Progress Check (the Noun, the Article, the Adjective, the Adverb, the Pronoun, the Numeral, the Preposition) 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Progress Check (the Noun, the Article, the Adjective, the Adverb, the Pronoun, the Numeral, the Preposition)

1. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Ця інформація вірна. 2. Ці герої відомі на своїй Батьківщині. 3. Чоловіки частіше стають злочинцями, ніж жінки. 4. Питання слідчого були дуже важливими. 5. Вони самі є суддями Апеляційного суду. 6. Ті, хто прийшли першими, узнають останні новини.


2. Chose the correct item:

1. We saw … in a courtroom yesterday.

a) they b) their c) them


2. He is … criminal in the state.

a) most dangerous b) the dangerousest c) the most dangerous


3. He thinks he will collect the evidence …

a) heself b) himself c) hisself


4. I have … information concerning this case than you.

a) fewer b) less c) least


5. The … report was done in time.

a) inspectors b) inspector c) inspector’s


6) This research must be carried out … than before.

a) more carefully b) carefully c) carefullier


3. Correct the mistakes:

1. I don’t think we have some time left. 2. Is Nile an African or an American river? 3. This women work in the court. 4. Can there be some national state which doesn’t have a constitution in the world? 5. This is the house. A house is so big!


4. Translate the text:

Чому у людей існують закони та правові системи? На одному рівні, закони — це тип правил, які регулюють поведінку між людьми. Ці закони є у всіх суспільних організаціях, таких як сім’я чи спортивний клуб.

На другому рівні, закон — це склад правил та норм, які є в конституціях та законодавчій базі. Вони регулюють суспільство та поведінку його членів. Суди та законодавчі органи створюють закони, а поліція гарантує їх правозастосування (enforcement). Судові органи (body of judges) відіграють важливу роль у кожній країні, хоча правові системи відрізняються від держави до держави. Однак єдине, що стосується всього світу, це те, що започаткування судового позову (legal action) є дорогим та займає багато часу.


Word order in affirmative sentences.

1. Arrange the words in each sentence in the right order:

Example: He/ a/ local/ judge/ court/ in/ a/ is/. - He is a judge in a local court.

1. /profession/ They/ are/ in/ legal/.

2. /My/ notary/ private/ a/ mother/ is/.

3. /cousins/ My/ are/ prosecutor’s/ assistants/.

4. /head/ the/ court/ of/ A/ is/ judge/ a/.

5. /action/ violates/ This/ human rights/.

6. /international/ effect/ came into/ treaty/ in 1953/ That/.


Translate these imperative sentences into English and explain the word order.

1. Розкажіть про себе. 2. Пришліть мені факс. 3. Зверніть увагу на це питання 4. Не порушуйте наші права! 5.Будьте відповідальні за своє рішення. 6. Захистіть гідність цих людей.


3. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:

1. Peace treaties are documents which are concluded to end the war. 2. A criminal is a person who commits a crime. 3. A burglar is a person who breaks into a house at night in order to steal. 4. An international agreement is a document signed by several countries. 5. An investigator is a person who makes a careful study of a crime. 6. A murderer is a person who is guilty of murder whether a person is guilty or not.


4. Correct the sentences:

1. There throughout the history were some efforts of the mankind to maintain the human rights by international action. 2. We can prove that this murder commited this suspect. 3. You collect the evidence and prove his charge! 4. The special jurisdiction the tribunal has. 5. The criminal accused the prosecutor. 5. The victim examined the doctor.


Negative sentences. Types of questions.


1. Name parts of the sentence and make them interrogative and negative:

1. Some categories of people demand special attention concerning their rights.

2. My father is a lawyer at the Prosecutor’s Office.

3. This constitutional provision protects your personal non-property rights.

4. They are not in legal profession.

5. My brother is an investigator at the Security Service of Ukraine.

6. He is a student at the Prosecutors’ Training Institute.


2. Make up alternative questions about relatives and their professions, use the following words and word combinations:

Example: Is your brother a notary or a judge?

Lawyer, jurist, prosecutor, judge, criminal, officer, investigator, notary, criminal expert, lawmaker.

3. Answer the following tag questions as in the example:

Example: Her mother is a lawyer, isn’t she? – No, she isn’t, she is an engineer.


1. His father isn’t an expert, is he? 2. They are jurors, aren’t they? 3. Mary is a prosecutor, isn’t she? 4. His brother is an investigator in Kiev, isn’t he? 5. This is the treaty protecting rights of a religious minority, isn’t it? 6. They are the victims of war, aren’t they? 7. They are students at the Prosecutors’ Training Institute, aren’t they?

4. Write down the questions you’d ask the person to find out the missing information about his / her law report:

Example: I have a task …. – What task do you have?

1. I work at … What……………..?

2. I am interested in …. Which branch of law …?

3. I chose this branch of law … Why……………….?

4. I started working at the report …. When………………?

5. I use … sources of information. What kind of………?

6. I heard about this data from….. Who……………….?

7. I spent … making the law report How much time…?

8. They printed … copies of the law report. How many…………?

5. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Хто твоя мати? – Вона викладач кримінального права. 2. Чоловік твоєї сестри – адвокат? – Ні. Він прокурор. Де він працює? – Він працює у суді. 3. Народ є єдиним джерелом влади в Україні. 4. Україна є незалежна, демократична і правова держава. 5. Встановлення та гарантування прав та свобод людини – одне з найважливіших положень Конституції. 6. Цивільний кодекс України надає фізичним особам можливість захищати свої особисті немайнові права.


There + to be


1. Make the following sentences interrogative and give the answers:

Example: There are 26 universities in our city. – Are there 26 universities in our city? There aren’t 26 universities in our city.

1. There is much information about the US district courts in this issue. 2. There are no lawyers in my family. 3. There are a lot of professors among our teachers. 4. There are few criminals in this district. 5. There are a lot of witnesses of the shoplifting. 6. There are some distinctions between court systems of Ukraine and the USA.


2. Insert there is or there are:

Example: …a lot of documents in the drawer. - There are a lot of documents in the drawer.

1. … … good news for you! 2. … … some money in my purse. 3. … … some useful information on this criminal case. 4. … …some assistant professors in the committee. 5. … …a lot of mistakes in this report. 6. … … some difficulties in this case. 7. What kind of documents … … on the table?


3. Translate into English:


1. Які документи на столі? 2. В академії багато професорів? 3. Скільки справ зараз у суді? 4. У неї тут багато цікавих статей з криміналістики. 5. У цьому тексті є нові юридичні терміни. 6. Існує певна процедура представлення справи до суду.


To be going to

1. Translate the sentences and make questions to them:

1. I am going to become a prosecutor. 2. She is going to make a law report tonight. 3. They are going to become good law specialists.

2. Translate into English:


1. Суддя районного суду збирається розглядати цю справу сьогодні. 2. Які докази ви збираєтися представити завтра? 3. Коли ви збираєтесь працювати над доповіддю з кримінального права? 4. Я збираюся стати гарним юристом. 5. Ми не будемо розмовляти з його адвокатом завтра, ми будемо опитувати свідків. 6. Я збираюся відвідати апеляційний суд завтра вранці.


The Simple Tenses


The Present Simple Tense

1. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:

Example: My niece dreams to become a prosecutor. – Does my niece dream to become a prosecutor? My niece doesn’t dream to become a prosecutor.

1. My father works as a prosecutor. 2. They want to be judges. 3. An investigator usually uses a deductive method. 4. Water freezes at 0 °C. 5. The new law comes into force on May 15. 6. At the end of a trial a judge passes sentence or sets the accused free.


2. Put the verb into the Present Simple form:

Example: He (to specialize) in Criminal Law. – He specializes in Criminal Law

1. She (not/ to work) as a lawyer, she is a student. 2. A policeman usually (to stop) cars in the street. 3. The Sun (to rise) in the East. 4. It often (to rain) in England. 5. He (not/ to want) to become an investi­gator. 6. He (to major) in law.


3. Put questions to the italicized words:

Example: He works in court. - Where does he work?

1. My father works at the Prosecutor’s office, he is a prosecutor. 2. My sister is a stu­dent, she studies at the University of Hertfordshire. 3. We usually read periodicals in the library. 4. Her parents always give her useful advice. 5. The government controls Parliament. 6. The United Kingdom Parliament consists of two Houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. 7. The law punishes criminals. 8. The jurisdiction of the courts extends to all legal relations.


The Past Simple Tense


1. Make the sentences interrogative and negative:

Example: The jury consisted of local citizens. – Did the jury consist of local citizens? – The jury didn’t consist of local citizens.

1. The defendant had no right to appeal. 2. Two witnesses watched a burglary. 3. The photograph was very important for the investigator. 4. Scottish civil law didn’t differ from that of England. 5. Her mother was guilty of murder. 6. She threatened him with the gun and forced him to write out a confession.


2. Put questions to the words in italics:

Example: They trial started at 9 o’clock this morning. – When did the trial start?

1.His brother worked as a judg e last year. 2. The doctor examined the victim in the morning. 3. The suspect told about the place of the crime. 4.He missed a lot of classe s in Criminology. 5.Every year Parliament passed about hundred laws. 6. The judge sentenced the accused to 15 years in prison. 7. Yesterday in the evening the jury passed the verdict on the suspect.


3. Rewrite the following sentences using the Past Simple:

1. His father works at a police station. 2. I often see him in the court. 3. He always takes a gun with him. 4. The investigator questions prisoners. 5. Their parents are in legal profession. 6. They don’t change their opinion.


The Future Simple Tense


1. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:

Example: He will file a complaint against the defendant. – Will he file a complaint against the defendant? He will not file a complaint against the defendant.

1. They will accuse him of murder. 2. Mrs. Evans will present her evidence at the trial. 3. The grand jury will decide if there should be a trial. 3. The trial jury will listen to the evidence presented at the trial. 4. Soon the judge will ask the defendant if he pleads “guilty” or “not guilty”. 5. In an hour the grand jury will issue the verdict. 6. If jurors can’t agree, the judge will declare a mistrial.


2. Put questions to the words in italics:

1. The Parliament will discuss laws next week. 2. The judge will announce a sentence tomorrow. 3. The judge will sum up the evidence. 4. They will accuse him of theft. 5. The police will make inquires tomorrow. 6. The judge will hear the next case after lunch.


3. Choose the correct item (Present Simple or Future Simple):

Example: Don’t leave the town until they (issue/ will issue) an indictment. –

Don’t leave the town until they issue the indictment.

1. You (do…go/ will…go) to the court hearing today? 2. If you (see/ will see) the accused, tell him he might be hanged! 3. What (will / do) you do if the witness (doesn’t/ won’t) tell the truth? 4. The prosecutor will inform us if something wrong (happens/ will happen). 5. If we (are / will be) tired, we’ll stop searching the place of murder. 6. If the prosecutor (disagrees/ will disagree) with the court judgement, he will lodge an appeal to the higher court.


4. Translate the following sentences into English using Present, Past or Future Simple:

1. Він не працює у прокуратурі, він – студент. 2. Він ніколи не зізнається. 3. Усі мої родичі були пов’язані з юридичною професією. 4. Засідання суду відбудеться завтра. 5. Наприкінці судового засідання суддя виносить вирок суду. 6. Що ви робили у прокуратурі? 7. Ви підете сьогодні на засідання суду?


The Continuous Tenses



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