out

- network, Internet, different, computer, provider, user, web

- email, newsgroup, listserv, voice, chat, the WWW, facilities, telnet

- enable, offer, allow, let, use, provide, development



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