Content of studying discipline 

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Content of studying discipline


Theme 1. Lexical theme: Introducing yourself.

Grammar theme: Conception about word and phrasal stress. Conception about intonation. Descending tone.

To check the grammar material: Понятие о словесном и фразовом ударении. Понятие об интонации. Нисходящий тон. Сочетания смычных согласных. Побудительные предложения.

Answering the questions about the theme. Active words and word combinations:me, be, meet, tell, ten, pen, bed, feet, tent, bede, bee, dene, bet, dent, beet, end, men, peep, dell, bent, den, mete, Ben, Ted, Pete.


Theme 2. Lexical theme: Introducing yourself.

Grammar theme: Sentence. Conception about noun and pronoun clauses in English language.

To check the grammar material: Некоторые правила ударения и мелодики в английском предложении. Ритм английской речи. Род и число имен существительных. Понятие о падежах имен существительных и местоимений в английском языке.

Answering the questions about the theme. Active words and word-combinations: my, tie, life, five, seven, send, find, it, spell, test, nine, let, size, type, sees, vine, mine, bid, did, pit, lend, mete, eve, pep, beef, ebb, see, pie, pile, line, sit, fit, set, best, sin, fist, miss, less.


Theme 3. Lexical theme: My first day at the university.

Grammar theme: Some rules about stress and melodic in English language. Rhythm in English language.

To check the grammar material: Некоторые правила ударения и мелодики в английском предложении. Ритм английской речи.

Answering the questions about the theme. Active words or word combinations: my, tie, life, five, seven, send, find, it, spell, test, nine, let, size, type, sees, vine, mine, bid, did, pit, lend, mete, eve, pep, beef, ebb, see, pie, pile, line, sit, fit, set, best, sin, fist, miss, less.



Theme 4. Lexical theme: Students’ life.

Grammar theme: Gender and number of the noun. Conception about object. Conception about attribute.

To check the grammar material: Род и число имен существительных. Понятие о дополнении. Место беспредложного (прямого и косвенного) дополнения в предложении. Понятие об определении.

Answering the questions about the theme. Active words or word combinations: life, spell, student, tie, seven, go, library, lesson, subject, teacher, to teach, visit, to meet, to speak, to learn, to miss, to walk, to live, to see, to spend, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night.



Theme 5. Lexical theme: Family unity.Family relations.

Grammar theme: Descending tone. Intonation of statement. Full and reduced forms of auxiliary words.

To check the grammar material: Восходящий тон. Интонация повествовательного предложения. Понятие о смысловой группе. Полные и редуцированные формы служебных слов.

Answering the questions about the theme. Active words or word combinations: a name, a flat, family, mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, grandmother, grandfather, parents, relations, fine, nice, date, pay, birthday, lamp, place, nephew, niece, grandson, grandchild, granddaughter.



Theme 6. Lexical theme: My best friend. Relations.

Grammar theme: Conception about Infinitive. Verb “to be” in 3rd person singular. Pronoun “it”. Conception about article. Indefinite article.

To check the grammar material: Понятие об инфинитиве. Глагол to be в 3-м лице единственного числа. Предложение. Общие сведения. Местоимение it. Понятие об артикле. Неопределенный артикль.

Answering the questions about the theme. Active words or word combinations: friend, plan, plane, day, man, bad, please, and, stale, fit, film, cinema, together, in free time, leave, aim, at home, flat, to go, to spend, place, to invite, spell, to find, to see, to watch, to read, to choose, to do.



Theme 7. Lexical theme: My flat/house.

Grammar theme: Diphthongs: ch, sh, tch, th, ck. Intonation of address

To check the grammar material: Буквосочетания ch, sh, tch, th, ck. Интонация обращения.

Answering the questions about the theme. Active words or word combinations: flat, at home, kitchen, a living room, a dining room, drawing-room, bath-room, a sitting-room, a computer, window, a toilet, a TV-set, a picture, door, fork, spoon, to put, to have a bath, hospitable, to stay, guest, visitor, to pay a visit, to prepare, to cook, to go for a walk, to have a day-off, to have a good time.



Theme 8. Lexical theme: The house of my dream.

Grammar theme: Definite article. Demonstrative pronouns. Plural form of nouns that ends on –s, -x, -ss, -sh, -ch.

To check the grammar material: Определенный артикль. Указательные местоимения this, that, these, those. Множественное число существительных, оканчивающихся в единственном числе на -s, -x, -ss, -sh, -ch.

Answering the questions about the theme. Active words or word combinations: a house, a dream, flat, at home, kitchen, a living room, a dining room, drawing-room, bath-room, a sitting-room, a computer, window, a toilet, a TV-set, a picture, door, fork, spoon, to put, to have a bath, hospitable, to stay, guest, visitor, to pay a visit, to prepare, to cook, to go for a walk, to have a day-off, to have a good time.



Theme 9. Lexical theme: Appearance description. Traits of character.

Grammar theme: Diphthongs: ar, ng, nk. Stress in dissyllable.

To check the grammar material: Буквосочетания ar, ng, nk. Ударение в двусложных словах.

Answering the questions about the theme. Active words or word combinations: to give, a match, this, that, a bag, big, a cap, black, thin, a pencil, a film, clean, a page, thick, these, to take, face, eyes, lip, brow, shaven, leg, foot, as fast as, nose, hair, hairy, ear, clever, calm, quiet, patient, industrious, ability, capacity to work, shy.


Theme 10. Lexical theme: Food. Healthy and fast food.

Grammar theme: Question sentences. General question. Plural form of nouns that ends on “y”. The absence of article before noun.

To check the grammar material: Вопросительные предложения. Общий вопрос. Краткий утвердительный ответ. Множественное число существительных, оканчивающихся в единственном числе на букву “y”. Отсутствие артикля перед существительными, имеющими после себя в качестве определения количественное числительное.

Answering the questions about the theme. Active words or word combinations: food, healthy food, fast food, large, in, a city, very, a text, to read, an exam, easy, thing, to drink, to miss, breakfast, a lunch, dinner, supper, fishing, a canteen.


Theme 11. Lexical theme: Restaurant.

Grammar theme: Word-formation consonants. Intonation of greeting. Negative sentences with verb “to be”. Alternative questions. Object sentences.

To check the grammar material: Слогообразующие согласные. Интонация приветствия. Отрицательные повествовательные предложения с глаголом to be. Краткий отрицательный ответ. Альтернативные вопросы. Предложное дополнение.

Answering the questions about the theme. Active words or word combinations: a restaurant, to rest, to eat, meal, food, healthy food, fast food, large, in, a city, very, a text, to read, an exam, easy, thing, to drink, to miss, breakfast, a lunch, dinner, supper, fishing, a canteen, to open, to close.



Theme 12. Lexical theme: Sport and healthy life style.

Grammar theme: Personal pronouns. Conjugation of verb “to be” in Present Tense. Prepositions of place and direction.

To check the grammar material: Личные местоимения в именительном падеже. Спряжение глагола to be в настоящем времени. Предлоги места и направления.

Answering the questions about the theme. Active words or word combinations: life, sport life, healthy life, style, a room, a blackboard, to look at, those, short, they, long, a book, a note, to go, a door, too, good, in free time, to go to the country, winter, spring, summer, autumn, wind, cool wind, fresh air, out of doors.


Theme 13. Lexical theme: Traditional holidays in Kazakhstan and abroad.

Grammar theme: Equivalents of modal verbs. Negative form of imperative mode. Special questions. Participle I. The Present Continuous Tense.

To check the grammar material: Эквиваленты модальных глаголов. Отрицательная форма повелительного наклонения. Специальные вопросы. Причастие I (Participle I). Настоящее время группы Continuous (The Present Continuous Tense).

Answering the questions about the theme. Active words or word combinations: a holiday, holidays, a friend, a doctor, a teacher, a student, now, a table, three, a cup, to thank, to put, a spoon, a boy, a schoolboy, a brief-case, yellow, brown, to come, to come in, to go out, into, under, reader, wake, weak, to sell, seller.



Theme 14. Lexical theme: Climate and weather. The climate of your city.

Grammar theme: Primary and secondary stress. Possessive pronouns. Special questions beginning with question words: who, whose, where.

To check the grammar material: Главное и второстепенное ударение. Притяжательные местоимения. Специальные вопросы, начинающиеся вопросительными словами: who, whose, where.

Answering the questions about the theme. Active words or word combinations: the climate, the weather, city, cold, hot, to sit down, what, a colour, a girl, a schoolgirl, white, to repeat, a mark, to copy out, to do, at home, warm, first, third, frost, luck, cry, chill, sky, sun, hale, rose, spine, till, till, rain, snow, wind, the wind dropped, the wind sprang up, breeze, branch, tree, leaf, blade, deciduous wood, fall of the leaves.


Theme 15. Lexical theme: Cities and countries. Sightseeing of your city.

Grammar theme: Word combinations: all, alk, wr, igh. Expressing relations of genitive case with preposition “of”

To check the grammar material: Буквосочетания all, alk, wr, igh. Выражение отношений родительного падежа с помощью предлога “of”.

Answering the questions about the theme. Active words or word combinations: a city, a town, country, small, but, light, a wall, blue, a floor, a ceiling, a chair, to come, a piece, chalk, to write, new, a word, a question, a newspaper, a cinema, a theatre, to go to the park, quiz, stalk, calk, pew, wrest, wrung, wrist, wring, wreck, nigh, happy, pony, bloom, butter, sink.


Calendar – thematic plan



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