Speak about the advantages and disadvantages of using the internet 

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Speak about the advantages and disadvantages of using the internet

The internet

Internet playse important role in our life. The internet is one of the most important inventions in history. It was started in 1968 by the US government, but at first it was used mamly by scientistists. Since 1990 when the world wide web was created it has changed the world, and its uses are growing every day. The internet is a network several networks in fact of millions of computers around the world. On the web is system linking millions of documents stored on internet computers around the world. A wab site the the place on the internet where a company organisation et centre stores its documents. IF you don’t already use the internet all you need to get started is a computer a modem and a phone line. I think using the internet very cool and it is necessary and helpful.

Internet in my life of course I use internet and thanks that network I can chat with parents and with friends I am very happy with internet

Speak about the advantages and disadvantages of using the internet

Using the internet offers many advantages and disadvantages starting I want tell about you advantages all of the latest information is available to you in you home at any hour of the day or night. Thanks that network you can chat with parents and with friends and if you need new friends you will find them in the internet and chat with them. If you bored you can open the youtube and you can watch what do you want and you can learn language you can onliner shoping and you can send documents you can take documents and et cetere

On the other hand the internet has disadvantages firstly with so much information available finding what you want can take you hours and there is a lot of wrong information on the internet. Multimedia web pages with photographs music and video are attractive. However they make downloading slow and boring. in conclusion the internet has both good and bad points we like it or not the internet is here to stay so we have to make the best possible use of it.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of social networking sites?

Social networking sites have lately become a part of our lives. They are necessary and helpful. for example if you bored you can communicate with friends or you can watch video or listen to music. Also you can read all of the latest information which is available to you. once when I felt bored I opened youtube and watched comedy club and I was happy.

On the other hand using social networking has same disadvantages for example chatting with virtual friends is not the same as actually meeting people. Also sometimes you have to wait long for your friends reply. In conclusion I believe that using networking has both positive and negative points so we have to make the best possible use of it

Speak about the pros and cons of the internet for children.

Using the internet offers many advantages and disadvantages for children so internet gives information and knowledge to children children learn about the latest technology and current matters of the world. Also when study from the internet children take more interest because children don’t like from old books The internet gives them real life. As we know children always love to be bigger and older people. The internet makes them feel more like it. Using the internet disadvantages for children firstly in the internet a lot of bad video and pictures and in the internet a lot of wrong information and it is bad for children. Same children are addicted to social web site such as facebook and twitter no matter how hard they try they cannot close. in conclusion I believe that the internet has both pros and cons for children. And I am sure that parents should supervise their children

Hoollywood kids

In hoollywood kids everybody want to be rich and famous and beautiful nobody want to be old unknown and poor this for Hollywood kids life can be difficult because they grow up in such an unreal atmosphere their parents pay for expensive cars and designer clothes. they have every thing. kids don’t want to be children and they play no childhood games.




The internet

Internet playse important role in our life. The internet is one of the most important inventions in history. It was started in 1968 by the US government, but at first it was used mamly by scientistists. Since 1990 when the world wide web was created it has changed the world, and its uses are growing every day. The internet is a network several networks in fact of millions of computers around the world. On the web is system linking millions of documents stored on internet computers around the world. A wab site the the place on the internet where a company organisation et centre stores its documents. IF you don’t already use the internet all you need to get started is a computer a modem and a phone line. I think using the internet very cool and it is necessary and helpful.

Internet in my life of course I use internet and thanks that network I can chat with parents and with friends I am very happy with internet

speak about the advantages and disadvantages of using the internet

Using the internet offers many advantages and disadvantages starting I want tell about you advantages all of the latest information is available to you in you home at any hour of the day or night. Thanks that network you can chat with parents and with friends and if you need new friends you will find them in the internet and chat with them. If you bored you can open the youtube and you can watch what do you want and you can learn language you can onliner shoping and you can send documents you can take documents and et cetere

On the other hand the internet has disadvantages firstly with so much information available finding what you want can take you hours and there is a lot of wrong information on the internet. Multimedia web pages with photographs music and video are attractive. However they make downloading slow and boring. in conclusion the internet has both good and bad points we like it or not the internet is here to stay so we have to make the best possible use of it.


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