Exercise 8. Match the terms and their definitions. 

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Exercise 8. Match the terms and their definitions.

1.managerial role   2. supplier   3. supervisors   4.decisional roles   5. luncheon   6. negotiator   7. top management 8. deadline     9. efficient a) managerial roles of entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, and negotiator that make significant use of information b) period of time when you stop work for a rest and a drink or food c) time or date before which something must be done d) person or firm who provides goods to a factory, warehouse or shop e) person who reaches an agreement by discussion f) an organized set of behaviors common to the work of all managers g) working well and quickly, producing a good result in the minimum time h) managers whose major activities focus on supervising non-management employees i) managers accountable for the overall success of the organization.

Exercise 9. Say what you’ve learned from the text about various management roles.

Describe each role a manager has to assume.

Exercise 10. Insert the following words into the titles and the texts below.

deal with decisions functional efficiency to concentrate marketing   company
prestigious difference affect  


The role of management in an organization is purely ……. It is not a role any more or less ……. than any other role in the company. It is similar to the difference between …… personnel and engineering personnel. Managers set up a plan (vision) for the ……, ensure that the management personnel can do their jobs with the upmost ……, resolve any disputes that arise. They present new ideas for the company to upper management and …….problems and shield employees from them as much as possible to allow them …… on their jobs.

One important ……. between managers and other functional positions in the company lies in the fact that …… made by the manager will …… more people either in a positive or negative way.


Exercise 11. Say it in English.


1. Чтобы быть успешным и эффективно выполнять свои функции, менеджер должен выступать в различных ролях, выбирая один из типов поведения в определенной ситуации.

2. Менеджеру приходится, например, заниматься посетителями, улаживать конфликты в работе, налаживать связи с другими подразделениями и партнерами, вести переговоры и т.д.

3. В каждой своей роли менеджер должен отвечать ожиданиям своих начальников, подчиненных и коллег. Его поведение должно соответствовать его статусу и должностным инструкциям.

4. Выступая в роли представителя своей команды и организации, менеджер способствует формированию общественного мнения и образа (имиджа) своей компании.

5. Он сообщает информацию о людях и их работе не только руководству, но и общественности.

6. Поскольку каждый руководитель должен быть лидером в своем коллективе, он должен создавать соответствующий рабочий климат.

7. В роли лидера менеджер старается стимулировать своих подчиненных работать лучше, обеспечивая их всем необходимым и снижая вероятность конфликтных ситуаций.

8. В случае возникновения каких-либо сбоев в работе, менеджер должен их урегулировать.

9. Менеджеру часто приходится вести переговоры как с членами своего коллектива, так и с внешними партнерами, поставщиками, представителями общественности.

10. Для ведения переговоров менеджер наделен необходимыми полномочиями и обладает нужной информацией.


Exercise 12. Discussion.


1. Why is the ability to “wear different hats” so important in the job of a manager?

2. What is the most important role for a manager in your opinion? Why?

3. What do you think is the most difficult role for a manager?

4. Which of the roles needs specific training? Why do you think so?

5. What role seems most attractive to you?


Exercise 13. Read and translate text B making use of the vocabulary:

profile n графическое изображение; структура agenda n повестка дня in pursuit of в поисках; преследуя; с целью visualizev отчетливо представлять себе; мысленно видеть coupled with наряду с… conceptual a умозрительный, понятийный

Text B


The job of every manager involves what is known as the functions of management: planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. These functions are goal-directed, interrelated and interdependent. In order to perform the functions of management and to assume multiple roles, managers need a knowledge base and key management skills. A skill is the ability to engage in a set of behaviors that are functionally related to one another and that lead to a desired performance level in a given area.

A knowledge base can include information about an industry and its technology, company policies and practices, company goals and plans, company culture, the personalities of key organization members, and important supplies and customers. In addition to having a knowledge base, managers need key managerial skills.

A skill is the ability to engage in a set of behaviors that are functionally related to one another and that lead to a desired performance level in a given area. There are three managerial skill types that are essential to successful management: technical, human, and conceptual..

Technical skill involves process or technique knowledge and proficiency, it reflects both an understanding of and a proficiency in a specialized field. Managers use the processes, techniques and tools of a specific area. For example, a manager may have technical skills in accounting, finance, engineering, manufacturing or computer science.

Human skill involves the ability to work effectively with others both as a member of a group and as a leader who gets things done through others to interact with people. Managers interact and cooperate with employees. Managers with human skills are very good at communicating with employees and motivating them to develop themselves and perform well in pursuit of organizational goals. Effective communication in the organization centers on well-defined objectives that support the organization's goals and mission. Communication is the process of passing information and understanding from one person to another. The communication process involves six basic elements: sender (encoder), message, channel, receiver (decoder), noise, and feedback. Managers can improve communication skills by becoming aware of these elements and how they contribute to successful communication.

Conceptual skill involves the formulation of ideas, the ability to visualize the organization as a whole and understand how the organization fits into the wider context of the industry, community and world. Managers need to recognize these various elements and understand the complex abstract relationships, develop ideas, and solve problems creatively. Thus, technical skill deals with things, human skill concerns people, and conceptual skill has to do with ideas.

A manager's level in the organization determines the relative importance of possessing technical, human, and conceptual skills. Top level managers need conceptual skills in order to view the organization as a whole. Conceptual skills are used in planning and dealing with ideas and abstractions. Supervisors need technical skills to manage their area of specialty. All levels of management need human skills in order to interact and communicate with other people successfully.

The ability of managing time influences greatly on the effectiveness of a manager which in its turn is the result of the way he or she practices managerial skills on a day-to-day level.

Harried managers want to organize their lives. Shorter deadlines, endless meetings, interruptions, and ever higher quality expectations are just some of today's time challenges. The fast pace of modern life brings no closure to work issues. Even when away from work, the supervisor's mind constantly races through scenarios that happened at work.

Managers are knowledge workers. They are not expected to punch time clocks, but face the dilemma of too much to do and not enough time to do it. Thus, time, not activities, is the limiting factor. Use of time determines how successful managers will be in a work environment that is limited by hours and human energy. Successful managers work smarter, not harder, with time management tools designed to help them make more effective choices about what to do and what not to do. As organizations ask fewer people to do more work in today's environment, the top performers are those who can make the critical choices.

The essence of time management is really self-management. Time is not adaptable. The number of hours in the day remains the same, 24. However, the managers can adapt himself or herself to the passage of time. Make a daily “to do” list, schedule time for best advantage. Interruptions are part of the job. Expect unpredictable actions when managing people. Be flexible and schedule time each day for the unexpected. Encourage people to set appointments.

Thus, the proper use of time becomes a measure of success. Yet, desire for success can yield unexpected results: exhaustion, dissatisfaction, and insomnia. The need for success can lead to stress.

Conceptual skills, coupled with technical skills, human skills, and a knowledge base, are important ingredients in organizational performance. The effectiveness of a manager is the result of the way he or she practices managerial skills on a day-to-day level.


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