Historical places of Chernivtsi 

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Historical places of Chernivtsi

As history witnesses, Chernivtsi, the regional center of Northern Bukovyna, began its development from fortress which was built on the left bank of the Prut River in the 12th century. The name of Chernivtsi comes from the old Slavonic word ‘Chern’, which means ‘black’. It is one of the oldest cities of Europe and that’s why there are many historical places in it.

The symbol of our town is a lacelike gate of the University. The former residence of the Bukovinian Metropolitans is a masterpiece of architecture. This extremely attractive palace was designed and constructed by the well – known Czech architect Joseph Hlavka in 1864-1882. Now it is one of the buildings of Chernivtsi National University.

The citizens of Chernivtsi are also proud of their Music and Drama Theatre. Built in 1905, it was designed by the Vienese architects Felkner and Helmer, who planned the world – famous Vienna and Odessa Opera Houses. In front of the theatre you can see the monument to the Ukrainian democratic writer Olha Kobylyanska whose name the Chernivtsi Theatre bears. The Theatre Square is a favourite site of local residents and visitors for rest.

One of the main streets of Chernivtsi is Kobylyanska street which was called Panska one. It is not very long but it is narrow and straight. You can not any the cars in this street because it’s pedestrian street. Every day, a lot of people go to Kobylyanska street. Some of them go shopping because there many shops and boutiques there. Other people go to the café or restaurant, or to the cinema.

Over time, the city of Chernivtsi has become more and more beautiful. Its people, who are very industrious and hospitable are always glad to receive the guests.

Honeymoon in Bascome

“I never thought it was going to be like this,” John said. He was talking about his honeymoon and he looked very disappointed. He and Anna, his bride, were walking along the beach. It was drizzling and a strong wind was blowing. Although it was the middle of summer, it seemed like late autumn.

Everything was wrong. First of all, Bascome, the town they had come to, was not at all like the description they had read in the holiday brochure. It was an ugly seaside town on the East Coast. The beach was full of litter. The cafes and pubs in the town itself were all in the worst sort of ‘modern’ style, with loud juke boxes and plastic flowers. Secondly, the weather had been dreadful all the five days they had been there. Thirdly, they were staying at was awful and in addition, the food was disgusting. Their room was small, dark and cramped. The bed creaked loudly every time they moved. Breakfast was a greasy fried egg and one thin slice of toast. Dinner was even worse; they were overcooked and watery. Last but not least, the hotel was managed by a stout and terrifying lady with the voice and appearance of an army sergeant. Nobody ever dared complain to her. John and Anna had booked for two weeks.

On the sixth day they went for a long walk along the coast. At first, the sky was overcast as usual. But after a while it began to brighten up. The clouds cleared and suddenly the sun came out. About lunch time they got to a small, very pleasant fishing village. There was a good old –fashioned pub on the quayside. It had a fine view of the harbor. They had some good beer and sandwiches there for lunch. They began to cheer up and started talking to the friendly landlord. Then they sat for a time outside the pub in the warm sunlight and watched the fishing boats sail past them. Suddenly Anna noticed a sign in the pub window. “Bed and Breakfast. Reasonable Prices”. Then she said, “Why don’t we spend the second week here instead of that ghastly hotel in Bascome?”

John began to think of excuses he could use with terrifying woman back at the hotel. What, he wondered, would she do if he told her they were leaving early?

Types of Tourism

1. People travel for many different reasons. 2. In the tourism industry we divide the reasons for travel into three main categories: leisure tourism, business tourism and visiting friends and relatives (VFR).

3. Leisure tourism can mean anything from excursions, day trips and weekend breaks to package holidays, pleasure cruises. 4The purpose of travel in this case is recreation. 5. So leisure travellers go to sea resorts or holiday camps and stay at resort hotels. 6. There are always swimming pools, fitness centres, tennis courts, discos at a resort hotel.7. It also offers its customers contests, concerts, shows, animation programmes for children.8. It usually offers tours and visits to different tourist attractions: local sights or amusement or theme parks.9. Leisure tourism also includes cultural trips (for example, to music festivals), educational trips (for ex. study tours) and religious trips (for ex. pilgrims on a walking tour for a holy place) and sport tourism a type of active holiday (for ex. hiking, cycling, boating, rafting, skiing)

10. Business tourism is a travel for business purposes, for such events as meetings, conferences, seminars and trade fairs.11. There are tourist companies that provide business services, such as fax, telex and telephone communications, secretarial services, answering services, business meeting arrangements. 12. There are business facilities for travellers at hotels, airports, on airplanes. 13. Business travel will develop faster than other types of tourism in future. 14. It also includes special trips when workers are given a reward or a ‘thank you’ for good work (this is known as an incentive tourism). 15. This type of tourism is still a very small part of international tourism, because only large progressive companies can afford incentive tours for their employees.

16. Travel in order to visitfriends or family relatives is also regarded as part of the tourism industry. 17. This could be for a special family party, such as reunion or a wedding.

Travelling By Train in Britain

One of the first a foreign notices about British railways is the platforms. They are higher than in most parts of the world. The platform is almost on a level with the floor of the carriages. You do not, therefore, have to climb up into a railway carriage in Britain. This makes it a little easier to get in and out of the carriage with your luggage.

The trains that go to and from London are very crowded as the people are travelling to work, since about a million people travel to London to work each day. There are cheap tickets after a certain time of the day, usually about 9:30 when everyone has gone to work. There are called cheap day return tickets. It is often nearly 50% cheaper to travel to London after 9:30 than before this time.

On many fast trains to London there is a dining car in which you can buy lunch, dinner or coffee. On others there is a buffet at which it is possible to buy snacks and drinks. Sometimes a waiter from the dining car brings round cups of coffee to the passengers.

There are only two classes on British trains: first and second. A first - class ticket costs 50% more than a second-class ticket. On long journeys, there is a ticket inspector, who visits every passenger to see if s/he has the right ticket and is not travelling in the wrong class.

In England train passengers seldom converse with their fellow - travellers even on a long journey - this is more a national custom than a matter of etiquette. When the passenger reaches the end of her/his journey and leaves the train, s/he has to give their ticket to the ticket collector at the exit before s/he can leave the station. If the passenger has luggage and wants someone to carry it for her/him to a waiting car or taxi, s/he must ask a porter. The porter does not charge for this service, but he expects a bill.


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Ukrainian Health Resorts

Ukraine has many tourist attractions for travelers eager to learn more about it, its people, history and folkways. Boundless steppes, thick forests, high mountains, warm seas, wide rivers cannot but attract tourists. Add to this numerous nature reserves, parks, rich museum collections and the picture becomes truly unforgettable.

A modern tourist industry has a wide network of hotels and resorts. Ukraine can accommodate 10 million visitors. Ukrainians are a hospitable nation, they meet guests with bread and salt, saying “Welcome!”

Ukraine is famous for its resorts. Truskavets in the Lviv region is a balneological resort with best known spring of “Naftusia”. Svaliava in Trancarpathia is known for its mineral springs. Mirgorod in the Poltava region is a famous balneological resort Known for mineral water and peat treatment. Slovianohirsk is a resort on the Severskiy – Donets river. Sloviansk is a famous for mud cure. In 1977, the National Nature Park “Holy Mountains” was established.

Special attention is given to children’s health resorts. A harmonious health care system for children has been created. In the sanatoriums they are provided with diverse medical services, massage, electrotherapy, water procedures. Yevpatoria will continue to develop as a children’s resort, one of the best climatic and balneological centers of Ukraine. There are about 100 sanatoriums and holiday homes in Yevpatoria, 70 of them are for children.



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