From the History of Anatomy and Physiology 

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From the History of Anatomy and Physiology

The history of Anatomy and Physiology extends from the earliest examinations of internal organs of sacrificial victims to the modern investigations of the human body by x-rays, tomography and medical scanners.

• Medicine tries to find out a cause of the disease to cure it. It is impossible without a good understanding of the arrangement of the human body. What were the main steps of Anatomy and Physiology?

• About 30.000 years ago – Cave paintings of the Early Stone Age showed a simple knowledge of the anatomy of animal and human beings.

• The 5 century BC – The works of Hippocrates the Father of Medicine demonstrated a basic understanding of the structure and function of the human body.

• The 3 century BC – the Alexandrian school of physicians was established. Physicians of this school were allowed to dissect the corpses of human being for research pur poses. Herophilus and Erasistratus were outstanding Anatomy scientists of this period.

• The 2 century – The most outstanding scientists indifferent fields of medicine after Hippocrates was a Roman anatomist and physiologist Claudius Galen. He was the first who started reading the course of human anatomy, dissecting dead animals, mostly monkeys.

Particularly large contribution to the development of anatomy made the Italian scientist and artist of the Renaissance Leonardo da Vinci. He dissected cadavers, made many drawings of bones, muscles, internal organs, providing them with written explanations Leonardo da Vinci, marked the beginning of plastic anatomy.

Anatomy as an independent science dates from the 16 century.

Its founder was Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564) who dissected numerous human corpses and studied the structure of the human body. Physiology as an Independent science was founded in the 17 century.

Its foundation is connected with the name of William Harvey (1578-1657), the English physician who discovered blood circulation. In the 19 and 20 centers many Russian scientists worked in the fields of Anatomy and Physiology. The first medical school in Russian was organized in the middle of the 17 century. Regular training of medical workers began in the 18 century (during the reign of Peter 1). As a result of the efforts of the brilliant Russian scientist M. Lomonossov the first Russian University with a school of medicine was opened in Moscow.

Lomonossovs works contained a good deal that has a direct bearing on physiology. The works of P.A Zagorsky, I.V. Buyalsky and N.I. Pirogov influenced greatly the development of Russian Anatomy.

P.A.Zagorsky (1764 – 1846), Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, studied the vascular system.


Приложение № 5


Совершенствованиe речевых навыков и развития речевого умения.


VII. Work in pairs. You teach Human Anatomy and Physiology at Cambridge University. You are to give an exam in this subject.

Ask your students

1) when the history of Anatomy began;

2) who were the most famous anatomists in ancient times?

3) who was the founder of Anatomy as an independent science?

4) who of Russian scientists made large contribution to the development of Anatomy?

5) to prove the fact that Anatomy has changed greatly since the ancient period.


VIII. You were asked by the Professor who reads the course on Human Anatomy and Physiology to prepare for the seminar “History of Anatomy” reports for the topic.

Make a short report using the answers to the questions.



IX. In the practical anatomy class you study the human body.

What are the principal parts of the human body?

Label the parts of the human body.

Use the following words:

Body head ear mouth tooth /teeth arm leg hand finger foot /feet forehead nose shoulder chest trunk limb / extremity skull brain. chest abdomen lung heart stomach liver spleen intestine kidney gall-bladder bladder






Many body parts and 1 __ occur in pairs- two 2 __, two ears, two arms, 3__ legs, two lungs, two 4 __, and so forth. Single 5 __and parts are usually 6__ centrally located along the 7 __axis of the body- 8 ___ mouth, the heart, the 9__, and the urethra, for 10 __. The mirror symmetry is 11_ _perfect; the heart, for 12 __ is tipped somewhat to 13 __ left, and the left 14_ _is correspondingly smaller than 15 __ the right to accommodate the 16 __within the close confines 17 ___ the chest. But despite 18 __ discrepancies, the human body 19__ built basically on a 20 __ plan, in contrast to some lower organisms such as the jellyfish and starfish.


WORDS: is, the, two, differential, stomach, eyes, kidneys, organs, not, relatively, long, the, example, lung, the, of, these, bilateral, example, organs.



3).Work in pairs.

• Student A describes the creature in the picture.

• Student B draws the creature according to the description.

• Switch roles.

• Compare your drawings with the pictures.


Use the words from the box and the adjectives from the following list.



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