Сполучені Штати Америки: регіональні кліматичні, географічні та економічні особливості./The USA: regional geographical, climatic and economical peculiarities. 

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Сполучені Штати Америки: регіональні кліматичні, географічні та економічні особливості./The USA: regional geographical, climatic and economical peculiarities.



The main land of the United states of America is located on the North American Continent, bordering both the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Pacific Ocean, between Canada and Mexico. The country encompasses a total area of 9,631,418 sq km including 50 states and District of Columbia. Together with China it is the third largest country in the world by size (after Russia and Canada). Alaska is the largest of 50 states, with Rhode Island being the smallest. The USA has also a number of dependent territories: American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands and some others.


The highest point of the USA is Mount McKinley in Alaska (6,194 m), the lowest point is Death Valley in California (-86 m), the longest river is the Mississippi (3,950 km). Among the largest lakes are 5 Great Lakes, Great Salt Lake, Lake of Woods. The climate of the USA varies greatly from place to place.


The North American Continent may be divided into 8 major physical regions. The Atlantic Coastal Plain is a broad flat land along the Atlantic Coast. The Appalachian system is composed of long mountains and narrow valleys. The Canadian Shield covers half of Canada and reaches south into New York and Minnesota. The Mississippi River has its source in the Canadian Shield. The Central Lowland occupies the interior of the North American Continent. Many years ago it was a shallow sea. The Rocky Mountain System was formed by volcanic eruptions. The Intermontane Plateau lies west of the Rocky Mountains and comprises the Colorado River with the magnificient Grand Canyon. The Pacific Coast extends from Alaska to Mexico. The Central American Mountains and Plains support large populations.


The United States is also subdivided into several economical regions. The Northeast (New England and the Mid-Atlantic Region) includes New York, Boston, Washington D.C., Detroit and famous summer resorts of Main and Massachusetts. It comprises the Appalachians, the Hudson and the Niagara Rivers, 2 of Great Lakes (Ontario and Erie) and deep forests. The climate of the region is temperate continental with severe winters and cool summers, more humid on the north, warmer and drier on the south. The Northeast is rich in natural gas, oil, coal, iron ore, fish and seafood.


The Central Basin (the Midwest) is the geographical centre of the USA from Ohio to Nebraska, which comprises the Great Lakes, the Mississippi River, the Ohio River, forests on the north and prairie area on the south. The climate of the region is hot and humid on the northeast and dry on the southwest. The Midwest is often called “the bread basket of the USA”. It is famous for its dairy products, agricultural and automobile industries.


The South comprises such former slave-owning states as Georgia, Virginia, Tennessee and others. It is an arid region (excluding tropical Florida) famous for golden beaches of Miami, jazz festivals of New Orleans, sugar, rice, tobacco, orange and grapefruit cultivation.


The Southwest lies on the Mexican border and is a centre of gold, copper and silver mining and cattle breeding, well-known as a homeland of American cowboys (in Texas) and a paradise of gamblers (in Las Vegas). The climate is humid in eastern Texas, dry in Oklahoma and mountainuous in Arizona and New Mexico.


The Rocky Mountain Region (Great Plains) has mountainuous type of climate, dry and hot. It is a site of mountains, plains, deserts, Great Salt Lake, the Colorado River and rich deposits of oil, gold, silver, copper, lead and zinc. The ski trails of Aspen and Yellowstone National Park attract a lot of tourists to the region.


The Coast Valleys (the Pacific Northwest and California) stretch between the Pacific Ocean and the Cordilliera Range. It is a region with subtropical climate, rain and redwood forests, rocks and rugged coastlines on the north and sandy beaches on the south. It is an important centre of wine, computer, electronic and film industry.


There are two states which lie off the mainland of the country. Alaska is a region on the northwest,above the Arctic Circle, with subarctic climate, permafrost areas, glaciers, steep mountains and rich oil deposits. Hawaii is an island state in the Pacific Ocean, 2,500 miles from California, with subtropical climate, dead and alive volcanoes. It is a favourable place for growing pineapples and macadamia nuts and a world-famous sea resort.



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