Combine the clauses using participle phrases (Present, Past or Perfect Participle). Decide whether to use the conjunctions in the participle clause or not. 

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Combine the clauses using participle phrases (Present, Past or Perfect Participle). Decide whether to use the conjunctions in the participle clause or not.

Model: When we arrived in London, we went sightseeing. – Arriving in London, we went sightseeing.

When I read this story, I came across many new words. – When reading this story, I came across many new words.


1.As she didn't have a boyfriend, she flirted with every guy she met. 2.Since he had never been there before, he was stunned. 3.Before he left the house, he switched off the lights. 4.As she was on holiday, she couldn't go to the party. 5.While she was preparing dinner, she cut her finger. 6.When I travel around Ireland, I always stay in youth hostels. 7.Since she didn't hear the doorbell, she missed the delivery. 8.After I had dropped him at the station, I drove straight to the supermarket. 9.While they were talking on the phone, they forgot everything around them. 10.When you speak English, pay attention to the order of words.


Complete the sentences with the present or past participle of the verbs.


Be destroy establish find read ruin translate use


1)........ new to the business, I need lots of guidance.

2)........ in the 19th century, the college has a long and distinguished academic tradition.

3) Jim's work became too much for him, eventually....... his health.

4)........ the course very difficult, she decided to transfer to a lower level.

5)........ sparingly, this herb will subtly improve the flavour of your recipes.

6) Completely........ in the 1963 earthquake, the church has been painstakingly restored.

7)........ the letter quickly, he soon understood that the news was very bad.

8) Beautifully........ by Caroline Jones, the short story has a poetic quality to it.


Unit 24 My Future Profession
  Vocabulary in Use Careers in Agriculture The World of Work Language Focus Participial Constructions

Vocabulary In Use

1. Find the Ukrainian equivalents in the right-hand column for the following:

1) challenge 2) next generation 3) motivated professionals 4) to set high standards 5) a hands-on approach 6) to be unemployed 7) to deal with 8) to keep abreast of a) зацікавлені спеціалісти b) встановлювати високі стандарти c) ініціативний підхід d) не відставати від e) бути безробітним f) займатися g) виклик h) прийдешнє покоління

2. Match phrases to definitions:

1) a good salary 2) friendly colleagues 3) a good boss 4) opportunities for promotion 5) flexible working hours 6) holiday pay 7) sick pay 8) long holidays a) nice people to work with b) the chance to get a better job at the company c) a good manager d) a lot of days off a year e) a lot of money for doing your job f) you can choose when you start and finish work g) you get paid when you are on holiday h) you get paid when you are ill

3. Fill in the gaps with the adjectives to describe jobs.

demanding well-paid badly-paid temporary permanent full-time part-time stressful challenging rewarding repetitive dull


1) A demanding job needs a lot of time and energy.

2) A ______ job makes you feel satisfied when you do it well.

3) If you have a ______ job, you worry about it a lot.

4) A ______ job is very difficult, but in an enjoyable way.

5) If you have a ______ job, you only work part of the working week.

6) In a ______ job you do the same things again and again.

7) You have a ______ job for only a short time.

8) If you have a ______ job, you work every day in the working week (usually Monday to Friday).

9) You have a ______ job for a long time.

10) A _____ job is very boring.

11) In a ______ job you earn a lot of money.

12) In a ______ job you don’t earn much money.

READING AND speaking

Read the text and say what career opportunities wait for those who plan to work in the agricultural and land-based industries.

Careers in Agriculture

Agriculture is the world's biggest business. The company of international trade in food and related agricultural products is enormous and increasing all the time. Managers with the highest levels of business skills are required.

Changes in approaches to farming throughout the world and the increasing demands of consumers point to a wide range of career opportunities and challenges for the next generation of graduates from universities and colleges which specialise in the agricultural and land-based industries.

Some of the challenges are daunting. The main challenge will be to provide enough food without further damage to the environment and against a background of increasing difficulties due to climatic change and the diminution and pollution of water supplies.

To meet this challenge, highly qualified and motivated professionals, armed with modern marketing, business and communication skills are essential. However, those with more traditional agricultural and land management training will also be required to back them up.

Career opportunities cover the whole spectrum of the agricultural industries from farmer to consumer, plough to plate.

Employers in the agricultural and land-based sector are setting higher and higher standards and expect their new employees to take a hands-on approach to the business and management aspects of their new careers.

Young people who are concerned about the environment, about the safety of our food or who simply enjoy the prospect of working in the land-based sector will benefit from study at one of Ukraine's agricultural training institutions. The career opportunities are endless. Agriculture doesn’t only provide a fulfilling and interesting choice of career, it also opens the doors to many other industries, due to the broad education, skills, training and experience that are required.


5. a) Read what the students, who have chosen agriculture as their career, say about their future professions.

Helen (future economist):

To become an agricultural economist you need an ability to make analytical decisions. You also need to learn economic theory, mathematics, computer skills, and modern decision-making tools in finance, marketing, and management. As an agricultural economist I must be able to analyze the financial situation and solve it to induce a profit. Through planning and organization I must be ready to create and coordinate activities and schedules of production. Agribusiness firms, that provide such things as feed, seed, fertilizer or capital, and those that process and distribute agricultural products, employ agricultural economists. Rural banks and input cooperatives employ agricultural economists to manage their operations. Many agricultural economists work for wholesale and retail food processing firms. So I believe I won’t be unemployed after graduation.

Alex (future manager):

Management deals mainly with people. A manager is a person who directly supervises people in an organization. On small farms, they may oversee the entire operation, while on large farms they may oversee a single activity, such as marketing. Farm managers also negotiate with banks and other credit lenders to get the best financing deals for their equipment as well as their livestock and seeds. They must also keep abreast of constantly changing prices for their products and be able to manage the risk of fluctuating prices. In future I hope to manage the day-to-day activities of an agricultural enterprise and spend a great deal of time communicating, coordinating and making decisions affecting its daily operations. I think managing is a very interesting, but at the same time difficult job.

Henry (future mechanic engineer):

My future profession deals with farm mechanisation. Agricultural engineers design agricultural machinery and facilities such as tractors, storage and handling facilities, and irrigation and drainage systems. People of this occupation must have good problem-solving abilities, as it is important for them to be able to discover the cause of a problem to repair it. They are expected to have the electrical, electronics, and computer programming skills to repair sophisticated equipment on their own. Engineers should be creative, curious, analytical, and detail-oriented. As an agricultural engineer I must understand physical and chemical principles well enough to apply them to solve problems.

Kate (future food technologist):

Food scientists and technologists generally work in product development. They use their knowledge of chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, and engineering to convert grain, livestock, fruit, and vegetables into new food products. Some food scientists are engaged in basic research, discovering new food sources, analyzing food content to determine levels of vitamins, fat, sugar, or protein. Others try to find ways to improve the content of food. They also develop ways to process, preserve, package, or store food according to industry and government regulations. As a food technologist I may also deal with inspecting food processing areas and ensuring that sanitation, safety, and quality standards are met. I dream of working for a big food processing company.

Susan (future specialist in marketing):

Marketing deals with market research and commercial activity in general. It involves analyzing business situations, evaluating market opportunities, developing market strategies and controlling their implementation. It is important for a specialist in marketing to be flexible and prepared to make adjustments where necessary, as it is unlikely that any marketing plan will succeed exactly as planned.

Mary (future lawyer):

Agricultural law is the study of the laws that impact this diverse world of agricultural production, marketing, and distribution. Because the industry itself is so varied, the laws and regulations relating to agriculture are some of the most extensive and complex of those of any industry. These laws encompass the unique aspects of many different areas of law, including environmental law, administrative law, commercial law, taxation, labour law, intellectual property law, and international trade. In addition, a wide range of local, state and federal laws are directed solely at agriculture. The present and future structure of agriculture, the safety of our food and the allocation of agricultural resources are among emerging policy issues which form the foundation of agricultural law today and in the future.

Bill (future agronomist):

I grew up working on my family’s vegetable farm, and I knew that I wanted to continue to farm. Now I’m studying agronomy. Agronomists deal with field crops and soil management. They develop new varieties of crops, analyze soil structure, investigate soil chemistry, and study the physics of water movement in soil. Agronomists are concerned with the environment. They are hired as crop consultants by farmers or big agricultural companies. They help them raise the best crop possible within economic and environmental reason. Today, I still plan working on my parents’ farm in future. However, I understand now that my career opportunities are much broader than I once thought.

Tom (future veterinarian):

I’ve always known that I wanted to become a veterinarian because animals are my life. Veterinarians can start their own businesses or work with others in group practices where they diagnose, treat, and help prevent disease and disabilities in animals. The doctor of veterinary medicine degree opens up many career choices. Veterinarians can be practitioners, researchers, administrators, and teachers. They may work with one or more species of animals. Veterinarians safeguard human health by controlling diseases that can spread from animals to humans.

John (future livestock specialist):

I was born in the city and I loved the idea of not only seeing farm animals but also being able to work with them. Animal science covers all aspects of animals from their diets to physiology to consumption. We study the genetics, nutrition, reproduction, and growth of domestic farm animals. The goal is to raise healthy animals at the lowest cost possible. This profession works to develop better, more efficient ways of producing and processing meat, poultry, eggs, and milk.

b) What is your future profession? What does it deal with?

6. How good are you at these things? Write ++(very good), +(fairly good) or – (not good at all) next to each item. Which of them are necessary for your future career?

being creative  
applying new skills  
solving problems  
working independently  
working on a team  
using your hands  
communicating ideas  
working under pressure  
following orders  
working long hours  
meeting deadlines  
finding compromises  



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