F) Shop-assistant: Can I help you? 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


F) Shop-assistant: Can I help you?

Верный ответ: A, B, C, D, E, F

143. Put the lines in the conversation into the correct order:

A) Customer: No, I don’t like the colour.

B) Shop-assistant: What about this one?

C) Customer: It’s a bit small. Have you got something bigger?

D) Shop-assistant: Yes, the changing rooms are over there.

E) Customer: Can I try it on?

Верный ответ: A, B, C, D, E

144. Put the lines in the conversation into the correct order:

A) Customer: By credit card.

B) Shop-assistant: $ 120. How would you like to pay?

C) Customer: Medium. It feels fine. I’ll have it. How much is it?

D) Shop-assistant: Yes, what size are you?

E) Customer: Can I try it on?

Верный ответ: A, B, C, D, E

145. Choose the right variant: - Life in the country is ……. than city life.

- Yes, the city’s much …..

C) slower, faster

146. Choose the right variant:- New York is …… than London.

- No, it isn’t. New York is much ….

C) safer, more dangerous

147. Choose the right variant:- The streets of New York are ….. than the streets of Paris.

- No, they aren’t. They’re much …..

C) cleaner, dirtier

148. Choose the right variant:- The buildings in Rome are ….. than the buildings in New York.

- No, they aren’t. They’re much …..

C) more modern, older

149. Choose the right variant:- The Underground in London is ….. than the Metro in Paris.

- No, it isn’t! The Underground is much ….

B) better, worse

150. Put the lines in the conversation into the correct order:

A) Customer: White, please.

B) Waiter: Would you like red or white?

C) Customer: Can I have a bottle of wine?

D) Waiter: And what would you like to drink?

E) Customer: Yes. I’d like a tuna salad, please.

F) Waiter: Would you like to order now?

Верный ответ: A, B, C, D, E, F

151. Read the texts and fill in the gaps.Alice: I don’t …… clothes very often and I don’t ….. what people wear is very important. When I ….. shopping, I buy the clothes

I need and that’s all. I usually wear a pair of jeans, a T-shirt and some trainers and a jumper or a jacket when it’s cold. And I …..

buying shoes - I’ve only got three pairs!

D) buy, think, go, hate

152. Read the texts and fill in the gaps.Emma: Oh, I ….. clothes! I buy fashion magazines every week and ….. programmes about clothes on TV. And I really love shoes -

I’ve got more than fifty pairs at home. My friends and I ….. about clothes a lot and we..... shopping every Saturday afternoon.

What do I want to buy today? Some new shoes, of course!

D) love, watch, talk, go

153. Read the texts and fill in the gaps.Liam: I like looking good and I ….. a lot of money on clothes every year, especially shirts and ties. I’m a lawyer so what I ….. at

work is important. I ….. shopping every month, and today I …… to get some new trousers and a suit. Yes, what I wear is really

important to me - and to my girlfriend!

D) spend, wear, go, want

154. Read the direction and fill in the gaps. - ……. me. Is there a supermarket ……. ……..?

- Yes. Go ……… ahead and it’s on the …….

- Is it ……?

- No, just five minutes.

C) Excuse, near hear, straight, right, far

155. Read the direction and fill in the gaps.- Excuse me. …… a bank near hear?

- Yes. It’s …… Street. Go …… …….. and take the first street on the ……. It’s on the.......

- Thanks.

B) is there, in Park, straight ahead, right, left

156. Read the direction and fill in the gaps.- …….. Is there a chemist’s ……. here?

- Yes. ……… the first street on the right. It’s …… …… Street and it’s on the ……..

- Thanks.

A) Excuse me, near, take, in Main, right

157. Here is the name of a drink with the letters mixed up. What is it? “eta”

A) tea

158. Here is the name of a drink with the letters mixed up. What is it?“rebe”

A) beer

159. Here is the name of a drink with the letters mixed up. What is it?“klim”

A) milk

160. Here is the name of a drink with the letters mixed up. What is it?“fecofe”

A) coffee

161. Here is the name of a drink with the letters mixed up. What is it?“rituf eciju”

A) fruit juice

162. Here is the name of a drink with the letters mixed up. What is it?“nilemar retaw”

A) mineral water

163. Choose the right variant:I use ….. to drink out of.

E) glass

164. Choose the right variant:……. ….. makes the dishes clean.

D) washing-up liquid

165. Choose the right variant:The …… is cold inside.

C) fridge

166. Choose the right variant:I turn on the ….. to get water.

B) tap

167. Choose the right variant:A tea …. is for making plates wet.

A) towel

168. Put the lines in the conversation into the correct order:

A) Customer: An orange juice, please.

B) Waiter: What you would like to drink?

C) Customer: Rare, please.

D) Waiter: What would you like your steak? Rare, medium or done good?


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