B, Выберите для выделенных в тексте А слов правильные значения. 

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B, Выберите для выделенных в тексте А слов правильные значения.

a. reaction d. work in partnership

b. view e. compartment for the pilot
с make larger f. apparatus, mechanism

C, Замените в предложении выделенный глагол другим глаголом с тем
же значением.

1. A new system enables researchers to carry out complicated tests.

2. Engineers have completed their research in the aerospace field.

3. A huge simulator provides the condition of real operations in flight.

4. Virtual lab helps us learn how to better use cockpit controls.

5. A pilot can move aeroplane in all directions.

D, Заполните пропуски, образуя составные слова, общеизвестные слово­
сочетания и термины. Запомните их.

space... aerospace

remote long.



... memory
... world

... screen... conference human...... access wind...... time

E. Заполните таблицу на словообразование.


Verb Noun Person Adjective
... organization ... ...
direct ... ... ...
... ... collaborator
... ... ... local
... simulation ...
represent ... ... ...

F. Образуйте от выделенных слов существительное, прилагательное или наречие и заполните пропуски.


1. It is... impossible to be in two places at once.

2.... is an expert dealing with matter and energy.

3. Mechanical laws and Newtonian... are very important for creating virtual systems.

4. The equivalent of clip art for virtual reality designers might be... systems.


5. What will make the virtual reality design system of tomorrow...?

6. Is there any... of your taking part in virtual reality confer­ence this year?

7. If we throw an object, it flies across the room,... hitting an­other object and causing a complex chain of events as objects crash into each other.


8. Virtual reality can have great... in many ways, especially in experimenting.

9. Recent... tests of the world's largest simulator enable scien­tists to do research in education, management and industry.

10. Astronauts have... simulated Space Shuttle landings.


11. Virtual lab helps researchers simulate... complicated flight situations.

12. Our country has great... raw resources.

13. It has not realized its full... yet.

Упражнение 4. Составьте возможные словосочетания глаголов из колон­ки А и существительных из колонки В.



1. simulate a. solving a problem
2. complete b. the distance
3. collaborate c. passengers
4. withstand d. a pilot, an airplane
5. succeed in e. the conditions of flight
6. cover f. loads to remote regions
7. make g. at a speed
8. overcome h. a new era, age
9. deliver i. stresses, high temperatures
10. carry j. landings, calculations
11. fly k. problems, difficulties
12. open 1. long-distance
13. find m. destination, use, application
14. guide n. research, tests, study

Упражнение 5. А. Назовите 15-20 ключевых слов и словосочетаний на тему: «Aircraft of today, its safety, reliability, speed and comfort».

B. Speak about:

Virtual reality and its application in aerospace field.


Условные придаточные предложения Значения слова provide Суффиксы -th, -en Префиксы sub-, under-, non-Text 9A. Descending to New Ocean Depths Text 9B.

Text 9C. Lifeboats Text 9D. Greenwich


Упражнение 1. А. Определите тип условного придаточного предложения, переведите.

1. If we look around, we can see that electricity is serving us in one way or another. 2. If I were free, I should help you with plea­sure. 3. If we had tested this material, we should have used it in our work. 4. If ordinary gases are greatly compressed, they become liquids. 5. If supercomputers had not been used for thermodynamic calculations, designers would have spent all their lives on computa­tions. 6. If you think that a computer never makes mistakes, you are wrong. 7. If extreme temperatures generated by atmospheric friction were not so high, a hypersonic craft would not require complicated cooling measures. 8. If we had been told about the lec­ture on reliability in spacecraft production, we should have come by all means. 9. Superconductivity can be obtained in some materi­als if the temperature is very low and close to absolute zero.

В. Поставьте глагол в скобках в соответствующую форму.

1. It you (to know) English well, you will be able to read books in the original. 2. If I get this book, I (to be) very happy. 3. You (to become) much stronger if you did your morning exercises regu-

larly. 4. If she went to work in France, she (to learn) French very quickly. 5. If he (to see) her, he would have spoken to her. 6. I (to help) them if I had been at home. 7. You (to write) the testwork well if you have learnt grammar. 8. If she (to ask) me yesterday, I should have told her about it. 9. If we had not been present at the lecture, we (not to understand) the new approach to the solution of the problem.

С. Закончите предложения.

1. I would work much better if.... 2. Life would be much sim­pler if.... 3. Use every opportunity to practice English if.... 4. I would have started to study English earlier, if.... 5. I would have had more opportunities, if....

Упражнение 2. А. Измените предложения согласно образцам:


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