Exercise 17 There are many proverbs to do with work. Match a line from column A with a line from column B to form an English proverb. 

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Exercise 17 There are many proverbs to do with work. Match a line from column A with a line from column B to form an English proverb.

A a. A bad workman b. If a job is worth doing c. Make hay d. Many hands e. Too many cooks f. Early to bed and early to rise g. Never put off till tomorrow h. The devil makes work i. All work and no play j. The early bird B while the sun shines. make light work. what you can do today. for idle hands. makes you healthy, wealthy and wise. blames his tools. it’s worth doing well. catches the worm. spoil the broth. makes Jack a dull boy.

What do the proverbs mean? Do you agree? Translate into Russian some of the proverbs you have in your language about work.

Exercise 18 a) Read the job advertisement in the newspaper column CLASSIFIED concerning a vacant position of a chief accountant for a well-known firm.


- maintain accounts payable ledger

- supervise banking and cash activities,

- supply contracts

- reconciliation of bank statements

- deal with local tax authorities

- supervise the accounting department

- cooperate with internal and external auditors.



- excellent English

- degree in accounting

- knowledge of the Ukrainian and Western accounting systems

- proper computer skills (SAP, SUN or other computerized accounting systems)

- familiarity with SWIFT

- ability to work independently.


b) Do you stand a good chance? If you feel like applying for a job, write a letter asking for an interview and send your resume. Study the examples below.

Maria Solovyeva

42, Artyoma St., apt. 6

Kharkiv, 61077, Ukraine

Tel.: + (057) 7120645


Brown & Co,

14, Pushkinskaya St.,

Kiev, 01004



Dear Sir

I am writing you because of your advertisement in the Sunday, March 12, issue of the Kyiv Post. 10 years of bookkeeping experience have qualified me to seek employment at a company like yours. Please consider me an applicant.

You will find additional information about my qualifications in the enclosed resume. I would appreciate your granting me an interview.

Yours faithfully

M. Solovyeva

Enc. Resume




Maria Solovyeva

42, Artyoma St., apt. 6

Kharkiv, 61077, Ukraine

Tel.: + (057) 7120645


Objective Summary Qualifications Experience 1999 – present 1995 – 1999 1993 – 1995 1992 – 1993 Education 1987– 1992 Personal References A position as a chief accountant   Experienced accounting professional who works well under pressure, has good oral and written communication skills, knowledge of computers and administrative abilities; 10 years experience in public and private finance; strong managerial experience and substantial knowledge in local and western accounting. Kept all books of account, general ledgers, and balance sheets at the end of fiscal year, prepared financial statements and production planning forecasts.   Credit Bank, Kharkov. Senior financial manager. Responsible for choosing long- and short-term financing techniques, in charge of account books, statements, new ideas in planning.   Social Insurance Fund, Kharkov. Accountant. Prepared accounts payable, accounts receivable and financial statements, handled cash and kept checking receipts, kept all books of account, general ledgers and balance sheets.   Universal Business Systems, Kharkov. Controller. Responsible for financial accounting – preparation of the firm’s financial statements, operating budgets and reports to various local and state agencies.   Privat Bank, Kharkov. Bank teller, assistant book-keeper. Handled cash, prepared accounts payable and accounts receivable.   Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport Bachelor of Economics and Entrepreneurship   Married, one child   Available upon request





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“Мій фах – Бухгалтерський облік та аудит”

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