Task 3. Find correct Ukrainian equivalents in the right column. 

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Task 3. Find correct Ukrainian equivalents in the right column.

1. Measure one's body temperature Влияние на здоровье животного и

способность функционировать
2. Develop a treatment plan Влиять на экономическую эффективность
3. Influence an animal's health and Проверять пульс

ability to function.
4. Reduce the productivity of animals Обозначить диагноз тестами (анализами)
5. Affect the economic well-being Мерить температуру
6. Be reduced by disease Проживать долгую и здоровую жизнь
7. Check one's pulse Пальпировать живот (живот, брюшную полость)
8. Live long and healthy live Лучший влияние
9. Listen to one's heart Разработать план лечения
10. Be narrowed by diagnostic tests Распространен в определенных пород (видов)
11. Feel one's abdomen Определить (идентифицировать) болезнь
12. Gather a complete history of a disease Уменьшить производительность

13. Be raised as food Представлять большой интерес для людей
14. Give a thorough physical examination Нарушать экологическое равновесие
15. Preferential affect Быть ослабленным болезнью
16. Prevalent in certain species Быть жизненно важным для здоровья людей
17. To identify a disease Проникать внутрь естественных защитных

механизмов организма
18. Penetrate the body's natural defense mechanisms Выращивать для еды
19. Be of great concern to humans Составить целостную картину болезни
20. Be vital to public health Провести полный медицинский

(терапевтический) обзор
21. Upset the ecological balance Слушать сердце

Task 4. Complete the following sentences.

1. Animals‘ diseases are disorders may affect the economic well-being of many industries.
2. The thorough physical examination includes are animal diseases can be transmitted to humans
3. The complete history usually includes helps pets live long and healthy lives.
4. Animals (pigs, sheep. beef cattle) raised as food diet, environment, injury, and heredity
5. Zoonoses by an agent, such as bacteria or a virus,
6. Animal populations in the wild is usually species, breed, age, and sex.
7. Prevention and treatment of animal diseases that influence an animal's health and ability to function
8. Animal's disease signalmen are — the symptoms the animal is displaying
and when they first appeared.
9. Infectious diseases are caused reduced by disease can upset the ecological balance of an area.
10. Noninfectious diseases are caused by measuring animal body temperature, listening to its heart, checking its pulse, and feeling its abdomen and lymph nodes.


Task 5. Circle T (true) or F (false) for the statements below.

1. T. F. Animals‘ diseases are defined as certain orders that influence an animal's health and ability to function.

2. T. F. Animal diseases are of great concern to humans because they may affect the economic well-being of many industries.

3. T. F. Some animal diseases can be transmitted to humans, and control of these types of diseases, known as hygiene, is vital to public health.

4. T. F. In the wild, animal populations increased by diseases can upset the ecological balance of an area.

5. T. F. Good care, prevention and treatment of animal diseases helps domestic animals live long and healthy lives.

6. T. F. Animals‘ diseases are characterized as infectious and noninfectious.

7. T. F. Infectious diseases are divided into diseases of circulator system, internal organs, muscular system and reproductive system.

8. T. F. Infectious diseases are caused by factors such as diet, environment, injury, and heredity.

9. T. F. If veterinarian wants to identify a disease, he must first determine the animal's signalmen—its species, breed, age, and sex.

10. T. F. As a rule, a doctor that treats any animal gathers a complete history of his patient and its problem. This history includes the symptoms the animal usually displays and when they first appeared. It also includes information about animal surroundings and its owners.



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