I. Are these statements true or false ? 

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I. Are these statements true or false ?

1. The terms civil rights and civil liberties are quite different.

2. Political liberties include the right to elect and to be elected.

3. Historically many civil rights and liberties appeared as a result of
resistance to kings.

4. Conflicts, caused by the contradictions between civil rights and some
of the human needs and interests must be resolved in the courts.

5. Civil liberties are practically interchangeable with “human rights”
or “natural rights”.

II. Complete the following statements about the text choosing the correct variant.

1. Sometimes civil rights and civil liberties are used …

a) in different ways

b) interchangeably

c) as antonyms.

2. Civil rights declare …

a) what the government of the country is obliged to do

b) what the individual must do

c) what politicians parties must do.

3. Civil liberties differ from …

a) moral liberty

b) civil rights

c) constitution of the country.

4. Civil liberties were justified …

a) by kings

b) by people

c) by philosophers of the past.

III. Choose the right preposition to make the sentence complete.

1. Civil rights are guaranteed to/for/of individuals.

2. Civil rights overlap by/with/on individual rights.

3. Civil liberties are distinguishable from/on/of moral freedom.

4. Civil liberties were justified by/to/from philosophers of the past.

5. Some class freedom of speech within/'in/by the group of civil liber­



Task 1. Read the following international words and give their Russian equivalents:

term, civil, to guarantee, individual, to declare, contrast, privilege, jury, criminal, social, public, interest, group, ideal, general, human, conflict, legally, political, moral, natural, economic, contract, to organize, religious, academic, to class, philosopher, parliament, system, constitution, statute.


Task 2. Give the verbs the following words are derived from:

distinguishable, inherent, resistance, unrepresentative, government, constitution, interchangeably, meaning, removal, equality, legislation, considerable.


Task 3. Read the text again and find synonyms for the following words:

reciprocally, choose, (partly) coincide, decide, regulate, diverse, ensure, authority, freedom, defend, use, law, often, safety.


Task 4. Find the words with the opposite meaning among the following:

civil, public, security, freedom, equality, considerable, danger, minority, individual, imprisonment, majority, different, criminal, discrimination, minor, inherent, frequently, conferred, seldom, similar.

Task 5. Find the following words in the text. Then circle a), b) or c) to show which you think is the best equivalent.

1. declare

a) make known clearly or formally; announce

b) argue with somebody

c) disagree

2. provide

a) sell in bulk

b) give, supply

c) promise to do something

3. belong

a) be the property of

b) make somebody do something

c) cry loudly

4. attempt

a) effort to do something

b) large sum of money

c) difficult task

5. resistance

a) desire to oppose, antagonism

b) strong will

c) love at first glance

6. distinguishable

a) young and beautiful

b) very famous

c) different from

7. equality

a) important problem

b) the state of being the same in size, value, etc.

c) serious disease


Task 6. Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian:

to use terms, civil rights and liberties, to guarantee freedoms, to protect from arbitrary removal, the right to jury trial, to overlap, to be concerned with something, to stand for election, social security, human needs and interests, legally recognized, freedom of competition, freedom of belief and worship, inherent rights, to enjoy rights and liberties, to enforce smth.

Task 7. Give the English equivalents for the following:

• равнозначно использовать

• объявлять результаты выборов

• голосовать за / против кандидата М.

• наши взгляды частично совпадают

• первая попытка

• обеспечить продовольствие

• это не имеет отношения к вам

• равенство в правах

• существовать без свободы

• признавать новое правительство

• сильное сопротивление

• неотъемлемая часть

• уладить конфликт в суде

• принимать решение

• выбирать нового президента

• принадлежать к сфере общественных интересов

• едва отличимый

• привести закон в жизнь.


Task 8. Match the verbs on the left with the nouns on the right:


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