Irregular comparisons (comparative forms) 

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Irregular comparisons (comparative forms)

good - better - the best far - farther(further) - the farthest (the furthest)
bad - worse - the worst old - older(elder) - the oldest(the eldest)
many - more - the most near - nearer - the nearest(the next)
much - more — the most late - later(latter) - the latest(the last)
little - less - the least  

e.g. I earn less money than a postman.

He promised to apologise. - It's the least he can do.

It's of the least importance.

In less than 2 months he was rated as Master’ s Mate.

As you get older you get more tolerant.

Прилагательные в превосходной степени употребляются с определённым артиклем the.


1. ту elder brother = ту older brother

2. older than me (Formal. She is older than I am. Informal: She is older than me.)

3. much older than..., much more popular than..., a lot cheaper than …. намного:

less interesting than...-менее

e.g. The book's a lot more interesting than his last one.

4. more often, less often; but earlier (Not more early)

5. In the degrees of comparison of adjectives "ng" should sound [Ng]

e.g. young [N] – younger [Ng] - the youngest [Ng]

long [N] – longer [Ng] - the longest [Ng]

6. [r]: pure – purer [rq] - the purest [rist]

clever - cleverer[rq] - the cleverest [rist]

7. most = very.

e.g. The book you lent me was most interesting.

Rule 2. Special questions (Why - questions)

Специальные вопросы начинаются со слов what, who, whom, when, why, where, how (many), which, whose. Далее следует конструкция общего вопроса. Она произносятся с нисходящим тоном.

e.g. What's the ˎmatter?

When is he ˎbusy?

Why is he not at ˎhome?

Why isn 't she at ˎhome?

В вопросах к подлежащему после слов who, what глагол обычно стоит в ед. числе.

e.g. The students are in the classroom.

Who is in the classroom?

Если вопрос ставится к определению, то за вопросительным словом сразу следует определяемое существительное, а затем конструкция общего вопроса.

e.g. This is a modern novel.

What novel is this?

Note: Вопрос Who is he? подразумевает имя или родственные отношения.

What is he? подразумевает профессию.

e.g. Who is he? – He is Тот. Не is ту cousin.

What is he? – He's a student.

Rule 3. Personal pronouns

Личные местоимения имеют два падежа: именительный (Nominative Case) и косвенный или объектный (Objective Case). Местоимения в именительном падеже употребляются в функции подлежащего, в объектном - в функции дополнения

e.g. She isn t in.

Believe me.

Give him the paper.

Rule 4. Possessive pronouns

Притяжательные местоимения имеют 2 формы: зависимую (conjoint) и независимую (absolute). Зависимая форма употребляется с существительным.

e.g. Has the cat had its food yet?

Абсолютная форма употребляется без существительных.

e.g. This photo is yours.

Mine seems to be out of ink.

He’ s a friend of hers.

Where’ s that book of mine?

Rule 5. Demonstrative pronouns

Указательные местоимения изменяются по числам, согласуясь с существительными, но не по родам. Они делятся на местоимения, указывающие на предмет или лицо, находящийся вблизи от говорящего и далеко.

Ед.ч. this (это) -мн.ч. these (эти)

This is a house. - These are houses.

Ед.ч. that (то) • мн.ч those (те)

That is a leaf. • Those are leaves.

Those handkerchiefs are nice

Закрепление грамматического материала урока № 5

1. Degrees of comparison of adjectives (rule 1) – table № 2, 3 p. 56-57;

ex. XI, XII, XIII p. 61 (in written form),

ex. 31, 32 p. 466-467 (in written form).

2. Why-questions (rule 2) – ex. VII p.60 (orally),

ex. XVI p. 62, ex. 25 p. 465 (in written form)

3. Personal pronouns (rule 3) – table № 4 p. 57;

ex. 16, 17 p. 463 (in written form).

4. Possessive pronouns (rule 4) – table № 4 p. 57;

ex. 53, 54 p. 473(in written form).

5. Demonstrative pronouns (rule 5) – ex. X p. 60 (in written form);

ex. 18 p. 464 (orally).

6. Закрепление и проверка знания лексического материала урока– ex. XVIII p. 62.


Повторение изученного ранее грамматического материала

1. The verb to be – table № 1 p. 56

2. The plural form of nouns – Spelling rules p. 57-58;

ex. IV p. 59, ex. 19 p. 460, ex. 28 p. 466 (in written form).

3. General, alternative, disjunctive questions – ex. IX p. 60 (in written form).


Все новые слова в грамматическом материале и упражнениях уметь читать, писать и знать перевод.

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