III отработка ранее введенного материала и овладение умением монологической речи. 

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III отработка ранее введенного материала и овладение умением монологической речи.

1. Find the cases of understatement in the text. Explain the meaning of the utterences using information in the list.

A Story about an English Teacher, a Pupil and His Mother:

Teacher: I don't suppose there is anyone devoid of all drawbacks (~ I understand that everyone has drawbacb). But / can't approve of your son's attitude to studies. (= But I'm indignant at your son's attitude to studies). He

wasn't always very good at English, that's true. (= He has never been very good at English, that's true). Learning a foreign language is by no means an easy task, you know. (= Learning a foreign language is a difficult task, you know), Last week he failed to attend a single class (= Last week he was absent at almost all classes). So he couldn't pass any test. (= He didn't pass any test). And he lacked the courage to come and speak to me before the exam. {And He didn't have the courage to come and speak to me before the exam). And his written paper is not without grave mistakes. {And his written paper has many grave mistakes). It is not impossible that the principal won't be against denying him permission to continue his studies. {It is possible that the principal wants to expel him).

Mother; My son hardly ever mentioned any problems to me. {My son has never mentioned any problems to me). Список речевых образцов:

A. Наречия минимизирующего значения quite, rather, just, only, a bit /a

e.g. She could give a little more attention to details.

I know, it was fust a sketch and she is only making her first steps in drawing, but

she seems a bit slow, I'd say.

B. Слова неопределенного значения типа somehow, somewhat.
e.g. There was something of intrusion in this visit.

His coming uninvited somehow embarrassed the hosts.

C. Fillers типа kind of, sort of, so to speak, more or less.
e.g. I must apologise. - I've got afoWo/ 'apologv to make.
I am abit of a problem.

You see, I kind q/ borrowed your son's car, so to speak, it worked more or less alright but then suddenly the engine sort of ceased to work.

D. Глаголы намерения типа to be inclined to, to tend, to intend
e.g. She tells lies. - We are inclined to think she tells lies.

You never attend our staff meetings. - You fetid to miss our staff meetings.

E. Комбинация fillers + глаголы намерения.

e.g. I'm sort of inclined to think... /1 kind of intend to feel...

F. Конструкция с прямым отрицанием, из которой значение
подразумеваемого (undestatement) выводится из контекста.

e.g. I can help watching TV for hours. (= She is a TV addict.) We are not on friendly terms with them. (= We are enemies.)

G. Конструкция скрытого и двойного отрицания.

- наречия негативного значения barely, hardly, scarcely и наречия
минимизирующего значения (few, little), а также соответствующие глаголы
fail, lack (скрытое отрицание):

e.g. He barely t ouched his drink. (He didn't touch his drink. = He drank


The author MkdJo mention these facts. (=> The autiior did not mention these


- слова с отрицательными приставками в отрицательном
предложении (двойное отрицание):

e.g. It's not un iwc

2. Make the following sentences more polite using understatement.

Pat said that Bess is going to the theatre. (Pat said that Bess иг inclined to go to

the theatre.)

The performance didn't surpass my expectations. (The performance failed to

surpass my expectations.)

I disagree with you. (I don't quite agree with you.)

3. Render from Russian into English:

Что ты думаешь о новой постановке пьесы Шекспира? Новый мюзикл кажется посредственным.

Она слегка удивлена.

4. Work in pairs PI -» P2. Use the table and find the appropriate answer to the following questions:

Would you like to see an opera?

It's a kind of magic.

It's a bit boring.

How do you feel about the ballet?

' I don't think it's marvelous.

Did you enjoy the ballet? I tend to think it's a bit boring.

Why are you disappointed about the И was somehow too marvelous for

performance? words.

I’ m not particularly fond of operas.

Why did you like the actors?

I’m inclined to think it's OK.

5. "Snowball": repeat the first / second / third etc. utterance and invent the new ones,

6. Make up a dialogue using understatement: you and your friend share opinions about the play you have just watched.

Фрагмент урока № 4

Тема: Britain: Cultural Heritage.

Подтема: Theatre.

Цели фрагмента урока:

Практические; к концу урока учащиеся должны уметь:

• использовать новые лексико-грамматические единицы в монологической и диалогической речи по теме;

• составлять монологические высказывания, содержащие наиболее важную информацию по теме;


• вступать в диалог-обмен мнениями по теме. Воспитательные:

• воспитание уважения к точке зрения собеседника;

• воспитание внимания, умения слушать друг друга.


. составление собственных диалогов с использованием речевых клише путем расширения;

• развитие памяти, мышления, воображения;

• развитие языковой догадки. Общеобразовательные:

• повышение общей языковой культуры;
. расширение кругозора учащихся;

• стимулирование общения на иностранном языке.
Языковой и речевой материал:

• НЛЕ (диалогические клише): Do you fancy going/I think /I believe it's real opportunity..,/Certainly. I agree with your idea... / That sounds fantastic! /1 don't really feel like it.

• Для повторения: to provoke the thought on the part of the audience, to say many acute things in the guise of paradox, to express very clearly the disgust / admiration; startling, sparkling, sophisticated, witty, full of wisdom of life, have good nature and invincible gaiety of spirit; magnificent beyond words, superbly made, perfect; it produces a lasting / unforgettable / tremendous impression on me; it leaves lasting

. unforgettable / tremendous impression with me,

• Микродиалог, составленный учителем.

Оснащение урока: речевые опоры с клише и лексическими единицами.

Ход фрагмента урока I. Подготовка учащихся к речевой деятельности.

1. Приветствие.

Т.: Good morning! I'm glad to see you. Take tour seat, please. How are you?


2. Сообщение темы урока.

Т: Today we are continuing to meditate on such a phenomenon as beauty and theatrical productions.

3. Фонетическая зарядка:

Beauty is truth, truth beauty, - that is all. You know on earth, and all you need to know. (J. Keats)

4. Речевая зарядка.

T: Now I want you to express your opinion about musicals.

Could you tell me distinguished hallmarks of Webber's musicals?

Will you give me your opinion about his spectacular productions?

Would you like to see his musicals with your own eyes?

Do you think his musicals earned a unique place in musical history?


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