Collections in it. There is a famous clock in London called Big Ben. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Collections in it. There is a famous clock in London called Big Ben.

You can see splendid churches in the city. Westminster Abbey is one

Of the oldest royal churches. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the mot wonderful

Classical church in Britain.

London’s park and gardens are really beautiful. In Regent’s park there

Is the Zoo. It is one of the biggest and most famous zoos in the world.

There are about 10 thousand streets in London with a lot of shops

And cafes, cinemas and theatres, galleries and museums. Big red buses

Run up and down the streets. The oldest metro in the world, called Tube,

Is here in London, too.

Pоst-listening Activity. London Quiz (“Brainstorm”)

T. Let’s guess the quiz.

1. London is the … of England.

a) centre b) capital

c) part

2. The famous clock in the London calls ….

a) Big Boll b) Big Doll

c) Big Ben

3. More than … live in London.

a) 2 mln b) 18 mln

c) 8 mln

184 Усі _V_4_>_<_;уроки англійської мови. 5 клас (за підручником О. Д. Карп’юк)

4. From Tower Bridge you can see ….

a) St. Paul’s Cathedral b) The London Zoo

c) The Tower of London

5. The Queen lives in ….

a) the Tower of London b) Buckingham Palace

c) Westminster Abbey

6. Westminster Abbey is famous ….

a) museum b) royal church

c) circus

7. In Regent’s Park there is the biggest … in the world.

a) metro b) clock

c) zoo

8. There are … in the centre of London.

a) Piccadilly Circus b) Trafalgar Square

c) Regent’s Park

9. There are … streets in London.

a) 6 b) 1 mln

c) 10 thousands

Keys: 1 b, 2 c, 3 c, 4 c, 5 b, 6 b, 7 c, 8 b, 9 c.

Впр. 4, 5, с. 214.

Впр. 4, с. 215.


Підбиття підсумків уроку

T. What did you practice at the lesson? What did you like to do at

the lesson? Your marks are…

Домашнє завдання

Впр. 6, с. 216–217, підготуватися до проектної роботи: прине-

Сти фото визначних місць Лондона, короткі розповіді про них.


Project “Great Britain”. Grammar Revision

Мета: узагальнити та систематизувати знання учнів про визначні місця


Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, матеріали для виготовлення

Проекту: аркуш формату А1, фото визначних місць Лондона, короткі

Розповіді, фломастери, клей.

UNIT 5. TIME FOR DISCOVERY. Lesson 2. Discover the UK. L88 185



Привітання. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку

T. Today’s topic is “Project ‘Great Britain’ ”.

London Bridge

London Bridge is falling down,

Falling down, falling down.

London Bridge is falling down,

My fair lady.

Перевірка домашнього завдання

Впр. 6, с. 216–217 — перевірка виконання вправи.


Розвиток навичок читання

T. Now, you’ll work in 3 groups. Read your text and try to translate

It into Ukrainian. Then, you’ll share the information you have learnt

With your friends.

Group A: London Buses

Group B: London Underground (Tube)

Group C: Taxi

Group A. London Buses

If you are on holiday in London, travel by bus. London buses are

Called double-deckers. They have a driver and a conductor. Look at the

Sign on the front, on the side or on the back of the bus to know where

The bus is going. Read a notice board at the bus-stop to know the places

On the bus route.

When you get on the bus, the conductor says, “Fares, please”. You

Say where you want to go, he tells you how much to pay, you pay him

and he gives you a ticket. Keep it till the end of your trip!

Group B. London Underground (Tube)

You can get to most places in London very quickly by the under

Ground. There are many lines on the London Underground. All the lines

Are of a different color on the map. Buy the ticket from the ticket-office

At the Underground station, or from the automatic machine. Keep the

Ticket till the end of your journey.

Усі уроки англійської мови. 5 клас (за підручником О. Д. Карп’юк)

Group C. Taxi

If you are in a hurry, the fastest way of travelling is by-taxi. Do

You know what a London taxi looks like? Their special shape and

Black color are famous all over the world. The black cabs as they are

Called have become the symbol of London. Now the taxi drivers have

Their cabs in different colors — red, green, even silver. And soon the


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