Types of news, THe inverted pyramid. 

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Types of news, THe inverted pyramid.

НАйти новость, перевести на русский язык и проанализировать по плану.

1. Тип новости (как написана, цель, целевая аудитория)

2. Какие новостные факторы присутствуют

3. действует ли правило перевернутой пирамиды и почему, доказать




Answer the following questions, compare your opinions in a group discussion.

Ø What are the different media of mass communication?

Ø What do we understand by mass communication?

Ø What is the difference between print and electronic media?

Ø What is the difference between face-to-face and mass communication?

I. Scan the text below and find the definitions for the following terms:

Mass media, print media, electronic media, news media


The media include print media such as newspapers and magazines, and electronic media such as radio and television.

The word media is most often used to refer to the communication of news, and in this context means the same as news media.

Media and mass media are often used when discussing the power of modern communications.

The press usually refers just to newspapers, but the term can be extended to include magazines.


Newspapers are either tabloid, a format usually associated in the English speaking world with popular press or broadsheet, associated with quality journalism. Tabloids are sometimes referred to as a gutter press by people who disapprove of them. Tabloids often have very large circulations (number sold) and even bigger readerships (total number of people reading them). Papers such as these are often referred to as mass circulation papers.

Printed periodicals, newspapers, and other publications appear at regular intervals, for example, a daily comes out every day, a fortnightly – once in two weeks (once a fortnight).

National newspapers circulate all over the country. They cover national or home news as well as news from abroad or international news. Local newspapers (or regional papers) serve community interests. In the local press the terms “popular” or “quality” have no real significance, the papers tend to be politically neutral. They contain articles which feature the life of the local community as well as details of local theater and cinema performances. Such newspapers carry a lot of advertisement.

Sunday papers. Popular Sunday papers published in Britain on Sundays are national ones. Quality Sunday papers devote large sections to literature and the arts, business and sport, and have long feature articles which explore specific subjects in depth. They come with color supplements or magazines. There are a growing number of free sheets – papers delivered free to every house in the area. Some of these have an editorial content, but many consist largely of the advertising which finances them.


Programmes on radio and television may be referred to formally as broadcasts; and they may be referred to informally as shows, specially in American English.

Programmes or shows on radio and television are often presented or hosted by a programme host. Popular music Programmes are presented by disc jockeys or DJs.

News programmes may be hosted, fronted, or anchored by anchors famous in their own right, sometimes more famous than the people in the news. Variations of the noun anchor are shown above.

In more traditional news programmes, the news is read by a newsreader or newscaster: newscaster is now a rather old-fashioned word.

Reporters and correspondents, or television journalists, make reports. They and the camera operators who go with them are news gatherers. Together they form TV crews.

Broadcasters are TV and radio organizations, the people working for them, or, more specifically, the professional media people who actually participate in programmes (М.С. Лебедева, Г.М. Фролова Язык средств массовой информации Великобритании и США. – МГЛУ, 2009).


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