I. Training grammar material to the theme: “Functions of Present Participle and Past Participle”/ 20 min. 

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I. Training grammar material to the theme: “Functions of Present Participle and Past Participle”/ 20 min.


Reading, speaking


4. Choose the necessary Participle. Translate the sentences:


1. The blood vessels (located, locating) on the anterior surface of the arm were dilated.

2. The vessels (carried, carrying) blood to the heart are called veins.

3. The lungs are the inner organs (included, including) in the thoracic cavity



Combine the following sentences, using the necessary form of Participle in them.

1. He was very busy. He had to refuse our invitation. Being busy he had to refuse our invitation.

2. I new that he was poor. I offered him a room. ………

3. She didn’t want to listen to the story again. She had heard it before……

4. She entered the room suddenly. She found them smoking. ………..

5. I had looked through the fashion magazine. I realized that my clothes were out of date. ……….

6. She turned on the light. She was surprised at what she saw. ……….

7. I fed the dog. I sat down to my own dinner. …………………..

8. I sat in the front row. I saw everything beautifully. ……..

9. She was singing a song. I heard it. ………….


Reading, speaking

Find in the following word combinations the forms of Present Participle and Past Participle. Translate these word combinations.


a) the urinary system consisting of two kidneys; the ureters conducting the urine from the kidneys; a tube leading from the bladder; tubules making up the parenchyma of the kidneys.

b) a thin capillary network called glomerulus; urea dissolved in water; blood vessels straped like a ball.


Open the brackets, using Present Participle and Past Participle. Translate these sentences.

1. The system (выводящая) the largest part of the waste products of the body is called the urinary system. 2. The capsule (окруженная) by perirenal fat is called the adipose capsule. 3. The urethra is a tube (ведущая) from the bladder. 4. Each renal artery branches into many small arteries (которые называют) arterioles. 5. Ureters are muscular tubes (выстланные) with mucous membrane. 6. The agents (увеличивающие) the resistance of the organism to an inflammatory process are: rational diet, balneo-and vitamin-therapy as well as immunotherapy.


Audition, reading, speaking

Read and translate the following sentences with Present Participle and Past Participle.

1. One of the most important functions served by blood cells is the ingestion of foreign particles. 2. The blood is not the only fluid transporting material to different parts of the body. 3. The blood plasma contains among other things a soluble protein known as fibrinogen. 4. Blood and lymph are composed of cells dispended and carried within a watery fluid. 5. Leucocytes are divided into two major types: granulocytes, containing large granules in their cytoplasm and granulocytes lacking granules in their cytoplasm.


II. Training new words and word combinations use the theme “The Heart and the Vascular System”/20 min.


Discussing new information from the text.


Writing, reading


A. 1. Find the following words in this puzzle / 5 min.

structure, heart, within, coat, lung, dilate, chamber, pulmonary, systemic, atrium, thin, portal, apex, interspace.


a b s y S t e m i c
i n t e R s p a c e
a t r i U m t h i n
c p u l M o n a r y
d e c h A m b e r t
w i t h I n c o a t
g h u d I l a t e I
p o r t A l a p e x
r h e a R t l u n g

Solve the following crossword / 5 min.

  V   N            
  H E A R T        
C     T            
    P O            
C     M            
    S Y            


Atrium, ventricle, contract, portal, chamber, system


Writing, speaking

Compile sentences, using the following words and word combinations.

1. the heart, muscular organ

2. a pericardium

3. two separate chambers, a septum

4. the atrium and the ventricle

5. the atrioventricular valves.


Reading, speaking


Translate the following sentences.

1. The right atrium is larger than the left one.

2. The right ventricle is triangular in form.

3. The vascular system consists of three groups of vessels- arteries, veins and capillaries.

4. The portal system is formed by the veins passing to the liver.

5. Most of the arteries are composed of three coats.




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