Branding Countries: The Art of Tourism Advertising 

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Branding Countries: The Art of Tourism Advertising


When it comes right down to it, choosing a country to visit for your ……………. is much like choosing a product at ………….. ………..; there are many similar ………….. with comparable attributes and you've got to …….... ……… your choices to just one. ……………… has grown fat and wealthy from ………. ………… which develops over so many choices in our world. Painting a……………. in a positive light so that it becomes more attractive to……… …………., and consequently consumed is the very essence of the advertising world. So, it comes as no surprise that advertising agencies do the same for entire countries in order to ………….. tourists. According to a……………. …………… in this month's Travel & Leisure, advertising ………… in charge of a country's …………. …………… treat countries in the same manner as they treat cars, bottles of ketchup, or sports shoes. They must …………. their "product" and create a "reputation and ………….." in the minds of the consumer (i.e. tourist) which is unique, …………….., and consistent. Just as Volvo has spent years trying to make the word "safe" pop into your mind every time you think of their car, ………… …………. behind tourism advertising seeks to …………. similar positive attributes …………… with places like Portugal, Norway, and Alaska. Author John Cook provides two examples which you should easily…………... What do you think of when you hear "New Zealand?" Is it The Lord of the Rings? The national ………….. ………….. has spent millions of dollars …………….. the kiwi nation as the location of Middle Earth and in the process, increased tourism by 50%. Cook also discuses the great advertising campaign …………Spain. I've been seeing the same hip ads for a number of years now with the same cool Joan Miró swirl. Every time I see this "……………." I immediately think of Spain (just as the Nike trademark makes me think of running shoes). This probably explains why I've been harboring a …………… ………….. over the last few years to ……….. to Spain as soon as possible. So, whether you ………….. it or not, marketing is indeed alive and well in the world of tourism. And don't forget, …………. of such intricately planned advertising campaigns and …………… branding efforts is you, the potential………..

nagging urge, trademark, showcasing, appealing, brand, tourism campaign, potential consumers, tourist, perception, the brain trust, attract, the target, the grocery story, advertising, manipulative, product, vacation, return, touting, tourism board, recognize, associated, evoke, execs, fascinating article, the cognitive dissonance, narrow down, items, realize.


Given the fact that competition in the segment of “outbound” tourism in Ukraine is on the rise, more and more domestic travel operators are reorienting their services towards the needs of Ukrainians and foreign guests travelling within Ukraine.

The results of this past summer vacationing season were proof of the optimistic forecasts that the travel activity of Ukrainians is on the rise. “At present, we are observing an annual increase in the number of orders by 15-20% on average and 30% for specific destinations,” the sales director of the Hamaliya travel company Valentina Samsonova pointed out. Foreign operators have also entered the battle for the “wallets of Ukrainians”, a recent trend that has resulted in certain changes in the alignment of forces on the domestic tourism market. According to estimates of the director of the chain Galopom po Yevrope (Galloping Around Europe) Taras Demur, at present Turkish companies have found a comfortable niche with 80% of Ukraine’s outbound tourism market, thus giving them the number one position over local travel agencies that had originally launched this segment. This year the traditional advertising promo activities of the local branches of Turkish travel agencies were accompanied by a massive PR image campaign for Turkey as a country on a nationwide scale. Specifically, this year the Ministry of Tourism and Culture of Turkey allocated US $700,000 for advertising in Ukraine and the government is confident those investments will pay off relatively quickly. Indeed, despite the fact that Turkish holiday resorts have become more expensive (on average by 40%), that country became the undisputed leader in tourism services in the summer season for Ukrainian vacationers. In addition to that, travel agencies from other foreign countries are also increasing their presence on the Ukrainian market. Among them are Egyptian companies, which have doubled their number in the past year, and we could expect to see travel agencies from exotic Arabian countries and Thailand as well.

Naturally, domestic companies specializing in the most popular travel destinations are not feeling too comfortable in this segment next to their neighbors on the other side of the Black Sea. SAM Marketing Director pointed out that competing with the “foreigners” is no easy task. He commented for KW, “Operating on two markets, they have greater opportunities to vary their prices and can offer customers better deals.”

With this growing competition in the outbound tourism segment, many Ukrainian companies are forced to capture new prospective segments. The number one among them is domestic and inbound tourism. According to information at the Kyiv City Administration, last year 193,000 foreigners visited the Ukrainian capital and that number is expected to exceed 200,000 by the end of 2011. Nevertheless, far from all foreigners travelling to Ukraine resort throughout the services of travel agencies, even though they declare the purpose of their visit as “tourism”. The majority of visitors to Ukraine are either here to see their relatives, friends or are on business and simply hide the actual purpose of their visit. As a result, the average local travel agency actually only services 3,000 to 5,000 foreign travelers per year, while in the case of Ukrainian tourists the figures are somewhat higher at 5,000 to 7,000 customers. Incidentally, judging from the forecasts this difference will gradually even out. According to calculators done by the Sputnyk Ukraina agency, the flow of Ukrainians ordering tours of Kyiv or weekend tours around the country is increasing by 15% every year, while the number of foreigners coming for the same purpose is growing by 25% a year. Taking into account the high prospects of domestic and inbound tourism, the number of travel agencies willing to secure the positions in this niche markets is on the rise. Today, more than 70% of travel agencies in the Ukrainian capital offer these services, however there are still very few firms specializing in this segment.

The deterrent to the development of tourism in Ukraine is the lack of hotels at a European level and in many cases inflated prices of accommodation. Moreover, the lack of lodging is quite tangible today. For example, this summer the occupancy in Crimean boarding houses and health resorts exceeded 100%. In short, experts believe that if domestic hotel infrastructure does not undergo expansion and improvement in the nearest years, Ukrainian tourist centers run the risk of losing even their existing clients base who will reorient their travels to foreign resorts.

“Travel agencies changing destinations”.


Task 1. Give the Ukrainian equivalents of the following word-combinations:

Outbound tourism, to be on the rise, domestic travel operators, travelling within Ukraine, the optimistic forecasts, the travel activity, to observe, an annual increase, on average, specific destinations, the sales director, to launch, foreign operators, alignment of forces, advertising promo activities, local branches, to allocate, to be confident, despite the fact, expensive, to be forced to capture, to exceed, to point out, to hide the actual purpose of the visit, to undergo expansion and improvement.


Task 2. Give the English equivalents of the following word-combinations:

Внутрішній туристичний ринок, мережа туристичних агентств, згідно з підрахунками, певні зміни, рекламна кампанія, повернення інвестицій, курорти, беззастережний лідер в сфері туристичних послуг, відпочиваючі (люди які знаходяться на відпочинку), кращі угоди, беручи до уваги, великі перспективи внутрішнього та зовнішнього туризму, перешкода в розвитку туризму, нестача готелів європейського рівня, дома відпочинку, санаторії, ризикувати втратити існуючу базу клієнтів.


Task 3. Translate the given sentences into Ukrainian:

1. The competition in the segment of outbound tourism in Ukraine is on the rise.

2. More and more domestic travel operators are reorienting their services toward the needs of Ukrainians and foreign guests travelling within Ukraine.

3. Foreign operators have also entered the battle for the “wallets of Ukrainians”.

4. Travel agencies from other foreign countries are also increasing their presence on the Ukrainian market.

5. With the growing competition on the outbound tourism segment, many Ukrainian companies are forced to capture new prospective segments.


Task 4. Answer the questions:

1. What kind of competition in the tourism sphere is on rise in Ukraine?

2. What are domestic travel operators reorienting?

3. Is the travel activity of Ukrainians on the rise?

4. What foreign countries do Ukrainians often visit nowadays? and Why?

5. What kind of foreigners visits our country? and What is the purpose of their visit?

6. What problems does Ukraine have in the development of tourism?


Keys to export success.

Business tourism is a fast-growing, lucrative market segment. It requires a targeted marketing approach that packages currently fragmented offerings into coherent, flexible and easily accessible add-ons to business travel. Niche market players in tourism need to influence the amount of discretionary time business travellers spend. Creating and promoting time-efficient packaged options is a must. Successful growth in business tourism will require the co-operation of a range of domestic players, including airports, airlines and ground transportation, hotels, convention centers and tourism support services. Business travellers are most likely to take advantage of ancillary tourism activities if:

• There are readily-accessible options designed with their needs in mind (such as short tours, golf options or executive gift services).

• The quality of service they receive as business travellers is consistently high across all sectors.

• They are able to transact their business efficiently so that they have leisure time available.

• It is easy to extend their stay in terms of hotel check-in and check-out policies and visa extensions (if relevant).

Off-site activities are known to operate on time, so travellers can arrive on schedule for business commitments.

Lesser-known destinations can raise their profile as a business destination where add-on activities are available and attractive by using the Internet appropriately.

Tourism is the world’s largest industry, responsible for more than one in ten jobs globally. In many countries, tourism has emerged as the dominant tool for economic growth. Business travel accounts for approximately 29% of all international travel. Business tourism is defined as leisure activities in conjunction with business travel. Business tourists are less cost-sensitive than leisure tourists, spending on average twice as much per day. Their purchase decisions are influenced primarily by their ability to use time efficiently within business travel schedules. As two-thirds of business travellers extend their business trips for pleasure when they can, there is enormous potential in this market. Business tourism is expected to be one of the hottest growth markets for travel industry providers in the years ahead. Many countries interested in expanding revenues from business tourism need to focus on both the individual business traveller and the meetings and conventions market.

Attracting business tourists

Business travellers typically have some free time when they are away from home. They are most likely to participate in tourism activities if the effort required is minimal and the risks are low. Hotels typically serve as the starting point in terms of providing information and tourist options. Longer-staying guests at new extended-stay hotel properties will also be looking for evening and weekend tourism options. Opportunities exist to work with hotels to develop an in-house TV channel that features activities to business tourists such as weekend tours, theatre, golf options, restaurants, special cultural and recreational events and flight departure information.

Extend hotel access

Extended hotel room access can encourage business travellers to extend their stay before or after their business meetings. The standard industry practice of delaying check-in until after 15:00 and requiring check-out by noon discourages business tourism add-ons. Some United States hotel chains now routinely offer check-in times as early as 7:00 and check-out as late at 18:00, with many hotels having established a 24-hour check-in/check-out policy that allows guests to check out a full day after checking in.

Increase hotel business centers

Another way to encourage extended stays is to provide business support facilities so that the traveller can transact business efficiently 24 hours a day. An increasing number of hotels — following the model of airline business lounges — are embracing the concept of business-class rooms that feature enhanced work space and lighting, Internet access via the TV, data ports, two-line cordless phones, and private faxes. One chain, which became the first United States hotel chain to take its business class rooms abroad in 1997, now offers such rooms in 29 countries. When coupled with 24-hour business service centers, the result is often an increase in guests who extend their stay and engage in tourism activities. Opportunities exist to work with hotels in order to upgrade their business support services.

Develop airport tourism

Often overlooked is the tourism potential for business travellers in transit at airports for more than three hours (apart from duty-free shopping). Some hub airports are beginning to offer one-hour sightseeing packages, structured so that travellers either remain in-transit or have expedited customs and immigration clearance. By offering travellers an opportunity to see a bit of the country around the airport, they may be encouraged to return for a planned stay. Tourist companies can work with the airports to make an inventory of the activities available to business travellers. Gaps to be addressed may include business centers with Internet access, exercise facilities, day rest rooms booked on a hourly basis, extended shopping options and short tours.

Attracting conventions and meetings

Conventions represent the highest incidence of business travel, and both conventions and corporate meetings are on the rise as the pace of international business accelerates. Attracting such major events requires marketing to meeting and convention planners, as well as to major trade fair organizers. The market for small, fast-turnaround meetings is also growing rapidly. There is a tremendous opportunity for many travel companies to attract meeting and convention traffic through the promotion of “off-the-beaten-track” locations, high-quality services and cost- effective options.

Tourism infrastructure for business conventions

Countries are increasingly looking for ways to enhance their attractiveness as a convention destination. For example, Subic Bay, Philippines, has converted a former United States naval base to a Filipino free trade zone, airport and meetings destination. Some 280 United States corporations have set up offices at the site with business amenities including 802 guest rooms and meeting rooms which accommodate up to 1,000 people. Beyond the hotel facilities, Subic Bay features horseback riding stables, a go-cart track, and more than 20,000 acres of virgin rainforest. The complex also offers a Jungle Environment Survival Training Camp, which operates tours by local Aeta tribesmen who trained American soldiers in jungle survival skills. A lot of countries have an opportunity to strategically position themselves to convention and meeting organizers as a world class corporate destination with “out-of-this-world” tourism potential.

Business services for tourist resorts

Upscale resorts opening around the world, as well as hotel properties being converted to conference resorts, are blending resort spa facilities with full-service business amenities. For example, a large hotel in Jimbaran Bali, Indonesia, has been designed with a business centre, multiple outdoor function areas, meeting rooms and in-room facilities such as computer outlets and larger work areas. Similarly, a new large hotel on Mexico’s Pacific coast, which boasts a butler service, is being marketed specifically as a meeting retreat for corporate chief executive officers, high-ranking government officials and international business travellers and their families. Many destinations can market themselves as cost-effective, yet exotic locales, where corporate objectives can be met in a rejuvenating setting.

Tourism packages for conventions

International trade shows and conferences attract hundreds to thousands of delegates, often from many countries. Tourism and convention planners often include tourism add-ons for delegates. These events may include city tours, golf and sightseeing as a regular part of their programmes. Golf add-ons can be particularly lucrative. A recent study by the National Golf Foundation in the United States found that golfers travelled more frequently and stayed longer than non-golfers. In an effort to fit golf into their business trips, business travellers lengthened their stay or took additional business trips in order to golf while entertaining clients. Local suppliers should explore partnerships with local trade and convention planners to develop packages for incoming delegates.

Competitive Trends

Accompanying families

A growing number of business travellers bring families on business trips. This creates an opportunity to work with hotels and convention centres to develop new offerings for children and spouses during business meetings. A world-famous hotel in Scotland, for example, has introduced a programme for children with diversions including a playroom, country club and participation in sporting activities. In London, a five-star hotel offers a “Mary Poppins package” which includes a trained nanny who will take children on sightseeing trips while parents are working. Niche companies focusing on children are appearing. One organization in New Orleans in the United States, for example, is a subcontractor to destination management companies to provide programmes for children during meetings or conventions. Most destination management companies are neither equipped nor have the desire to organize children’s programmes, and are happy to refer business to niche market players. The family market is expected to grow significantly in the next millennium, as executives working longer hours look for ways to balance work and family. Recent reports by the Travel Industry Association of America indicate that the number of people who bring children along on business trips jumped by 55% between 2006 and 2012. Many hotel properties now have facilities for children, and the number and variety of schemes is growing yearly. These hotels are competitively priced and range from “kids stay for free” schemes to discounts for individuals with children. Amenities include special children’s check-in counters, educational and child care programmes and separate swimming pools. Tourist destinations must ensure that their hotels can offer a safe and child-friendly “package” for business executives travelling with children.

Adventure travel

Executives are increasingly attracted to the adventure venue business trip, which combines team building and strategic planning needs with adventure travel. One company, for example, designs adventure vacations for organizations designed to boost morale and develop leadership in corporate employees, while providing a “perk” in the way of a rafting trip or other exciting recreational venues. Many tourist destinations already positioned in leisure adventure tourism can extend such products to the business traveller.

New technologies

Internet promotion. As in other areas of business, the Internet is becoming more important in promoting business tourism options and supporting travel arrangements. Bulgaria, for example, is promoting itself on the Internet as a business tourism destination. To attract business events, it highlights its world-class, modern facilities, recreational add-ons, quality service, a geographic location in the centre of Europe and cultural attractions. Evolving Internet technologies facilitate on-line booking directly with airlines, hotels and car rental companies, by passing the traditional global distribution system while still consolidating all the data. As long as applications have compatible design features, users can book flights and link parts of reservations from multiple web sites. Business tourism destinations are advised to ensure that their Internet offerings are compatible with international programming standards and to provide business-specific tourism information on their national or regional tourism web sites.

Electronic ticketing. Business travellers are becoming used to a “ticketless” environment for travel. Increasingly, travellers require only a confirmation number (obtained by phone or on-line) or a faxed document instead of an actual ticket in order to check in for a flight. Some airports now offer machines similar to automatic teller machines into which travellers can insert a frequent flyer card or credit card, select seats and obtain boarding passes. Business tourism destinations that implement streamlined technologies and processes for business travellers will be more successful in attracting them.

Computerized reservations. Computerized hotel reservation systems are making it possible to record the details of customer preference (based on special requests made during a stay) and then replicate that experience during the next visit (including assigning the same room). Opportunities exist to replicate this tracking for corporate meetings, thereby streamlining the planning process for frequent corporate users.

Industry sector specialization

Business travel support is becoming more specialized by industry sector. For example, one New York niche agency player caters to specific groups of professionals through five divisions: The Lawyer’s Travel Service, The Advertiser’s Travel Service, The Banker’s Travel Service, and The Consultant’s Travel Service.

Business alliances

Partnership arrangements are providing a seamless level of service to business travellers which is global in scope and competitiveness. For example, four alliance partners — Delta Airlines, Swissair, Sabena and Austrian Airlines — launched a meetings and incentives programme to streamline group travel arrangements to four continents. The programme allows meeting and incentive customers to make all required flight arrangements to any destination with one phone call to any of the four airlines. The programme is designed to create an easy-to-use, seamless meeting product which will help the airlines capitalize on opportunities in the booming international meetings market. Business tourism destinations can benefit from creating alliances that encourage integration of scheduling and reservation systems to provide enhanced service to their international business clients.

Security concerns

Increased concerns over security, particularly for women travellers, provide niche opportunities. Training for hotel staff on security measures, plus security services such as escorting business travellers to their rooms, may increase market share. There may also be opportunities to provide “safe” evening and weekend events such as theatre outings or tours for women business travellers. Business tourism destinations may wish to develop and provide business tourism offerings specifically for travelling business women.

Active Vocabulary

lucrative - вигідний; дохідний, прибутковий

add-ons – доповнення

off-site activities – проводження часу за межами будівлі (готелю)

business commitments - ділові зобов'язання

the starting point – відправний пункт

routinely - зазвичай

to embrace – охоплювати, містити в собі, включати

cordless phones – безпровідні телефони

to upgrade - покращувати; модернізувати; вдосконалювати, підвищувати статус; просувати по службі, підвищувати ціну на продукцію без покращення її якості

to overlook - не помічати, пропускати, недогледіти; не звертати уваги; ігнорувати оглядати; дивитися згори (на щось), виходити на, в (про вікно і т.ін.), доглядати, стежити

hub airports – центральні аеропорти

to expedite - сприяти, полегшувати, спрощувати; прискорювати, пришвидшувати

customs and immigration clearance – розмитнення (проходження митниці) та імміграційний контроль

incidence - сфера впливу (охоплення)

“off-the-beaten-track” - ще не пройдені шляхи

high-quality services – високоякісні послуги

cost-effective option – доступний вибір

upscale resorts – розвинуті курорти

a butler service – послуги дворецького

diversion – розвага, відхід, відхилення, відвертання (уваги)

to launch - починати; пускати в хід; запускати (супутник, ракету); кидати; спускати судно на воду; катапультувати; з жаром висловити

venue - місце здійснення дії

to boost - 1) рекламувати, гаряче підтримувати 2) піднімати; допомагати піднятися 3) підвищувати (ціну); сприяти зростанню популярності

to evolve – 1) розвивати(ся); еволюціонувати 2) розгортати(ся) 3) виділяти

to consolidate – 1) зміцнювати(ся); укріпляти(ся) to consolidate one's position — зміцнити своє становище 2) об'єднувати(ся) (про території, товариства) 3) тверднути 4) консолідувати

compatible – 1) сумісний, сполучний 2) схожий

streamlined technologies - добре налагоджені; модернізовані технології

to replicate - 1) копіювати 2) повторювати (досвід тощо)

to streamline – модернізувати, прискорювати; раціоналізувати (виробничі процеси тощо)

seamless - цільний, без шва, з одного шматка

competitiveness [kəm'petɪtɪvnɪs] – конкурентоздатність

to capitalize – 1)капіталізувати; перетворювати на капітал, capitalize upon — наживати капітал на чомусь, мати вигоду з чогось 2) друкувати (писати) великими літерами

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