The designation of railway freight cars 

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The designation of railway freight cars

I. Essential vocabulary

a designation [̗dezɪgʹneɪʃən] призначення

an operation [̗ɔpəʹreʃən] експлуатація

a demountable [̗dɪʹmaʊntʹeb(ə)l] розбірний

bulk materials [̗bʌlk mə´ti(ə)riəls] сипучі матеріали

a powered chemicals [̗ʹpauəd ʹkemik(ə)ls] порошкоподібний хімікат

cinder [̗ʹsində] зола

lumber [ʹlʌmbər] пиломатеріали

stone [stəʋn] камінь

а сrushed stone [krʌʃt stəʋn] щебінь

grain [greɪn] зерно

grocery [ʹgrəʋsərɪ] продукти, бакалія

furniture [ʹfɜ:rnətʃər] меблі

merchandise [ʹmɜ:rtʃəndaɪs] товари


lamp materials [læmp məʹti(ə)riəls] шматкові матеріали

steel rails [sti:l] [reɪls] сталеві рейки

a beam [bi:m] балка

a bridge [brɪdʒ] міст

hardware [ʹha:rd ̗weər] залізні (металеві) вироби

heavy pieces [ʹhevi piːsiz ɒv məʃɪːnərɪ] важкі деталі

of machinery механізмів

a low [ləʋ] низький

a valuable [ ʹvælju:ʹeib(ə)l] цінний

quantity [ʹkwɒntətɪ] кількість

а loose materials [luːs mə´ti(ə)riəls] нещільні матеріали

а perishable goods [ʹperɪʃpʹeib(ə)l ɡʊdz] швидкопсуючи вантажі

а liquid goods [likwid ɡʊdz] рідкий вантаж

оil [ɔɪl] нафта

аcid [ʹæsɪd] кислота


to line (with) [lain] облицьовувати

to ship [ ʃɪp] вантажити

to haul [hɔːl] перевозити, тягти

to injure [ʹɪndʒər] шкодити, псувати

to expose [ɪkʹspəʋz] залишати беззахисним

II. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст.

The designation of freight cars

Today our railroads have several classes or types of the freight cars. They are used for carrying different kinds of freight. The designation of a various types of the cars are differed both in the purpose and in the range of transported goods and the conditions of their operation.

Sometimes you may see a train hauling a steel bridge beam or a wooden poles so long that they need several flat cars together to carry them. Along the sides and at the ends of the floor of the flat car there are usually a number of metal pockets, in which a wooden stakes may be placed if necessary, to hold freight on the car.

There is a special kind of flat car. A flat car or dump car is used to carry logs, lumber, stone, steel rails, beams and heavy pieces of machinery. In the dump car the center section of the platform is lower than at the ends over the trucks so that large pieces of machinery can be carried. It would be otherwise too high for the tunnels and bridges along the right of the way.

Next type is a box car. They are used to haul grain, groceries, dry goods, furniture, hardware, and all kinds of ordinary merchandises. The box cars that carry grain in bulk must be filled with “grain doors” in addition to the ordinary doors.

The refrigerator car is a special kind of a box car. It is used for hauling fresh meats, fruits, vegetables, fish, milk and other articles which must be kept cold to prevent their spoiling. The walls, the floor and the roof of a refrigerator car are waterproofed and airtighted and they are “insulated” to keep out heat of air.

Liquid freight, such as oil, acid, milk or mineral water, may be transported in tank cars. Some of the tank cars which carry acids are lined with load or rubber because some acid will eat through ordinary steel. The tank cars are used to carry other chemicals may be lined with nickel or with stainless steel. The tank cars which carry liquids must be kept perfectly clear. They are lined with glass.

The container cars were first introduced for the transportation of valuable merchandise and various kinds of low grade freight. Many bricks are shipped in container cars. The container cars are used also for the transportation of cement.

The covered hopper cars are used to carry all kinds of bulk materials that cannot be exposed to the weather, such as sugar and clay, and particularly, cement and dry powdered chemicals.

The type of car that is used to carry coal is familiar to every body. Similar cars are used to haul ore, grave, crushed rock cinders and other loose bulky materials wet weather will not injure.

III. Tasks

Reading Comprehension

1. Прочитайте уважно текст. Вам необхідно визначити, які з поданих нижче тверджень відповідають змістові тексту. Запишіть номери цих речень.

1. Freight cars are used for carrying different kinds of freight. 2. To transport steel bridge beam we need open-top hopper car. 3. Box cars are used to haul all kinds of freight. 4. Liquid freight may be transported in similar cars. 5. The refrigerator car is a special type of flat car and used for hauling fresh meat, fruits and vegetables. 6. The covered hopper cars are used to carry all kinds of bulk materials. 7. The right usage of freight cars is one of the main principles of modern railways nowadays.

2. Знайдіть у тексті відповіді на питання.

1.How many kinds of cars are mentioned in the text? 2. What is the designation of flat cars? 3. Where do we use a wooden stakes and how to place them? 4. By means of what are large pieces of machinery and other heavy freights are carried? 5. What cars are used to haul bulk materials and a powered chemical? 6. Which kind of cars is used to transport a liquid freight? 7. Why are tank cars lined with glass? 8. What cars carry a various kind of а low grade freight? 9. What cars are used to haul freights that cannot be exposed to the weather? 10. What is the designation of the similar cars?

3. За описом дайте назву типу вагона. 1. The body of this car consists of a tank for carrying liquids such as oil, vinegar, acids, compressed gasses and granular solids. 2. This is a freight car having neither sides nor ends, without any body above. 3. This is a car with sides and ends which has no roof and is used for freight in bulk. 4. This is a car with floor sloping from the ends and sides to one or more hoppers; the load is discharged by gravity through the hopper doors. 5. This is a specially designed boxcar, insulated and equipped with ice bunkers, or a mechanical cooling system and usually adapted for the installation of heating units; it is used primarily for the movement of goods that need protection from heat and cold. 6. This is a car equipped with water supply and ventilation systems. 7. This is a car designed specially for transporting motor vehicles. 8. This is a car used to carry bulky and very heavy goods, for example high-power transformers.

IV. Vocabulary Exercises

1. З’єднайте словосполучення правої колонки з їх значеннями у лівій:

1. A similar car A) is used to carry large pieces of machinery, lumber, stones and steel;

2. A hopper car B) is used to haul grain, groceries and dry goods;

3. A container car C) is used to hauling fresh meats, fruits, vegetables, fish, milk and other articles which must be kept;

4. A tank car D) is used to haul ore, gravel, crushed rock cinders and other bulky materials;

5. A flat car E) is used for transportation of cement;

6. A box car F) is used to carry all kinds of bulk materials that cannot be exposed to the weather;

7. A refrigerator car G) is used to transport liquid freight, chemicals and other.

2. З’єднайте слова правої колонки з їх перекладом у лівій. Утворіть із з’єднаними словами 5 словосполучень.

1. A designation a) цінний

2. a heavy pieces of machinery b) сипучі матеріали

3. a bulk materials c) важкі деталі механізмів

4. a valuable d) розбірний

5. a quantity e) експлуатація

6. to ship f) залишати беззахисним

7. a crushed stone g) призначення

8. to injure h) кількість

9. to expose i) вантажити

10. a demountable j) щебінь

11. an operation k) шкодити, псувати

3. З’єднайте слова рядка A з їх синонімами у рядку B.

a) A different, to load, to use, to carry, to haul, а transportation, to merchandise;

b) Goods, to haul, to transport, freight, a various, to ship, to employ.

4. Продовжіть речення та перекладіть їх.

1. A flat car is used to carry …. 2. The designation of box cars are used …. 3. The refrigerator car is …. 4. The tank cars are transported …. 5. The tank cars are hauled …. 6. The container cars are used …. 7. The covered hopper cars are designed for …. 8. Many bricks are shipped … 9. The cars to carry coal …. 10. The designation of cars ….

5. Заповніть пропуски сполучниками (with, for, of, in, of, per, with, for, for) та перекладіть їх.

Many recently established coal and ore handling installations have been equipped 1) … car dumpers so that high – capacity gondolas may be used. Consequently, 2) … many 3)… these, special gondolas have been built 4) … place 5) … hopper type cars. Simplified contraction and greater lading capacity 6) … unit length are possible 7)… gondola – type equipment. High – cube gondolas are being used 8) … handling wood chips and sawdust. Some gondolas are used 9) … container service.

V. Vocabulary Practice

1. Прочитайте наступні речення та доведіть, що вони правильні. Використовуйте фрази: As far as I know (remember), to my mind, I suppose, without saying, frankly speaking, allow me to observe, as I was going to observe, to tell the truth, they say, in fact, unfortunately, unexpectedly.

1. The railway authorities are sure that a container movement has a great future because it is the best way of door-to-door traffic.

2. The refrigerator car is equipped with refrigerating – heating system which can be operated automatically or manually.

3. The railway practice shows that a specialized freight cars have both advantages and disadvantages.

4. The freight cars are not interchangeable which means that you can not carry bulk materials in tank cars or vice versa.

5. A larger freight car fleet is usually required to transport specialized freight which results in the capital investment increase.

VI. Grammar Exercises

1. Прочитайте речення та складіть по 5 спеціальних запитань (Wh-questions) до кожного речення. Запропонуйте вашим співрозмовникам відповісти на складені питання.

1. A feature of this car is that it is designed with a light-weight roof made from a glass fibre laminate based on a polyester resin by the method of the contract moulding.

2. The development of high capacity container operation will provide for a large number of special type container-carrying flat cars in the fleet of freight cars.

3. Twelve - wheel tank cars, having a high lifting capacity and a low lightweight, give a great economy in the operation. Their use is the most expedient in the large-scale transportation of oil products.

4. The tank cars hold the special place in the freight car fleet as they are successfully used for the transportation of wide range of bulk, power-like, a solidifying goods and gases.

5. The priority of the freight cars is stipulated by the higher safety of the transportation and improved ecological characteristics of the transport and the technological process.

2. Перекладіть речення на українську мову та поясніть вживання конструкції пасивного стану (Passive Voice).

1. The box cars are primarily employed to transport a valuable commodities and products requiring protection from the weather or against the breakage. 2. Mr. Smith is considered to be the best expert in the insulated box cars. 3. This car is designed for passenger service at speeds up to 160 km/h. 4. The body interior is sheathed with a plywood sheets and finished with plastics, wood and synthetic materials. 5. The wooden floor is covered with linoleum. 6. Thermal-insulating sheets and of Mipor (a foamed plastics) are laid between the outer and inner walls to keep out cold. 7. The car is equipped with an air-conditioning system and individual water heating.

VII. Extra Reading

14. Виконайте переклад тексту.


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