Don't read the slides word for word. This is very unprofessional and awkward, and may be confusing to the audience. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Don't read the slides word for word. This is very unprofessional and awkward, and may be confusing to the audience.

Make sure the technology is working. You should always leave yourself plenty of time to make sure the PowerPoint setup is functioning properly. And if this is for a class presentation, make sure the instructor knows you're going to be using PowerPoint so he or she can make any necessary preparations. Whenever you give a PowerPoint presentation, you should always have a back up plan in case the technology fails you. Print out your sides ahead of time and be prepared to use them as your speaking guide if necessary.



Peer Evaluation:

You will evaluate your own group members and their participation and contributions to the group. If a group member is not participating and/or not contributing to the group you can first encourage participation, then consult with me. Your next step will be to let the tribal council speak. You group can vote non participating group members out of your group – just like on Survivor. Evaluation is an important part of this class. We are a TEAM and we can help each other improve. With all evaluations in this class (self & peer) it will be important to be thorough, concise, detailed, and always include strengths, areas where improvements are needed, and specific suggestions as to exactly how improvement will be made.

Materials To Be Turned In:

You will be individually responsible for your article(s), your Interview Schedule(s) and field notes, and your evaluations of group members. Your Group will be responsible for the overall project presentation in the Medium that you choose. If you are doing a PowerPoint Presentation I will need a copy of the presentation. If you are doing a video presentation I will need a copy of the video tape.

Persuasive Speech Topics


Should abortion be legalized?

Is abortion killing a baby?



Should interacial adoptions be allowed?

Should single parent adoptions be allowed?


Affirmative Action

Does affirmitive action hurt Asian-Americans?

Is affirmitive action giving minorities a reason to be lazy?



Should doctors encourage their patients to consume alcohol?

Is alcohol good for you?


Biomedical Ethics

Should embryos be killed?

Is stem cell research morally wrong?


Birth Control

Should abstinence be taught in public schools?

Is it okay for a nurse to provide the morning after pill?


Capital Punishment

Is capital punishment murder, morally wrong?

When is captial punishment justifiable?



Is it legal for schools to censor teachers?

Should students be allowed to voice their opinions?



What are the moral complications of human cloning?


Cosmetic Surgery

Does cosmetic surgery teach a wrong message about self-image?

When is it okay to get cosmetic surgery?



When is assisted suicide okay?

Is assisted suicide murder?



Which group recieves the most amount of discrimination?



Divorce is never an option


Drunk Driving

Drunk drivers should have their license suspended for at least 20 years.

Talking on a cell phone is worse than drunk driving


Environmental Protection

Should big companies be taxed for enviornmental pollution?



Creation Science Evangelism

Answers in Genesis

Institue for Creation Research

The Biblcal Creation Society

The True Origin Archive

Should intelligent design replace the theory of evolution?


Hate Crimes

Should free speech protect hate crimes?


Health Insurance

How to make health insurace affordable to everybody

Would America be better off without health insurance?



What's so important about Easter?

Should athiests receive holiday pay for religious holidays?



Is homosexuality an ethical issue?



Does Islam oppress women?

Does Islam promote terrorism?



Does Israel belong to the Jews?

Should countries continue to support Jews financially?



Cigarettes are more harmful than marijuana


Mass Media

You can never trust the news



Should parents encourage their kids to follow a religion?

Should parents be responsible for rebellious behavior in public schools?


Police Brutality

Are arrest tactics professional or brutal?



The need to censor internet pornography from minors


Prescription Drugs

Should doctors be encouraged to tell patients about cheaper prescription drugs?



Does prostitution harm or benefit society?



How dangerous is smoking for your health?


Stem Cell Research

Should scientists be allowed to research stem cells?



Persuasive Speech


General Purpose:

Specific Purpose:





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