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Грамматический справочник, материалы к контрольным работам и зачетам

Корнева О.Н.

Грамматический справочник, материалы к контрольным работам и зачетам

По английскому языку

для студентов ДиА заочного отделения






Структура английского предложения

Структура русского и английского предложения отличается, прежде всего, порядком слов.

Порядок слов в английском предложении строго фиксирован и соответствует модели

S+ V+O


Где S- подлежащее (отвечает на вопрос кто?что?), V-сказуемое (что делает?) и O- дополнение (отвечает на вопросы косвенных падежей).

Способы выражения членов предложения частями речи.

Члены предложения Части речи Примеры
Подлежащее (S) Существительное   Личное местоимение Числительное Инфинитив Герундий Students study at the University. A student takes a new course. The student passed the exam. She lives in London. Two multiplies two … To live means to study. Smokingmakes harm for your health.
Сказуемое (V) - глагольное   - составное глагольное сказуемое   - составное именное сказуемое   Конструкция There be -   Глагол   Глагол + инфинитив   To be+ · cyществительное, · прилагательное, · числительное, · наречие, · предлог     Students study at the University. They have many classes every day. I like to read books. He can speak English.   Sheis an A-student. Heis smart. Weare twenty. Iam well. They are out. There aremany students in the classroom.
Дополнение (O) Существительное- Объектное местоимение Числительное Инфинитив и причастие (в конструкции Complex Object) Герундий   They study Law. I see him in the street. Five plus three makes eight. I want him to know this rule. I have my car repaired. I like his reading.


Предлоги перед существительными в английском предложении выполняют функцию падежных окончаний существительных в русском языке. Отсутствие предлога перед существительным говорит о том, что оно является или подлежащим, (если стоит перед сказуемым), или прямым дополнением (если стоит после сказуемого).


Английские предлоги, соответствующие падежным

Окончаниям существительного в русском языке

- Именительный - подлежащее

- Родительный - of

- Дательный - to

- Винительный - место в предложении

- Творительный - by, with

- Предложный - about




Трудность перевода словосочетаний типа a stone wall, a five-star concrete and glass hotel с английского на русский заключается в том, что только последнее слово (базовое существительное) переводится существительным, а все стоящие перед ним слова являются определением к нему и переводятся в соответствии с нормами русского языка.

Например N + N = a stone wall = каменная стена

N + N + N = a concrete and glass hotel

определения базовое сущ. отель из стекла и бетона

Adj N + N = warm water port

определения базовое сущ. незамерзающий порт

Num + N + N + N + Adj + N = a five star concrete and glass modern hotel = пяти-звездный стеклянный бетонный современный отель (сделанный из стекла и бетона).


Упражнение 1

Найдите базовое существительное и его определения.

1. on verb dand dist of visit dash of start

2. at the start visit of dist dand verb of visit start verb dand

3. for the dist of the visit start verb dand of the dist

4. to the start dand verb dist transport of the start

5. by a ronk ronk with the ronk ronks at the ronk

6. about a dash dash dist for the dist dist dist to the dash

7. dash to the dist dash dist by the dist dist dist dash

8. for the start transport with transport start of the transport

9. a start dist dash at verb verb dist for dash

10. dashs to the dist verb start of the dash transport ronk for start


Лексические и грамматические ресурсы понимания предложения без словаря.

Интернациональная лексика.

Упражнение 2

Дайте эквиваленты следующим интернациональным словам.

Agent, argument, sphere, memorandum, object, partner, terror, veto, conference, convention, organ, sort, status, state, individual, private, group, element, presidium, Congress, address, visit, visa, project, Parliament, recruit, stimulus, decade, doctrine, base, culture, debate, nature, perspective, race, declaration, structure, consul, document, respondent, contract, bank, inflation, client, commission sale, brand, illegal, residence, credit.


Упражнение 3

Переведите словосочетания с интернациональными словами, не пользуясь словарем.

Tour agent, logical argument, long- term valid contract, legal document, final –year journalism student, black- and-white documentary film, legal status, thesis statement, computer based programme, government- made laws, penal system, hallucinatory drugs, eight- man jury, prison terms, business press, Presidential Press Secretary, to break a contract, Bar Committee, Criminal court, a few government officials, oral arguments, military action, political problems, home policy, criminal police, practical politics, local politics, authority, bank cheque, civil servant.


Упражнение 4

Переведите словосочетания, не пользуясь словарем.

1. A white -snow five deck ship, a long term agreement, a red brick university, a newly born child, a shuttle bus, a warm water port, a wall stone, a benefit system, a return first-class ticket, a well equipped modern advertising agency, old- fashioned gas stove, over-made -up main structure, short-cropped jet black hair, aggressive body language, half-full glass, first-floor flat, a unisex barbershop, blue and narrow-eyed man.

2. To come into force, entrance visa, letter of guarantee, state bank, business correspondence, extra pay.

2. Формальные признаки частей речи.(артикли, окончания, суффиксы, предлоги)


Наиболее продуктивные суффиксы


govern or, work er, constitu tion, burgla ry, happi ness, child hood;


law ful, guil ty, signific ant, dai ly.


quick ly.

Упражнение 4

Определите части речи по формальным признакам.

1) xly, at the x, of the x, the x x, xed, xing;

2) x xly, at x, of x, x, xed, the xed x, a xing x, xed, xing, in xing;

3) to x, on xing, xing x, xing, xed, xing the x, xed, x, of x, on x

1 2 3


1 2 3 4

2. КТО вдоль чего-то ДЕЛАЕТ ЧТО.

1 2 3 4 5 6

3. КТО (с деланием что-то) вдоль чего-то ДЕЛАЕТ ЧТО.

1 2 4 5 6 7

4. Сделанный КТО (с деланием что-то) вдоль чего-то ДЕЛАЕТ ЧТО.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

5. Сделанный КТО (с деланием что-то) вдоль чего-то ДЕЛАЕТ ЧТО, (сделанное из чего-то).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

6. Сделанный КТО (с деланием что-то) вдоль чего-то ДЕЛАЕТ делающее ЧТО (сделанное

из чего-то).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

7. Сделанный КТО (делающий что-то) (с деланием что-то) вдоль чего-то ДЕЛАЕТ

9 10 11 12

делающее ЧТО (сделанное из чего-то).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

8. (Делая что-то), сделанный КТО (делающий что-то) (с деланием что-то) вдоль чего-то

10 11 12 13 14

ДЕЛАЕТ делающее ЧТО (сделанное из чего-то).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

9. (Делая что-то), сделанный КТО (делающий что-то) (с деланием что-то) вдоль чего-то

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

ДЕЛАЕТ делающее ЧТО (сделанное из чего-то) (чтобы сделать к чему-то).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

10. (Как-то делая что-то), как-то сделанный КТО (делающий как-то что-то) (с деланием

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

как-то что-то) вдоль чего-то как-то ДЕЛАЕТ как-то делающее ЧТО (сделанное как-то

21 22 23 24

из чего-то) (чтобы сделать как-то к чему-то).


Упражнение 7

Разберите структуру предложений в соответствии с формальными признаками (порядок слов, окончания, артикли, предлоги).

1. The 1 2 the 3.

2. The 1 along the 2 3 the 4.

3. The 1 with 2ing the 3 along the 4 5 the 6.

4. The 1ed 2 with 3ing the 4 along the 5 6 the 7.

5. The 1ed 2 with 3ing the 4 along the 5 6 the 7 8ed from the 9.

6. The 1ed 2 with 3ing the 4 along the 5 6 the 7ing 8 9ed from the 10.

7. The 1ed 2 3ing the 4 with 5ing the 6 along the 7 8 the 9ing 10 11ed from the 12.

8. 1ing the 2, the 3ed 4 5ing the 6 with 7ing the 8 along the 9 10 the 11ing 12 13ed from the 14.

9. 1ing the 2, the 3ed 4 5ing the 6 with 7ing the 8 along the 9 10 the 11ing 12 13ed from the 14 to 15 for the 16.

10. 1ly 2ing the 3, the 4ly 5ed 6 7ing 8ly the 9 with 10ing 11ly the 12 along the 13 14ly 15 the 16ly 17ing 18 19ed 20ly from the 21 to 22 23ly for the 24.


Упражнение 8

Разберите структуру предложений в соответствии с формальными признаками (порядок слов, окончания, артикли, предлоги).

1. The 1 2 the 3.

2. The 1 at the 2 3 the 4.

3. The 1 to 2 the 3 at the 4 5 the 6.

4. The 1 to 2 the 3 at the 4 5 the 6, 7ing the 8.

5. The 1 to 2 the 3 with 4ing the 5 at the 6 7 the 8, 9ing the 10.

6. The 1 to 2 the 3 with 4ing the 5 at the 6 7 the 8 9ing on the 10, 11ing the 12.

7. The 1 2ed to the 3 to 4 the 5 with 6ing the 7 at the 8 9 the 10 11ing on the 12, 13 ing the 14.

8. The 1 2ed to the 3ing 4 to 5 the 6 with 7ing the 8 at the 9 10 the 11 12ing on the 13, 14ing the 15.

9. The 1ed 2 3ed to the 4ing 5 to 6 the 7 with 8ing the 9 at the 10 11 the 12 13ing on the 14, 15ing the 16.

10. The 1ly 2ed 3 4ed 5ly to the 6ing 7 to 8 9ly the 10 with 11ing 12ly the 13 at the 14 15ly 16 the 17 18ly 19ing on the 20, 21ly 22ing the 23.

Упражнение 9

Разберите структуру предложений в соответствии с формальными признаками (порядок слов, окончания, артикли, предлоги).

1 2 3

1. The verb dist the dand.

1 2 3 4

2. The dand at the dist verb the dand.

1 2 3 4 5 6

3. The dist to verb the dand at the dist dand the verb.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

4. The verb to dist the dand at the verb dist the dand, verbing the dand.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

5. The dand to dist the verb with danding the dist at the verb dand the dist, verbing the dand.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

6. The dist to dand the verb with disting the dand at the verb dist the dand verbing on the dist,

11 12

danding the verb.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

7. The verb danded to the dist to verb the dand with disting the verb at the dand dist the verb

11 12 13 14

danding on the dist, verbing the dand.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

8. The dand verbed to the disting dand to verb the dist with danding the verb at the dist dand

11 12 13 14 15

the verb disting on the dand, verbing the dist.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

9. The disted dand verbed to the disting dand to verb the dist with danding the verb at the dist

11 12 13 14 15 16

dand the verb disting on the dand, disting the verb.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

10. The verbly disted dand verbed distly to the danding verb to dist dandly the verb

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

with disting verbly the dand at the dist dandly verb the dist verbly danding on the dist,

21 22 23

verbly danding the dist.


Упражнение 10

Проанализируйте структуру предложений и найдите ядерную конструкцию


1. On 1ing 2ly the 3 the 4 5ly 6 the 7 8ly 9ed in the 10.

2. 1ing the 2, the 3 4 the 5ly 6ed 7.

3. The 1 2ed for the 3 on 4ing the 5 6 7ly the 8ly 9ed 10 to 11 12ly the 13 14ing in the 15.

4. 1ing at the 2, the 3 with 4ing 5ly the 6 7 the 8 in the 9 10ed in the 11 to 12 the 13 14ed through the 15 after the 16.

5. The 1ly 2ed 3 with 4ing the 5 6ed from the 7 8 the 9 10ing on the 11, 12ing in the 13 14ing in the 15 at the 16 into the 17.

6. 1ing to the 2, the 3 4ly 5 the 6 7ed from the 8 in the 9 on the 10 with 11ing the 12 to 13 the 14 in the 15 16ed in the 17 before 18ing from the 19 to the 20.

7. The 1ing 2 3ing the 4 after the 5 6ly 7 with 8ing the 9 to 10 the 11 in the 12ed 13 14ly 15ing on the 16ed 17 along the 18.

8. 1ing on the 2 at the 3 the 4ed 5 through 6ing the 7 8ly 9 the 10 to 11 to the 12 on the 13 among the 14ed 15.

9. The 1ed 2 with 3ing 4ly the 5 6 the 7 about the 8 9ed in the 10 11ed from the 12 on the 13 at the 14 15ed 16ly on the 17 from the 18.

10. The 1ly 2ed 3 4 the 5.

Упражнение 11

Проанализируйте структуру предложений и найдите ядерную конструкцию


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. On visiting visitly the visit the visit visitly visits the visit visitly visited in the visit.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

2. Dashing the dash, the dash dashes the dashly dashed dash.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3. The verb verbed for the verb on verbing the verb verb verbly the verbly verbed verb


11 12 13 14 15

to verb verbly the verb verbing in the verb.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4. Disting at the dist, the dist with disting distly the dist dist the dist in the disted dist


11 12 13 14 15

to dist the dist disted through the dist after the dist.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

5. The dandly danded dand with danding the dand danded from the dand dand the dand

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

danding on the dand, danding in the dand danding in the dand at the dand to the dand.


1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11

6. Visiting to the dand, the verb distly visit the dand visited from the verb in the dist on the visit


12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

with danding the verb to dist the visit in the dand verbed in the dist before visiting


20 21

from the dand to the verb.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

7. The verbing dand disting the visit after the verb dandly verb with dasting the visit to dand


11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

the verb in the visited dist dandly verbing on the visited dist along the dand.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

8. Danding on the visit at the dist, the verbed visit through danding the verb distly visit


10 11 12 13 14 15

the dand to verb to the verb on the visit among the disted dand.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

9. The disted dand with visiting verbly the dist dand the visit about the verb disted in the dand


11 12 13 14 16 17 18

visited from the dand on the verb at the dist danded verbly on the visit from the dist.

1 2 3 4 5

10. The visitly disted dand verb the serpantin.





Кто (с 2 до 3)



Кто (обычно) (уже)


Что (обычно)




Что (с 2 до3)


Упражнение 12

Назовите формулы соответствующих стрелочек по параллелограмму.


Пишу (с 2 до 3), написал (уже), писал (вчера), уже было написано, писали (с 2 до 3), переписали (уже), построили (уже), строили (обычно).




been -ing


be -ing


-0 –s- ed (2-я форма) have

-ed (3-я форма)

have be -ed (3-я форма)

been -ed (3-я форма)


be being-ed (3 я форма)

Формы глаголов «to be» и «to have»


-be Настоящее Прошедшее Будущее
I you, we, they she, he, it   am are is was were was   will be  



- have Настоящее Прошедшее Будущее
I you, we, they she, he, it   have have has   had   will have


Проанализуйте формы глаголов в соответствии с моделью параллелограмма.

Упражнение 13

X was 1ing, x have 2ed, x was being 3ed, x have been 4ed, x have 5 ed, x is being 6ed, x will be 7ing, x had been 8ed, x will have 9ed, xs are 10ing, xs were being 11ed.


Упражнение 14

X 1, x 2s, x 3es, xs 4, x 5ed, x shall 6, x are 7ed, xs are 8ed, x will be 9ed, xs should 10, x would be 11ed, x 12s.

Упражнение 15

X will 1, x has 2ed, xs are 3ed, xs are 4ing, x will have 5ed, xs were being 6ed, x had been 7ed, x should be 8ed, xs are 9ing, x was 10ed, x will have been 11ed, x will be 12ed.

Упражнение 16

1 had ronked, 2 would ronk, 3 will be ronked, 4 was ronked, 5 will ronk, 6 would be ronking, 7 will have ronked, 8 should ronk, 9s were ronked, 10 ronks, 11 will have been ronked.

Упражнение 17

1 is being ronked, 2 have ronked, 3 ronk, 4 will be ronked, 5 has ronked, 6 ronked, 7s were ronked, 8 ronks, 9s were ronking.

Упражнение 18

I was asked, 2 will be asked, 3 had asked, 4 would ask, 5 is asked, 6 have been asked, 7 will have asked, 8s asked, 9 was being asked, 10s are asking, 11 will have been asked, 12s were asked, 13 has asked, 14 asks, 15s are being asked.

Упражнение 19

1 have asked, 2 will ask, 3 shall have been asked, 4s were asked, 5 is being asked, 6 am asking, 7s are asked, 8s asked, 9 had asked, 10 will be asked, 11s were asking, 12 shall ask.

Упражнение 20

1 ask, 2s are being asked, 3 asked, 4 will have been asked, 5 should be asking, 6s are asked, 7 asks, 8 has asked, 9 will ask, 10s will have asked, 11 was asked, 12 are asking, 13 ask.

Упражнение 21

1s were asking, 2 will be asked, 3 has asked, 4 am asked, 5 is asking, 6 will ask, 7 was being asked, 8 had been asked, 9 should ask, 10 will be asked, 11 asked, 12 shall have asked.

Упражнение 22

1 have stopped, 2s were being stopped, 3 is stopping, 4 has been stopped, 5s will be stopped, 6 stopped, 7 should have been stopped, 8 stops, 9s were stopping, 10 is stopped.

Упражнение 23

1s were being prepared, 2 had been prepared, 3 was being prepared, 4 has prepared, 5 is prepared, 6s prepared, 7 was preparing, 8 will be preparing, 9 shall have been prepared.

Упражнение 24

1 has transported, 2 transport, 3 am transporting, 4 have been transported, 5s were transported, 6 is being transported, 7 will be transported, 8 transported, 9 will be transported, 10s should have transported, 11s are transported.

Упражнение 25

1 started, 2 have started, 3s were being started, 4s are starting, 5 was started, 6 would have been started, 7 starts, 8 will have started, 9s are started, 10 should be starting, 11 was started, 12 has started, 13s start, 14 should be started.

Упражнение 26

Дайте развернутую форму cказуемых:

It’s done, she’s seen, I’ve been asked, I’d asked, we’ve been asked, she’s reading, it’s written, I’ll be taken, they’ll go, you’re transported, it's read, she’s put, he's cut.


Типы сказуемых

1. The 1 2 the 3. - Глагольное сказуемое в активе.

2. The 1 is 2ed by the 3. - Глагольное сказуемое в пассиве.

3. The 1 is the 2. - Составное именное сказуемое с глаголом to be.

4. There is а1 in the 2. - С оборотом «имеется».

Упражнение 27

Проанализируйте структуру предложения и определите тип сказуемого.

1. The 1 at the 2 over the 3 4 the 5 for the 6 without the 7.

2. The 1 at the 2 over the 3 is the 4 for the 5 without the 6.

3. There is 1 at the 2 over the 3 for the 4 without the 5.

4. The 1 at the 2 over the 3 is 4ed for the 5 without the 6.

5. Under the 1 2 of the 3 4 there are 5 6 7s of the 8 9 on 10.

6. Under the 1 2 of the 3 4 the 5 6 7 8 was the 9 10 11 on 12.

7. Under the 1 2 of the 3 4 the 5 6 7 8 will be 9ed by the 10.

8. Under the 1 2 of the 3 4 by the 5 6s the 7 8 will be 9ing.

9. A 1 2 the 3 4 5 or 6 7 8 of any 9 10s of 11 in the 12s.

10. There are many 1 2 3 4 5s in every 6 7 of our 8 9s in 10.

11. Their 1 was a 2 3 of some 4 5 6 7s by the 8 9s of its 10.

12. Their 1 2 a 3 4 of some 5 6 7s by the 8 9.

13. Their 1 for some 2 3 4s of the 5 6s on sixth 7 8 9s.

14. For some 1 2 3s of the 4 5s their 6 have been 7ed by 8 9s.

15. For some 1 2 3s of the 4 5s their 6 have 7ed by the 8 9.

16. They 1 its 2 on the 3 4 of this 5 6 7 between the 8 and 9.


Упражнение 28

Найдите грамматическую основу предложений, определите тип и форму сказуемого.

1. There is a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10ly 11ed on the 12 13 14 15 16.

2. 1 2 3 is a 4 5 6 7 8ed in 9ing 11 12s.

3. 1 has always 2ed and 3 4 5 6 7.

4. Despite the 1 of 2 to 3 4 and 5 from the 6 of 7, the 8 has not 9ed enough to 10 11 12.

5. 1 2 were 3 and 4 5ed as a 6 7 8ed 9 10ing 11 and 12ing 13, 14ing 15 of the 16 17.

6. A 1 2 3 4 5ed on 6 7 for 8ing at the 9 on 10 11 12ly 13ed 14 as 15 was being 16ed in for 17ing.

7. Having 1ed during 2ing a 3 4 5 6 was 7ed by 8 9 yesterday.

8. 1 2 3 4ed on 5 6ing 7 from 8 9 have 10ed and 11 has 12ed his 13.

9. In1, it is 2 to 3 one’s 4 before 5ing 6 and some 7 8.

10. Since there is no 1 like the 2, 3 4ed it was 5 to 6 the 7.


Упражнение 29

Проанализируйте структуру предложений и переведите их.

1. There is a five- star concrete and glass modern eight- storey Japanese hotel recently built on the picturesque rocky Pacific Ocean coast.

2. My best friend is a final year law student interested in investigating cyber crimes.

3. He has always been an industrious, ambitious and goal- oriented A- student.

4. Despite a number of laws to protect children and youth from the danger of smoking, the government has not done enough to create public awareness.

5. Six people were killed and around 1,000 injured as a freak hurricane struck Moscow uprooting trees and destroying buildings, including parts of the Kremlin wall.

6. A 37-year-old woman arrested on Thursday night for shoplifting at the mall on Callow Avenue allegedly swallowed heroin as she was being taken in for questioning.

7. Having escaped during questioning a South African drug suspect was caught by anti-narcotics police yesterday.

8. Two traffic policemen caught on film extorting money from truck drivers have surrendered and one has protested his innocence.

9. In Japan, it is customary to take off one’s shoes before entering homes and some public facilities.

10. Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present.


Упражнение 30

Переведите предложения с интернациональными словами, опираясь на лексические и грамматические признаки.

1. Politics has never interested me.

2. She takes an active part in local politics.

3. Foreign policy is the prerogative of Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

4. Honesty is the best policy.

5. All progressive people in the world are against environmental pollution.

6. Foreign journalists accredited in Moscow have special visas.

7. Government -made laws were criticized by the public.

8. An official works for the government or other large organizations in a position of responsibility.

9. Final – year journalism students combine study and work in mass media.

10. He took legal action to stop his neighbours making so much noise.

11. Do you know your legal rights?

12. A lot of citizens took part in Presidential elections.

13. Terrorists were responsible for the bomb explosion.

14. A local government officer is responsible at the higher rank officials.

15. Suicide bomber action caused a lot of damage.

16. What is your status in this country? Are you a citizen?

17. Civil servants are people who work for the government.

18. There are many arguments against smoking.

19. The press have been invited to a meeting with the Vise- President.

20. The jury passed the verdict in 5 hours.


Упражнение 31

Составьте предложения по предложенной схеме, используя данные слова.

1. The 1ed 2 3ed by an 4ed 5 6ed all his 7s.

The (arrest) criminal (interrogate) by an (experience) investigator (answer) all his questions.

2. 1ing on the 2, the 3 was 4ing a 5 6 7 8ed by a 9 10 11.

While (lie) on the sofa, the boy (read) a new interesting book (write) by a famous English writer.

3. An 1 2 3 4 ed 5 6 to 7 a 8.

An, verdict, man, took, to return, five, eight, jury, minutes.

4. A 1ly 2ed 3 4(s) 5ing a 6ed 7.

A judge, newly, a case, hearing, starts, complicated, appoint.

5. A1 and 2 3ed 4 was 5ed with the 6 7 8.

Murder, a, blue, narrow eyed, man, first, be, degree, charge, with, the.



Упражнение 1

Переведите предложения, используя знания о структуре предложения.

  1. If somebody is interested in the job, they are usually asked to send their

curriculum vitae / résumé (which should give details of their education and any skills or interests that might be relevant for the job they are applying for).

  1. This should be accompanied by a covering letter (also called a letter of introduction).
  2. This should be typed rather than handwritten, and it should explain briefly why they are applying for the job and why they think they would be suitable for it.
  3. Alternatively, they might be asked to fill in / fill 6 out an application and submit( подчинять, покорять 2) представлять на рассмотрение ) / send it to the company.
  4. The managers of the company will read these and then make a short-list of the people they would like to attend an interview.
  5. At the same time, they will reject/ turn down those who they feel are unsuitable.
  6. The people who are responsible for choosing a new employee will consider the different aspects of the candidates / applicants to decide whether they have the correct potential ((потенциальные) возможности, потенциал to fulfil one's potential — реализовать свой потенциал ) for the job.
  7. In addition these might include physical appearance (are they smart and well-presented?), general disposition ( нрав, характер, манера bland / mild disposition — слабый, мягкий характер buoyan / cheerful / genial / pleasant / sunny disposition — жизнерадостный характер) (for example, are they friendly and easy to work with?), special skills / abilities (for example, are they computer literate грамотный 2) образованный), can they drive, or do they speak any other languages?) and interests / hobbies (what do they like doing in their free time?).
  8. They might also consider their family background and medical history, although it is illegal to refuse someone a job on these grounds.
  9. At the same time, they will probably check on their work history and qualifications (which is why it is very important to be honest when being interviewed), and may also check to see if they have a criminal record.
  10. In addition, they may also ask to see some form of identification, and a work permission if the person applying for the job does not have British citizenship or comes from a country outside the European Union.
  11. The person who most closely matches the profile / criteria decided by the managers will then be accepted for the job.
  12. Before somebody is offered the job, s/he is asked to provide references from people who know him / her (usually a former employer, a colleague / co-worker, and / or a teacher or college tutor).
  13. Before s/he actually starts working, s/he may go through an introduction programme to learn more about the company and the job. Sometimes, s/he may be given a temporary (временный- short period of time!!) contract and obliged to complete a trial / probationary period (where his / her employers make sure that s/he is suitable for the job) before being offered something that is more permanent (a fixed term or open-ended contract, for example).
  14. On-the-job training may also be offered or required.
  15. After s/he has been with the company for a while, there will probably be an appraisal [ə'preɪz(ə)l] (оценка, определение ценности, определение стоимости down-to-earth appraisal — практическая оценка objective appraisal — объективная оценка) to assess how s/he is getting on.
  16. These may be repeated on a regular basis throughout his / her time with the company.


Стратегии понимания предложения, абзаца, текста:

1. Используйте значение других слов в предложении, (параграфе) и смысл предложения в целом, чтобы выбрать нужное значение слова.

2. Используйте грамматические и пунктуационные ключи, которые указывают на взаимоотношения слов в предложении.

3. Довольствуйтесь общим значением незнакомого слова; нет необходимости искать его точное определение или синоним.

4. Учитесь распознавать важные грамматические и пунктуационные ключи, которые могут изменить предложения.


1. I removed the _____ from the shelf and began to read. испо   book magazine paper newspaper Набор предметов с полки, которые можно взять и прочитать, так что слово «книга» скорее всего придет на ум. Ассоциация между предметом и целью его использования так близка, что нетрудно догадаться о значении пропущенного слова.  
2. Harvey is a thief; he would _____ the gold from his grandmother’s teeth and not feel guilty.   steal take rob Харви – вор. Вор крадет. Точка с запятой в английском языке показывает, что после нее идет объяснение предыдущей части предложения.  
3. Our uncle was a _____ an incurable wanderer, who never could stay in one place. nomad roamer traveler drifter Запятая в английском языке может обозначать синонимический род объясняемого слова.  
4. Unlike his brother, who is truly a handsome person, Hogartty is quite_____. н ugly homely рlain Unlike сигнализирует, что в отличии от своего красивого брата, Хогарти некрасив.
5. The Asia _____, like other apes is specially adapted for life in trees.   gibbon monkey аpe chimp   “Like” сигнализирует о том, что значения слов сходны.
6. But surely everyone knows that if you step on an egg it will ______.   break Контекст однозначно подсказывает значение пропущенного слова.
7. Tom got a new______ for his birthday. It is a sports model, red with white interior and bucket seats. car Контекст однозначно подсказывает значение пропущенного слова.


Слова – сигналы

Условие, определяющее возможность наступления действия, следует за словами:


So long as если

Provided (that) при условии, что

Unless если не


1. If additional objects are Если дополнительные цели

«political objects», they являются «политическими»,

must satisfy the statutory то они должны быть в рамках

requirements. закона.

2. So long as a trade union Если профсоюз отвечает

satisfies the requirements требованиям в отношении

as to the principal objects, главных целей, то он может

it may have any additional иметь любые дополнительные

objects provided that they цели при условии, что они

are lawful and authorized являются законными и

by its constitution. предусмотрены его уставом.


3. A strike is lawful unless Забастовка является законной,

its purposes and means are если ее цели и средства не

illegal. являются незаконными.


Высказывания, дополняющие и продолжающие мысль, содержат слова:

also and а также

Too again

as well (as) besides далее

similarly further кроме того

likewise (furthermore) более того

In addition (to) moreover

along with наряду с

Together with


1. The principal objects of Главные цели профсоюза

a trade union are set out in изложены в его уставе.

its rules. Besides, it may Кроме того, он может

have some additional иметь и дополнительные

objects. цели.

2. The legality of a strike Законность забастовки

depends on the means by зависит от средств,

which it is enforced and которыми она

on its objects. Further, осуществляется, и от ее

it depends on the nature and целей. Далее, она также

mode of the concerted зависит от характера и

cessation of labour. способа соглашения

о прекращении работы.

3. “Collective agreements” «Коллективные договоры»

are gentlemen’s agreements. являются джентльменскими

They have no legal validity соглашениями. Они не имеют

in them selves. Moreover, an юридической силы. Более того,

individual workman can agree отдельный предприниматель или

to work on terms differing from отдельный работник могут

those of the collective agreements. прийти к соглашению работать

на условиях, отличных от условий

коллективного договора.


Возможность выбора определяется наличием таких слов, как:

or или

either... or... или... или...

whether... or... то ли... то ли...


  1. The Emergency Powers По закону о Чрезвычайных

Act, 1920, does not make Полномочиях 1920 г. участие в

it an offence for a person забастовке или мирное

to take part in a strike or побуждение к участию в ней

peacefully persuade others не считается преступлением.

to strike.

  1. The 1927 Act prohibited Закон 1927 г. запрещал

“sympathetic strikes” and забастовки солидарности и

declared that strikes or lock – объявлял незаконными

outs calculated to coerce the забастовки и локауты,

Governments either directly or рассчитанные на то, чтобы прямо

indirectly by inflicting hardship или косвенно оказывать

on the community were illegal давление на правительство путем создания

трудностей для жизни общества.


  1. A Trade Union is any Профсоюз – это такое

combination (whether объединение (временное или

temporary or permanent) постоянное), основные цели

whose principal objects are которого записаны в его уставе.

determined in its constitution.



начинающие противопоставления одной мысли другой или вводящие противоположное высказывание:

but, and, still, yet( однако), however, nevertheless, at the same time


Job applications

When a company has a vacancy, and it needs to hire or recruit a new member of staff, it usually advertises the post or position. It does this internally (for example, in the company magazine or on a company notice board, so that the job is only open to people already working for the company), or externally in the 'situations vacant' section of a newspaper. It might also use a recruitment agency, which helps people to find a job, or in a Job centre (which can be found in most large towns).

Companies that have their own website will also list available jobs on that website.

A job advertisement has to give an accurate description of the job and what the company needs and expects from the application (the person who is applying for the job). These requirements might include qualifications (academic, vocational or professional), experience in similar lines of work, and personal qualities (for example, it might say that you need to be practical, professional and have a sense of humour).

Most advertisements specify the rewards that the company can offer in return for your work (including the basic annual salary, any commission you could receive, regular pay rises, and so on). Some advertisements will also tell you about other benefits (including paid annual leave or holidays, free medical care, a company car, free meals in the cafeteria, etc) that you might receive. If the package they are offering is very generous and attractive, and is commensurate with the work that is necessary, the company can expect a lot of people to apply for the job.

Note that a company cannot discriminate against someone because of their sex, nationality, race, colour, ethnic group, religion, sexuality or age, or because they have a disability. Any company that rejects someone on these grounds (either in their job advertisement, during the application process, when they meet the person concerned, or when that person is already working for them) is breaking the law.


Контрольная работа № 1.


# 1

F. Lynch & Co. Ltd.

(Head Office), Nesson House, Newell Street, Birmringham B3 3EL

Telephone No.: 0121 236 6571 Fax: 0121 236 8592 Telex: 341641

Satex S.p.A.

Via di Pietra Papa

00146 Roma


15 August 20––

Attn. Mr D. Causio

Dear Mr Causio,

Our order No. 14478

I am writing to you to complain about the shipment of sweaters we received yesterday against the above order.

The boxes in which the sweaters were packed were damaged, and looked as if they had been broken open in transit. From your invoice No. 18871 we estimate that thirty garments have been stolen to the value of 150.00. And because of the rummaging in the boxes, quite a few other garments were crushed or stained and cannot be sold as new articles in our shop.

As the sale was on a CIF basis and the forwarding company by your agents, we suggest you contact them with regard to compensation.

You will find a list of the damaged and missing articles attached, and the consignment will be put to one side until we receive you instructions.

Yours sincerely,

L. Crane

Chief Buyer

# 2

R. Hughes & Son Ltd.

21 Mead Road, Swansea, Glamorgan 3ST 1DR

Telephone: Swansea 58441 Telex: 881821

VAT No.: 215 2261 30

Mr R. Cliff,

Homemakers Ltd.,

54-59 Riverside,

Cardiff CF1 1JW

3rd February 20––

Dear Mr Cliff,

I received a consignment of 6 dressing tables from you yesterday, my order No. 1695, which were ordered from your summer catalogue, Cat. No. GR154. But on unpacking them I found that six heavy mahogany-finished dressing tables had been sent, instead of the light pine-finish ones asked for.

As most of my customers live in small flats earning a moderate income it is doubtful that I will be able to find a market for the larger more expensive products.

I also have firm orders for the goods asked for. Would you send someone with my consignment as soon as possible and at the same time pick up the wrongly delivered goods? Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

R. Hughes


# 3

Disc SA

251 rue des Ramonieres F-86000 Poitiers Cedex

Tel: (33) 99681031

Gebroeder Bauer Spedition

Mainzer Strasse 201-7

D-50646 Koeln

14 September 20––

Dear Sirs,

Consignment Note 6713420 158

The above consignment was delivered to our premises, at the above address, on September 6. It consisted of eight boxes of records and cassettes, three of which were badly damaged.

We have contacted our suppliers, and they inform us that when the goods were deposited at your depot, they were in perfect condition. Therefore we assume that damage occurred while the consignment was in your care.

The boxes were marked FRAGILE and KEEP AWAY FROM HEAT, but because of the nature of the damage to the goods (CDs warped, cassette cases split), the consignment appears to have been roughly handled and left near a heater.

We estimate the loss on invoice value to be F 6,720, and as the goods were sent ‘carrier’s risk’ we are claiming compensation for that amount.

You will find a copy of the consignment note and invoice enclosed, and we will hold the boxes for your inspection.

Yours faithfully,

P. Gerard


  1. Во всех письмах найдите сказуемые и определите их тип и форму.
  2. Переведите все письма с английского языка на русский язык.
  3. Выучите выделенные жирным шрифтом слова из упражнения 1 в разделе Практика перевода.





Интернациональная лексика.


Типы сказуемых



19. Стратегии понимания предложения, абзаца, текста:

Значение слов – сигналов.

Settlement of claims

Контрольная работа № 1.





Учебное издание

Корнева Ольга Николаевна

Методическая разработка к курсу профессионального английского языка для студентов юридических специальностей заочного отделения


  1. В первых трех абзацах найдите сказуемые и определите их тип и форму.
  2. Переведите весь текст с английского языка на русский язык.
  3. Выучите Вокабуляр (упражнения 1,2,3- контрольной работы №1).


Корнева О.Н.

Грамматический справочник, материалы к контрольным работам и зачетам

По английскому языку

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