II. Read the dialogues and act them out. 

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II. Read the dialogues and act them out.

- Hello. Can I help you?

- Hello. We need a double room for three nights.

-Yes, we have two double rooms, on the 11th and 15th floor, facing the yard. Which would you prefer?

-It’s all the same with me. Maybe my wife would like to choose. What do you think, darling?

- 11th sounds okay with me, if you don’t mind.

-Sure. Then let it be on the 11th floor.

-All right. Will you, please fill in these forms?


- How long are you going to stay here?

-About a week or so.

-Fine. The bellboy will show you to your room. Here are the keys. Don’t worry about the suitcases. Leave them in the lobby. The porter will help with the luggage.


-I’m leaving tomorrow. Get my bill ready, please.

-Certainly. It will be ready in due time.

-And when must I vacate the room?

-It must be vacated before the lunch time.

-All right. And call me up at 8 in the morning. I’d like my early morning tea and a newspaper, please.

-Certainly, sir.


III. Complete the following dialogue:

Clerk: Good morning, sir. Can I help you?

You: (Скажіть, що Вам потрібен номер на одного з душем, туалетом та континентальним сніданком на один тиждень)

Clerk: I’m sorry, sir. I’m afraid we have no rooms with a shower available at the moment.

You: (Запитайте його, чи можна зняти номер з ванною)

Clerk: Let me see … Yes, there are some rooms.

You: (Запитайте скільки коштує такий номер)

Clerk: 20 pounds a night.

You: (Запитайте, чи немає більш дешевих номерів)

Clerk: I’m afraid not. It’s the cheapest.

You: (Запитайте чи немає поблизу більш дешевого готелю)

Clerk: You may try the Northern Star Hotel. It’s near the station in Davies Street.

You: (Подякуйте клеркові)


IV. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words in brackets:

1. I have got … (a reservation, a manager, a hotel) 2. Let the hotel … know well in advance the day and time of your departure (room, key, manager). 3. The clerk

says he can give me … on the third floor (a confirmation, a porter, a room). 4. I ask the hotel … to carry my luggage to the room (form, register,

porter). 5. When travelling people almost stay at the … (laundry, luggage, hotel).

V. Translate into English:

1. Це готель, де ми зупинимось? 2. Я піду подбаю про номери. 3. Мені потрібні два одномісні номери. 4. Ми майже не маємо вільних номерів. 5. Ми пробудемо тут близько тижня. 6. Ви можете отримати один номер на дві особи. 7. Усе правильно? 8. Хлопчик проведе Вас до Вашої кімнати і занесе Ваш багаж.


VI. Answer the following questions:

1.Have you ever stayed at a hotel? 2. What kind of room were you in? 3. What facilities do you generally find in a hotel? 4. What do you do first of all when you arrive at a hotel? 5. Which is the best hotel in your town? 6. What does the chambermaid do in a hotel? 7. What kind of service may you ask for by telephone in large hotels?



Lesson 10.


Topic: At the Hotel.

Additional Expressions on the Topic: “At the Hotel”.

To reserve a room забронювати номер

to take a bath прийняти ванну

to wash the linen прати білизну

to press the clothes прасувати одяг

to repair the shoes ремонтувати взуття

to polish the shoes чистити взуття

a bill рахунок

cheap дешевий

expensive дорогий

swimming pool басейн

the range of services ряд послуг

hotel clerks персонал готелю


I. Answer the questions:

1. Where do people usually stay when they come to a town in which they don’t live?

2. Have you ever stayed at the hotel?

3. Which hotel in your town would you recommend to your friend?

4. Why is it good to reserve a room? In what way can you do it?

5. Can meals be served in the room?

6. What is meant by “bed and breakfast”?

II. Answer the receptionist’s questions.

1. Will this room suit you, sir?

2. Will you have lunch just now, madam, or would you like to have a rest first?

3. May I ask you, sir, how many days are you planning to stay with us?

4. Would you like your meals served in your room or would you rather come to the restaurant?

5. I’m afraid we’ve packed full. Will a room without a shower and a telephone be all right?

6. Will you pay cash or by a credit card?

7. Will you pay in advance or on your departure?


III. Fill in the blanks with the missing remarks:

1.Have you got any vacant rooms? _____________________

2.How much is it? __________________________________

3.Well, the price is reasonable, I think ___________________

4.What should I do with this form? _____________________

5.Get my bill ready. I’m leaving in two hours. ___________

6.Can I have breakfast in my room? ____________________

7.Is there a shower in this room? ______________________

IV. Think over the questions to which the following sentences are the answers.

1. __________? – Single or double?

2. ___________? – I sent you a cable. Please, reserve two single rooms for 27th.

3. __________? – For about five days.

4. __________? – Certainly. The bellboy will help you with your luggage.

5. __________? – The lift is around the corner.

6. __________? – You may order your breakfast by phone.

7. __________? – The room must be vacated in two hours.


V. Agree or disagree with the following.

1. When you leave the hotel you must pay the hotel bill.

2. When you travel in summer it is better to reserve a room in advance.

3. The porter is the person who keeps the room in order.

4. If the guest wants his breakfast in his room the receptionist will bring it to him.

5. The guest must leave the key at the desk when going out.

6. Suites are usually the cheapest rooms in the hotel.

7. Nowadays a TV set is usually found in each room.

8. The maid must do the room once a week.

9. You can’t pay cash at the hotel.

10. Hotels don’t differ in size and services.

VI. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate word.

1. A hotel worker who stands by the door and helps the guests to get out of the car is called ________.

2. A hotel worker who receives new guests and gives them a room is called ________.

3. A hotel worker who keeps the rooms in order is called ____________.

4. A hotel worker who helps the guests with their luggage is called _______.

VII. Say the following in English.

1. – Добрий день. Я хотів би зупинитися у вашому готелі. Мені хотілося б одномісний номер з ванною і телефоном.

2. – Ви замовляли у нас номер?

1. – Так, я послав вам телеграму із Києва з проханням зарезервувати мені номер з 12 вересня. Ось лист-підтвердження.

2. – Так, усе гаразд. Заповніть, будь-ласка, бланк. Як довго Ви збираєтеся залишатися у нашому готелі?

1. – Я розраховую пробути у вашому готелі тиждень. Ви не будете заперечувати, якщо я оплачу рахунок, коли буду виписуватись?

2. Звичайно, як вам зручно.

1. – На якому поверсі мій номер?

2. – Ваш номер на шостому поверсі. Коридорний проведе Вас до Вашого номера і допоможе Вам з Вашим багажем.

1. – Дякую.

2. – Приємного відпочинку.

VIII. Change the following sentences from affirmative to negative. Use the contracted form.

1. The guests pay per day.

2. I leave the key at the reception desk.

3. I want my bill ready at 8 a.m.

4. My room faces the yard.

5. She eats lunch at the cafeteria every day.

6. The receptionist speaks English very well.

7. The manager solves all the problems.

8. They live in a double room.

9. I have a letter of confirmation.

IX. Supply “do” or “does” to complete the questions.

1. What hotel … you usually stay?

2. Why … he usually stay at this hotel?

3. What …the maid do?

4. When …the Smiths check out?

5. How much …you usually pay for your lunch?

6. What … your secretary know about this hotel?

7. How…you get there?

8. What …you think of the service?

9. How much …it cost?

10. What room …you prefer?

11. What time … she prefer to have breakfast?

X. Change the following sentences to questions beginning with the question word in parentheses.

1. She works in a hotel. (where)

2. Her work begins at 9 a.m. (what time)

3. The clerk speaks English very well. (how)

4. These rooms cost $50. (how much)

5. They travel by plane. (how)

6. She wants to learn English in order to get a better job. (why)

7. This car belongs to my father. (whom…. to)

8. Mr. Brown returns to the hotel at 8 p.m. (when)

9. We have three vacant rooms. (how many)

XI. Sample Dialogue.

-- Can I reserve a double room for the next weekend?

-- Yes, please. We have a double room on the fourth floor. Its price is 25 dollars per night. And the double room on the second floor is a little more expensive. Its price is 40 dollars. Which one would you choose?

-- I think I’ll take the cheaper one which is on the fourth floor. What is the check-out time?

-- Twelve. How long will you be staying with us?

-- I plan to stay for two days.

-- All right. The room is reserved for you. Let me write down your surname and name.

-- John White.

-- Well, you can pay on departure and sigh the hotel register as soon as you come here.

-- Thank you.

-- You are welcome.


Lesson 11


Topic: Food and Meals.

Topical words

to cook готувати(страви )

to boil варити

to fry смажити

to have a bite перекусити

to help to… пригощатися

to prefer віддавати перевагу

a helping порція

substantial істотний, значний

national cuisine національна кухня

for the first(second) course на перше (друге)

to have breakfast(dinner, supper) снідати (обідати, вечеряти)

porridge вівсяна каша

buckwheat porridge гречана каша

pickles соління

macaroni макарони

cabbage soup капустяний суп

pea soup гороховий суп

Ukrainian borsch український борщ

noodle soup суп з вермішеллю

vegetable soup овочевий суп

chicken broth бульйон з курки

mashed potatoes картопляне пюре

fried(boiled) potatoes смажена (варена) картопля

chop биток

omelette омлет

home-made tarts пироги домашнього приготування

stewed fruit компот

wholesome корисний, здоровий

plentiful багатий (на)

I). Read and translate the following text:

Food and Meals.

The usual meals of Ukrainian people are breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. Breakfast is the first meal of the day, and we generally have it at about 8 o’clock in the morning. Lunch is a light meal usually in the middle of the day. Dinner is the chief and the most substantial meal of the day. It is not served at a definite moment in our country. As a rule, businessman finds it impossible to come home for lunch or dinner and so he goes to a canteen or a refreshment room or has a bite at his place of employment.

Breakfast usually consists of a cup of tea, coffee or milk, some sandwiches, boiled or fried eggs. For a change, we can have cold ham or porridge with milk or cream and sugar.

Lunch is usually a cold meal with cold meat, sausage or fish, potatoes and vegetables. Then comes coffee or tea with rolls or cakes.

Dinner is the principal meal of the day. As a rule, a cold dish or an appetizer opens the dinner. It may include vegetable salad, pickles, herring, etc. for the first course we can have chicken broth, noodle soup, vegetable soup, cabbage soup, pea soup or Ukrainian borsch. For the second course you may enjoy eating mashed or fried potatoes with roast chicken or meat; for a change you may have buckwheat porridge or macaroni with chops or cutlets followed by dessert. For dessert you may have various home-made tarts,” kissel” or stewed fruit.

In the evening we have much simpler supper—an omlette or sausages, sometimes bacon and eggs and sometimes just bread and cheese, a cup of cocoa or tea with a slice of lemon, jam or home-made pastry and fruit.

And we must always remember that food should be wholesome and plentiful, and vitamins in food are of great importance. The same dishes should not be served several days running as variety is an important element of a rational diet.



1. What are your meal-times?

2. Is your breakfast light or substantial?

3. Does your dinner consist of two or three courses? What kind of soup do you prefer?

4. What is your favorite dish? Are you a great or a poor eater?

5. What kind of appetizers do you prefer?

II. Look through the text and find the sentences about:


a) Ukrainian cooking (general characteristic);

b) the importance of bread for Ukrainians;

c) favorite Ukrainian dishes made of flour;

d) the importance of potatoes in Ukrainian cuisine;

e) the importance of cabbage in Ukrainian cooking;

f) the favorite dish for the first course in Ukraine;

G) dairy products and eggs.

Ukrainian Cooking and Food.

Ukrainian cooking is varied, rich and nourishing. Its development was influenced by the development of material culture: geographical and climatic conditions, plant cultivation and animal domestication, cultural influences and economic relations with other countries.

Since ancient times Ukrainians have led a settled style of life based on farming. Archaeological evidence shows that wheat, barley and millet were grown in Ukraine 3000 years ago. Rye was introduced about 2000 years ago, and then buckwheat was imported from Asia in the 11th century. Cattle, sheep, hogs and poultry were raised at that time too. Beekeeping, hunting and fishing were practised.

Since long ago bread has had a special, primary position in the great variety of Ukrainian food. Besides ordinary bread Ukrainians bake various ritual types of bread. Ukrainian bread in its multiform has become quite famous. For the common people bread is an object of reverence. Bread is used to bring divine blessings to the commencement of every task, marriage ceremony, birth of a child and move to a new home. As a sign of hospitality, guests of honour are greeted with a ceremonial offering of bread and salt.

Cooked cereals – wheat, barley, buckwheat, millet, or corn grits – are often served in Ukrainian homes.

Favorite dishes made of flour are dumplings and “varenyky” with various types of fillings: cottage cheese, cabbage, potatoes, meat, buckwheat, berries.

Potato is the most commonly used vegetable in Ukrainian cooking. It is a necessary component of all soups, particularly borsch and cabbage soup. Mashed potatoes, boiled or fried potatoes are served with meat, fish, cheese, cabbage, mushrooms. Potato pancakes are served with sour cream.

Another important element in Ukrainian cuisine is cabbage: for making cabbage soup and cabbage rolls (holubtsi), which are filled with buckwheat, rice or meat. Other vegetables such as onions, garlic, carrots, turnips are usually eaten raw. Cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes and beets are pickled for winter.

According to the Ukrainian tradition soup or borsch must be served as a first course for dinner. Various soups are popular, but borsch remains the favourite. It is made of vegetables, among which beets and cabbage are predominant.

Food made of diary products and eggs have long been a part of Ukrainian cooking.

Fruit and berries when in season are eaten fresh. Some fruit are prepared for winter by drying or preserving.


cereals злаки

corn grits кукурудзяні крупи

nourishing поживний

dumplings галушки

filling начинка

domestication приручення

barley ячмінь

millet просо

rye жито

multiform різноманіття

reverence повага

dairy молочний


Pair work.


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