I. Прочитайте и устно переведите на русский язык весь текст. Переведите письменно абзацы 1 и 4. 

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I. Прочитайте и устно переведите на русский язык весь текст. Переведите письменно абзацы 1 и 4.



1. When the world was at a very primitive stage, there was no law. In the absence of law people could rely on the law of the jungle. It meant that the stronger man could do what he liked with the weaker. People lived with the fear of being kidnapped, robbed or murdered.

2. Members of every community made laws for themselves in self-protection. Law is necessary in the interests of the whole society. Rules or laws are drawn up to ensure that members of the society may live and work together in an orderly and peaceable manner.

3.Unfortunately, it is not an easy thing to make satisfactory laws. No country has produced perfect laws yet. However, no law can please everyone. But, in any case imperfect laws are better than no law.

4. Law may be defined as a rule of human conduct enforced by the state. If the rules or laws are broken, compulsion is used to enforce obedience.

Much of law was formed out of the customs of the people. But a great part of the law has been created by statute. The laws made by the government of one country are often very different from the laws of another country. Law today is, to a large extent, a complex of different and relatively independent national systems.

II. Используйте “am, is, are”.

1) The Court … in the centre of the city.

2) They … old friends.

3) I … busy today.

4) He … a good lawyer.

5) It… not easy to translate this text.

6) She … a student of our Academy.

7) We … at home now.

8) Our students … future lawyers.

9) The investigator … very experienced.

10) It … very important to discuss the issue.


III. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя глаголы “to be” и “to have”.

1) Мне 21 год.

2) Вы студентка?

3) Мы в аудитории, у нас лекция.

4) Она на работе.

5) Она замужем.

6) Ее муж – адвокат.

7) У нее большая семья.

8) У них сын и дочь.

9) У вас есть машина?

10) Вы сейчас заняты?


IV. Заполните пропуски соответствующими местоимениями.

1) This is my friend. … is a student.

2) This is a book. …is thick.

3) Where are the students? … are in the room.

4) I am a student. … name is Nick.

5) My friend is a judge. …. name is Ann.

6) He can give you … dictionary.

7) She put books into the bag. …. are in the bag.

8) Where is your pen? … is on the table.

9) We are lawyers. … friends are lawyers too.

10) Those are our notebooks. Give …. our notebooks, please.


V. Дайте форму множественного числа существительных.


A judge, a policeman, a law, a city, a sheep, a car, a wife, a match, an ox, a way, a woman, a bus, a hero, a child, a thief, a court, a key, a bailiff, a goose, a ship, a tooth, a knife, an eye, a crime.


VI. Употребите артикли, где это необходимо.

1) … Russia is washed by … Arctic Ocean in … north.

2) He studies … history at … Harvard University.

3) My mother likes to play …piano in…evening.

4) I always come from … work late: at … half past eight.

5) Last summer I visited …Switzerland and … Germany.

6) … Amsterdam is … capital of … Netherlands.

7) Her flat is on … second floor.

8) There is … big tree in … garden.

9) … Smiths are our next-door neighbours.

10) What did you have for… breakfast?


VII. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную форму.

1) My brother works as a militiaman.

2) He gets up early in the morning.

3) His sister is 18.

4) We study law at the Academy.

5) They are first year students.

6) Our group learns English.

7) They go in for sports.

8) We are very busy on Monday.

9) Professor Ivanov delivers lectures in Civil Law.

10) At the end of each term our students have examinations.


VIII. Вставьте some, any или no.

1) There is … water in the vase.

2) Does this article contain … useful information?

3) Today … state can ignore world public opinion.

4) Are there …books on the table?

5) He told us … news.

6) …child enters life as a criminal.

7) … member of the House of Commons may introduce a bill.

8) They have passed … exams.

9) Unfortunately, I have … I friends in London.

10) Nick says he has … English magazines.


Контрольная работа № 2


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