Task 26. Put the adjectives in the superlative form. 

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Task 26. Put the adjectives in the superlative form.

10. Insects make up (large) group of animals.

11. The fair fly is (tiny) insect on Earth.

12. The goliath beetle is (heavy) insect of all.

13. The butterfly is (attractive) insect.

14. (long) insect is a walking stick insect that can reach a 1 length of 33 centimetres.

15. (fast) insect is the dragonfly. It flies at 58 kilometres an hour.

16. (dangerous) insect is the black widow spider.

17. The Nile is (long) river in the world.

18. Lake Superior in the USA is (big) freshwater lake in the world.

10. Every year many people climb up Mount Everest, (high) mountain in the word.

Task 27. Read the "circle".

Fish can swim better than pigeons can fly better than squirrels can climb trees better than kangaroos can jump higher than horses can run faster than canaries can sing better than fish can swim... Write a "circle" like this about your family.

Example: I can run faster than my mother can cook better than my father can...

Task 28. Use the adjectives given in brackets in the right form.


Carlsbad Caverns National Park have 19,000 hectares of (beautiful) desert scenery, but the natural wonders that visitors come to see are deep underground. These are the (famous) caves in the USA, going down almost 1/2 km, with about 45 km of tunnels and chambers.

Carlsbad Caverns have almost every kind of cave formation. You can see stalactites and stalagmites in all sort of (strange) shapes and (wonderful) colours, as well as pools and waterfalls.

Only part of the cave system is open to the public. Even so, there is (much) than you can see in one visit. Among the (popular) attractions, there is: the Big Room — one of the world's (big) chambers, 25 storeys high and (much) than 1/2 km wide — (big) than any football stadium! It's (easy) to get to, and you can walk all the way round the chamber to see its many (famous) features.

You can take a guided tour down 250 metres to the King's Palace, to see four (beautiful) chambers with (amazing) colours and natural decorations.

In Bat Cave a million bats hang from the ceiling. At sunset they fly out in (huge) clouds, and return to the cave at first light.

Task 29. Look through Texts 1 and 2 and the dialogues once again and find sentences containing Present, Past or Future Simple. Translate them into Russian.

Task 30. Use the verbs in brackets in Future Simple.

1. In five years I (speak) English well.

2. Next year we (travel) around Europe.

3. I (call) you tomorrow and we (go out) somewhere.

19. In some fifty years people (go) to the Moon for the weekend.

20. She hopes she (sleep) well tonight.

21. He thinks he (live) in the same city in ten year's time.

Task 31. Use the verbs in brackets in Present Simple.

People (call) the camel "the ship of desert" that can carry a traveller from one place to another quickly and safely. The camel's humps (hold) fat, and it (give) the camel strength where it (have) not got food or water.

The horse (carry) the man, the cow (give) him milk, and the sheep (give) him wool. But to the people of deserts the camel (be) the horse, the cow and the sheep, all in one. The camel (help) the farmers with their work on the land. The camel (give) them milk, and they (make) camel's milk into butter and cheese. The people of deserts (eat) the camel's flesh, and its hair (give) them wool for clothes.

Task 32. Use the verbs in brackets in Past Simple.


On Christmas day, Fiona Riley (visit) her parents for lunch. When she (go) back home she (take) Lee, the family cat, with her. Lee (spend) some time at Fiona's house but she (not like) her new home and she (miss) her old family a lot.

One day, she (walk) out of Fiona's house and never (come) back. She (disappear)? No! She (travel) 60 miles and after 5 days she (appear) on her old family's doorstep! The family (be) very sussed.






Task 1 Read the following words paying attention to the pro­nunciation.

service ['s3:vis], veterinarian Lvetari'nearian], technologist [tek'ncla^ist], technician [tek'nijn], physician [fi'zifn], clini­cal procedure ['klinikl prau'sii^a], specific [spa'sifik], private practice ['praivat 'prsktis], urinalysis [juari'n®lasis], analy­ses [a'n«lasi:z], genealogy [^ini'sla^I], diet ['daiat], vacci­nate ['vffiksineit], euthanize [ju:9a'naiz], emotional. public


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